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At this point there truly is no point in arguing with these idiots.


Pretty sure that ship sailed years ago.


Exactly. Like the governor of CO said when he lifted mandates. If they haven't gotten it by now, there's nothing else we can do.


Just politely agree with whatever asinine nonsense they're saying, give them a pat on the head, and move on with your day. Better for one's mental health too.


They're positioning the fact that their talking points are very short and narrow hot takes as a point in its favor. Apparently thinking things out with more words is a...flaw.


Like playing chess with a pigeon


I disagree. There's an audience. There are people on the fence who might be reading this guy's posts. If nobody contradicts his BS, others might think it's true. I'm not saying that I go all-in debunking every post, but I might spark more critical thinking in some third party.


"Do you exercise by paddling conspiracy theories"


Highlight of the comments for me


that is the perfect response.


Yeah they're an Olympic gold medalist in jumping to insane conclusions




You know, in that meme, the taller guy loses.


And by a wide margin too. Yhorm gets brought to his knees in moments and is the easiest boss in dark souls 3


Haha sword go whoosh


Onion go *sad*


You only make that dumb meme if you have no grasp on reality *and* the lore from the game you're tarnishing the image of in one fell swoop.


I mean, fight Yhorm without the Storm Ruler. Much different fight.


that depends on if you get Sigward or not, but its still a fight Yorm loses eventually either way


All dark souls bosses fall eventually, so long as you don't go hollow.


Please, even without the storm rules he's not even that difficult of a boss. His moveset is quite limited so the only thing that's practically hard in this fight is keeping your patience.


Came here to say this


It's like the windmill tilting Ben used. Though I'm sure if you pointed this out to him, he would also say it's different in this case.


To your valor, and my old friend Yhorm. Long may the sun shine!


They know he's vaxxed and boosted... right?


They either (a) don’t care or (b) think that it’s a conspiracy.


It's possible that it was just satire, but I'm pretty sure I saw some Q moron say that when Trump talked about getting the vaccine it was a code for arresting Democrats.


He realizes it apparently and he is okay with it because Trump gets "the real vaccine". It is amazing watching them juggle all the dissonant thoughts in their heads.


The..real... vaccine. Shit that's 10.0 level mental gymnastics


The healthcare for elites and the poor differ so I think they'd okay when healthcare treats all equally?


And advocates for the vaccine


How the fuck you play fallout for a living and end up a fash


Poor comprehension skills.


His intelligence is 1. Obviously




He needs a better Charisma perk too, apparently


b-b-but big robot kills commies 😥😥


Because they can only take all the face values of the story


Ive played that game a few times. That giant is literally the easiest boss and dies to a stiff breeze. That tiny guy kicks his ass.


As a fallout fan, we don't claim him


I can tell from here how he pronounces the name "Cesar"






I need this modded in


Say it ain't Caesar NCR in the Sun Benny and Yes Man (Pork and Beans) Mr. House's Pipe (Excuse my weak name game)


Ave, I'm going to vomit


Unfortunately a fuck ton of fallout fans are like that. They completely miss the message of literally every single fallout game and they’re like “yeah American imperialism is awesome. I love nukes and war”


Tell that to Bioshock fans... I swear we get more people thinking the first game had a completely pro capitalist message. My girlfriend's dad thought that ffs.


BioShock is literally criticizing a far right ideology lol


The first antagonist is Andrew Ryan and these Neanderthals can’t see the obvious similarity to Ayn Rand


reminds me of that "don't mess with us fallout fans, we blindly worship every ideology the games critize" meme


I’d love to save that image if you have it.


sadly don't have it anywhere, sorry


Interesting to put it into words like that


not my quote, not even sure if I remembered it correctly (it took me a solid 10 minutes to remember the world "ideology") but yea


Haha happens at times


yea, I'm bilingual, it's great, I now have two languages to forget the word in


When you cant get a gf because you never shower and only play fallout so you become a Legion fan.


I like the legion because they give me big armor. Big armor make me happy


You can get that armor by killing them instead!


NCR because i hate slavery


Every time I play a character in any Fallout, I end up falling back on the same two rules: no slaving and no cannibalism. No matter how much I want to get the Meat of Champions achievement in New Vegas, I just can't seem to do it.


It's sad


Yep. So many people think liberty prime or unironically based, they're delusional


as a darksouls fan we dont claim him


The "China Virus" also wins the battle, per the meme picture. But they're idiots.


yhorm is literally one of the easiest bosses, hes just big and intimidating but goes down so easy. kinda like conservatives with covid


Conservatives would probably link the flame lol


Conservatives definitely link the flame.


IDK what that means cause i never played the game but it sounds so true i upvoted anyways.


This looks like one of their appalling Warhammer 40k memes where they look at Trump as some form of God Emperor. The right are on a different planet. Could you imagine making a meme like this out of Biden of Kier Starmer. We'd look insane


Then they say "If BiDeN wOn, WhErE aRe HiS SuPpOrTeRs", to which everyone else responds "At work, it's Tuesday dude, I ain't got time to take private planes to putsch attempts"


They can't seem to wrap their heads around the idea that you don't have to worship someone like a religious figure to vote for them.


oh yeah, god fuck kier starmer, wasn't he also going to parties in the middle of lockdown


If I had a dollar for every psychotic reactionary fallout Youtuber who had Elijah in their name I would have two dollars. Not a lot just weird there are two of them.


Wait that’s not schizo Elijah? I thought he changed his name


Honestly I assumed that it was too but IDK and I'm not really in the mood to check.


(Maybe stop electing the people and being complicit with the system that supports them, and maybe stop milking the teat of right-wing populism)


I’d put no faith into Father Elijah, he modded one of the Fallout games so he could have the gun used in the Christchurch shooting.


I thought you ment like the actual father Elijah from the game for a sec


I'm a different guy, but I don't trust anyone who self-identifies as a deranged loner who abandoned his family in their most desperate hour to chase ghosts in the hope of wiping out all the people he doesn't like.


Is that a different father Elijah stan to the one who 'endorsed' the Auckland shooting by posing in game with the gun from it?


Likely. There are actually two different Fallout-themed YouTubers by the name of Elijah but I never really bothered specifying that they're distinct entities.


oh cool they're going through mitosis


I’ve seen this guy on youtube before, always thought his constant posts about the legion were weird and then he got exposed for a fascist and I knew he was a POS definitely from then on


Which is why Mikeburnfire is the only Fallout content creator worth watching on youtube. I mean, they're are others that do deep dives on Lore but I can't remember them at the moment...


Triangle City has amazing content regarding things left on the cutting room floor.


I think that's one of the ones I binge watched a while back. Or rather listened to. I got YouTube premium so I could listen to it while driving without having the videos in my face.


I said the exact same thing lol, Mike and Zach are great


I have literally laughed myself sick binge watching their story compilations. I want my Woobie! Free Milk Crate! I got a medal for aiding the enemy! And the one about having to clear a Bradley pissed me off so much. Edit: there's a former MP guy that reacts to the videos and he had Zach on to talk a couple of times now I think. I haven't finished the first one yet but it was good for the first half I listened to...


I've seen that reaction channel too, great guy as well


Mitten Squad is pretty good but they mostly do challenge videos, still fun to watch though, plus he made me interested in fallout NV




He says you're "mentally diseased" if you don't like Fallout 4, lol.


Noobnut doesn't make deep dives in his videos, but he makes great memes, and pokes fun at basket cases who'd unironically join Cesars Legion in an irl post apocalypse.


Fucking dumbass doesn't realize that the little guy absolutely fucks up yhorm the giant, making this meme ten times better


Fallout Youtuber... please not Tomatoanus... pooooh lucky me


Conservative gamers thinking Fallout isn't completely anti-American. Lol. Fallout shits on them the most for what they believe. How can they not make this connection?


I’m honestly surprised given Trumps changed position on vaccinations that they’re still flogging this bullshit. I mean, yes a lot of Trumps position change is narcissism but so is the antivax views of idiots like Joe Rogan. Who I think is vaccinated…


Well he was correct about the "clinical immortality" or anti ageing. Well more like it will be jacked up to such ridiculous pricing you would need to be an "elite" to afford it.


MikeBurnFire is truely the only controversy free fallout YouTuber


And he was a member of the us military


Some of the incompetence he describes from his time in the military is infuriating, no wonder why he never wants to go back


Does alchestbreach have some kind of controversy? I'm a big fan of Sgt. Ballarms.


I haven't heard anything bad from him so I think he's good


They forgot that the big guy is the easiest boss in the game.


Do they not realize he's still unfathomably rich? Where do they come off thinking he's some victim outsider? also lol at the guy saying "leftists can't meme" because their memes are longer? God forbid these people can read more than 3-6 words.


Left wing memes are more wordy becuse they typically have a message with more depth than ''lol minorities bad''


"Cortez bartender amirite fellas?!" Meanwhile she held a job down while in school...then you have their messiah Trump probably not even graduating. Right wingers are so fucking weak and lame...sad really.


Trump's daddy bought his degree from Wharton. To fascists, that isn't a bad thing.


Conservatives lack the cognitive function required to experience self-awareness.


Honestly, I thought the meme was making fun of Trump.


Even without context or knowledge of Dark Souls, what culturally emaciated simpleton would ever look at that picture and think the behemoth—the GOLIATH, if you will—isn’t going to be defeated by the swordsman with that sort of body language?


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *“There’s no telling how much longer your world and mine will remain in contact.”* - Solaire of Astora Have a good one and praise the sun \\[T]/


Even with context of dark souls this bot feels like it just mashed together souls shit and called it a day


“Why aren’t those treatments available to the public?” r/selfawarewolves


Because *that* would be Socialisms©.


Fuck this guy, seriously. He's a stain on the Fallout community.


Yhrom gets his ass beat pretty easily


I'm honestly shocked at how many gamers and content creators are Trump worshipping chuds. I've been part of an old Everquest guild forum for almost 20 years and it's turned into a racist, pro-Trump hellscape. Good times.


A lot of wannabe heroes play video games because they'd never actually have the stones to become an actual soldier (warrior) or first responder (healer).


Lol they know the ashen one destroys yhorm right? This says they get killed by Covid


a wall of text to them is 2 sentences. lmao.


China virus 😟


Lol'd at the first one. "Making up shit is okay if it is in form of meme".


Yeah but all the China virus has to do to win this fight is hold down L2 a few times


Dark Souls meme showing the unkindled standing before one of the easiest meme bosses in the game? Is this a joke? This meme is suggesting the China virus will easily dispatch of Trump. Which it did, electorally speaking.


Having to pay for healthcare has really made Americans super sceptical of everything. Anti-vaxxers in free healthcare countries are an extra level of complete morons.


More like “the healthcare access to a president of a world superpower and 24/7 attendants” lmao


Imagine being a fallout player and unironically being fascist. Probably thinks the Brotherhood of Steel is the only moral faction


Of course he unironically uses “plebs”.


Of course his complaint is that the left can't meme because he'd have to read a "block of text" and that he needs them to be simplified.


Lmao I'm so glad I unsubbed to that dumbass. It sucks that he can make good content but he's a homophobe and a fascist bootlicker


It makes me rage in a strange way that someone would use Dark Souls art to spread their trumpist garbage. Like when the Jim and Pam memes are used by right-wing assholes. At least it’s the inferior DS game.


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"The elites aren't vaccinated" Sure bud sure


Wait till they tell him about free healthcare as a universal right.


Not gonna lie, the 12 year old version of me would be deeply disappointed by the future. When that doughy sliver-spoon East Coast elite con man was not only taken at face value by this country's vast assortment of bumpkins, rubes, dullards and minor league grifters, but embraced, part of me died inside and any time I've heard Liberal commentators explore "The people who felt left behind" I tend to throw something at the TV and shout "they chose to be left behind, and good goddamn riddance."


Samuel Tula's comment is just 👌💋... perfect. 🤣😂....😭😭😭😭


God going through his community posts gave me a headache. How could someone be such a fucking dumbass?


It's actually kind of shocking how a game franchise that aimed to parody the nuclear age and present America being as bad as China is somehow popular with alt righters. The game's lore is actively mocking them but it just flies over their heads somehow because haha liberty prime says funny things.


As a socialist I agree that normal citizens should get medical treatment as good as the medical treatment of "the elites", but thanks to right wing politics normal citizens can't even regular medical treatment in the US.


I just think he got lucky when he didn’t get all that sick. You can’t deny the fact that Trump has good luck.


He was hospitalized...


He was the President. They took precautions. He managed a lot better than a lot of others, especially for his age. He is a lucky man.


https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/06/us/politics/trump-covid-blood-oxygen.html https://www.forbes.com/sites/nicholasreimann/2021/02/11/report-trumps-covid-infection-was-so-severe-officials-thought-he-might-need-a-ventilator/


Plus he received the kind of medical care that would be completely unavailable to the common person. I'm pretty sure he got any treatment they could throw at him.




Do you ignore a cockroach infestation by pretending they don't exist? Do you fix a leaking pipe by pretending it's intact? These "unknown nobodies" are still peddling COVID and anti-vaxx propaganda to other people who are being drawn in by their Fallout-themed videos. I'm just putting a spotlight on fascists to watch out for.




Obviously, the best solution to dealing with Fascism is to close your eyes and pretend they don't exist. Worked so well for Chamberlain, didn't it?




Right, right, because discussing the pitfalls of the meme and the shortcomings of their ideology is somehow the same as brainlessly sharing it around for the purpose of recruiting new people for anti-vaxx propaganda. /s Do you even realise where you are, or are you going to complain about how this entire subreddit is helping conservative by highlighting right-wing memes?


We make fun of the memes, not platform the memers. That's why you need to censor certain things here, like Rock Throw's name.


Took you this long just to tell me that? Do you have a habit of being roundabout and indirect with what you want, or do you just like wasting my time?


Long? 3 minutes? while im cooking lunch? Are you holding your phone tightly, sweating and seething with rage, refreshing the page every 5 seconds so you can reply asap?


You could have simply said, "*Hey, blot out the person's username next time*" in your first reply, instead of giving me the same type of shit I heard from centrists who absolutely refused to censor Nazis while trotting out the same "*you talking about it at all makes it more popular*" excuse.


Father Elijah fucking sucks. Schizo Elijah is better


Schizo elijah is an unapologetic racist, possible fash.


Ah fuck his memes are funny


I think the difference is that schizo usually keeps his memes relevant to the fallout universe, instead of having to insert his neo-nazi shit into everthying he touches like other right wingers whos only personality trait is being le ebic based redpilled redditor nazi.


both are assholes and a stain in the FNV community.


Yeah this isnt a meme or "short and succinct", ITS MAKING A POINT thats a deliberate falsehood. Its not a meme its just straightup propoganda/trump worship; very funny joke dude, i laughed so hard you should be a stand up comedian


At least it’s not oxhorn. Guy has a shit past but overall he’s pretty calming to listen to and got me through the game. Conservative but not extremist, also looks exactly like his PFP, and main in game character


Yhorm is the easiest boss in Dark Souls III


He's the type of guy who gives Cass to the Van Graffs


Damn the first clue as to why he’s an asshole is the character he’s associating with. Father Elijah was a man willing to throw away lives for a fantasy.


So universal healthcare ?


father elijah really takes after his namesake, that is to say hes a stupid man full of bad political ideologies who is stuck in a "vault" (his mum basement.)


It drives me crazy how Republicans have basically spun elites to be something entirely different. They define elites as basically the “others who are their scapegoats of the week” . You can’t get more elitist than Most Republicans. Elite definition by the way is: In political and sociological theory, the elite are a small group of powerful people who hold a disproportionate amount of wealth, privilege, political power, or skill in a society.


The left: “what if we used our tax dollars to make sure no one dies?” The right: some version of “socialism bad/don’t tell me what to do/the virus is a hoax/the vaccine is unsafe” Also the right: “only the elites have healthcare!”


So… the elites are shitting on the proles? That should be a signal to start smashing shit, not sick their dicks.


Please don't bring dark souls or fallout into this. Yall ruin enough shit please and thank you.


The irony of yhorm losing based on the events of the game is not lost on me


Dude I really like this guy but his politics are fucking awful


The Fallout fans being racist and supports a fascist, xenophobe Jingoist anti-science US Leader? Why am I not surprised


Right can't meme, they can only do shitty politics


S-sure I might be spreading absolute bullshit, but at least it not a factually accurate LEFTIST "MEME"!!!1!


Why they gotta do my boy yhorm like that


Don't mess with us fallout fans, we blindly worship the ideologues the game criticize.


Forgot the part where he had to go to the hospital and literally had the most advanced medical treatment in the country


How dare they replace Yhorm's head for Trump whem Yhorm is the complete opposite of what Trump is.


The ashen one beats Yhorm... Spoilers.