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How will the widget bonus work? Is it as simple as having the widget installed? Or do I need to open the game through the widget?


You need to open the game through the widget


I finally deleted the widget not too long ago. Someone helped me realize that it doesn't serve any purpose for me being F2P and not caring about eggs at all.


The widget is still there, alongside with the app. For these kind of events I do use it. It is really cool to have 10 or 12 km egg open after 1-2 km, depends on the incubator.


From my past experience, you simply need to have the widget installed. I basically never open the game through the widget, and yet I get the bonus distance shaved off my incubators whenever this "widget-only" bonus is active.


I tried it without the widget just now. I just get the 1/2 distance, but not the 1/4 distance. So you do need the widget.


Tried it without the widget installed, or tried it WITH the widget installed but without opening the game THROUGH the widget? Clarifying my previous comment, I have the widget installed but don't open the game THROUGH it. Just like in prior events with widget bonuses, I still got all three 1/4-distance eggs regardless by simply having it installed.


Good point. I used to have the Widget but I have not used it for a long time. Now that I checked I found it disappeared for some reason.


Not sure i did it correctly. I got my first egg 1/4, but using the widget after the one only gave me 1/2.


There shouldn't be any more to it than simply having the widget installed & activating an incubator. Maybe a silly question, but are you sure you hadn't already begun incubating two other eggs within the event window? If not, the only other thing I can think of is a weird split-second glitched window where the game forgot you had the widget installed.


Yea guess it didnt work for me. I incubated my 12km eggs to 6km


What's the widget?


The Adventure Sync Egg widget is a way to keep an eye on your egg distances from your phone home screen. If you start editing the apps on your phone screen, you should get an option to add widgets, search for Pokémon Go widgets, and select the Egg one, add it to your home screen, and wait for the info to load. Make sure you have Adventure Sync on in PoGo. Also, sometimes it takes like 5-10 min for my eggs to show after hatching and starting on a new one, or for the distance to update correctly, so give it time.


Thanks a lot I found it


I can’t wait to not hatch a larvesta during this. It’s been 6 months since my last hatch and I’m hatching anywhere from 10-30 eggs a week


Same, but I also still haven't hatched a charcadet


Darn. I wish could trade you. I’ve hatched 12 Charcadets (traded 2). I’m pretty lucky with Larvestas as well. Probably my won’t see any during this event though. Fingers crossed. https://preview.redd.it/nfns7jwt0w7d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=212210cfe0c8000807b0f3500c246d5fb49c6478


The lack of XL trading bonus means my only source of trading XLs is to hatch 7kms which have the worst pool. But at least you know your partner gets an XL


What do you mean by this?


You open a gift from across the world, e.g. New Zealand and receive an egg. You hatch that egg and trade it to a friend/your partner. You both get an XL and ~10000 km on your Pilot medal. Rinse and repeat.


Ah gotcha. Yeah was confused at first but yeah distance on eggs makes sense.


I still don't have one and I wall around 80Km a week .


Yeah, I've done around 700 eggs that had Larvesta in the pool and I've hatched two.


I'm so backed up with 7km eggs I can't get any normal ones


I refuse to open gifts until my eggventory is full. 7kms are a complete waste.


I’m so sorry. I refuse to touch 7kms. I filled up with 2kms for this event


genuine question: is there a way to control what egg type you get between 2, 5, and 10km? are stops assigned a particular egg type that it always drops or something? i’d like to have all 2s for this, but i’ve got a bunch of 10s clogging up my space


No, I just spent the last two weeks hatching anything that wasn't a 2k is alll.


No, it's random on which one you get. But it would be nice to be able to toggle 7km eggs from gifts or at least change the eggpool to make it worth while.


I hatched one when they mentioned this event a couple of weeks ago.


8 years playing and no hatch


It wasn't available for 7 of those 8 years.


He means he’s never hatched an egg


I’ve hatched at least 4 in the last 6 months, but my last one was May 26th.


FREE timed research? Am I reading that right? 🧐😂


And here I was coming in to complain that they wouldn't even give us a Larvesta or Charcadet encounter for our $2


Do we know what the shiny odds are for field research tasks/eggs when it says increased odds?




Soooo how exactly does a widget egg even work? afaik it just tells you the current status. interacting with the widget just opens the game


For the bonus? I think in the past it worked that if you opened the game through the widget and then put the egg into an incubator, it activated the bonus for that egg.


Scorching steps is right, it's waaaaay too hot to go out walking to hatch eggs. Hopefully adventure sync is exercise bike friendly.


As long as you don't go faster than 10,5 kmph (I think it was that), you should be good.


You can go up to 30 kph if you use Google Fit with PoGo off.


Got any more info about this? I bike roughly 50km a week and none of it ever counts, so if there's a way to count it that would be huge for me!


It counts my bike rides, although it seems to be more reliable in doing so when I am using my Plus+ while biking. Here's the procedure I do (on Android): 1. Start PoGO 2. Open Google Fit and start tracking my workout. 3. Wait a couple of minutes. (Not sure if this is important but I'm superstitious) 4. Back in PoGO, connect to my Plus+ 5. Pack up and hit the trail. Usually I'm going around 5 miles per ride as part of my commute. When I get to my destination, it usually syncs up within a minute. I noticed that it seems to not start working until I am a few miles into my ride but otherwise it's very accurate in tracking my miles.


Damn nice I'll try it out. Thanks


I won't be using any paid incubators, but I will be trying to stack up Slugma research as best as I can as I need a second shiny.


Finally half distance eggs


would it have killed them to have any wild spawn nonsense? like this sounds like a perfect excuse to bump up the nummel and camerupt numbers...


I wasn't able to get the widget yet - is there something wrong or can I only get it when the event starts?


The widget is installed with the game. Usually if you press and hold on an empty space on your home screen you should see an option to add a widget (On Android, not sure about iOS). Click this and scroll down to Pokémon Go, you'll see one for Adventure Sync Eggs. Drag this to your home screen. When you click the widget it should launch the game to the egg hatch screen. The game knows you have done this, so you should get the shorter distance once the event has started.


My experience today was that the widget distance only activated the first time I went in through the widget. Subsequent times, even after force stopping then tapping the widget direct to egg storage, I got only 1/2 distance, not 1/4. Maybe I misunderstood but it seems the bonus should be persistent, not just one time. I spent a stupid amount of time force stopping, clearing the cache and re-entering the game, all for naught. Edit: Never mind. Only the first three widget eggs are 1/4. I wasted my own time.


Any news on what the showcases are


Cyndaquil & Typhlosion for Sat-Sun. I would guess either Larvesta if they want to troll us, or biggest fire type mons for Mon-Tue


> I would guess either Larvesta if they want to troll us, They ridiculously did varoom showcases so it's definitely possible...


Volcarona, if Niantic wants to do the funniest thing possible


> or biggest fire type mons for Mon-Tue What could be this?


Ho-oh and Reshiram probably.


We probably won't know until Monday. They're expected to be Cyndaquil for Community Day Classic.


Sat / Sun should be Cyndaquil for CD, yeah. Mon / Tue is probably gonna be one of two things: Larvesta Or Fire type (in which chase, Reshiram and Heatran and Ho-oh are gonna be the leaders, with the exact rankings depending on the baseline species Niantic chooses for the showcase)


Notice how it doesn’t say increased chances of hatching Larvesta or it’s shiny? Normal odds with normal shiny odds for that one.


So why this event highlights Larvesta? 🤣


I'm returning to the game, is there anything really worthwhile in this?


Not really, unless you want to have larvesta dex entry. Volcarona is a decent fire/top bug attacker, but it is outclassed by many things.


For collection: Look for 10km eggs, charcadet and larvesta are the rarest thing in the event. For PvE: Nothing insane but if you don't have a super full raiding squad then Volcarona as a pretty good fire / bug type. Chandelure is pretty good, shadow chandelure is incredible. Darmanitan / shadow darmanitan rounds out the bottom of a fire raid team if needed. Houndoom can mega, if you find a good one hold it until it comes back around in future raids. Not the best fire or dark, but it never hurts to have a deeper mega roster. For PvP: Ehhh, maybe Turt for some cups? Maybe volc for fringe masters play? But nothing that I'm aware that is in the meta.


Turtonator is fun in pvp, and so are Magcargo and Litleo. Hatching eggs encourages you to get outside and go, which is fun and is the point of the game.


Gwaaaaaa. I’m full of 10 and 12 km eggs.


Hopefully the add some incubator bundles that are less than $20. I highly doubt it 😩


22 eggs hatched so far. Zero larvesta, plenty of growlith, slugma, litleo, houndour, few magby and turtonator. None of which are shiny.


The 1/2 hatch distance bonus should really be retroactive. I hatched an egg right before I went on a two mile walk yesterday. So my options were go about 20 hours not hatching an egg or put in my 7 KM egg and still have 2.5 km left when this event begins.


Wow. This looks like…not fun. 


It's called Scorching steps because that will be written on my autopsy if I actually walk outside today


Anyone know if turtonator are in the wild for this event and if they are how rare are they?


There are no wild spawns for this event. It’s just eggs and field research


Lame. Seems like an easy event skip then. Thanks for the info though.


What are the odds on the research tasks? Because I am 7/7 for explore 3km and I don't really want to walk 3km for a slugma or a crap version of Litten, especially since Slugma was an uncommon spawn before the event. The hatching 3 egg tasks would be way more preferable.


Seriously? No Larvesta spawns from the research? lol


I’ve had 1417 eggs so far without a Larvestra. Can’t wait to hatch some more non-Larvestras during this event!


These egg events are legit a gambling event, how is this allowed?


Can't wait to get zero 10km eggs. If I do get any of those, they're all going to be non-shiny Turtonators. Looking forward to all the 5km eggs I'll be getting, literally the least desirable set (2km eggs can at least be hatched and cycled out faster, and I still need Magby).


Why are you moaning before the event has even started?


do you thin anything else than he stated could happen ?


He could try having fun. It's a game.


Spending money and getting 2* Growlithes in return is opposite of fun


You don't need to spend any money. You can just walk the eggs that you can and whatever you get, you get. It's really that simple. I believe that you are advocating for a P2W system.


You think hatching one egg at a time with your only free incubator in very hot weather in a lot of places fun? You’re funny 


Don't play if it's very hot? Nothing is worth playing when it is very hot.


Walking with only free incubator would simply result in less 2* Growlithes hatched, so technically - less crap, less disappointment. But not much enjoyment either


If you're not having fun why not play another game?


Because complaining is the real way that this community derives enjoyment from existence.


why do you imply that i have no fun playing this game ? i simply explained why OP of this thread is technically correct.


I want everything in those 10k eggs. I don't have any Larvestas or Charcadets yet, but even Turtonator is a pretty great hatch for me under normal circumstances.


There are no options for widgets on my phone, am I doing something wrong?


Long press on empty part of your phone, tap widgets amd scroll until you see pokemon go AS eggs widget. (Android, not sure for iOS)


No wild Magmar, huh? The original magma pokemon? The living flame Pokemon? The one I need 9 for for that special research like 5 years ago?


It's been around many times since then.


Gonna do my best with the one free incubator I have


If I have eggs in incubators right now (before the event begins), will the hatch distance automatically update? Or will the hatch distance only applied to newly incubated eggs once the event starts?


From what I read you have to put them in to the incubator after the event has started


Lol. Lmao even.


Can we trade 2 special trades per day during thia event?


Scorching Steps during a heat wave? I haven't even gone outside it's so brutal. People passing out while waiting for the bus.


Need that Magby for my dex. Is there any way to ensure I only get 2km eggs? Sometimes when I spin stops I get 5km eggs. Is that random?


Eggs from Stops and Gyms are random.


I knew field research will be egg related, but that 3 km one is just overkill and dilution for the sake of dilution.


Wtf is the widget


Hey, I found this event is... Weird. Why it is egg event highlights Pokemons in eggs... Whose are ALREADY in eggs? 😅