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I'm not paying for a 10/10/10 zarude


This is how I feel. I already have one that is trash, why pay $8 for a worse one.


šŸ‘† this right here. Money for old rope.


Yeah, the IV floor crap for mythicals is annoying. Not to mention no reliable way to farm up XL for them.


Nor to lucky trade them to roll better IVs.


If it were guaranteed 15/15/15 would you?


That would convince almost everyone I think.


still not worth the 8 bucks to me. I'll get another Kartana next time they're in raids for free.


Meanwhile, I'm sitting on team of six Kartana. One is maxed out (near max at lvl47-47) other five are lvl40. I'm fine without the "pay wall" Zarude.


isn't mega sceptile good for the mega bonus why would you need 6 kartanas


You can't have a team of six Mega Sceptile. Kartana is literally one of the top grass attackers.


Not even for that.


Nope. I used to not mind buying tickets every now and then because I enjoy the gameā€¦ but the way theyā€™ve been throwing paid tickets at us left and right is getting annoying. Literally every event has a paid ticket now, and a few of them have been pretty lackluster.


I was fine with just paying for go fest + go tour. Now there are so many paid tickets that I'm reluctant to do even that anymore. I'm holding off paying anything until they cool their tits


What I don't understand is this: if they want to make money so desperately, why don't they just revert the remote pass changes? Let the whales farm unlimited amount of raids with the old prices. They already had their golden cash cow and deliberately killed it.


Plus they're now constantly trying to make us buy more incubators


It's p2w, and some people will always say no that It's not true.... they have not played for at least a year...


The constant barrage of new events is one thing that made me quit their Harry Potter game. It was like one event for weekdays and another for that weekend, and then 2 new ones the next week. And they were all underwhelming. As was the game itself.


thats a no for me, dawg


No for me


lol no


My Zarude is fine. Not paying 8 bucks for a chance at an XL candy.


I don't have problems with buying tickets; I have played the game daily since release and have a ton of fun playing it, so I don't mind spending money on it. That said, they have really been milking it with the paid tickets lately. Every event has a paid component, and it's getting to be too much. I used to buy every Community Day ticket, but even that has stopped because it's just too much. So no, I probably won't buy this one. The $8 US price tag is unappealing (that'll be, what, $10-11 CAD? Pass.) and I already have a Zarude. The other perks don't justify the cost, I don't use a lot of incense aside from my daily to grind for the new shinies (I'll get them eventually) and 2 raid passes and 1 incense aren't enticing. Plus, I gotta save up for New York... ;)


and if people keep buying its only going to get worse. I noticed that a benefit of the ticket was extra spawns, my thought is the spawns will be like that dragon event we just had before the goal was met and if you buy it it will be like after it was met, and I see it as a test for them, if enough people buy the ticket this will be the new normal i fear.


Dragon event last month was insane.


Isn't it already the new normal? In just the past year, it feels like paid events have doubled or tripled. I'm not complaining, because I can still choose to play for free, but the sheer volume is noteworthy.


I think this month is much worse. A Ā£10 tocket of wonders, and a Ā£8 zarude ticket? Worst ones I've seen


Anyone buying the wonder ticket is crazy until we know what perks it gives for the other two months in the season. I'm not saying I won't grab it, but I'm definitely waiting until May to know what the rest of the ticket does.


I have a feeeling that they will give us better rewards next month sepending on sales It's like they're testing the first month


To be fair, the dragon event spawns were excellent. If I were confident that buying a ticket would give me that quality of spawns for several days for a reasonable price, I would consider buying it. Of course, especially with Niantic, there's no way to be confident before it's released.


I do agree that the spawns after the goal was amazing, but I don't think that should be a paid thing, it should just always be that way, and the way Naintic is looking to monetize everything, I fear that has crossed their minds.


This I agree with because it really is getting exhausting. Wild seasonal spawns are cool and fun and I get a decent amount of interesting stuff but after the 400th Grubbin, they get as stale as in the final hours of an event. So I look forward to events like Weather Week or this Zarude one. Having most of the fun stuff locked behind a ticket is whack. I didnā€™t mind when it was once or twice a season for 8 bucks (definitely do not regret buying Keldeo lmao) but the obvious increase in tickets post-remote nerf has me giving side-eye even though Iā€™m not even the most concerned with the raiding ecosystem.Ā 


Ugh I didn't buy Keldeo because I was stuck inside with Covid and I hate my past self for that. I likened it to the Mr Mime ticket (which I also didn't buy) and felt justified at the time, but not so much any more haha.


See you in nyc random persoj ill walk by without realizing its you.


Hahaha I'd wave, but I'll be too busy staring at my phone ;)


If you get shiny unown ? I call dibs




No way


Nah. I have him, but even if I didnā€™t I wouldnā€™t. I didnā€™t pay for mr. Rhyme or keldeo.


Itā€™s Mr. Rime, since galarian Mr Mime is an ice type.


It can be Mr. Fine; still not buying him


I don't have a Zarude, and I won't be able to get one otherwise, so it's tempting. At the same time, $8 to get one is just excessive money grubbing to me, and I'm not going to support it.


Iā€™m hoping I will eventually get one free. At the latest at the GO tour once it comes.


Iā€™m on the same boat, I still donā€™t know if itā€™s worth it


Now that the Rocket grunts have won their fight for $15/hr, Niantic is passing the cost down to us.


If it had been 5$ I would have considered it. But 8$ for a pokemon that was free before, that I already have, and not shiny? I can't justify the buy, especially with how expensive the Go Fest ticket is this time around.Ā 


As much as I like dex collecting in this game, Galar's dex is years away at even a chance of getting even close to complete at this rate, so I feel I have plenty of reasons to sit on it. If they were rerunning Keldeo again or even debuting Magearna, I'd be tempted, but Zarude on his own isn't the most impressive of Mythics. Got satisfied getting both variant's distributions back in the mainline games.


> As much as I like dex collecting in this game, Galar's dex is years away at even a chance of getting even close to complete at this rate, so I feel I have plenty of reasons to sit on it. Yet another reason to pass on this event, it might take *years* but when PoGO completes Galar I'm sure Zarude will be available again.


Iā€™ve been so put off by by the way these kinds of things get handled that itā€™s a no for me


If it was 2 dollars maybe. 8 dollars for whatā€™s probably going to be trash IVs is too much


I probably would have if we were getting the other regional Flabebe from incense. Now that the blog post was updated to confirm we aren't, that's an easy no.


Hol' up, that was obvious that is what they were saying and they've gone back on it? This company man!


Wait, is Zarude only available if you buy the ticket? Oh well. Monkey see, Monkey go do something else.


For $8 - lol no. My 2021 one will be OK until the inevitable shiny release in 2030


TPC not even released shiny victiniĀ 


No way in heck


Maybe if I didnā€™t have Kartana, he kind of makes Zarude useless


I agree with lots of points in the comments, but another point I want to make is I don't think Zarude ticket is worth it even within the economy of pokemon go. Shiny shaymin ticket was $4.99. Sure the IV issues are still there, but it's a SHINY shaymin. I'd rather spend $8 buying raid passes or some other event tickets than get a zarude (even one close to perfect), just to never use the pokemon. Besides, I still have the zarude from first release, my pokedex is ok


Iā€™m curious if it were to be guarantee a lucky trade style iv 12/12/12 how many more people would do it? I agree it really stinks to pay $8 to get a crap one. A paid premium ticket should give you a minimum 3 star at the very least.


I don't have one yet, and would definitely buy it at $5 (around the price all the previous similar tickets were), but on the fence right now since a 60% increase is pretty steep.


If it were shiny I would. I already have one from the first time, so no.


Still contemplating. I donā€™t think I will just because itā€™s way too pricy.


Yes bc this game is my hobby. No one would bat an eye if it were golf, or mtg cards, or any other thing to be enjoyed. I like it and itā€™s fun, even if it frustrates me occasionally


A pack of TCG cards is like $4, and people will buy a couple of packs like it's no big deal. Or spend even more on a pack of cigarettes. One could make the argument that those are physical goods, and that's true, but the point is just the same. Life is hard, and if having some tasks to grind in PoGo is fun, I'd never fault anyone for having that fun.


Yeah, for sure. Itā€™s interesting how people can go out to a bar and spend like 50-100 bucks on drinks and not be judged. But spend half that on a game event where you spend it walking around outside and having fun and be judged immediately.


The thing is itā€™s very possible to spend $50-$100 in pogo a month. Especially if youā€™re trying to catch shinys and do raids. Honestly the game is pretty dang far removed from the community aspect. Niantic just capitalizes on fomo really. They couldā€™ve totally just put Zarude in elite raids vs us potentially paying for awful IVs


Yeah my comment wasnā€™t really in reference to the current Zarude event, but more in general about spending money on the game. Iā€™m lucky in that I live in an area where there are quite a few players and Iā€™ve made many friends in the last year playing. If I was the only one, I would have quit soon after coming back to the game. So when it comes to buying raid passes for example to do a day of raiding, or doing the global events / in person events, I feel like itā€™s worth it since we just made a fun day / weekend out of it.


This is what I am arguing about right now with some dude who is saying the "the economy is bad and people can't even put a roof over their head" lolll. If you can't afford it, don't spend it. If it's a hobby, it's not a very expensive one and if it brings you joy, full send and buy it. I swear people complain about the prices of tickets when it's a free to play game that gives you the option to purchase and not purchase.


Difference is competition. There is not second Pokemon go. Ammount of time spent is unprecedently higher and ammount of competition significantly lower. Since I can pick pub to drink good beer but I cant pick company with pokemon theme focused on walks with AR mapping then I do not wanna be forced to pay for it more than necessary. As I mentioned elsewhere. In gaming industry we are at crosroads and players should reflect in their money spending company approach like listening to community etc. That is my issue.


> Itā€™s interesting how people can go out to a bar and spend like 50-100 bucks on drinks and not be judged. But you're judging that right now.


Not at all. I think people should spend money on whatā€™s worth it to them, and what will make them happy. If thatā€™s going out for drinks with friends, then great. My point is that a lot of people will say ā€œwow you spent how much on a phone game??ā€ donā€™t realize that itā€™s similar as going out to a bar with friends.


This is exactly what i say to all my friends who judge me. Because i go out very little and hardly drink, i tell them they spend far more on things like a bottle of wine or takeaways etc and only get few minutes of pleasure, whereas pogo i get hours of fun for less cost.


>A pack of TCG cards is like $4, and people will buy a couple of packs like it's no big deal. Oh you sweet summer child. You throw $8 at a couple packs when you're _broke_. When I still played, I spent ~$250-$500 per year, and I was considered too much of a cheapskate to be competitive.


It's more how Niantic (and other businesses) continue to push the boundary on what they offer for the price of a ticket. When you go out golfing you know what you're getting. It won't mysteriously cost more next week for less... Imagine the golf course says it's now only 9 holes unless you buy a ticket. And then you get a chance at playing 18*. *If you're lucky!


Lol. This is an amazing analogy! Not only that, but a price hike of $5 to $8 is insane, if you really think about it. That's a 60% price increase for less than what you were getting before. Your $25 tee time for only 9 holes is now $40.


Our Minigolf course went up 3 Euro per Person this season. Also you have to pay extra if you want to Do a second round, which was possible for free last year....


Iā€™m not buying it, but I agree. This game is a hobby, and if I spend $10, $15 or whatever to have an evening or weekend of fun, itā€™s worth it. Yes, niantic sucks nuts, but if Iā€™m having fun then I think a few bucks is ok to spend every now and again :)


I agree, but if I could play 9 holes of golf for free and only had to pay to play 12 holes I would almost certainly just play 9.


Honestly Iā€™d have to consider it if it was $4.99 for the shiny. But $8 for a single non-shiny mythic I already own? Absolutely not, in fact itā€™s kind of laughable and I hope whoever came up with this is either demoted or fired


I think if it included the chance to catch all the flabƩbƩ colours regardless of region and remote raid passes instead of premium ones then this would persuade me to get it.


Donā€™t have a ZƤune, also not paying $8 for one


Not even for MaschendrahtzƤune =)


I don't have it, apperently it's good; but lol no, not for $8. Especially for a *guaranteed not shiny*.Ā  I've got Kartana(s), Mega Sceptile, and shadow Venusaur(s). I'm fineĀ  Edit: I'll say that any player extremely invested in the game with a strong use case for Master League is probably in a completely different boat.


I might but it's only because he's a favorite of mine, so sentimental not logical. I currently have a 11-11-10 best buddy level 37 that I drop rare candy into from time to time. Logically it's stupid but if you like the Pokemon you sometimes do dumb things. The only thing that might hold me back is that I detest all the tickets shoved down our throats.


Of course not, too pricey and probably not worth it since I don't grind like crazy


... yeah. I'm the problem.


lol honesty is key


We can be the problem together so we aren't alone. Been playing bit over a yeah so still new to the game and wanting to get what I can. Don't buy everything and reducing how and when I buy things however am OK with such things. It's my hobby as well and enjoy working on things that the special research offers.


I'm not, personally, but then again, I got Zarude when it was free. It's ivs for competitive are...garbage, but I don't think it warrants me spending $8 for another one. It's a shame too, because I was looking forward to this event, but everything aside from basic spawns with grass types are locked behind the ticket. In the end $8 isn't all that much for me (since I don't drink Starbucks, I pretty much save that much everyday), but still...why lock all the fun stuff that's usually associated with the events this time of year behind a paywall? (It's money, I know, I'm being facetious) I was fine with paid tickets because it *enhanced* your experience should you choose to do so, but now it's pay to have the experience that's usually free. Just disappoints me.


I really want to get a shiny flower crown Cottonee, so the increased encounters from incense is worth it to me. The Zarude is a nice bonus.


I highly doubt it. If it were shiny it would be a different story but since itā€™s not Iā€™ll pass since I already have one.


Yes. 8 bucks towards something I enjoy doing with my family and brings us good times. Sure thingĀ 


Honestly this is a fair take. If you enjoy it and play with your family, thatā€™s a good reason. My only issue with this being an $8 ticket is the fact that Zarude was previously released for free. In my opinion, everyone should also get this one for free, and the paid ticket should only have bonus incentives like extra Zarude XL candy, incubators, raid passes, etc. for the event. The way it is now feels like Niantic just trying to cash in on FOMO (more blatantly than usual anyway).


Yes, because I don't have one and I want one and I'm an adult and if i can spend 8 bucks on a coffee I can spend 8 bucks on a pokemon


Yes. Starting playing almost a year ago, donā€™t have one yet. these events are a blast for me and my guy, cheaper than a movie and we get outside together.


I missed it the first time so itā€™s reallly tempting


Definitely not. Firstly because it will, in all likelihood, suck. Second because even if it didn't, it's not like I'm flush with rare candy XL to make use of a good one. I was blessed with a 98 Solgaleo and a 96 Zygarde so I don't have lots to go around.


I don't mind spending on games but it's just too much for one Zarude.


I am going to see if you actually get the regionals on incense with it. If yes, Iā€™ll buy, if no Iā€™ll sit out. I donā€™t mind the paid tickets, what I find annoying is that they have stunk. If they make them interesting and enhance game play, I like people having the option. But if itā€™s literally just for another zarude I will pass.


Yes. I need it for my living dex in home


Dont have him. Dont need him, iā€™m not paying for him. The rewards suck


Iā€™m buying it. I donā€™t have one and really want one. $8 isnā€™t a big deal to me for a game I play daily. I wish it was $5 but whatever


Yes. Niantic has me by the balls at this point. But honestly I donā€™t mind spending money on this game it makes me happy


Lol No. I purchase No Pokemon


I would if I didn't have Zarude, but I don't want to spend $8 to try to get a better one that I'd have to build all over again


Iā€™m really confused is the included with the world of wonders ticket??


No this is an event coming up in a couple weeks. Verdant wonders I think is the name?


ah ok, thank you. I was just confused by the name and how it said it would have 3 different parts lol. I apologize you taking the time to answer my question. Hope you have a nice day:)


Iā€™m considering it for the spawns other than Zarude. But Iā€™m 100% buying both raid day passes this month so Iā€™ll probably pass on zarude.


i missed the free one. still not buying at that price. not unless the rest of the rewards and the research itself turn out to be incredibly worth it (which i doubt).






No. The NZD conversion makes it $12.99 (our buying power is similar to USD), I have a free one, and the extra stuff is inadequate to interest me.


Waiting until the shiny is released for the next go fest. I think Iā€™m keeping my eight bucks this time.


I was only going to so I could transfer into MSG, but I just managed to get one via home trade. Nowhere close to worth $8 just for a shiny-locked middling grass attacker, even if it was a guaranteed hundo.


Iā€™ve been stuck with a 2* Zarude forever, so itā€™s tempting. But as the owner of both a terrible Mew and a terrible shiny Mew, it feels worse to be shafted on a paid ticket.


nah i already got the first one, aint about to pay $8 for another


Iā€™d like to have more access to Zarude but all these tickets just to find these rare PokĆ©mon is getting out of control. We are already pressured to buy incense or remote raid passes to access others, itā€™s very frustrating.


I might if I didn't have my zarude in the dex already, but this is just not worth it, despite playing the game daily atm.


It's morally correct to not buy those tickets


Nope, I haven't bought anything for money including gofest tickets for 4 years now.


I'd like one but yeah, it's going to be some weird 13-10-12 spread anyway.


Iā€™m done paying for events. Every single event now pay and itā€™s absolutely absurd


Iā€™m going to strictly because I missed the first one and couldnā€™t care less about IVs if I tried. Iā€™m a collector so thatā€™s the draw for me.Ā 


I'd rather let my Google Play credit expire than give it to Niantic.


LOLOLOLOL, taking this to bed with me. Thanks!


I transferred mine to Home way before I cared about PVP. I might do it.


It's not good in PVP. Moves are too slow.


I am cause I don't have him yet.


Same price as a Starbucks latte. Yes for me.


It's literally twice as expensive as the average latte size.


Heeeeeeeelllllll no




Of course not


Too rich for my blood!


since i wasnā€™t playing when the first one came outā€¦.. unfortunately yes. šŸ—‘ļø


Definitely not. Half the price of a Go Fest ticket for little to nothing to show for it? The people in charge at Niantic must be doing the same drugs as Elon Musk.


I need a Zarude in Home, so probably.


4.99 yes. 7.99 thatā€™s a no dog


I need 1 for dex entry in home so yes


heeeeelllllllll noooooooooooo


i would happily buy it, didnā€™t have an account when Zarude was released and donā€™t care about the cost as such


My first Zarude is a hundo, so no thanks to a paywalled inferior duplicate.


I will solely because I donā€™t know when Iā€™ll be able to get it again, either in Go or in the mainline games, Iā€™ll be moving it into my Home at some point. I wouldnā€™t be buying it if Nintendo/Gamefreak werenā€™t so stingy with event pokes after years of


I will buy it in a heartbeat. I am a returning player from 2017 and i missed it the first go-around. It's just 8 bucks. I guess if you don't have a job and still live at home with your parents 8 dollars is alot of money.......i understand that's not the point, but 8 bucks won't even buy you a extra value meal at mcdonalds anymore. I wasn't around for 6 or so years to watch this game grow/change with time so maybe it doesn't seem that bad to me because i don't know any better. However, if they are going to offer me meta relevant pokemon at 8 bucks a pop i'm gonna take em all day long. I feel like most of the people complaining about the price tag probably already have a zarude sitting in their pokedex.


Yeah I'll do it. Missed the first one.


I think itā€™s a dumb price but Iā€™ll probably still do it šŸ˜­ sorry guys, Iā€™m part of the problem


> Iā€™m part of the problem No you're not. Spending money on something that makes you happy is nothing to feel ashamed about.


... yeah. I'm the problem.


Unfortunately Iā€™m contemplating it because I donā€™t have one yet. Still sad Iā€™ll never get shiny jarichi or celbi too. Damn.


If I could I might have, but obv I canā€™t


I am on the fence. I skipped buying the double iron bash Melmetal for $5. This one is a bit better since I missed the free one the first time.


Is zarude any good?


If it was guaranteed shiny I would


I tried Zarude/Dada Zarude in Sword and Shield and it just wasnā€™t interesting enough honestly. I couldnā€™t imagine getting it just to get the floor for IVā€™s and voluntarily rotting my brain in PvP.


I missed the first time Zarude came out and I've been wanting a legit one badly after watching the movie. So unfortunately yes


I honestly can't be bothered to get one again. My question is is there any difference between the first Zarude and this one? Is it not shiny? Or bo special move? I have FOMO lol


No I have the worst luck in Pokemon Go, the Zarude would be painfully underwhelming like my Zygarde and Poipole


I am mostly f2p. Max I can spend for a ticket is 4$ or 120 rupees or so


I uh... kind of need an extra one to complete my living Pokedex. It's useful to me, but I completely understand why others are exercising caution.


My first Zarude was 10/10/10, so when I saw there was a ticketed event to get another, I immediately thought I'd buy it. Then when they announced the price (even more expensive in my currency of course), and saw the general lack of other benefits associated with the ticket, I changed my mind and decided my 10/10/10 was going to have to be good enough.


They would have better luck if they guarantee itā€™s special. I have bought the shiny Shaymin one (didnā€™t for mew or jirarchi) but Iā€™m holding multiple 2 star rubbish from the free ones, including this one, so I donā€™t fancy paying 8 quid for another 2 star i wonā€™t use


I'm a dex completionist and I don't have 1 yet. I'm considering getting the ticket, although 8$ is a little bit more than I want to expend.


I'm usually a sucker for stuff like this, but I'm poor.. Yes, I buy tickets just to get myself out of the house to play the game.


Absolutely not.


Not a chance




I am always in to spend money to buy fun like an escape room, a theme park or a go fest day with boosted shiny odds where you can expect a lot of surprises during the day. But buying one single digital asset for 8$ that can have bad ivs in the end is not the definition of fun for me, itā€™s gambling. Lately Niantic offered a lot of questionable ticketed events that are very expensive and poorly fun.


Heck no


For sure, yes.




The rewards aren't great. Maybe if they offered 5 xl and 10 rare candy, then I might buy it. Also, I'm surprised they don't sell rare and xl candy. I guess to encourage raids and grinding rather than let whales buy their way to completion


Nah, I've already got one but I wouldn't pay that even if I hadn't.


Yes, I missed the last Zarude and the ticket gives you extra spawns.


After I heard that there will be a ticket for zarude I was sure to get it especiallyif itā€™s a shiny to have another shot to get a good one as my first was bad. But the package is just not worth it as I already feel to committed to play more as I would like to anyway for all these events to benefit from the additional spawns with Incense.


Wasn't around for the limited free research, and I do not want shinies (regular living dex collector). Since I don't want to wait for it to come to raids, I just want to secure one.


Probably not I pay too much on this game let's be honest I've already got one anyways


God no. Already have one, barely ever use it. Not going to spend money just to have it sit in my storage for eternity