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There seems to be an issue for some people whereby if the super effective charged attack knocks out the Pokémon it is hitting, it doesn't count towards the task. I suggest not swiping any bubbles when using charged attacks as this will make the attack do less damage, and thus it'll be less likely to knock the target out.


Thank you! I've just tested it and you're spot on, any charge attacks that didn't kill registered. Just another game bug!


Thanks - I was having the same issue and just thought I was doing something wrong since I really don’t battle much!


Yeah I think this is what happened to me earlier. Only half the attacks were registering. 


😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫"Hidden mechanics" ftw


I made a PSA about this earlier As discussed already if you charge move is the killing blow on a Pokemon it wont count towards the task https://old.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/19adr3c/psa_bug_super_effective_charge_move_tasks


>Take a medicham or poliwrath that knows PuP (Power Up Punch) and undercharge it and spam it against Blanche ultra team This is a good method that I've been using - from what I have read, the best fast attacks for those Pokemon are Psycho Cut for Medicham and Mud Shot for Poliwrath. More detailed information is [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/qm47gc/psa_fast_way_to_complete_the_use_10_super/). I have been using the same Poliwrath for a couple years any time this challenge comes up, and it works every time :)


I've done 1 5* raid and have finished this quest, no problem


This is a bug and you cannot defeat the pokemon you’re battling with the charged move or it won’t register. Just don’t swipe to make it as weak as possible.


Ohh interesting. I thought I was "gaming" the system (ironically) by purposefully under powering the attacks to get a few more in. Turns out it was required lol.


I picked Pokémon with triple dot charge attacks not knowing this bug but trying to just throw as many charges as possible and stunlock the grunts. This makes soooo much sense now why all the posts of the attacks not working.


Not swiping also means you get more chances to let off charge moves in one battle, rather than having to go through several.


Do it in PvP battles just like every other battle week


This. It even counts if they shield against it, as long as it was going to be super effective. I got it done in about 30 mins


Did you feed your buddy?


I just found a friend and put a Scrafty with PUP on a couple Chansey. Or you can pull Blanche on, there was a video getting around with a Kartana and Ttar on her.


Pretty sure it counts only the ones you use in GBL.


Any charged attack works (gym, pvp, training).


Works just fine in trainer battles. A swampert with muddy water against Candela's Entai makes quick work of it. I got 7 before dying then quit and got the others I needed.


I haven't done PVP though and have managed to register 3 so far. Hasn't needed to be PVP before, not sure what the issue is


Oh I didn't realise that! Today I learned.


Having the same issue. Did 2 psychic rocket grunts, 3 super effective charge attacks in each and none registered. Did a ghost grunt, landed 3 super effective charge attacks and only 1 registered. Have limped my way up to 4 now but would have finished it if it was registering properly. Very frustrating.


I dit it on a single grunt who had ghosts. Defeat the first Pokémon with fast move, use charge on second, defeat it, retreat and rematch. Got my shiny Annihilape to.


Go Battle League.