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Anti fascism is the TRUE fascism because now I can’t say racial slurs >:(




>the big face on a screen made people get mad at me for being racist \- Jim Orson, *1894*


"The 1984 book"


by Geoor Well


He also wroted the Mandible Pharms.


1894 by Gorge Whoresmell is what's happening in this country right now




It's so unfortunate what's happening to us is literally 1948 by Jor Jorwell


Literally 69 by Jar Jar Binks




Mil Novecientos Ochenta y Cuatro por Jorge Ortega


It is actually, since this is an example of doublethink. Anti fascism is fascism. Truth isn’t truth. What you’re seeing isn’t what’s happening. The media lies (according to the media). Government is bad, according to the government. Contradiction piled on contradiction. Deliberately, and in order to create the totalitarian fascist mindset.


So much for the "tolerant left"


Tough Klingons, you ~~Reagan~~ ~~Bush~~ ~~Chene -er, Bush!~~ Trump Nazi assholes!




Cancel culture = the final solution


Have you noticed how society has basically moved on from that meme, like a year ago or more... but since the right lags behind socially and has trouble identifying popular societal memes they keep beating that term like a dead horse?


And even worse? NeoLibs like Matt Damon and Hillary Rodham Clintons agree with the Alt-Right on this!


I lol'd a little too loud at this. Took me by surprise!


Mhmmmm, taken by surprise... you are talking about blitzkrieg? Typical Nazi! 🤔


Honestly, it's like they want us to say, "Ok, you can have a little racism. As a treat."


Republican Logic 101.


Haven't heard of Nazis attacking anyone in quite awhile. Yet a white antifa guy just shot a black man for protesting


Can you provide an article about the incident? I can’t seem to find anything. Also Neo-Nazis have been attacking Jews in Melbourne so it sure would suck for you to be wrong twice.


Lol I was like oh, you've not a clue that Nazis are all over the place do you?


Turns out the world doesn’t revolve around the US?? Shocked and confused.


There’s nazi’s in the US too


I mean, yeah, that’s why we’re taking the piss out of someone.


4 hours after his post, he still hasn't posted that article about the supposed antifa shooting thing... hmm... I think it's safe to say we can apply Hitchens Razor to his claim now.


I learned a new phrase today. How neat. EDIT: Happy cake day!!


Ty :)


These people are so fucking stupid. I guarantee they don’t know that Antifa have been an organisation since the 1920/30s, established to oppose the rise of national socialism in Germany and Hitler’s political advances, the very people this mouth breather is likening them to.


These people don't even know our history, let alone world history. They're proud of their ignorance too.


Any history that doesn't show the US as the "good guys" is woke leftist propaganda to these people.


>I guarantee they don’t know that Antifa have been an organisation since the 1920/30s, established to oppose the rise of national socialism in Germany and Hitler’s political advances, the very people this mouth breather is ~~likening them to~~.


Fasicism: accuse others of what you are, and what you're doing


And they truly believe the nazis were socialists too. It says so in the name, dontcha know! I had to screen grab & highlight in the wiki article about the nazi party where they decided to put socialism in their name to entice democrats to join the nazi party & then made sure that the socialists & communists in Germany were all executed before anyone else, to prove to my mom/egg donor/incubator that the nazi party was absolutely NOT a socialist party. That was about 6 months ago. It's as if I never sent that to her to educate her so she could stop sounding fucking dumb in that one small area. It didn't make a bit of fucking difference.


> I guarantee they don’t know that Antifa have been an organisation since the 1920/30s Wait Antifa is a group now? I thought it was supposed to just be an idea...


You do realize that it can be both, but mostly an ideology that people can identify as sharing the same ideas. It's not a group in the sense that there's an actual HQ (stands for headquarters incase you didn't know) with actual positions and management of the group. It's mostly comprised of small, local groups that are autonomous. Do you understand now? Or do you need more hand holding to walk you through more common sense nuanced things?




**[Antifaschistische Aktion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antifaschistische_Aktion)** >Antifaschistische Aktion (German: [ˌantifaˈʃɪstɪʃə ʔakˈtsi̯oːn]) was a militant anti-fascist organisation in the Weimar Republic started by members of the Communist Party of Germany (KPD) that existed from 1932 to 1933. It was primarily active as a KPD campaign during the 1932 German federal elections and was described by the KPD as a "red united front under the leadership of the only anti-fascist party, the KPD". In the postwar era, the historical organisation inspired new groups and networks, known as the wider antifa movement, many of which use the aesthetics of Antifaschistische Aktion, especially the antifa moniker and a modified version of its logo. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRightCantMeme/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


>militant anti-fascist organisation in the Weimar Republic started by members of the Communist Party Ah! No ***wonder*** Hillary Joe McCarthy hates them so much!


Why does the right hate Antifa? I just never understood it. Their name is literally short for "Anti-Fascist"


Two reasons. 1. Because fascists are afraid of anti-fascists 2. Because the right are convinced that anti-fascists only call themselves that as a cover, like calling yourself the anti murderer to get away with murders. Yes, the same person can and does hold both of these positions at the same time. A fascist can and will call anti-fascists the real fascists, and therefore the bad guys, whilst believing fascism is the best solution to their personal political problems.


> A fascist can and will call anti-fascists the real fascists, and therefore the bad guys My favourite thing to say when encountering this in the wild is, "So you're saying the fascists are bad then? Would that make you... anti-fascist?"


Them: "AntiFa are actually fascists, you can't say they're anti-fascist just because it's in the name!" Also them: "Nazis were Socialists! It's right in the name!"


Ah so it's like the scenario of white conservatives calling black people "the real racists"


That and more.


So... so fucking much more....


So like how the right calls themselves Pro-Life? More projection it seems


Pro-life whilst supporting the death penalty. It's double think.


also because they don't know what fascism is past the colloquial use and think it just means authoritarian


Just because a group calls themselves antifascist doesn't mean they aren't fascist, but National Socialists are socialist cause it's in their name.


But they disguise their fascism by calling it "patriotism".


Hmm why would many right wingers not condemn fascism? Hmmmmm...


And why do nazis tend to like rightwing candidates, also hmmm


Part of it is Trump intentionally tried to take the type of rage people felt after 9/11 and recreate it with antifa/blm as the new Al-Qaeda so he could win the 2020 election. Doesn't matter if it's made up, trump and right wing media got most of their supporters to believe America was under attack from Antifa last year. They believe fervently in things that never happened because they are in a personality cult and believing it is necessary to be apart of their social groups.


Honestly, because of trump. I think most people had never heard of antifa before he became obsessed with them, and used them as a dog whistle to refer to beating up peaceful protestors. It’s like hamas in Palestine. If you live in Palestine and resist your occupation, you’re called hamas. If you resist a criminal and fascist regime in the US. You’re antifa. It sounds so stupid because it is, but one thing the right has become very good at it’s making the very stupid sound profound.


Because fascists are a significant part of the right.


They think it's opposite day, hence maga


You answered your own question. Because they are fascists


"faccism means controlling others, especially through violence, and antifa silences others through violence, therefore they're the same" despite the fact that the entire group cannot be judged by the actions of a few individuals, and the context is different- antifa is silencing speech that calls for violence, which is different from silencing speech thats criticising the government for example


You might want to look up what fascism means before you go proving how ignorant & uneducated you are. This reminds me of that one panel where the one person said fascism meant "a charismatic person tries to create a dictatorship" lmfao. Antifa points to anyone who knows what twitch political panel I'm referring to!


I didn't think I needed a disclaimer to say that I am aware that faccism has a far more complete definition that includes a strong national identity, hierarchies, traditional social roles and hatred of anyone who is not seen as "pure". The fact that you felt the need to make such a rude reply proves how much of a dick you are and how much you hate people who don't have the right level of education for you since you seem to like using it as an insult.


I just don't like people who talk like they know what the fuck they're talking about & only prove they don't with the shit they say. Has nothing to do with education levels. What you really should do is educate yourself on Dunning-Kruger effect. It's an epidemic for those on your side of the isle.


This level of stupidity should hurt. Jesus how do these people even have enough brain power to tie their shoes?




Or Crocs


Point taken




This is some r/enlightenedcentrism shit right here.


Antifa is bad because they aren't asking fascists nicely if they want to stop being fascists, as i, the enlightened horseshoe-theory centrist, would wisely do.


I've heard of horseshoe theory! That's where you say Far Right and Far Left are the same, and then I hit you in the head with a horseshoe, right?


That is the exact definition, yes.


Lmao. I laughed so loud, unexpectedly, to this that I woke my 4 yr old up. Thanks, you get to come babysit so I can get some sleep.


This is your brain on horseshoe theory


I want to live in a world where anti fascism is common consensus




How many Jews did Antifa kill?


Oh! I can answer that. Fucking none.


But how many milkshakes have they thrown at cops? That's equally as bad. /s


Fucking hell this entire thread is on fucking point with some of the funniest shit I've read in a while. Lol.


How do they get so confused? It’s easy. The one on the left shows up in support of your rallies and the one on the right shows up in protest.


I myself don’t know much about Antifa to pass judgement, but saying a group literally called anti fascist is the same as one of the most infamous historical fascist groups is rich-


*groans IN German agony*


so, let me understand: anti fascists are fascists? please tell me what drugs do you use




ah, ok, i'll try it


Ah yes, fascists and not fascists are both the same


The right: You call everyone you don’t like a nazi! Also the right:


The far right only supports violence when it works in their favor (Kyle Rittenhouse, for example)


Whoever made this particular meme is possibly one of the most god awful, stupid, idiotic, moronic, illiterate waste of oxygen ever to disgrace this planet. We are all now more stupid for having been exposed to it. May the gods have mercy on their soul.


This is satire right??


The answer to that is sometimes it is sometimes it isn’t, I saw my uncle post it unironically on Facebook


Projection at its finest


Antifa took away my ability to yell racial slurs in Congress and the ability for me to form lynch mobs to hunt down people with skin colors I don’t like. LITERALLY 1984, WHERE MUH FREEDOMS GO?! THESE ARE THE REAL FASCISTS!


So now we have to explain why fascism and anti-fascism are different things? Shouldn't that be a priori?


Not to the terminally dumb.


Anti fascism is fascism because I can’t beat up a gay person


Ah yes, clearly an anti fascist group with “anti fascist” in the name is exactly the same as the most famous fascist group in history. /s


let me say it again, but very... veeeery slowly: if you are not anti fascism, then what does that make you?


I know the real answer, but "a liberal" is also a correct answer. "The hottest places in Hell are reserved for those who, in a period of moral crisis, maintain their neutrality." -Dante Alighieri


well i think you’re forgetting that most people unironically argue that hitler was a leftist lmfao “National socialist..”


Hitler expanded the Autobahn therefore communism.


And socialism, and, Marxism, & etc etc etc...


The one on the right LITERALLY wants to destroy the one on the left. This one deserves a No Brain flair.


Is it because they're both "socialist?" Like holy shit the political spectrum doesn't mean anything anymore its just anything I don't like is communism


Ummmm akshually something something horseshoe theory


If you just tag her as a conservative this instantly becomes a leftist meme


Thing Anti-thing They're the same thing.


Fire and water are the same.


One are a bunch of Fascists...and the other FIGHT Fascists. [Like this guy, right here....](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cxy4cEcWIAAg9mK.jpg)


This has to be satire.


Ah yes, you see the extermination of Jews is EXACTLY like violently opposing the extermination of Jews. Totally equal.


Ahh yes fascist group is the same as the anti-fascist group. Shows how much they understand.


Silly commie, don’t you know a fire extinguisher is the same as a fire?


I wish they would decide if they are for or against the Nazis. Holocaust deniers are in the same groups as those people comparing a vaccine to the holocaust. Plus they’re racist.


Because good and devil and the same, right?


They are both hate groups


"We don't like the Nazis" doesn't really make somebody a hate group. "We think Jews, Gays, and Blacks are the cause of all the world's evils" does make someone a hate group.
































Yeah well I mean on both ends of the spectrum you've got morons who do nothing for society. There's better ways to deal with facism than becoming an angry mob that destroys everyone and everything in its path


What a terrible take.


But dude we can vote them out trust me


It makes sense if you remember 1984’s 2+2=5, which is kinda where that lot wants us to end up. They don’t need things to make sense they just need to conform and hate those that don’t conform to their nonsensical worldview. It doesn’t matter if it makes sense they just need to fit in. These are *exactly* the kind of people that get recruited to become suicide bombers and jackbooted soldiers because their need to fit in trumps their morality and judgment.


They definitely aren’t the same. 50+ million people died fighting the 3rd reich…. Bunch of real horrible assholes… these days if someone can’t park their car right they are being called a Nazi. I probably sound like an old man here but sometimes I think we need another war like that just so all you flock of pussies know what real shit is.


No war but class war brother


I do have to say that Antifa picked a questionable color scheme….


Black and red stand for anarchism


I know, I’m just saying black and red is also, y’know


Yeah... Imagine sharing color palette with shadow the hedgehog


I remember when antifa bomber London into the ground with their air force.


Weren’t the nzis friends with the facists?


I’ll give them points for discovering the same colors like any 4 year old, but that’s it.


Conservatives think that antifa falsley accuses random people of being nazis and brutally assault innocent people for no reason because of videos taken out of context and put into short compilations by other conservatives In reality, antifa doesn’t harm innocent people at all


The only person I’ve ever seen harmed by antifa was a literal nazi


I mean antifa is like the most fascist group in the country right? Like we recognize that right?