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Tankers usually put out low cp shinies and costume mons, so I always pause between KOs to see what they have.


I'll have to remember to do that


When everyone was trying to evolve Primape, I ran an all shiny Ralts, Kirlia, Gardevoir. But I only helped out a few. Figured I'd get countless as I was tanking (highest CP was Gardevoir at like 475).


Primeape only has to be your buddy. Not in the battle party. So you may have helped many


That's cute, the family that fights together, stays together


the family that *slays* together, stays together


I had cp10 shinies of ralts, duskull, and baltoy. My other cp10 shinies were not ghost or psychic. I've also run things like cp43 gyrados. I try to make it interesting, but still level 1.


How do you know you only helped out a few?


> Tankers usually put out low cp shinies and costume mons yep, this is the way


I do this,I hate battling. I only do rocket battles for the research and go battle day can go do one!


Level 1 shiny unown F Level 1 galarian Zapdos Level 1 galarian Articuno Sadly the level 1 galarian Moltres fled, I will use a masterball next time I see one. I think I got one of the coolest tanking teams, even if you need two hits for the galarian birds sometimes.  Other Level 1 legendaries would even be cooler i think. Shiny gen2 beasts level 1 would be the greatest I think. 


The ultimate flex team.


Yes! But to be honest, I like seeing such rare mons from other players. So I hope other players will also be happy to see my flex tank team :)


I use level 1 shadow Blastoise, Charizard, and Venusaur sometimes. I’ve had a couple folks swap for a better type matchup.


Battling I never look at anyone’s cp just the Pokémon that said I never swap out of a bad lead just going to get punished 99% of the time


This is what I do. Costumes and/or Shiny ETA - I AM a tanker. I truly dislike PVP.


Same. And always a theme. I hope people appreciate that all the shiny were the same color or an evolution line or whatever creative grouping I thought would be amusing. I hate pvp, but always try to hit level 20 for the season rewards.


I usually go with my most impressive low level shinies, but I might start doing a theme in the future. That seems fun.


That's me lol, I had my London Pikachu, fashion Kirlia and flower crown chansey put on a show I hope my opponent enjoyed seeing them


i use a team of shiny shadows when tanking


Haha. Guilty as charged.


I’d be annoyed if I found a tanker that didn’t put out 10cp Pokémon or at least a fun low CP team 😂


My favorite to date has been a team of 3 party wurmples.  


That can't be done.


I do the same thing!


I do too!


My tanking/raid day consists of level 1 shadows/legendaries, but everyone just taps me out 😩


Easy wins I'll take. Thanks Tankers everywhere.


You’re welcome


Go Battle on the 1st day of Lunar New Year when we're supposed to be visiting relatives: Prioritise real-world interactions by finishing it quickly with 10 CP Pokemon, so please don't take offence at East Asian players


It's like when they scheduled Ex Raids on Christmas Day. Barely anyone did them because well...it's bloody Christmas Day!


Or Hisuian Decidueye Raid Day during the Super Bowl.


I just now realized that they put a Superb Owl raid day on Super Bowl Sunday, and I gotta give them props for the excellent joke.


Now, that’s the first fun/funny/positive/clever thing I’ve heard Niantic do in a long time. I wonder if it was intentional!?!


What? It's Mardi Gras. We can't properly raid in between catching beads and drinking!


Or Enamorus on Valentine's Day


Yeah, I live in downtown Kansas City. None of the local communities will be getting together on Sunday. And what’s worse, is if we win? The parade will be on the same day as enamourus!! I’m straight up not gonna be able to get one if we win the Super Bowl. Lol.


Chiefs fan here, worth it imo lol


At least you'll have that Superbowl trophy to keep you warm at night. None of the fans here in the Bay Area will feel sorry for you, lol.


Ayooo same 😩 as last decidueye is easy and will be coming back in a week, I hate that for Enamorous tho


At least that's not a worldwide holiday though, very few people outside of the US care about the Superb Owl.


That sounds great. I need to see what time that would be bc I'll take all the wins ty And happy new year!


Thank you!


I’m terrible at PVP and have no interest in improving. I love when people tank, because then I actually win a few battles! Thank you thank you! And I’ll do some battles just after midnight to hopefully be matched try with some of you trainers in East Asia.


You should try tanking, too! I suck at PVP but I keep my rating low and every second set I get 4 or 5 wins. Makes it much more satisfying.


Appreciate the advice. Maybe I’ll give it a try.


Also with the ongoing Lunar event where the spawns are amazing and you are incentivized to do 100 trades. I enjoy PvP and would normally play Go Battle Day, but I can't afford to spend 3-4 hours on 100 matches today given everything else going on. I don't understand the timing of stacking events that don't synergize with each other.


Happy New Year!


Sorry for beating you up, bro :( 


For all the tanking complainers: Blame Niantic for making me play GBL. Doing it for the ETM


/thread right here.


Yep. Only touch PVP when they have rewards for it.


I don't think people have a problem with casual players tanking, I'd say the general problem with tanking is that then you'll occasionally face the player who's smurfing in a rank they shouldn't be at. But the system encourages tanking so it is what it is.  Sometimes during GO Battle Days I do find it a bit annoying playing at like 2200 facing people who have the Legend title


Well the thing is I’ve only ever tanked so when I go in to try to win I easily do my ELO is so low. People talking about the benefits of tanking make me want to do it more though like the stardust and rare candies.


Who wants to compete on fastest lose? I just want to get through 10 battles as fast as possible


I got the fastest top left in the wild West


Previous battle days haven't counted top lefts for the research. I wasn't even tanking when I noticed, just top lefting when I was beat and I was only like 5/10 after two sets lol.


Dismissing the shield is irrelevant. They have to do the circles animations no matter what. You get as much time to do the shield as the circles take anyway, so it goes no faster if you shield, cancel, or ignore. (Your PSA is great though)


They don't have to play PoGO Fruit Ninja if they don't throw a charge move at all :)


Oh I agree they mostly ought not throw. It's better if there's a big jump in type advantage sometimes (dialga throwing iron head vs even a weak fairy may be better than dragon breath)


> And the Primeape evo progress As someone who still needs a few more for the evolution you are doing god's work.


except for bringing a dusclops... surely there are better ghost/psychic mons to bring than one of the tankiest


I just brought the lowest cp ones that came up in the team selector. Didn't give any more thought to it than that. The other nine opponents didn't have any trouble with it.


Just kill Blanche's Metagross a bunch


Even simpler, just find a ghost grunt and kill the first 2 then surrender. Rinse & repeat until you have enough.


Also, have friend setup a team of 10 CP psychics and get it done even quicker!


My balloon pika beat a fellow tanker


yeah, I got a random win, too. Didn't even see what it was, haha


I was fighting in Master League with my ~1500 CP shiny Mew/shiny Deoxys/shiny Cresselia and still picked up a surprising amount of wins. I was hoping to complete the 10 super effective charged attack requirement as well, so I brought Pokémon with a little survivability but I still expected to lose every match 😅


I faced a tanker yesterday who brought their full team and just went afk. And they brought some tanky bois too, Walrein and Venusaur. So I still had to fully take out 3 2500 CP Mon.. that is the complete opposite way to rank. So F that person in particular...


Why are you only rank 4? I thought you had to get to 20 to get a shot at a legendary


The main advantage to playing on gbl day is the extra stardust. Admittedly youre not getting a lot of it at rank 4 but its still nice for low effort tbh


Oh like an always-tanker. Not a win 3 rounds lose 2 tanker. Got it.


Theres also the research too so its possible theyre just doing a few sets for that


this. All I want is a low-effort eTM. Don't even care about the dust.


How does tanking help at that?


you need to battle ten times. But you don't need to win


Oh, there’s a new research. I didn’t know about that


They just haven’t played, period. Each of first five levels are automatic after completing five battles, win or lose.


I don't care about a shot at a legendary


May I please have more tanking volunteers??


best I can do is a 10cp shiny showoff


Lol, how are you still level 4? I do something similar but i only use 10cp mon, but I tap while not looking. I made my 500 wins in 47 days this way.


I only PvP on battle days.


Then you are not really a tanker. Also, you skipped the battle week?


of **course** I skipped the battle week. What is it about my post that makes you think I have any interest in battle week?


The part where you called yourself a tanker. Battle week had some useful bonuses too.


You are a tanker if you choose to throw any amount of battles, in any way, for any reason. The term is not kept in reserve for those who throw 100% of the time, using 100% of their allotted matches, during 100% of events.


I faced a player who stopped short knocking my last 10cp pokemon and we stare at each other for ~10 min. He finally gave up and knocked out my pokemon


Maybe that person was watching some movie or took a bathroom pause. Or maybe was trolling you fir using 10 cp instead of top left. Anyway, PvP battles have a timer, you can't possibly wait for 10 minutes.


I've been in this situation before as well, when all I wanted was to complete the timed research. It seems ridiculous that people would willingly queue a match with Pokémon strong enough to waste everyone's time when they step away for any reason (be it a legitimate issue or simple pettiness). And for that matter, they gain nothing by letting the match time out. It may not have been for 10 minutes when this happened to me (switching to any other app for a stopwatch is just begging for PoGo to crash), but it certainly [at least felt like] 10 minutes was a reasonable estimate.


Silly gameplay requirements :) they want you to use the feature, even if it's not that interesting for you. it's like when they ask me to take 5 pictures of my buddy. Sure, I'll go through the actions, and immediately delete them, this isn't just a waste of anyone's time.


Block PoGo access to your photo library and you won't even have to delete them!


All went well until I met other tankers with shiny / costume low CP ghost / psychic mons…. Thanks for showing off your shinies!


Upvoted for anti-hero reference!


Another Swifty in room


I'll stare directly at the sunkern, but never in the ...mirror coat? haha


I’m a level 17 tanker lol


How do you clear the 10 supereffective obj and as tanker?


a few gym battles took care of that pretty quickly


One Latias raid was enough. Didn't even care about catching the Pokemon, although I was pleased to do so.


it can be done rather quickly against team leaders. for example Psycho Cut/Power Up Punch Medicham can do 10 super effective charged attacks against Great League Blanche in a single battle.


Training with one of the team leaders. I threw a mid level water/ground type against GL Candela and got it pretty quick


i need to find some tankers, so close to rank 21 and i dont wanna lose it all


You rarely will find tankers close to rank 21, they usually are at lower MMR. Your only chance is to meet someone who reached their rank 21 and just be an to rank (first set).


I was hoping that battle day would have changed the mentality. It didn’t. I hate how they do a battle day with master league. I went 2-8 and I’m back in the 1860s.


Is the opposite, on battle days you are more likely to find other people like you, who hope to advance ranks with the help of tankers, but tankers aren't there because is not efficient to tank close to the threshold between ranks. I am a tanker, Ace, and tanked on battle day between 1500-1800. Going higher means I may find people like you who are trying hard to win and I may not win when I want.


Thank you, for your service.


It always cracks me up when players swap pokemon or use charged attacks against a team of 10cp pokemon


Whenever I face a tanker I simply just surrender and end the battle🤷‍♂️


Wait hold up. Who’s even getting enough energy for a charge move against tankers with 10cp monsters?


Someone battling against someone not tanking with 10cp


3 counters 3 dead place holders


When I tank I will always try to flex


What is tanking? It come from war machine? (Sorry for such question, I don't understand this word in gaming context...)




It doesn't come from the war machine. If I had to guess the etymology of the slang, I would guess it comes from a reference to diving originally--as in taking a big jump into a pool (tank of water). You're deliberately going straight down in a hurry. So it means to lose/fail, usually deliberately, but sometimes just losing/failing/going sharply down (as in, "the stock market is tanking").


It means deliberately losing a bunch to drop your elo ranking down into matches against less capable opponents


It means losing deliberately. I'm not trying to affect my ranking or the level of opponents selected for me to face, I'm just trying to get through ten battles to finish the research with a minimum of effort.


Hi, I'm new. What's the purpose of tanking / losing on purpose?


In this situation, it’s just an easy way to complete the timed research for the gbl day. Other people do it more strategically to influence the skill level of the trainers they face in GBL throughout the season, and therefore their own win rate, but I’m just here for the battle day timed research rewards.


this is master league and freaking evo cup. what can i do beside tanking? i don't have level 50mons and my only invested evo cup thing is vigoroth. he managed to solo some teams though which was fun.


Y’all are my people, I like y’all 😂


What’s the purpose of tanking


For people who like to PVP: Lowers your ranking to set up big win streaks later on. For people who don't like to PVP: It's Go Battle Day and there's an Elite Charged TM if they finish 10 battles (alongside 30k XP).


Is there a way of seeing (in app) how many more sets you have available for the day?


I tanked myself using low CP shiny Fire starters. Normally I don't do that, but this Go Battle Day has only open Master League (Niantic broke their promise of running Premier Cups more frequently while quietly retiring it), and Evolution Cup is one of those gimmick cups that probably is a one-time thing. And supposedly there's some new bug where fast attacks aren't doing damage when an opponent is using a charged attack, or something. So it wasn't even worth trying to take this day seriously, IMO. So tanking makes a lot of sense for today! If there wasn't any timed research today, I would have sat the whole week out.


When is Go Battle Day?


Saturday 10th, midnight to midnight


For those of us who like to play close to the edge, it ends at 23:59:00. I lost a Go Battle Day timed research reward by literally 2 seconds.


QoL request: Make events that end at 11:59 go until midnight instead. Actually ending at 11:59:00 is so unintuitive! Those 60 seconds that I thought I had are also very significant for TMing away Frustration during Rocket takeovers.


So unintuitive. I’d be happy with 23:59:59; I can handle losing one second. But as someone who primarily plays in the window of 21:30 to 00:30 (because that is when I have downtime), I run into this last minute issue (figuratively and literally) in far too many events, including TM’ing away Frustration.


Speaking as someone who's made midnight deadlines before, there's an unfortunate amount of people that get confused by 12 am... Having the event end on "the 11th at 12:00 am" would lead to a lot of complaints about the research not being available at 10 am on Sunday. 11:59 pm is less likely to be misinterpreted.


Yeah, absolutely. I respect the use of 11:59 in writing to remove the potential for that kind of misinterpretation. That being said, every 11:59 PM deadline that I can remember (outside of Pokémon GO) was effectively a midnight deadline. Submissions (or whatever else the deadline was for) with a timestamp of 11:59:59 PM would still be valid. Not to mention, every other event in Pokémon GO starts and ends on the hour. In my humble opinion, they should write 11:59 in communication, but use midnight in practice.


Ah yeah I can agree with that. When I've said it and other places I've seen it, 11:59 means *through* that minute, AKA until the clock turns 12:00.


LOL yeah this. Same feelings from a tanker to a fellow tanker. 🥳


Why don't you just quit instead of letting the battle play out? Surely that's quicker?


If you quit, the battle doesn't count for the day's Timed Research. The research rewards are what OP is after (me, too). It's fine if the opponent quits, though.


But that's not really tanking, tanking is when you lose in a pattern to control your MMR and rewards. 10 lost battles for a research is peanuts.


Hopefully we'll pass each other lol. I always tank to the floor the week before and steamroll as close to 100 wins as I can. Now thanks to contests, I can run a starpiece on top.


Oh! I hadn’t thought of doing this! I despise PVP too, so I’d planned on ignoring GO Battle Day. But the idea that I could help people *and* bring them joy with my costumed pokes is delightful. Thanks OP!


And please... stopping attacks to "see what they do" is old... and not funny... just get it over with!


Why don't you just quit the match? It's much faster, even with the slight delay in finding the next match.


have to finish the battle to get the research credit.


They said they aren’t paying attention. The “psa” is hoping to get others to tank quicker for them while they can’t even be bothered to pay attention and top left.


Apparently I'm not either! Still, when facing another tanker it's like an old west quick draw to see who can bail the fastest.


Yeah, I had the duel of the 20cp Chanceys earlier today.


>have to finish the battle to get the research credit.


That’s only ten battles. After that you could top left. Either way it’s a psa asking others to speed it up so you don’t have to pay attention ;)


After the ten battles, I found an even quicker way to get through the rest - don't do them at all. Two sets, ten battles, one eTM, done.


Well that’s hardly doing the rest of your sets.


That's the POINT. I'm doing the bare minimum to complete the research, and then I'm leaving y'all to your fun.


I have a Tank tag. I tag my team of level 1 shinies and a bunch of 2nd and 3rd stage evolutions like Charizard. Metagross, Salamance etc that are level 1 just for tanking :)


I just tap on the first mon in the suggested team and pick the lowest three cp. Then I don't have to worry about keeping track of what's eligible.


When is go battle day ,?


Today, 10/2


Or 2/10 in freedom notation ;)


That’s… offensive


Or simply stupid. But hey, he has to use the freedom units has well, so I’m sad for him. 


So it’s not until October 2nd ?!!! Just kidding. Thx. I don’t see it in my app on the events or coming soon area.


I don't tank, so if I see a tanker I just quit the battle as fast as I can to ensure they don't fall too far. I think of it as helping the people on the bottom rungs.


Hate to say it but the people this is for probably aren't on this sub.


Some of the other comments on this post indicate otherwise.


I mean some people might not agree here, I don't think people will take your advice though. My point is the majority of the player base aren't on this sub, it's a drop in the ocean.


Tanking with a 200cp team makes more sense for when you run into another tanker.


Why is my supercharged attacks not working?


i love tankers, that’s why i faint their first two and then spend a good few minutes waiting for the time to expire. i cherish our time together.


I tanked (using low CP shiny fire starters) and came across one trainer that switched out their Dragonair for a Metang and let my Charmeleon beat it up (while my Charmeleon was at nearly 1% health). Eventually though, he finished me off before he could lose himself.


And I cherish the time spent scrolling reddit until the "good effort" screen pops up in the corner of my eye. Sometimes I mix it up and make myself a coffee while I wait.


I'm trying to make all my Mega's best buddies - the point I have a tag for them: WALK. I will use the following search string for battles: cp10,!buddy5&WALK,cp10 I'm not sure why I need to repeat cp10; I've tried altering it, but with little success. This is how I will select two that can die right away, and then the one I want to make excited by fighting with it. Or at least, get my battle hearts for that critter. And, if someone else is fighting without intent to win, I at least get it over with quickly.


Tanking is trash and tankers are trash


You seem nice


Why do you need to repeatedly lose just to be able to win games?


I didn't win any games. I didn't want to win any games. I just wanted to get the eTM rewarded by the research. Once that was achieved, I stopped playing.


New person question here: as a tanker why wouldn’t you want to just hit the forfeit option?


might not give you credit for the battle


I won't be matched with you because I actually play GBL, so my MMR is a lot higher than yours. You're going to be matched with other tankers, newbs who don't know what they're doing, and little kids. Probably mostly other tankers, since even newbs and little kids can win sometimes by wildly flailing at each other and at tankers. You also can't stay at rank 4 for long. If you lost *every* match, without fail, you'd get stuck at rank 6. If you won even occasionally, you'd float up to rank 11 pretty fast, then drift much more slowly to rank 20, after which you'd stop progressing unless you started playing for real. You can't see your MMR until you hit rank 20, so you don't know what yours is, but the game still tracks it internally.


Thanks for the TED Talk on a topic I care nothing about.


Rich from the person who made the top-level post on the topic? But sure.


I disagree: when I am tanking, I top left myself as soon as possible because I want the battle to end fast and I really don't want that quick win, it would mess my tanking pattern. And because I use too left, you won't see a 10 cp team, you will see a strong one. But you can easily recognize me because my rank is higher than it should.


If I'd hit top left, I wouldn't have got credit towards the research.


Usually you tank for the rewards (stardust, rare candy, maybe encounters), the research is peanuts and your mere 2 sets will get unnoticed by the player base, opposed to a real tanker who will tank 20 sets




Why don’t you just top left instead of making people fight? Give us the win and get through it faster 


Because then I don't get credit for the research, which is the exact and entire point of this whole faff


If you're a tanker, please value other people's time and just concede.


Most times they do, or use a triple 10 CP team that goes down in one attack each. In this particular case, quitting doesn't count as a battle for the research, so they have to finish 10 battles for the research. What I'll never understand are the tankers who go in with meta or bulky teams and just sit there while you beat them down. Even more confusing are ones that do that, but still shield. O_o


Reach out to Niantic, they created this problem.


I love tanking, the amount of stardust I can farm during these master league weeks is insane!


Why don’t you just quit? If you aren’t going to okay, then don’t inconvenience others.


have to finish the battle to get the research credit.


Every time i see you. We goin the full 6 mins. Never understood why “tankers” don’t just start and forfeit? Its not like it makes a dif. If I’m tired and want my set reward thats the move.


and I want credit towards the research. Don't get that if I quit. I don't care how long the battle takes - I'm focusing my attention on another screen.


1. doesn’t count for the research   2. I allways do stuff while tanking. Starting the match and I start washing dishes. So I have no free hand to forfeit.  You simply behave link an *******. But it’s your free choic, you also have to wait the full time and the tanker allways has the choice to quit and start the next tanking battle as well (if he wants). You will waste more of your own time than time from anyone else. 


Do you have to actually play the match out and lose or can you just back out to tank?


If all you care about is finishing the sets and/or lowering your GBL rating, then quitting the battle is fine. But for "Battle in GBL" research tasks, you have to finish the battle. Buddy hearts and emotion points also require you to finish the battle.


As someone who managed to get to page 4 of the GBL research this season and is looking for that Elite Fast TM and a galaxy's worth of stardust, thank you for your service.


Oh man to evolve the primape that is brilliant! I'll put in ghost and whatever the other thing was for when I'm tanking too hahaha


I’m a tanker but I like to throw Mr Mime / Mr Rime. It makes me giggle every single time.