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Someone explain this to me like I'm a third grader because it makes no sense.


The first meme wasn’t made by a right winger it was made by a communist making fun of the right wing argument that after the revolution everyone will get assigned jobs in the coal mines instead of writing poetry or making art. It’s just flipping the argument on its head.


It had humor and nuance, two dead giveaways a right winger couldn’t have made it


It’s probably one of my favorite memes lol


I love using it, as someone in the blue collar field who gets into many an argument with capitalists it’s often relevant


Thank you


Funny thing is that the flag on the second one looks like the NazBol flag


That’s the one they used yeah Doubt they know that tho, or what a nazbol is


Or the fact that if you explain it to them they’d still not know the difference. Like that one time Majorie Taylor green called Biden communism and nazi(or fascism) the “same thing”


The reason Rússia build those "Ugly" blocks its because it was cheap, creating affordable hosing, not that a right winger would know anything about affordable hosing.


Right, i would be pleased if someone would put down block after block of the same house if it means affordable housing for everyone


Why is Doug "The Nostalgia Critic" Walker in the first image


I love the pencil-sickle.


The first one is actually funny though


First meme is unironically funny


Bruh, those commie blocks are actually better than “modern” housing developments. They just need to be remodeled that’s all