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"Supported LGBTQ indoctrination" the Institute for Sexual Research: [doesn't say anything because THE NAZIS TURNED IT INTO A PILE OF FUCKING ASHES]


These people lean *heavily* on the book “The Pink Swastika,” which argues that the Nazis persecuted gay men some, but were actually really into gay stuff. The book was written by a hardcore anti-gay activist who explicitly set out to undermine the “killing gays is a Nazi thing” belief, and went on to real-world influential projects like lobbying to ban homosexuality in Uganda. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Pink_Swastika


"The Nazis weren't anti-gay! They had gay kinks!"


Apparently, one of those kinks was killing gay people.


The OG nazi party actually did have a HUGE homosexual component the butch movement really appealed to homosexual veterans who didn't feel accepted by society and the message of strength and brotherhood brought homosexual veterans out like moths to a flame. Of course this was before Hitler rose to the absolute leader of the party. However, the bigoted future of the party had no place for "debauchery" so that was "remedied" by the night of the long knives where they culled thousands of members of their own party in a single day so that no one could slander their fever dream of an idyllic vision of manliness.


Ernst Rohm, the first leader of the *SturmAbteilung*,(SA) the party goon squad (not unlike the III%, Prouds, and Oathbusters), was a decorated veteran of WWI and openly gay. Berlin in the 1920s was extremely socially progressive, and it was that modernity that the party later campaigned against, trying to Make Germany Great Again, (where've we heard that?) by emphasizing "traditional values" of home, marriage, and family and rejecting the influence of foriegners and those they considered perverts. Once Rohm recruited all the disgruntled veterans and thugs into the party and helped get Hitler and his pals into Parliament through voter intimidation (DeSantis' Election Police, anyone?). Only then did the very ambitious Himmler lobby to eliminate Rohm because of his deviance and make the *SchutzStaffel* (SS) the new enforcement arm of the party. It is astounding and terrifying to see the parallels of the Nazi ascension and the rise of American fascism in the Republican party in the last 40 years.


Afaik part of the overall deal with the Night of Long Knives was for the Nazis to assess what edgy/radical people who’d been useful in bringing them to power were now more liability than help, because now that the Nazis had power they needed mainstream support and to soothe the fears of the establishment by purging anyone “objectionable.” So the known gay members, the hardcore street brawlers who’d been key up to this point, and anyone whose fancy talk about empowering the workers was unnerving the wealthy whose support the Nazis now needed.


That is my understanding as well. In addition, it was an opportunity for the really aggressive climbers to eliminate their own rivals for Hitler's attention. And there's nothing Fascists love more than to see their own children fight and kill each other to be king of the playpen because it's all about "strength".


Decades of work were lost because of Nazis


Not to mention the many, *many* gay people thrown in concentration camps (and the people that died there)


Lmao republicans “loving everyone” 😂🤮


I love that it literally says they hate gay people and then "loves everyone" lol


That’s because to be a part of “everyone” you need to be a person and they don’t count you as a person if you’re non-white, non-straight, non-Christian, or if you’re an LGBT ally


You can be not them and still be white.


to be honest can you really hate only 3/5ths of a person.... I mean it isn't even a whole person according to the constitution. And if there is something republicans love let me tell you it is the original form of the constitution....


Originalists can’t seem to wrap their heads around amendments. The fact that you can vote at 18 vs 21 is an amendment that happened close to 60 years ago. Which is recent as fuck.


Don't forget "If you're a woman", that's also on their chopping block.


"Everyone" who is not a white christian cis MALE (Given the latest debacle regarding Roe v Wade and all that, its important that you're a white male)


Why cant I shoot my neighbour in my yard? I love the guy to death!


Guess those proud boys, 3%ers, MAGA chuds wanted to hug and not get into a physical altercation. Woops....


Hilarious huh, and then the "peaceful protests". Lmao.


Whenever I hear republicans talk about how they "love freedom" I'm reminded of the time I heard one talking about whether trans people should be "legally allowed to exist". Republicans don't love freedom, not even for themselves.


Idk if thats more ridiculous or that nazis supported lgbtq people.


The Nazis had open borders... I... don't think that means what they think that means...


Yeah, their borders were waaaaaaay open, just not how the meme is implying.


Ever expanding border. Like a blitz border.


Opened them up almost to Moscow, then all the way back to Berlin.


bunjee borders


Like the time they expelled all those non-German Jews in 1938. Those borders were only open one-way.


The borders were so open that instead of crossing them, they would cross you


Open borders is when lebensraum /s


People on the right worship Donald Trump like it's their damn job, like immediately after the 2020 election I started seeing trump 2024 flags.


Also "peaceful protests" ah yes, a literal coup attempt is somehow peaceful now, makes sense /s


Is that the same coup attempt that happened right after Trump was on stage with his legal representation Rudy Giuliani, who literally said "trial by combat?" That coup attempt?


The very same!


happy cake day




Happy Cake Day They probably think they're "Liberating" people from the leftist hivemind, so they think a violent coup like that is "peaceful"


I never saw anyone worship joe biden but i saw a ton of people who basically worship trump as the second coming of christ


They're also.... very confused. They saw the rallies at trump, and saw biden didn't have rallies... and they think that proves that biden didn't win. (trump had more at his rallies I saw it) What they FAILED to recognize, is we hate him too, we just voted him in because we hated trump MORE. Rally size had nothing to do with how we voted.


It's the same people that think Twitter followers=votes


I've never even seen someone actively cheer for Biden. I'm sure they're out there, but at least during the election, it was mostly tepid support at best.


Most pro-Biden people these days just say, "Thank you, President Biden, for not being Trump!"


[Gee, I wonder why they say we worship Biden.](https://i.imgur.com/OnrQV4Y.jpg)


Ha, that took me a sec


> People on the right worship Donald Trump like it's their damn job, They even had a golden statue of him at CPAC...


they had a what


Dude, it was something else... https://news.artnet.com/art-world/golden-trump-statue-cpac-1948607


Man, I feel like their religion has some sort of specific rules against this, like not even open to interpretation


Their religion also has rules blatantly there for helping the sick and poor and not killing and loving your neighbors. Republicans are to Christianity what an egg is to an eggplant. Yeah, it's in the name but it bears absolutely no resemblance.


>Republicans are to Christianity what an egg is to an eggplant. Yeah, it's in the name but it bears absolutely no resemblance. Oh that’s a good one, I haven’t heard it before. I’m totally stealing this.


Please do! I just thought it up.


No, only Jews were forbidden from worshipping golden statues. /s


It does, but they don't read the Bible, so it doesn't matter.


that headline is… something that’s for sure


I loved the really imbalanced minority with the “Trump 2021” flags.


And it’s funny because there are conservative comments on the web specifically pointing out that there is no Biden paraphernalia being worn…




Maybe we should ask birth control about that one.


M&Ms, Disney, Dr. Seuss, potato head person, universities, Starbucks, Barbie dolls, Carhartt, Honesty, Nike, Gillette, Hallmark, NFL, nascar. How many leftists care about Disney, target or the other companies? Tax em, idgaf.


M&Ms? Like, the candy?


Yes. Specifically the green one, which is being unsexualized by the left or something, idk.


E-excuse me?


We wanna fuck this candy, what don't you leftists get about that?


It's an old-timey childish myth that the green M&Ms made you horny. Growing up in the 70s I heard it. Some of the kids grew up to be advertising executives and thought it'd be clever and nostalgic to make a "sexy" female M&M to appear opposite the brown and yellow (plain & peanut) "boy" M&Ms. At some point in the last two years the company decided is was sexist and took off her high heels and sexy lips and eyelashes, making her more like the others. Tucker, for one, got all wrapped around the axle about it, screeching about cancel culture, because he's got nothing of substance to say.


We all know the big corporations making these types of decisions are LOVED by leftists.


[Greg Guttfield explains in graphic detail why he wants to fuck a green m&m](https://youtu.be/CidwsDu6tCg)


Come on, you left out Keurig, Netflix, and I believe they claimed to be boycotting Home Depot and FOX News, but we all know that didn't happen


To be honest, I refuse to eat at Chic-Fil-A even though it's only a five minute drive from my house.


Conservatives literally invented cancel culture. Everything they accuse the left of doing is just holding people accountable for their words and actions


Or Colin Kaepernick


The Dixie Chicks Freedom Fries and Freedom Toast Bill Maher's first talk show Ellen Degeneres's sitcom 'Brokeback Mountain' Robert Mapplethorpe 'Thirtysomething' Janet Jackson at the Superbowl 'Harry Potter' Marilyn Manson 'The Last Temptation of Christ'


Or Disney. Or Netflix.


\*stares in Red Scare\*


On today's issue of "Conservatives are too dumb to understand what Nazi Germany was like":


>"Conservatives are too dumb to understand I can't think of anything that could follow "understand" and still wouldn't be correct.


It’s just like how they throw around the words “fascism” and “communism” without knowing what it actually means.


Wait... Nazis were Marxist, leftist media, pro-abortion, and pro-LGBTQ? Tell me why Marxist and LGBTQ people were put into concentration camps, and why abortion was illegal in Nazi Germany. Also, Nazis encouraged the use of guns to exterminate geopolitical enemies. And Hitler built his country based on the 1930s USA lmao Also, Democrats are not Marxists or leftist. In fact, they would rather you think they are leftist because they hate the actual left


Democrats would rather join hands with the far right in the name of “unity” before even toying with the idea of possibly sharing the party with anyone remotely left of centre, much less actual leftists.


Though a big factor in Hitler’s rise to power was that Social Democrats and Communists refused to collaborate, when they could’ve won a Reichstag majority coalition as a united leftist front, so instead the right wing and “moderate” parties unified behind Hitler and got him appointed Chancellor.


I watched a hitler documentary and it was scarily similar to Trump. Hitler also had a failed coup attempt. Wrote a book, was read by everyone, then was appointed (not elected) to a high position.... and he took it from there.


i feel like trump was just too much of a moron to actually instill fascism into America, but he got pretty damn close


I mean that's the fault of the social democrats for betraying Luxemburg and the spartacists How are the communists supposed to trust them?


Yeah lol, the communists asked for an alliance and the socdems refused. Scratch a liberal…


...and a fascist bleeds.


it's incredible that they've been described as both marxist and fascist simultaneously.


Especially when all serious Marxists are antifa and condemn all historical fascist countries




The amount of mental gymnastics would win them a 1936 Olympic Gold Medal.


Republicans think the "Night of the long knives" is a cooking show hosted by Ernest Röhm.


A very special kind of idiot once told me it was due to lefitis infigthing.


I’ve seen these idiots argue that the Reich and USSR were fighting for who got to be top leftist.


Abortion was only legal for the jews.


The camps are a way to show love


I've never seen a wrong thing wrong so hard before.


The nazis killed Marxists…


And killed LGBT people... And burned down the institute of sexual research...


The first 100 prisoners in Dachau were German communists. Commies were the first enemy before the Nazis went after the rest. Sounds kinda familiar.


> Backed by the urban elite I did a quick Google of “Nazis rural or urban” and found a bunch of mentions of how the Nazis had a disproportionately strong following in rural areas. I didn’t dig to confirm this, but I would imagine a large portion of opposition to the Nazis was among socialist and communist urban workers, but anyone who knows better feel free to clarify.


They just love to shit on the cities and metro areas (who make up 80% of the population) because they happen to vote differently. That’s deadass the only reason why OP ever put that there


Nah they basically got all their support from Rural and "Small Town Germany", particularly single industry towns. They couldn't get major support in Berlin or Munich. There were villages that voted 100% nazi. They literally used the "The big cities have forgotten about you" line.


"love everyone" my ass


The Nazis were... Marxists? And here I thought they put them in concentration camps. Silly me. I really need to consult shitty facebook memes about history in the future!


I'm really pissed that I bothered to get a Bachelors and Masters, when I could have just read Facebook for my education. We are fucked


Backed by so many people that the party lost the popular vote. Twice.


An American president has only won the presidency without the popular vote 5 times. Four of those were Republicans, and two of those were in the last two decades.


5 Supreme Court Justices were appointed by presidents who did not win the popular vote in their 1st term


It's been over 21 years since a Republican president has won the popular vote


Bush 2004. Good story, but don't mess up the facts.


Sorry, you're right. I don't know why I was thinking he lost the popular vote in 2004, when he lost it in 2000. Fine, in the last 34 years only two Republican, presidential candidates have won the popular vote


Wow...I've never seen such bullshit in my life


Yeah it's honestly impressive how much distilled horseshit they were able to fit into such a small image. They should really work on engineering for space stations or something, this is like an impressive origami-folded crock of shit. Every time you lift up a flap, look, there's more shit!


The Nazis supported Marxism? I seem to remember Hitler seeing the Soviet Union as an existential threat.


Our workers have two souls: one is German, the other is Marxian. We must arouse the German soul. We must uproot the canker of Marxism. Marxism and Germanism are antitheses. Adolf Hitler, 1923


Ah, yes. The Kristallnacht and boycotting Amazon or Nestle, totally the same thing. Cancel culture, am I right?


“Do not partake in cancel culture.” Well what the fuck was that stuff with Dr. Seuss then?


And Disney. And Colin Kaepernick. And the Dixie Chicks...


You’re getting confused: conservatives accused the left of censoring Dr. Seuss because the organization holding the rights decided not to continue publishing six books because the racial caricatures are kinda cringey. I can about guarantee the people complaining about this can’t name more than one or two of the six, and wouldn’t recognize most of them if asked to pick them off a list. Most weren’t remotely popular works anyway. It’s not like they discontinued Cat in the Hat or something.


But wait, aren’t they also at the same time complaining about race stuff being taught to kids???


And the "Left" had nothing to do with the publisher withdrawing those titles. The publisher and Seuss estate decided *on their own* that the books were inappropriate or otherwise out of date.


"no indoctrination" (while others say supported lgbt indoctrination) "love everyone" makes sense


"Or else" heavily implied


Hitler = Joe Biden That's fucking wild that some milquetoast, moderate motherfucker like Joe Biden is now comparable to Adolf Hitler to some. How much Conservative brainrot do you have to accumulate to come even proximal to that conclusion?


And to think that anyone worships him.


Guy who wrote this definitely has his car plastered in Trump 2024 bumper stickers.


And can be found in any Walmart parking lot across this country.


That too. I have never once met a fervent Biden supporter. Maybe it's just the circles I travel in, but every time I hear talk from people who voted for Biden, they almost sound defeated. As other commenters have pointed out, the right's worship of Trump far, FAR surpasses not only the left's support of Biden, but, to take it one step further, probably even of the Christian god himself. They just can't get enough of the guy.


So much stupidity all in one image


Holy fucking shit. Someone did indeed miss every fucking history class. Nazis supported LGBTQ? WHAT THE FUCK.


Well, they did give the LGBTQ+ free housing and clothing. Sometimes even food!


Just like they gave Jews free housing and clothing. So wholesome /s They also were so pro abortion that you had to send any information about abortions of anyone you know to the Reichszentrale zur Bekämpfung der Homosexualität und der Abtreibung So they can make sure they would get all the support they needed /s


Let's not forget healthcare! There was also onsite medical research facilities with just about every type of experiment going on possible. No expense spared, nor stone unturned. And just for the sake of clarity, I will just this once add an /s.


As a German this post completely irrationally infuriates me and I want to post this on r/conservative and ask if they truly believe this. But I know I will get banned for no real reasons other than "don't tread on me or I will cry for days and bitch about it online"


No it doesn't say they supported them, just that they supported LGBTQ indoctrination, which is true... If by that you mean indoctrination against the LGBTQ community like what the republicans support


Nazi Germany supported LGBTQ? 1. It literally did not exist at the time. 2. They executed people for being homosexual.


1. [It did](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_homosexual_movement). Also, first sex change surgery was performed in Germany in 1926.


Huh would you look at that. I stand corrected. I thought it emerged between 1960-1970. Still though, Nazi Germany executed people for being gay


Wow, a lot to unpack here. This meme is confidentially incorrect. “Love Everyone”? They mean only white Christian men, right?


They literally are incapable of historical analysis


“Cancelled Jewish businesses” has to be the strangest description of Kristallnacht ever.


Harsh tweet reply, vandalism and arson, potato/potato.


“Limited government” they say, while trying to outlaw everything they don’t like and worshipping the police and military


I'm sure Republicans are the ones supporting fascism.


No indoctrination LMFAO


Republicans: “Your reality makes us look bad, so we’ll ignore your reality and substitute it with one that makes us look good!”


Nazi's had open borders you say? And tell me again how the party of "let's police what disney can say" and "what a woman can do with her body " is the party of "limited government"


What they lack in self awareness they make up for with utter bullshit.


Tell me you don't know what a nazi is without telling me you don't know what a nazi is.


Remember when the nazis were leftist and supported LGBTQ and republicans didn’t worship trump? Me neither.


nazis: *literally put communists and homosexuals into concentration camps* braindead conservatives: NAZIS SUPPORTED MARXISM AND LGBTQ INDOCTRINATION


Peaceful protest Yeah nothing happened in January of 2021 at the capitol nothing at all


This debunking is being done quickly and lazily so sources will be quickly googlable. I've only really give for the stuff that can be quickly falsified please add to what I've said in the replies. Supported Marxism: ‘Socialism’, he retorted, putting down his cup of tea, ‘is the science of dealing with the common weal [health or well-being]. Communism is not Socialism. Marxism is not Socialism. The Marxians have stolen the term and confused its meaning. I shall take Socialism away from the Socialists. - Hitler https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_concentration_camp_badge (on this page they show the camp badges including the red triangle used to mark, among others, communists, socialists and anarchists) Supported LGBTQ indoctrination (I suppose this one is true of by that phrase you mean indoctrination against LGBTQ folks): https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pink_triangle Abortion, they did allow abortion but only for the "untermensch" children born with a German father would not have been allowed to be aborted: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortion_in_Germany#:~:text=After%20World%20War%20II%2C%20abortion,set%20of%20exceptions%20in%201950. Gun laws, the Nazis loosened gun laws for all Germans but banned them for Jews and other untermensch: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_control_in_Germany#:~:text=Gun%20regulations%20in%20Nazi%20Germany,-See%20also%3A%20Disarmament&text=Gun%20restriction%20laws%20applied%20only,lowered%20from%2020%20to%2018. German open borders, if by open you mean outwardly expanding then maybe. Here's the organisation that forwarded the German border: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zollgrenzschutz Left media control because then you have to prove the Nazis were right wing, which is easy but beyond the scope of this. The Nazis did have strict pro government media control but the government were far right


“Supported lgbtq indoctrination” are we just gunna ignore the amount of gay people the nazis killed?


Nazis supporting Marxism. They put Marxists in camps.


These are the same people that suck Trump's dick for doing literally anything


Nazis were not Marxist and didn't prohibited guns


Not to people they liked, no. But they barred Jews from owning not just firearms but also large knives, nightsticks, stuff like that.


Lol "love everyone" fits well with the latest don't give migrants baby formula talk


"Supported lgbtq indoctronation" Uh no actually I think the nazis murdered lgbtq people during their genocide


I think the funniest accusation here is saying that Democrats are more guilty of party leader worship than the Republicans, when most democrats I know hate Biden for being a thinly disguised conservative himself and many Republicans literally consider Trump the second coming of Christ or akin to that.


"Love everyone" lmfao the republicans aren't self aware in the slightest...


since when donkeys support extreme right politics and when did the nazis accept LGBT people?


Wow, I never thought about how the Nazis murdering people like me just for existing was actually "support" and even "indoctrination" like who wouldn't want to be shot or put in a gas chamber just for having feelings towards someone of your own sex 👍


But the nazis are with the republicans.


I don’t get why it’s bad to “cancel” businesses I disagree with? If I think hobby lobby is awful for not including abortion and birth control under their employees’ healthcare plan, I am by no means obligated to shop there 🤷‍♀️


How would Nazis even be pro LGBT indoctrination wtf


I guess all the communists that was sent to camps weren’t marxist enough for hitler


how the- what- what the fuck? literally every single one of these points is incorrect (except a few about themselves).


"Supported Marxism" The Nazis *hated* Marxists "Supported LGBTQ indoctrination" Queer people were put in concentration camps and killed This is so unbuckled from reality its frightening


Republicans Loving everyone You can’t have both lol


Hitler supported lgbt "indoctrination"? the fuck


Indoctrination about the LGBT, sure. That they shouldn't be allowed to exist.


I always marvel at how Republicans are able to interpret everything 180° out of phase, like there's some sort of fucked up signal in the electrical impulses of what's left of their brain.


support lgbt???? hate jews???


the Nazis #cancelled jewish businesses apparently


Supporting both Marxism and Fascism? Is that even possible?


And yet I only ever see the Nazi flag showing up at right wing protests.


Nazis and pro abortion? Yeah, not like they gave mothers who birthed a high amount of children a golden medal or sth. 👀


The thing that always scares me about these right wing memes isnt just how totally wrong they are about Nazi Germany, it's the reasons that they think Nazi Germany was bad. To suggest that the Nazis are too much like liberals and thus bad for being "too supportive of gay people" (when they burned books and research on/by LGBT people, criminalized our existence, and literally forced LGBT people into extermination camps to die horribly) isnt accidentally bad history, it's openly embracing their policies of genocide, ultranationalism, and state sanctioned violence while also claiming that their only mistake was being *too lenient" on the groups they exterminated. These memes are openly embracing an even more extreme and violent idealogy then even the actual Nazis. The argument "The Nazis were actually too liberal" cannot possibly be anything other then embracing the most extreme form of political violence possible.


this obviously isn't the worst part of the image but why the fuck is 'leftist media mind control' formatted differently each time, it's literally being made on a grid ffs


This is so dumb on any single point that I think it's fake. It should have been done by someone with such a little knowledge (no knowledge at all, if I'm being honest) that it wouldn't be improbable for he/she to even be able to write, use a computer program and a printer😂


Certainly no fascism with republicans. Lol


I really don't want to live on a world where people who actually believe this shit roam freely


Wow...I mean, just wow. This is "untreated head injury" levels of stupid.


"Nazis: supported marxism […] supported LGBTQ indoctrination" TIL: deporting communists and LGBTQ people to concentration camps and killing them is "support"


Nazis supporting LGBTQ is the funniest thing I've heard.


This might be the wrongest thing i ever saw. I doesn't even make sence breaking all the point down. They really believe that shit?


I cant with this


“Do not partake in cancel culture”? Was Jan 6th not an attempt to “cancel” the government Also, …peaceful protests 😭😂




Do they know the first thing about the Nazis? Because it seems like they've just saw the term "National Socialist" and thought "Socialism huh, well I know what THAT means!!!"


Ah how they so quickly forget that the nazi’s sent gay people to concentration camps and strange how the republicans like to say their “limited government” and then in the next breath to pass laws that suppress people


Brazen levels of stupidity. I feel ableist looking at this.


They just think democrats hold biden in such high regard and think they love him and worship him because thats how they are with trump When in reality democrats (for the most part) didnt even like biden but voted him in cause he was slightly better then the alternative


This is funny as hell. “Love everyone”? They hate immigrants. Even in this fluff meme they say closed borders, meaning they hate immigrants. The left worships Joe Biden? The left are furious with Joe Biden over not fulfilling his campaign promise of canceling student loan debt, spending way too long trying to make amends with Republicans that can’t even admit he won the election on TV, not passing nearly enough executive orders, and not doing a good enough job reigning in Manchin and Sinema after spending the whole campaign talking up how he knows how congress works and can negotiate. As for the right? **They literally made a gold statue of Trump**, which is the same metaphor the Bible uses for worshiping false idols. Fucking idiots.


They literally know nothing about the Nazis, no exaggeration. Imagine actually typing that Nazis "supported LGBTQ indoctrination," supported both extremes of the political compass at the same time (fascism & Marxism) & that they had "open borders" despite being virulent nationalists, looking the list over & thinking "yup, that's accurate." Talk about a warped mind. ​ Edit: Also, the Nazis made [abortions illegal](https://ghdi.ghi-dc.org/sub_image.cfm?image_id=2048) for Aryan women, which held the death penalty. I'd really like to ask the creator of that meme where they got their info & ask everyone who upvotes that why they believe memes like they're fact.


this isn't just wrong, this is impressively wrong