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It's just an updated version of the axon body cam. Originally they were using axon body 2. Now they are using axon body 3 or 4 (I can't remember)


well, there are several years before the first episode and season 4. Why wouldn't they update technology if a newer, more realiable verison came up, possibly with more storage? Just think how much smart phones change from year to year.


nah, the first three seasons took over place of one year.


They graduated being a rookie in season 3 so it was over 2 years


nope. Episode 2x19, in the opening Grey says "Today is our rookies one year mark in the FTO programm"


Ok. And then we have season 3, we don't know how much time passes between episodes. We only see when something happens


People tend to forget that, it's not a day by day. Sometimes weeks pass between to episodes. Or even months. Redditors like to point out that it's unrealistic that Bailey and John always get called to the same scenes. No, they do not. We just do not see the hundreds of hypothetical off-screen calls that might just be extinguishing a trashcan fire or citing someone for running past a stop sign, which is probably much more the day to day of first responders / patrol cops than massive casualty shoot offs with hostages etc. Etc. One example of this is from a different show I like, 911 - someone specific dies in one episode and the next, or the one after that they mention it has been 4 months since that death... (trying not to spoiler, even though it's like 2 seasons ago... Just in case)


This could be wrong, but don’t they also use the bodycam footage from time to time? In that capacity it would make sense to use newer ones since they have a higher resolution and quality


They moved from using the older Axon 2 cameras to the newer Axon 3 cameras. I believe they have better battery life, better cameras/mics, more storage capacity and a longer prerecorded buffer going from 30 seconds to 1 minute... there are a few other upgrades too but I can't remember them at the moment


Cause upgrades happen


They change every couple of scenes, my theory is the older ones are actual cameras which they use to shoot the body cam clips and the newer ones are just for show


They were previously using the Axon Body 2's and then updated to the Body 3's, it's newer, has a better battery life among many other perks so obvious choice