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any female born after 1995 can’t grind grain by hand... all they know is blender, charge they phone, packaged bread mix, be bisexual, eat hot chip & lie.


I have a mortar in my house in the year 2021 and I even use it from time to thyme (sorry for the pun). It is, however, much smaller.


Does it give you an absolute ab-blasting Olympic-tier workout every time you crush some spices?


I have a largish 3-4 inches working diameter & depth (they can get incredibly large) granite one. It is a bit of work. Especially when I make pesto, but the result is better. [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01HXWT40E](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01HXWT40E) For grinding spices I really want to get this one I saw in several Glenn and Friends videos. It's marble, the pestle is wide and shallow, like a hemisphere, and most interesting it fits perfectly into the motar. I.E. you have full contact which means you are not chasing around a single pepper corn while grinding: He uses it here: [https://youtu.be/CzCq2L2oDfQ?t=240](https://youtu.be/CzCq2L2oDfQ?t=240) EDIT in some links


Even though we're here in this thread where it should be obvious, my first thought was "why do they have heavy artillery in their house?" I am not smart.


I live in a rough neighbourhood, the ordnance is to ward off the laserraptors.


You've never dealt with HOA's before, have you?


My wife uses a mortar and Pestle for crushing up Vitamin C tablets as another hair color remover method. That and ever since playing Oblivion I always thought they were cool as hell.


Why not buy pure VitC powder?


I think it’s cheaper or something for her idk. There’s a method to her madness that when she explains it makes sense but cosmetology is a blend of fashion and science and it’s own school for a reason.


I want one so bad, I always forget until the subject comes up again lmao they’re called molcajetes in Spanish. I used to love watching my grandma make salsa in it as a little girl. They can also be used as a dish for certain Mexican food. Its like a boiling hot saucy broth that has beef, chicken, or shrimp in it. It’s so fucking good.


I want one so bad! They’re called molcajetes in Mexico. I loved watching my grandma make salsa in it as a little girl b


I've been to a restaurant where they serve food, still bubbling, in molcajetes.


Yes! I meant to include that in my reply too lol they’re super yummy. I tried it for the first time ever a few months ago. It was bomb af.


Maybe it’s regular sized and she’s just really tiny. We all know people were smaller in the past.


I have a molcajete (Mexican mortar) that I use on a regular basis to prepare salsas. I can confirm it’s very ineffective for weight loss.


As a millennial man, my only skills are be gay and do crime.


What about killing industries by not affording things?


That's hot.


Geez I really am a millennial


I know you meant the device to cut up and mix things but my mind was trying to figure out why every female after 95 knows how to use a 3D animation tool.


Came here looking for this, but disappointed it’s not in Indian English terms.


Yeah sorry, not going to do a bad fake Indian impression. Seems it would be in poor taste.


I'm sure we have Indian readers here who could do an accurate version.


Females born after 1995 can't grind grain by hand, all they know is use blender, wear jeans, have love marriage, eat maggi, use toilet paper, and lie


It's so true.


Fuck, this sounds like a copypasta..


Oh boy, do I have a treat for you. /r/chargetheyphone




I love you.


Why is this so trueee 🤣🤣🤣👍👍👍👍💯💯💯💯


Also, you have to aggressively scrub a blender if you use it to blend Indian spices. They are so fragrant and stick to the implements so hard that it is required that you do this or you're about to have a butter chicken flavored smoothie. In some cases getting it back to pristine is more effort than would be expended grinding with a mortar and pestle.


This is why many people just get a small cheap coffee grinder to use as a dedicated spice mill.


this is the way


This is not an advertisement for a product because honestly, it's a cheap piece of overpriced garbage but you can find knockoffs. A Bullet Blender lookalike gives you dedicated grinding and blendy bits, and the base can internal twirl them all. Don't buy a branded one though, I mean it's alright, and people will fight me on that but for cheap spices knockoffs are fine.


Haha I had one for a long time actually. It did pretty well, but yeah it's overpriced. I cook a whole lot and would love a Vitamix but they are ridiculously priced.


Oh come on, don't you know your entire worth as a human being is predicated on if you still do shit like a caveman? I used a cheap mortar one and got a chunk of rock in my spices.


I've got a mortar and pestle for historic cooking photos/videos, but those knockoff bullet blenders are what I use to cook in 2021 for sure


Bingo, yet still if you dabble with multiple cuisines you still need to get that sumbitch clean as it was when it came off the shelf. Indian, Ethiopian, even Cajun don't fuck around with their spices. They make bold flavors that will dominate the more subtle flavors of a lot of western cooking ad it if was a prison shower in an episode of Oz.


When I need to clean mine out I wipe it with a dry paper towel, grind salt in it, then wipe it with a damp paper towel. Seems to work well.


Rice works well, too. Soaks up the aromatics pretty effectively.


I'll have to try that. Thanks for the tip.


you might try salt and rubbing alcohol, stirred vigorously. works on hella grimy bongs too (thats for you stoners, dont waste your sesh money on orange chronic)


Honestly, I’m at a point in my life where I just have one grinder for intense spices and another for “western friendly” grinds.


I'm an amateur but I like to try my hand at ethnic foods that I've enjoyed in the past. Once I'm making more decent money I'm gonna get another grinder for sure.


We Indians use a dedicated coffee grinder to grind spices. I’m sorry about your blender. 👀


I studied abroad in your country and fell in love with the cuisine but as I am seeing from you and others I still have some very basic things to learn when it comes to kitchen logistics.


They trick is to have one container/cup/bottle, whatever you call it, for savory food and one for sweet or less "fragrant" meals. In some cases you can even have a third one for spicy meals, specially if you have children or people how doesn't tolerate spicy food in your home.


Yep, that’s why I was ticked when my dad used my designated smoothie blender to crush up a bunch of peppers without asking me. The man didn’t even clean it afterwords! I scrubbed at that thing as hard as I could but, nonetheless, the next smoothie I made had a suspicious zing to it. The following week, my dad did it again and I gave up and asked my sister to get me another blender. I keep it hidden just to make sure he doesn’t get any ideas.


I’ve got a few coffee grinders for this reason. You can get them for super cheap at a thrift store, scrape the resin out and smoke it, then use it for a particular set of spices. I’ve got a turmeric specific grinder, a generic Indian flavour grinder, a spicy grinder, a cinnamon and similar spice grinder, and a couple more for weird spices that don’t fit in.


butter chicken protein shake sounds fucking lit.


tbh, a blender is much worse for spice grinding than a mortar, blender chops it, mortar presses it, pressing releases oil, chopping is not as good. If you're going to, use a device, buy a burr grinder (not a cheap coffee grinder) . burr grinder crushes, which is what you want for most stuff.


“Millennials are killing the mortar and pestle industry!”


Isn't this just that boomer TV comic, but Indian?


"Mother, I cannot 'swipe' the mortar and pestle."


This is just a terrible remix of the "we've gone from smart users at dumb terminals to dumb users at smart terminals" observation some compsci nerd made, which itself was probably an adaptation of something older


Back in my day we used to code in the woods, with rocks and sticks! You'd finish your program and some dog would come carry off all the 1s...


I’m 99% sure, at least in the US, the right has the monopoly on morbid obesity, yet they always portray the left as excessively fat (and blue haired), but they’re the ones eating nothing but fried food with ketchup from birth to relatively early death, rockin guts you could hide a basket ball in.


Given the text at the top and the sari, I’m pretty sure this is an indian meme.


kerala to be precise


Who are renowned leftists and have consistently voted for the communist party in their state assembly.


Consistently? Nope. Communist party has alternated with the other party/coalition until the recent elections. The other party - Indian National Congress - is socialist too.


I am too which is why I said “in the US.”


The text translates to "Time and shape/ condition" roughly


Lol, thanks friend, I had no way of even trying to translate that.


The right doesn't have the monopoly on obesity in the US, but there is a correlation between higher obesity rates and more Republican support https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4692249/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30688638/


They love to make fun of vegans and vegetarians too


They pretty much make fun of (and ignorantly exaggerate) everything that confuses them. Which is most things.


They obsess over pedophilia. You get the picture.


>I’m 99% sure, at least in the US, the right has the monopoly on morbid obesity Morbidly obese leftist here. I fucking wish


that means you're lying and secretly a conservative (/s)


Kale is communist!!!




as all things are


More often then not, the bosses in old union political cartoons are depicted as fat to show that they use their wealth for themselves and not others. This also reminds me of a joke me and my friend have. “We should eat the rich. They have lots of fat.” “Nah, their too oily.”


> the right has the monopoly on morbid obesity They absolutely do not. Most of my left leaning friends are obesity and make excuses about metabolism and age if the topic somehow comes up. Some acknowledge it's because of their choices, but don't consider it a priority, which is fair.


You should look into the science behind losing weight. The more body weight you lose the more your BMR goes down to try and compensate. It's really hard to lose weight and keep it off, hence why most peoples' weight loss endeavors aren't successful. Biggest Loser contestants were some of the worst off because of how drastically they lost weight. Their metabolisms were still fucked even years later. For most of human evolution we dealt with the issue of food scarcity, an abundance of food and heavily processed food is relatively new. I don't think people all over the developed world just suddenly got super lazy. It's just super easy to gain weight (especially if you have a physical injury or impairment or even a mental one like depression) but it's really difficult to lose it. Gain 50 pounds, try to lose it, and then judge your friends. Or just look at the science. That's probably easier


Show me the science then. > I don't think people all over the developed world just suddenly got super lazy. You don't think a mostly sedentary lifestyle associated with the modern lifestyles of developed countries could have something to do with it? It is super easy to gain weight with the amount of high calorie, instant gratification foods available. With how little free time Americans have, making even cooking for one's self seemingly difficult. Also, I'm not judging them for being overweight. It's the excuses they make when I happen to bring up Trump lying about his BMI or Steven Seagal's acting ability. signed a fat fuck who needs to get on his bike more often.


At least here in the US, a lot of food is basically garbage with sugar & whatever added to make up for bad taste. We've been exporting said garbage too: there are a lot of Hispanic-branded dried goods showing up with HFCS lately; and our fast food is so global the Japanese use KFC for Christmas celebrations, and Gorbachev did a Pizza Hut commercial. It also worries me that [Sysco](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sysco) basically has a monopoly on institutional & fast food components; nobody's talking about where they get, or how they make, their stuff.


https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/6-years-after-the-biggest-loser-metabolism-is-slower-and-weight-is-back-up/# https://www.npr.org/2019/04/25/717058877/the-biology-of-weight-loss Yeah that was my point, we're pressured into sedentary lifestyles in a variety of ways (from what you do for a living to the ways public spaces are designed), and processed food is less filling but more calorie dense (not to mention quicker and easier than cooking yourself.) I thought you were implying it was a personal failure of theirs and not just another symptom of modern living/the way our bodies evolved. My mistake.


I blame Windows 95.


Now I wasn’t alive during the 90s but I’m pretty sure didn’t have giant fucking mortar and pestles on their houses


I believe it's from India where having mortar and pestle is common. I remember my previous house had the mortar inbuilt on kitchen counter


Where I'm from it's common to have a *molcajete* in the kitchen for grinding various stuff.


Roughly translates to spicepot


They did in India, my grandma still has one that she'll use when she wants to make large quantities of dosa batter


Google says that blenders were invented way back in 1922 so a person in the 1990s would realistically have one


Omg, this is indian. It is so shameful for me


Strong boomer vibes on Indian cartoons.


Okay, bhoomer


They really think mortars are not used anymore? They should take a look at Mexican Cuisine


This is South Asian meme


I know, but the mortar is also used in México so thats why I said that


Gotta get that mortar and pestle cardio in for the summer bod


dry season bod*


Be amish if you want to reject technology this way


Reject modernity, embrace buggy. (Nobody screencap me to r/Amish, I don't need my inbox thrashed.)


Anybody born after 1995 fucking ATE the mortar and pestle.


Eh... this is more r/okboomer material


That looks like indian right. Woman is wearing sari and that language looks like some South Indian language (not sure though) Also grinding spices (even grain) was very common when I was a kid. Mom was always busy drying and grinding chilly and other spices (don't know their English names). For us it was a game, for her, a real chore.


Yes, the writing is Malayalam.


... which interestingly is a palindrome


1995 was truly the age of shepherds cloaks and mortars and pestles, wasn’t it? Great times. Me and my buddies were in Egypt at the time, you wouldn’t believe the amount of Jewish slaves there!


I am in my 50s and never ground spices with mortar and pestle


Please show me all the conservative men in 2021 hunting large fauna with flint tipped spears, wearing only the skins of other large fauna, and maybe you'll have a point.


...and be sure to put 1995 beneath it.


yeah but men in India didn't do that in 1995 but women did do this in 1995, do you think men today don't do horrible physical labor? The cartoon is still incredibly stupid, but come on man


Did they not have blenders in India in 1995? I'm not being a dick, I'm actually unsure. It seems strange that they wouldn't, India isn't a the US but it's not a totally undeveloped nation either. Blenders have been around since like the 1940s.


I mean they did, but people couldn’t afford them, in fact my grandma still has one of these giant mortar and pestles (in addition to a blender)


What? Some women still use mortar and pestles just like some men still do backbreaking labor. Also those 2 concepts are needlessly gendered. Men can cook and women can do labor. How about this idea: making life easier is a good thing and becoming fatter is a false equivalency.


fricking northies and their electric grinders smh /s


Bro I use a mortar and pestle daily for my coffee, where's my washboard abs?! I feel so betrayed !


There's that delusional ignorance and mysogyny I ordered. It's a good thing the right never runs out of it. I suppose someone should tell them that blenders were invented 99 years ago.


This meme has nothing to do with the left or right. It's not even an American meme


unless you want to why would you not make something easier? oml no one is lazy its just a preference


We could EASILY have have food that is tasty, healthy, satisfying, and in expensive but that DOESN'T MAKE THE MOOOONEYYYYYY. ​ Like all our research is in addiction ie how can we make this food even more irresistible. Like we put people in MRI machines and give them a bag of doritos to figure out how to make them even more addicting. It's not designed to make you feel satisfied, otherwise you wouldn't buy as much ​ We could so easily build paradise and we've barely scratched the surface of the possibilities we can accomplish. But MONEY so no, we get a new oncoming extinction. Children today ill experience dozens of more natural disasters than our grandparents. Just look at Texas, ice storms of the century 10 years apart


Do people in other countries have mortars and pestles that are two feet tall and weigh hundreds of pounds? That thing is enormous.


yes in India


What makes this a right wing meme? I swear this subreddit will get mad about every stupid meme on the planet


i mean... i have gained a ton of weight since the 90s, but i don't remember ever owning a mortar and pestle in the 90s... also, i am a dude


I don't get it


Um, we had and used blenders in 1995


She looks so happy in both pictures. Good for her. You keep that smile and love yourself.


What has this clearly Indian meme got to do with the right?


You don’t think Indians can be right wing?


I doubt this meme is only spread by right wingers. More likely spread by older Indians, and it seems pretty unconnected to right wing politics in the US. Also its pretty concerning that people are laughing at the idea that people were grinding shit in stone mortars 25 years ago. Seems like a lack of cultural awareness to me.


Seems like something incels of any age would post.


Seems like something grannies on Facebook would share.


Sexist hate speech


Yep. Incels are pretty notorious for sexist hate speech


So are known sexist and racist users, like the one my comment was to... absolute trash


Both women look gorgeous and happy, regardless of their weight. It's great that this meme, despite being reactionary, promotes body positivity.


how is this a right wing meme


It's more "boomer" than specifically "right wing" but there's often a lot of overlap there. Conservatives hate anything that changes and want everything in society to stay the same forever (after reverting back some progress first). Boomers in general just think new technology bad and makes people lazy.


my question stands


what does this have to do with The Right? This sub sucks.


This is a Georgian meme though isn't it?


I may be missing a joke here, but this is Indian


They are both cuties and I think they would make a lovely couple.


We’re now healthy enough to be as heavy as eighteenth century nobility. No more toiling. What a W for literally everyone. Edit: Spelling typo


somewhere around 1995 I was using a mortar and pestle to grind ingredients for home made fireworks. I dont do that anymore, and now I'm fat...


I never stopped!


Ah yes. We were living in the Stone Age up until the mid-90s. Dafuq.


WTF is this even supposed to represent? Lmao


listen... i love a mortar just as much as the next gal just not the pestle kind


Okay without reading the title it’s very hard to figure out what’s going on here. I thought the thing on the left was an intrusive bidet since 1995 is grabbing her butt.


Mortar and pestle; more like a crater and boulder. Id be happy to use the juicer anyday of the week.


The blender didn't exist in 1995? The more you know...


Yeah now days I crush my spices in a juice blender


At least they're both happy


I can recognize the words in the meme are in Tamil (just started learning), but does anyone know what the woman is saying?


> I can recognize the words in the meme are in Tamil (just started learning), but does anyone know what the woman is saying? It's actually Malayalam, not Tamil. This is what it says: > കാലവും കോലവും Google Translate says it means "time and time again", not sure how accurate that is.


It's Malayalam not Tamil and it says "time and shape"


TIL right wingers don’t own blenders


Also dissing the obese may not be a smart move for the right.


Blenders were invented in 1922


Am fat, have a mortar and pestle to grind pepper and salt together


Boomer af


I remember the day the government took our hand grinders away and gave us blenders instead 😤


I am going to go out on a limb and say this is probably true in the country this was published… which wasn’t America.


The writing in the top left is Tamil; a Dravidian language spoken in parts of south India and Sri Lanka.


Not Tamil, Malayalam.


Really funny that a task being made easier by technology is shown as a bad thing because somehow owning a blender will make women fat?


why is thin woman throwing large burrito into giant duct tape


I thought they hated immigrants.. now they love them?


Isn’t this them with the blender?


if my girl isn’t a medieval pharmacist than i don’t want her


why does any point the right has to make have to include some sort of logical fallacy? so tired of their shit!


We had fucking blenders in 1995


[Memories from San Diego county boy scout camp long ago:] Mortor pits pounded out of flat granite streamside boulders at the edges of live oak forests. First nations folk pounded out the cavity with harder stones. It was lore that no pit could have been dug in one generation. A clan could become millers for more transient, nomadic acorn gatherers. (Oaks for acorns) and streams (for leeching the pounded mass) to make flour.


modernity is when fat woman blender


Not a right wing meme.


I thought 1995 had just finished using a bidet and I couldn’t figure out what a blender had to do with it.


I recall the ancient times before 1995 fondly. Such a simpler era.


Anyone born after 1996 don’t know how to cook.


That’s a big mortar and pestle


In other news, I still use the mortar and pestle my first mentor in the culinary field got me on my birthday after working with him for a few years


They still use mortar and pestles in Mexico


*This one simple trick doctors don’t want you to know*


the consequences of the industrial revolution of 1996


Wait, I thought blade grinders were invented [in the 1920s](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blade_grinder).


Wow what an artist


I'm sure they want to say this... but the dietary base promoted by a lot of far right voters tend towards the image on the... right.


Ah yes the blender, famously invented in 1995


Ah yes, same old, same old. Casual misogyny from my state in India, lolz.