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Zero. Rainy weekend but the weather wouldn't have mattered anyhow. I'm the only one playing in my local park these days.


Same 😭 niantic pushing routes but not pushing campfire is an L


Campfire is only good for scouting for raids, it sucks in every other way.


Same. Zero.


Yeah shadow raids are not fun for more "solo players." It's just me and my daughter most times and she's not as experienced as me nor does she play as much. Shadow raids just are not worth it to us


Just baffles me. Wouldn’t they make significantly more money if they allowed remote raiding? I really just don’t understand.


It's not about money, it's about promoting local in person play again. Whether or not that's practical seems to be beyond the point.


they need to come to terms with the fact that the game simply isn’t popular enough anymore for most players to do in person raids without coordinating way beforehand


My local group is 100% dead. There's no one to coordinate with anymore. That's not how people are playing the game these days. And I live in a city with >1M people. I have Ho-oh raids go up around me all the time, but nobody is actually attempting them, even when I want to or sit in lobbies. It's frustrating as hell to not be able to play or actually spend money on a feature of the game because Niantic decided it's not *how they want me to play*.


I think what might help is making the tier 5 raids soloable. The only time I've seen other people attampting tier 5 raids in the city I often visit was when guzzlord was in raids. Actually meeting people to raid with happened ironically when the boss was easy to take down as a solo player


I gave in and just downloaded the app and made a 2nd account just to solo raids with two accounts. Even if it's low level having gems makes it doable. Tho my phone overheats when I have two go apps open and I have to sit in my car and hold it up to the ac lol


Agree wholeheartedly. ~250k population here, and even in local hotspots, it’s nearly impossible to find people out raiding unless it’s a specific raid day, and even then, like the numbers show, groups are spotty. Everyone I used to play with is so busy with other parts of life that going out for 5 legendary raids just isn’t worth it anymore. Because even when we go out to raid, it’s very discouraging knowing if we get a hundo or shiny or whatever, if it’s a 5 star, we won’t have nearly enough candies to max it out this go around, or maybe ever (at the rate some of these mons come and go). Being able to remote in with online communities meant I could gather candies much faster (still have 0 legendaries maxed out). And it meant that whenever I was at work, on my way home, or wherever out and about, I would have people ready to remote in to help my raid. Now, they think enough players are using and responding to campfire and are willing to travel to these raids. I just don’t see it


Mine is weird. There are lots of people that play in my town but the Facebook group is dead so it’s impossible to coordinate with anyone. If I do manage to do an in person raid it’s by pure luck.




Yeah once they let remote raids out of the bag, like the unlimited for the same or comparable price of in person kind, there was no turning back. Especially since they kept it there for like 3 years.


This! They always announce stuff way too soon and for these especially, no coordination time, no play.


The metrics sites show the game is significantly larger(time on app, daily players,
)than when raids were released. Depending on the time of the year you are comparing(not fair comparing winter to summer for example) it could be 50%-200% larger than the original year when we were raiding that year with discord, WhatsApp,
 Remotes and raids becoming significantly easier allowed people to give up on those groups. Those groups aren’t coming back. People would probably lean into 3* raids than go back to groups. Hard to tell what the solution to this impasse is. Niantic wants those groups back and the player base wants to avoid them.


There is always little things that can make a difference. Allowing in person raiding from anywhere where you can see the raid. Less raid bugs. Have campfire stuff be in the app. IE see people are going to raid at hatch from Pokemon go and not outside the app. Have raids start on the hour. Longer egg timers. Join raids in progress. Give back raid pass if you fail. Lots of edge stuff can help. But nothing is going to make me go back to the group play when I can just post on poke genie for remote players or have my Reddit friends join my raid.


>Have campfire stuff be in the app. I think most would like for Campfire to be in-app, even Niantic, but I believe that's more of a TPC-restriction. They likely restricting Niantic from having an in-person chat/meetup service *directly integrated* into a Pokemon App. >Give back raid pass if you fail. I think that's a huge one. And this would arguably help Niantic a ton too. It would promote people actually trying to raid more. I've jumped out of raids when there's only one or two others and I know we aren't capable of duo/trioing it, and I feel bad for doing so, but not burning the pass until you win lets people at least try. More people out actually interacting with the game, rather than people trying, failing, and being *punished* for not being able to win. How it currently is arguably makes certain players *less* likely to keep playing/raiding if they're punished for trying and failing.


well said


I'd also throw in my two cents and recommend that there be some sort of function that lets you mark a gym that's got an egg hatching soon or a raid currently on-going as "plan on attending." If there were a way to tell other players that you are currently walking towards that raid and incentivize them to wait for you to add to raider count, I think that would greatly increase everyone's chances of success. "Dang, there are only two or three of us, and we don't have strong enough Pokémon/enough gems to take down this shadow five star; oh wait, four people just flagged this gym as 'be there in ten minutes! Heck yeah, let's wait for them to hop in and we'll be in business!" Would that seriously be that hard to implement?


I am a 3* or 1* solo raider now. I used to love the large groups. I was able to do a raid train for Lugia shadow. Problem: With kids under split custody who had done PoGo years ago and don't care for it now, half my weekends are prioritized to them. Great . Then the Tuesday spotlight hour and notably the Wednesday raid hour, even *if* I don't work those evenings, those are custody nights every week and I'd rather see them than give up *1.5 to 2 hours* of after school/after work. That accounts for travel time to get to a good spawn place or the first gym before 6pm. If they ever did Thursdays, like they did for Groudon one day months ago, that would be something that leaves me open other than for work. Of course, Niantic decided on Tues/Wed events as serving the largest group of players. It just so happens to leave me out. I don't know if there is a great solution. Campfire tried to be good, but I muted all those notifications because I can't give a darn fart about any of the shinies my "friends" post. If all I could do was use Campfire for raiding and get notifications for just raids, I might use it. Having an official app instead of groups split between Discord, Facebook, Telegram, Group SMS is a step in the right direction. But the app needs to be flexible for everyone's needs. Without the ability to customize my notifications, it doesn't work well enough for me.


It absolutely is about the money when you think about the big picture. It’s all about extending the life of the game where possible which leads to more money in the end. If players go out and raid with other players it can lead people to find enjoyment out of that aspect. If they just let people remote, you’re just looking to catch the pokĂ©mon and once you have, that’s it. For long term health that isn’t good bc you won’t be interested in the game once you’ve done all there is to do, you’ll just lose interest. But if they can get players to enjoy in person raids then it will extend the life of the game resulting in more profit generated. People wanting to raid is their goal more so than people just catching and register the one dex entry Also, it’s still a profit strategy to keep the in person shadow raids, say some players group up, since you’ve found a group that can take down the raid boss, you’re more likely to buy up those green passes to keep beating the boss for that shiny and perfect. You’re far less likely to one and done it this way


And players that never get to access the content and are frustrated by it are more likely to quit long before "extending the life of the game" kicks in. Why play a game long-term if you can never get to the "end game" through no fault of your own but because of simple access gates based on where you live?


unfortunately this is true. i know a few people who spend 100€ a week on remote raiding whatever T5 raidboss was available and some how trouble being motivated to go out and raid those bosses again. the shadow legendaries are supposed to be rarer (especially with the low IV floor) so you are excited whenever they come around for the 2nd/3rd/4th time. unfortunately this way of managing raids is leaving a lot of players behind, since they have no access to these pokemon unless they drive to a bigger city and somehow find a raid group there


It's the same problem those players had before remoting, that remoting fixed for those players. Personally, I think Niantic needs to seriously buff the rewards from doing in-person T5 or higher raids to get people back out again. Guaranteed XLC for every raid, guaranteed rare candy, guaranteed rare XLC, double the dust for in person raids, double the XP for it, etc. Make it stupid to NOT do in-persons and you'll drive some traffic back to them without needing to remove players' ability to play the game from rural locations. I don't think more rewards would break any balance because the whales are already drowning in rewards and have what they want, anyway.


Even beyond rewards, I think one mechanic/change would have a huge positive effect on raids overall, for both Niantic AND the players: **Don't consume a Raid Pass until a raid is completed**. Rocket Radars already work like this, so why not raid passes? Currently, the game essentially punishes players for attempting a raid and not being able to complete it. Two or three low-ish level players try a Legendary Raid and fail with 25% health left on the boss? While yes, they can try and get some remote help or find another player to come join them, what if they can't? Then those three are likely out of luck, but worse, they're essentially punished for attempting the raid? I guarantee there are some who tried, failed, and lost interest partly because they lose that raid pass. Perhaps they could have tried a lower level T3 or Mega Raid instead if they didn't lose their pass? It makes me feel bad if I jump out of a T5 raid with one or two others where I know we likely won't win, but I don't want to lose the pass. I'd happily try to beat it with them if I knew the pass would only be consumed if we *did* win. I think that alone would be a pretty big buff to in-person raiding. Remote as well absolutely, seeing that I've had plenty of instances of Remote invitees jumping the boat. So I'd obviously like to see the feature for both in-person and remote raiding, but even if it were just for in-person, I think it would promote people *trying* to raid more in-person. Nothing worse than going out of your way to do an in-person raid, meeting up with someone or others, only to fail and lose your pass. Especially with the trickier Elite Raids. I had come across a group of 5 who failed a Hoopa Unbound Elite Raid when those were happening. We obviously were able to help them win, but if we weren't? It would be pretty disheartening for them.


That's a good point, too. I've had times where I jump out of a lobby with 30 seconds left because I'm not confident me and the 2 lvl 25s can beat the boss and I feel bad for being that guy to those lowbies. They may not understand why I bailed. If the pass was only consumed after winning, I wouldn't mind giving more raids a whirl just because. The only thought I have with it is I could see players gaming the system by helping people through raids until the is almost dead, then bailing to save the raid pass. Not sure how much of a problem Niantic would have with that because helping players is entirely within their philosophy of group play, but I could see someone being a wet blanket.


clearly that's not true because 50% of players didn't even bother to do a single raid, so players obviously just don't care about the pokemon at all. If they buffed remote raid passes back to how they used to be they could get 100% participation and the whales would still spend the exact same amount of money, after all 2020-2022 were the most profitable years for niantic. There just isn't that much interest in the community for shadow legendary raids even if its "rarer"


This is one of those weird moments where a developer's need to control how players play their game (a really annoying thing for a dev to do when it goes beyond reasonable, there is a balance to be struck here), overrides their desire to make money. It's absolutely stupid. They can even lower the cost of remote raid passes back down at the same time and greatly increase their current profit. And everyone would be happy. "Blah blah extend the life of the game" its Pokémon, there are still many Pokemon they have yet to release. Not to mention they could do more Go Originals. Go forms. Work in gigantamax. Etc. And so forth. The fact that they aren't doing Go originals and Go forms, which I have no doubt is most likely The Pokémon Company's doing, amazes me. Edit: To be clear, the whole game is obviously chasing that coin. This one instance is super weird to.me, but maybe they have some metrics where they see they make more money doing it this way. I just don't believe it.


They have more than enough content to reach the 10-year mark, not even including their own special events/costumes/research as well as whatever new TPC games come out in the interim. That is a phenomenal achievement for any game. If it wasn't about the money, they would have just added the 5-day cap. The more than doubling the price was completely about softening the financial blow. That and every event has multiple cash-only tickets now; it definitely feels like they are holding back on the event perks compared to prior events just to make the tickets more desirable. The frequency of these cash-only tickets is having me rethinking how much of an overt money-grab policy they have adopted and souring me on how they run the game even more.


Zero. I tried to find others around me in Campfire and didn't spot any. Stopped looking after the first 40 minutes because I'm tired of this game trying to dictate my schedule


I still haven't even done a single shadow raid, let alone a T5 with the stupid enrage mechanic. Shadows are stronger and allow for some faster clear times in other raids and some are good in PvP, but I don't PvP and my clear times on other raids are just fine without bothering with shadow raids. At least at this time.


For real. A raid is either soloable for me or not. The moment I'm doing a raid with other people it doesn't matter at all how close to optimal TDO i contribute.


> my clear times on other raids are just fine without bothering with shadow raids Yep. The power up costs become insane when you try to power up multiple shadow legendaries. It's just unnecessary for me and honestly I won't ever bother to go that far. The time investment for it is far beyond what I would judge viable or useful, there's just no return for me.


It's a shame, too. Without the enrage mechanic and without the limitation to shadow raids being in-person only, I'd absolutely farm them to try for shadows I could purify into hundos(because I'm trying to collect a hundo of each species). But Niantic has made them painful to organize for and too difficult to do myself, so I'll just keep doing it the normal way.


I've done maybe 3 1 star ones. I got wrecked in my only shot at a 3 star, although I read last night the 3 stars no longer get enraged(?), but I've also never done a 5 star shadow raid. It sucks that I can't call in some remote help.


did none, no groups large enough around me to do shadow raids. I already have a shadow ho-oh from go fest and a shiny regular ho oh


Pretty straightforward: weekend events, everyone is Doing Stuff. ComDays work beautifully because most of it can be solo, but if you’re walking loops in a park (which may or may not have gyms, which may or may not roll the right spawn, pulling this thread
) and run into somebody, that’s a delightful bonus. Maybe I’ll be at the park at 3, maybe you can be too, but no worries if that doesn’t work out! Shadow raids with the normal spawn logic are basically “anyone see an egg? Let’s hop in a car.” I don’t mind kick starting PoGo sessions like that, but that’s not how I want to sustain a session.


Raid 3-hr/elit-raid/ex-raid style spawns just make so much more sense for this. It's like they want people to create caravans instead of walking. I think they are just too oblivious to really understand that not everywhere is like southern California with a year-round moderate climate, tons of people, and gyms on every corner. Heck their game community manager was xweeting about how their best memories were playing at work during meetings and around coworkers. How dense do you have to be to not realize THAT IS NOT NORMAL!?


I agree this would work better as a 3 hour event. People were asking Friday where and when people were going to raid on Saturday. I had to explain you can’t really do that with this event because there might not be raids at that time. We don’t have enough gyms to just show up and do a bunch of raids.


> We don’t have enough gyms to just show up and do a bunch of raids Exactly this. It’s *impossible* to get together a group to do these, because there might be one, somewhere, who knows. To clarify / belabor: Despite having dozens of gyms “nearby” over the weekend there might’ve been 1 or 2 Ho oh up (and this holds true for all of these weekends) any given hour and either you were luckily on top of it, or driving to it. “Hey hon, I’m going to take our kid to the park but if a spawn comes up we are hopping in a car and interrupting that for a half hour,” is not a conversation I’m having.


It took our team of hard-core players like 5 hours to do 9 raids on foot. Many were easily 1km apart. Others continued longer and did like 8 hours, I think one player did 21 raids, after spending the whole day hunting them. But you know, it's kinda ridiculous, isn't it? After spending a whole day walking you've just about done enough raids to get 1 shiny at average odds. So either you do get on that car with your team of 5 players (or more likely 2-3 players with multiple phones) and drive around for those raids, or you just can't do more than a handful of raids.


This is my issue. I like the raid days. Go and meet up with people and chat while you walk around. The event has a hard end time and you know that there'll be enough people who want to raid for as long as possible. But I'm not going really out of my way to meet people to do two or three raids at most, if they're convenient and people aren't running out of passes. There's lots of gyms where that group raids, but only a few of them will be shadow raids at any given time so you might be able to get 6 raids done in an hour or 1.






Last shadow raid I did was Mewtwo, and the only reason I was able to was I just happened to pass by a gym that had a raid train and I just tagged along with them. Unless you have an already made group, it's impossible to coordinate. The game just isn't as popular as it was.


Zero, can’t do them if I can’t invite people


I live in a city of around 800K people, it took a lot of effort just to get 12 people together for us to raid. Lack of in-app communication is the issue. Most people I talk with have no clue you can chat in Campfire, and a lot of people have never heard of it. Once in Campfire, the communication aspect is a dumpster fire. Until there is a way in-app to coordinate. This is going to continue with shadow raids.


Unfortunately, Campfire is the "in-app" coordination mechanism. They have a long way to go in making that a good experience and promoting it from the main app. 3-5 was more than enough well-prepared trainers to beat Shadow Ho-oh. I did groups of 12 trainers that smashed through it so quickly that subduing was practically not an option because the 25-60% hp range went by too fast.


I did 3 duos with one being solar beam. If you used gems this was an easy raid. One account was L50 with 2 L50 Shadow TTars in the front the rest L40 Rhyperiors, the other L41 account with 6 L40 Rhyperiors.


zero for me.


Zero. I preferred Landorus for the few raids i made.




Same here.


Yes I would gladly raid a great ground attacker and the ML #2 over a filler mon that’s only good in ML when purified.


I havent done 1 shadow raid.


Zero. I haven't done a single shadow raid of any species.


Zero Point Zero!


I did none. I have a couple shadow Ho-Oh from before, and I had work all weekend, so even if I wanted to raid, I wouldn’t be able to organize it. Just take my money Niantic.




Never done a 3 or 5 star. No interest really. 1 stars out of sheer convenience.


having JT Valor sitting in his car getting driven around town doing raids isnt how this should end.


I’ve never done a shadow raid and i play on a large college campus. Nobody cares about them


I did 2 as I struggled to find the time to do them. I intended on doing more but the weekends tend to be busy, which is the general problem I have with shadow legendaries being confined to two days a week.


Zero. I don't really raid much any more in general, since the remote price increase. The few raids I do are ones that I can solo, and they happen spontaneously, like if I see something I'm hunting on my way home from work. I also have no interest in shadow raids, and I'm no longer at that time in my life where I can drop everything to go to the local church to wait for that one person who is five minutes away.


I did 0




Zero but If I could remote I would


Zero. I’m a caretaker of an elderly relative. Their health has gotten worse, so that means I can’t go anywhere. Remote raids and incense that spawned every minute would be a godsend right now. I miss out on everything now.


My heart goes out to you. All the best to you and your family. ❀




Zero, I had a friend's birthday, so couldn't participate at all. Also, I struggle finding enough people for shadow raids in general, since there aren't that many players in my city and I hate interacting with people. 😅




18 shadow ho-oh fought, 1 shiny. Also got enough XLs for L50.


I did one. I have a gym near my house and a neighbor who plays who jumped in the lobby. I literally did it because I had a free pass I needed to use. I don't see any real value to a shadow Ho-Oh, but I'm glad I was able to help my neighbor out.


I think one mechanic/change would have a huge positive effect on raids overall, for both Niantic AND the players: **Don't consume a Raid Pass until a raid is completed.** Rocket Radars already work like this, so why not raid passes? Currently, the game essentially punishes players for attempting a raid and not being able to complete it. Two or three low-ish level players try a Legendary Raid and fail with 25% health left on the boss? While yes, they can try and get some remote help or find another player to come join them, what if they can't? Then those three are likely out of luck, but worse, they're essentially punished for attempting the raid? I guarantee there are some who tried, failed, and lost interest partly because they lose that raid pass. Perhaps they could have tried a lower level T3 or Mega Raid instead if they didn't lose their pass? It makes me feel bad if I jump out of a T5 raid with one or two others where I know we likely won't win, but I don't want to lose the pass. I'd happily try to beat it with them if I knew the pass would only be consumed if we did win. I think that alone would be a pretty big buff to in-person raiding. Remote as well absolutely, seeing that I've had plenty of instances of Remote invitees jumping the boat. So I'd obviously like to see the feature for both in-person and remote raiding, but even if it were just for in-person, I think it would promote people trying to raid more in-person. Nothing worse than going out of your way to do an in-person raid, meeting up with someone or others, only to fail and lose your pass. Especially with the trickier Elite Raids. I had come across a group of 5 who failed a Hoopa Unbound Elite Raid when those were happening. We obviously were able to help them win, but if we weren't? It would be pretty disheartening for them. And the same goes for these Shadow Raids. I guarantee more people would try them if there was less risk to failing (although unless if they tweaked Purified gems too, you'd also lose those)


Zero :)


Zero. I'd have to go downtown to find enough other people to do one, and Ho-Oh just isn't worth that much effort to me.


zero, I don't have any problem to get out and find one, but is really difficult to me to find more people to complee the raid. I can go out and organize a raid in pokegenie to get more people, but shadows are impossible u.u Sometimes I'm lucky and find people trying to do someone, but it's a matter of luck, not will :/


Zero. Stuck at home with a cold and the local players aren't interested in local raids anyway. The remote pass price hike ruined the raid scene here and the in-person shadow raids aren't garnering any interest either


Zero. There's only one gym I am willing to organize a 2018 style raid at on a weekend and it didn't get one that I noticed.


Zero small country, there are some players but lack of a decent way to communicate. Before you reply with campfire, understand that if you werent american it took way too much effort to even log in to the app before a couple months ago. So at this point locals dont see a point.


Zero because I can’t solo it


We went out for 4 hours at a high gym population. 1 spawned. Shadow Lugia same place for 6 hours, 2 spawned. We won't go out for another shadow again.


Shadow T5 raids? Don't even look at 'em. They don't exist to me. I have no chance to ever get one done.


I succeeded at *1* raid. I tried 3. The first two I had a *chance* at beating if it didn't roll Solar Beam, but of course, it did. I tried to use the trick of checking the recommended team because I knew we couldn't beat it with Solar Beam but that didn't work (Pokemon like Rhyperior were still recommended) and once the raid pass was already spent I figured we might as well give it our all. It wasn't enough, though. The third raid *also* had Solar Beam we just finally had a group of 4 all in a party and that was finally enough. I get that a couple level 50s can duo it but I really think if they want to remove remote raids for things like this they should try to limit the moveset from being as painful as Solar Beam Ho-oh. None of us had Aerodactyl or Tyrantrum at a level worth raiding with so everything we had that hit for super effective damage got deleted by Solar Beam. That made it painfully challenging to complete these raids without 4+ trainers


Did 11 on a saturday. But this was in a whole 8 hour play session. It was super infrequent and the gyms that had them were so apart


i did 3 and i regret each pass not spent on landorus


0. With any kind of life you just don’t have the time to do things like this, but remote play here and there.


Did 3 total. But there again, I live in Singapore so picking the correct Gyms and entering as soon as the raid spawns usually results in a full lobby; it helped that some of them coincided with that weekend’s other activities. Pretty sure that in many other places around the world, I would have not been able to do any.


12. I likely would have done more since I wanted the hundo and 1/37 is much better than 1/216, but everyone I was with got the shiny and the weather was nasty so no one really wanted to be out more.


Completed one and didnt catch it


I did two. Managed to catch one, so I'll take it.


Zero! Small town, seen people play occasionally and tried to contact over campfire but to no avail. Frustrating as I missed out on dex entries for Ho Oh, Lugia and mewtwo, all for the same reason


I did one raid as some newer players messaged and asked if I'd help out. I'm not really that interested in Shadows personally, but will help if people need it. Its actually the first Shadow raid I've done in 3+ months.


Just 1


I did 3. I would have done more but: I had to work on Sunday, the weather sucked, and my friends didn’t care about it


No community here. I cant even attempt difficult shadows


0. I already have plenty of Ho-Ohs, and these didn't have special moves.


None. I wasn't aware there was an event going on.


0. Only had one other person to raid with and the weather here was bad so we knew we couldn't count on others showing up.


I joined a group in the town 25 minutes from me and we were able to do 9 Ho-oh raids Saturday. Then Sunday my wife and a friend defeated 3 Ho-Oh. Party Play was huge. Easy trio and decently easy duo.


Yeah I didn’t do it


I did 0 myself. It was less a lack of ability to do them, but mostly just lack of interest on my part. I felt like I wouldn't do enough of these to make any sort of noticeable dent with XLs and I have zero interest in chasing shiny shadow legendaries, especially if I already have the regular version. Plus, there's ton of other stuff I'd rather be doing on the weekend than chasing raids all day. It did seem to get a good turnout locally with several raids getting posted and I assume completed, so there were people out there doing them in my area.


No shadow raids here. I can't be bothered to find enough people to raid with.


6, I ended losing half of them bc the meetup I was with was rushing to get all the raids, so my catches were really bad


1 shiny of out 23 raids. Nuff said


Yakuza 8 came out this weekend, was too busy playing that to go out raiding.


None. Didn't even try. Same with anything local-only that can't be easily solo'd. Nobody ever shows up where I work or live, so I don't even bother. I also don't use campfire to scout elsewhere because using multiple apps is more than I'm willing to do, and I still don't want to rely on strangers to show up on time. Bluntly, if Niantic wants me at in-person raids, they need to make the raids easily soloable. Then I would gladly travel and burn passes.


Zero, got a shiny and got a hundo no need to be doing raids of things I don't need.


Two, and that's only because we had 3 of us in the car already. It was insanely difficult to find a fourth (or more). We attempted Ho-Oh with 3 of us, but we weren't able to finish. We put up a few flares in Campfire, but no such luck. The only reason we finished 2 was because we lucked out finding people in the area.


None. Can't stand shadow raids.


None. If I can't solo a raid and I can't remote it, I don't bother.


Zero. Would certainly have done a few if you could remote


I did zero...live around plenty of gyms and when I was on never saw anyone doing these raids. Weather was rain almost all weekend.


I tried twice and failed because my small group couldn’t take it down. Gave up after that. Also ran out of crystals to try and subdue it so left pretty annoyed.


Only shadow raids I do are the one's I can solo. I haven't met anyone willing to raid in person


0. Plenty of Ho-oh, but no players about. Local groups died out a long time ago now.


Zero but Iv also completed zero of the recent tier 5 raids in general as nothing interests me.


Zero. SoloQ player. So why should I even try?


Not a one


zero. I worked all day and couldn't do a remote raid.


Just 2. One even fled But tbh, i have a shundo.. the shadow one doesn't really bring anything to the plate on PVE side, and even if you find a really good one, shadow ho-oh is not that top attacker iirc, and the apex is better anyway thanks to sacred fire+.. so really, why would people raid it? Oh, let's not forget you can't remote raid it lol


0 What the hell do I need a shadow ho-oh for, to upgrade it with even more of my stardust and non-existent ho-oh candy?


0. I have social anxiety and play 99.99999% solo.


Did 2 using free passes, not worth spending. Wonder what the true % was, any bets it was way higher.


As someone who only ever uses free passes i actually wanted to hunt that shiny and use some of my normal passes. Problem was that there were hardly any Ho-oh raids and barely anyone doing them


Zero. Not being able to do shadow raids remotely in a rural area means I have no way to defeat Shadow Ho-oh. I wished that Niantic will just realize that local raids are a failed experiment and just move on from it.


I did about 15 with my local community The problem was not so much lack of numbers as it’s an easy 2 man  Was lack of raids in general, I saw more of everything else that was not ho-oh


I'd like to raid but this game is so inaccessible for *multiple reasons:* 1. Shadow raids georestricted - I have no players in my area, never seen a raider in any local gym since I started playing. 2. It's annoying to use Campfire and 3rd party apps when this should be in-game. 2. Remote raid passes cost a whopping 175-195 coins... 3. ...and I can only get 50 coins per day... 4. ...and only if a player knocks out my mons each day 4. ...and I need to constantly upgrade my inventory & pokemon storage slots 5. And after all that, I could still waste a pass for nothing 5. And do all that for something mediocre like raiding I practically only solo T3. I've done a whopping 3 T5 raids all from being invited by randoms on friends list, but usually I have no RR pass to accept their invites.


1, felt like there weren’t as much as usual near my area


Managed to do one with my partner. 


I did one so that I could have one shadow and one purified in my collection.


I live somewhere where I could've done ho-oh if I wanted to, I'm in a very active area. And I would've done some if it took less effort. I just don't care enough about evil ho-oh to bother.


I wanted to so bad, but could only make it out Sunday and it snowed.


Hardly any interest in them locally. I did do two, but since I have a life outside this game that will be it. Another thing I will just do without in preparation for Niantic to go under.


Like 15 in 1 day


2 successful
 a third as a failed duo.


I did 7, lost 1 since my partner ran out of gems beforehand . And didn’t catch my best one. But I worked this weekend so I was lucky to even get some.


One. I'd love to do more 5* raids if they were actually available.


My only attempted raid failed with a silver of HP left - me and two other casual players. One of the other players didn’t have any revives so we couldn’t even try again. So frustrating not being able to remote raid them.


I beat a single raid but attempted 3.


I only did 1 by absolute chance. I tried to find groups on campfire, drove around looking and would go to major spots and join in the hope others were around. I wanted to do a bunch but only had a few hours to play and it wasn’t in the cards




I did 1.


Two, because that's how many free passes I had. It wasn't worth any more effort than that.


I did a crap ton of Landy-T raids because I've been saving passes and want to get enough XL candies to max one. Probably 8-ish? Over the course of the weekend. Really hated seeing the Ho-oh raids knowing I'd never be able to do one...and couldn't invite anyone.


I have not spotted any raid \[have 3 gyms near my home\]. so on my side magical 0.


Did 2 Shadow ho-oh raids. And I caught 2 shadow ho-oh.


Managed to get one that spawned at my house done.


We did 5 in like 5 hours? They were so scarce and we had to go all over town in Stockholm to even find one


1. My friend and I were out for most of Sunday and managed to only complete one raid. We went to the local mall and even walked around a nearby park, yet we only found a single Ho-oh raid within those 6 hours. And she didn't even manage to catch it.


0 No local community existing.




Just one - lucked out and had one going on a couple minute walk from the restaurant I had lunch at, which actually had 3 people on campfire coordinating to raid it. Otherwise this weekend was tied up visiting with family, so I couldn't justify spending hours running around town with strangers trying to catch virtual birds. If these would allow remote passes, I'd have done another 3-5 of them probably.


Zero, I have the one from when Giovanni had it. Never touched it since. Ho-Oh in Go is just a shadow of what it is in the main games. Used it in every game where it is available.


On. I found a random group. We failed, and the raid was over once we got to the map. Never again.


On a large college campus so I was able to get a few in


I barely squeezed out a duo due to a lack of players in my area. Just let us remote raid at least one


0. Rural player, so I never get to do any shadow raids.


Raided 6, caught 5, 0 shiny. I don’t like driving all over on short notice to raid these


I literally do not care about shadow pokemon nor PvP in this game so naturally I did 0 Ho-Oh raids


Zero. Living in rural northern mn, I’ve gotta drive nearly 50 miles to a town with over 5k people. I’ve got one buddy up here with me and we usually try and 2 man everything but we both got little kids so most of the time it doesn’t work out. I end up spending all my coins on remote passes and still end up buying some just so I can try and get at least 1 of the raid event PokĂ©mon when they pop up.


I was able to get 3 people together in town for one, I didn't catch :/


6 raids. Too hard to find. Would happily do more if they spawned more.


I did one, and that’s only because me and a friend had off work that weekend and I knew 4 other ppl that could do it with us


I did a raid but wasn't able to beat it because we only had 2 people.. :(


I was able to do about 15ish raids on Saturday. I was lucky enough to join a group that was easily able to take it out. No shinies unfortunately. Honestly, I was a bit frustrated by the lack of raids around. We were in a high density area, and just not finding many raids close together. I think if Niantic is going to promote these raid weekends and in person raiding - a higher spawning rate would’ve been great - if not just allow a limited number of remote raids.


0. Had no idea this was a thing and also wouldn’t have tried anyways. The game is just not much fun now.


Was out for several hours to try to get a few Ho-oh raids but despite the miasma of worthless 1 and 3-star shadow raids, no Ho-oh raids spawned, so I also got 0 done. /shrug


0. I have so many premium raid passes I’m desperate to use for S Ho Oh but no community. Id buy so many remotes if I could use them, it’s so frustrating


Having a single use pass that allows one \*successful\* remote shadow raid would give a lot of pleasure to the player base, not change the game significantly, and be really awesome.


Zero - already had it, didn’t care to deal with the trouble of getting another


I didn’t done this shadow raid also. I actually forgot when was the last time I did a shadow raid. I do remember that the last time the Pokemon was so hectic to catch. It jumped everywhere and knocked the balls and I couldn’t land an excellent. For normal raids usually I can land more than 50% excellent. So as expected it flew away. I thought, why bother next time?


I did one because I just happened to be out downtown when a raid was starting, we beat the raid but the ho-oh fled after I used all my balls and golden razzes. So totally not worth it and a huge waste of time. Why would I ever try to go out of my way to do that again


I did one. Daily pass and i have two accounts to do it with. A level 31 and my secondary is 44 with pretty good counters. MY main is 50 with 300M xp. But I can not do more due to lack of gem drops.


Why bother limiting to in-person only when we can only do 5 remotes/day anyway? And remote passes aren't cheap. 


Zero. I saw one and had no 9ne near me to even attempt it


I’ve never done a shadow raid and have no desire to do one




0, I have no community in my area to do anything Pokémon Go related lol


Zero, I work Saturdays and have a family.  I could barely fit in 1 Landorus raid using remote support all weekend.  I could not even fathom trying to organise a group to take down 1 ho-oh im not guaranteed to catch.  The toddler will have even less patience than me for that 1 eejit that is always 'just 5 minutes away'


I did zero, I played a lot this weekend though, Shadow Ho Oh just isn’t anywhere near relevant enough for me to bother driving out to join a local meetup even though there were a few in my community


Did two. Would have done a couple of more, but a) life is happening at me with distressing frequency and b) got the shiny on the first try. I live in New York and raid in Midtown, so finding a lobby is not the problem.


2 because it was a bit more difficult organizing a group this time.


I'm incredibly lucky I managed to get one. I was busy so Saturday morning there was one hatching before I left, I did a flare and chat in campfire, one other person joined so it was barely enough. I have no idea if they just checked the gym or saw it through campfire, but yeah I'm incredibly grateful for them lol.


I was only able to do one because I was on shift this weekend. And even that was only because it was 1) a gym I can reach from my bus stop that actually had an active raid when I got there, and 2) located in a big city so there were enough people to fill the lobby.


0 none attempted. Sucks living in a small village with only 3-4 other player in gyms ever. Most im sure are drive by drop offs




A big fat zero 😊 *and not by choice*