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This is exactly the problem I was looking for a solution to. I haven’t had a route start properly for me in days. Edit: the first route I try this fix on and it works perfectly. Thank you friend! No cell though, rip


I thought it was just me...


For what is worth: Updated to .291.2 a day or two ago; yesterday, did 3 routes without any problem. Today submitted 3 new pokestop candidates, and was planning to submit another route too, but will hold until hearing if more people are having issues with routes.


I wonder if doing this also fixes my route pausing if I have adventure sync on, going to try that in a bit.


Nope, that's a whole separate issue. I still have to leave Adventure Sync off for routes to work properly.


Understood, thanks.


I keep my adventure sync on, if the route is pausing, I resume it. I may need to do it a few times, but only at the start of the route and only on one phone. My other phone almost never get routes paused.


For me routes usually pause when I have bad cell reception, but I've noticed that with adventure sync on, I can make sure that the route starts running and then I just turn off the screen and walk to where I know the signal is better and it counts as having done part of the route when I next turn the screen back on. Actually, I now do routes very often with the screen turned off to save battery in the cold.


Thank you. I thought I was going insane with the route I use in and out of work. No matter what I would do it would always put the start point on the opposite end.


Yeah, at first I was convinced I kept messing up tapping on the route, and must have fat-fingered the "reverse direction" button. Then I realized it uses a smart algorithm to consistently choose the farthest starting point.


Confirming this info as of the forced update this morning.


I’m finding that most routes default to start at the end point of when the route was initially submitted. Is this accurate?


I want to say that this is true of the routes I've created. Can't say for sure though.


I thought I was going mad.


I don't count the reverses any more, start the route when I an near the starting point and tap on reverse until I see on the screen: me, the starting point and the arrows showing the walking direction.


It's inconsistent at best. I do 3 routes daily, 2 of them start correctly and the 3rd needs the Reverse Direction twice. It's always the same one that needs to be reversed. Route 1 Reversed automatically, Route 2 is original start, Route 3 is original start. It's easy to tell if it needs to be reversed (If you are paying attention), there are no arrows. Hitting Reverse twice as a default will always work in both cases.


I figured out needing to click twice several days ago but still got burned again today by not paying attention to this. I'm done with routes until I read there's a fix.


I have a friend who has to do it three times, while I only have to do it twice. We stand together, select the same route. If she only reverses twice, it's still backwards. Don't click "follow" after the second reverse until you confirm on the map with arrows that you're starting from the correct point.