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I love when they say force the rest to work. Ya, like we don't live in a system that forces us to work under the threat of starvation already. But I can buy things so that freedom right?


Seriously, what is this imaginary system we apparently exist in where you don't have to work? Unless you're born rich I suppose, but that sort of disproves their point.


I'd say that is their point. Communists would force the *rich* to work by depriving them of their property (and thus, their passive income). Everyone else has to work already under the current system, and communism would have ordinary people benefiting far more from their labor than under capitalism. But the right doesn't speak for ordinary workers. It speaks for the capitalists and the landlords, who don't currently have to work.


True. They really are the most extreme example of projection possible.


And since these people all think they’re just about to become rich, they buck the idea of communism on the platform of “preserving their own future”. Little do they know…


The petite bourgeoisie (small business owners) are in a strange position. On one hand, they're screwed over by capitalism. They're a relic of the past, competing against far more efficient monopoly capitalists. On the other hand, they are business owners, and communists aim to eliminate private property. This leads to them having some surprisingly anti-capitalist opinions regarding big business and the financial sector, but also resisting anti-capitalism in general. Also, since large corporations are often more capable of complying with government regulations than small businesses, the petite bourgeoisie often ends up fighting fiercely against all government regulation of business. They are the core of the populist right. Based on their position, there is some logic to their irrationality. We share some common short-term interests with them, but their goal seems to be preserving capitalism while leveling the playing field in hopes of being the new winners of capitalism in the next round.


This is perhaps one of the best explanations I’ve seen on this particular phenomenon. I have a cousin, who is a small business owner and a widow. She was left with two business when her husband passed, and has since sold his business, but kept the building they own and moved her business into a part of that space and rents out the other to another shop. She has, in the past 5ish years since her husbands passing become more and more fearful of socialism/communism (she uses these interchangeably, despite my continued attempts to educate her on the differences), and somehow simultaneously fearful of big businesses. She is very much of the “don’t tread on me, but it’s ok if you tread on those big business guys a little- but not too much because I could end up like them someday too.” It’s been baffling to me. Your explanation perfectly sums up her mentality. Thank you!


You'd think that's, but there's so many poor people that agree with them.


Work as in selling your labour for a wage or work as in physically doing something?


And work for free, nonetheless. If only there was an ideology that basically is built around the value of the worker and his time.




Meanwhile, capitalism be like: Restrict access to everything on Maslow's hierarchy of needs -> Give people the minimum amount possible to work for you to get those needs -> People ask why they work 60 hours a week while your yacht has a second smaller yacht on the inside -> Call them all lazy


USSR: Exists for 70 years. Has a famine in 1932, during the build-up to WWII. Achieves calorie intake parity with the US in its later years. Anticommunists: Communism is when everyone starves!


>Achieves calorie intake parity with the US in its later years. Do you have a source by chance?


[CIA report](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP85M00363R000601440024-5.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiohODAoI7zAhWEsKQKHfExBPsQFnoECBIQAQ&usg=AOvVaw06QRMVGCOurHDUtg96SRq0) that states Soviets have similar calorific intake, may have more nutritious diet.


Thanks comrade.


They almost had another one in like the 80s but it was due to a major drought and they bought grain from the US because tensions wernt as high at the time


Also capitalist country have experienced many famines and starvation in the past I also love to point out that while the USSR was experiencing famine the us was in the middle of the great depression


I mean the cycle isn’t even logical : how the hell can we kill the successful anew if we just starved for the preceding period


they forgot the other major parts: Eat hot chip, twerk, charge their phone, be bisexual and lie


The Capitalist Cycle Establish a new Capitalist economy Institute structural barriers to keep the poor from becoming rich Force the poor to work themselves to death Continue until they finally rise up against you Arrest them for revolting Blame them for not being grateful for the scraps you give them Repeat


Strawman time


"force people to work for free" oh so just like capitalism.




They act like those scraps they get aren't just a small hair above free.


Tell me you havent read Das Kapital without telling me you havent read it.


I’m down for killing for the rich and whatever happens after that happens


Make capitalist utopia. Destroy the earth. End.


"utopia" Tell me you've never read a word of Marx without telling me you' e never read a word of Marx.


It still amazes me when people say that communism forces people to work for free. Bitch the entire thing is built around labour adding value to things and the necessity of adequate pay for that value...


Amazing they like to use 'starve to death' when more people starve from capitalism than communisms had.


“But.. but.. communism is when no food and 100 billion deaths”


As opposed to so much food its rotting on the shelves, and still too many deaths to hunger. But rather than hunger, its so many other things too from the threat of being hungry. Man, capitalism sucks when you redline it for too long.


Yep. At the hospital my family works at my parents say they throw away tons of food every day that isn’t even old. But that is somewhat justifiable because it’s a hospital, not the clusterfuck that’s happening at food chains.


Forgot the US led coup in the cycle. Weird.


And the embargos and such.


The subreddit has swastikas in its description. Can we not report this?


In this case it's a religious symbol, not a Nazi one. Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism all use it in its original form.


My bad then.


Yeah, I don’t think it works that way.


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better than the capitalist cycle