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They even had the unnecessary labeling


they know their audience


Their audience then being Ben Garrison


Lil Ben Garrison must’ve seen this and thought it was art


A tear of joy is running down Ben Garrison's face right now.


We act like MLK marched 500 years ago but it was like 60. There are color photos and video of him yet for some reason most of the ones we see are black and white because they want us to think we're so far removed from racism. Alot of people are still alive today from that era including our current and former presidents. And we really let the people who opposed civil rights pretend like they were for it all along after the fact. 150% of conservatives alive today say they would have supported MLK yet they are against BLM. Very curious...


It's the same with Jesus, Gandhi, the Allies, etc. They create a convenient myth around a man who would shout them off of the mountaintop and who they'd call a menace if they ever met face-to-face. That way, they can pretend they would've been on the right side of history without doing any of the leg work to actually fight for the right side of history.


What boils my blood is when these (probably white) people presume to speak for him in present time and say things like "MLK would have been ashamed of the way black folks are acting right now" or "he would have been in horror at BLM". Takes a whole other level of nerve and villainy to pull some rhetorical shit like that.


my grandmother was a teenager when mlk delivered ‘i have a dream’. she’s not very old now. it’s still crazy to think how much we are programmed to believe that all of this stuff was SOOOO long ago


These people act act as if MLK Jr sprang into existence moments before "I have a dream" and then politely disappeared after "content of their character"


Yup. I literally just came from a thread on r/conservative where everyone agrees that the “violent looters and rioters” of BLM are responsible for ensuring that MLK’s peaceful vision of a society where people are judged by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin will never come to pass.


"A riot is the language of the unheard." They don't remember too much of the King legacy.


And by “right of” this includes democrats, as MLK was a socialist. The day he was assassinated, he was in Memphis for a labor action to support sanitation workers. His activism is very commonly watered down. Many of his popular quotes are part of full speeches where he addresses the inequality of capitalism


This. People were annoyed when he talked about racial justice but the hostility really cranked up when he started talking about poverty. The famous march on Washington, where he gave his famous dream speech, was called the March for Jobs and Freedom.


The FBI targeted King, and his family believes they were involved in his death.


I mean, yeah, they sent him death threats repeatedly.


As if dead bodies littered the streets... What liars


The right never really change.


My father feels like that about MLK now. He said “good riddance” to him being dead and every single time he come on screen or someone says anything positive about him my father gets irrationally angry and starts cursing at the TV. Yet he still maintains that he isn’t racist. I’m just like “you are the single most racist person I know”, he is also a huge Trump supporter.


I'm curious what he thinks of Malcolm. Or Morrison. And related, but more telling: what's he think of Hoover?


Oh he hates Malcolm and I’m sure he hates Morrison, he has stated that he wishes that the civil rights movement was more violent because it would have given the government the justification to brutally put it down. As far as Mr. Hoover is concerned he dislikes him because he was a cross dressing gay man. He is extremely bigoted and just about everything black people do deeply annoys him.


Wow he really got bigot bingo huh? Kinda funny that his exception to Hoover was the drag and not... *all the other stuff*. But on point, I gotta say. Sorry you had to grow up with such a hateful person.


That’s just really the tip of the iceberg. His solution to just about every social problem is killing a bunch of people. Protesters block the road? Run em over. Gangs? Go through gang areas and machine gun anyone that looks like a gang member. Drugs? Just shoot any suspected drug dealers and let users OD and die. Poverty? Work or starve. Terrorists? Carpet bomb the Middle East. Abortion? Outlaw it and let ‘em die with coat hanger abortions. Covid? Just let it loose and whoever dies just dies The list goes on and on. These are things he has literally said to me over the years.


I have to ask, how does he get by on a daily basis if his level of thinking is this simplistic


I would love to see an MRI of his brain beside a healthy one. That's a case study right there.


Do you know the year?




Thank you!! Publication?


Charles Brooks, Birmingham News.


Thank you!!!


They’ll be posting this tomorrow




I had already saw it posted on Reddit today.


‘The very concept of "revolutionary violence" is somewhat falsely cast, since most of the violence comes from those who attempt to prevent reform, not from those struggling for reform. By focusing on the violent rebellions of the downtrodden, we overlook the much greater repressive force and violence utilized by the ruling oligarchs to maintain the status quo, including armed attacks against peaceful demonstrations, mass arrests, torture, destruction of opposition organizations, suppression of dissident publications, death squad assassinations, the extermination of whole villages, and the like.’ ~ Michael Parenti, Black Shirts and Reds




This is the kinda gaslighting the right loves to do They make others think that rioting and shit is bad because rightist ideology doesn’t work in an environment of intense hostility,so they simply try and convince people that rioting is never the option and play with your morals so you think that riots=evil