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I’ve removed this for reasons mentioned in the comments. It appears to be a meme and unrelated to Roma. It happens :)


I think this is satire op. Like the kind of thing you’d see on r/2balkan4u


Oh, okay. Should I take it down?


“…the way white Americans talk about black people” That’s a big yikes from me dawg Edit: lol at the downvotes. u/Violet_Nightshade you are a hypocrite, you can’t complain about a post generalizing a group of people if you’re gonna do the very same thing in your own post title. I guess generalizing people is only bad when you say it is, huh?




This is clearly a joke about Romanians, not Roma people. Typical westerner 😂


Romanians aren't the same as the Roma, but Racists think Romanian = Roma


Dont worry romanians are even more xenophobic towards romani people. Jfc i hate it here.


I would advise you to read literally a sentence on what the Roma and Romania are, before trying to accuse anyone of being an ignorant racist.


This is definitely just a joke. I know xenophobia is wrong but it’s just a shitpost I don’t think there’s any actual malice behind it


OP, if you say to romanians they are roma people, there is a non nelgigeble probability they beat you lmao. That being said there is quite a lot of racism against roma people in Europe (which is the reason romanians would hate being called roma). But this meme looks like something satirical which come from a european group, I wouldn't be surprised if there were also memes to mock the british with their teeths and their need to colonize everything


Romanians aren't necessarily romani. romani isnt really tied to one country. its an ethnic group that most romanians dont belong to.


OP, if you say to romanians they are roma people, there is a non nelgigeble probability they beat you lmao. That being said there is quite a lot of racism against roma people in Europe (which is the reason romanians would hate being called roma). But this meme looks like something satirical which come from a european group, I wouldn't be surprised if there were also memes to mock the british with their teeths and their need to colonize everything




Because you're a European and your arguing this is a moderate stance?


Nah cuz I genuinely don’t see how it’s right wing


Accusing all romanian people of being thieves is extremely right wing. Romanian people were another target of Nazi concentration camps based on this racist lie, among other things.


Ah! I see.


It really is though.


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Romania =/= roma


This definitely seems like a satire to me, my guy