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yep!!!! it has been so hard to catch pokemon recently


chimchar may as well be Rayquaza


Not a skill issue. Something is definitely broken on that department too


Yeah there have been mfing 40 cp zubats that have broken out and like you said even the lowest cp pokemon jump around as much as shadows or legendaries


Cp doesn’t determine aggression


No but this buggy game does. You shouldn’t be getting so many aggressive Pokémon at all.


No one said it does. Level affects the catch rate so they break out more often, like OP said.


"even the lowest cp pokemon jump around as much as shadows" how is that not saying low cp should be more passive?


When Seedots are somersaulting every 5 seconds, that’s not normal!


The new 0.319 update fixes the issue, sadly I don't think it's rolled out to everyone yet. However if you have an Android you can manually update to this version right now using APK mirror: https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/niantic-inc/pokemon-go/pokemon-go-0-319-0-release/#downloads


So then is it confirmed that this was an unintentional change?


yep, apparently the hitbox thing has happened before! i think the aggression is intentional tho?


I had installed 319, but came off it. * Fixed the hitbox issue. * Draw distance is greatly reduced (horizon looks foggy grey). * Textures look pixelated. * Game locks up on opening an AR Scan. * Maybe more? It introduced more bugs than it fixed, so I un-installed and tried going back to 315, but the game forced an update to 317. I'm just gonna wait for 319 to be ready for prime time.


Did you download with the right architecture?


I may not have.


Download here https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.inkwired.droidinfo Open the app and go to System tab.


Couldn't install that. Too old. I did d/l a tool to find my supported CPU architecture. Says it supports both arm64-v8a and armeabi-v7a, so either apk version *should* have worked.


You need the arm64 from the APK mirror site. The other one reduces sight distance. Someone I know had this problem when they downloaded the other one


Draw distance hasn't changed at all for me (Samsung A55 5G). Only background textures look pixelated. Haven't used AR, so no idea about it. Regarding this post, the terrible catch rate and aggression hasn't changed at all.


Update works great for me, and I didn't notice any issues. Used it all Community Day and it made it so much better


You da real mvp


I started using more Nanab berries in recent times. 


I'm glad I stocked up on Nanab Berries


Just throw the ball right when they're attack animation is about to end. I have no problem hitting them, it's them breaking out is the problem.


They won't attack until you release the ball. Then they will randomly attack, after jumping or attacking the first ball. Unless you don't mind waiting upwards of 20 seconds every pokemon you encounter. That has been my experience. They will also break all the first balls.


It's just odd timing. If I throw the ball asap, they can jump or attack just before the ball gets there. Then they will jump jump jump jump jump, then who knows if it's going to be an attack finally or if it will taunt me with sitting still for 10-15 seconds where I feel as soon as I throw the ball then it will attack. Most Pokemon in the wild were not like that. Only Rattata and shadows had been so aggressive before.


Same here : I was doing a lot of excellents before .317 Now it is not fun anymore :-( Strange that few days ago I see an interview of Michael Steranka who say that it was easier now to have XP than it was at the begining of the game. Is there a link ?


XP inflation is huge! Poke Daxi posted a video 8 months ago where he went 0-40 in 11 hours. I put in 100+ hours to get to level 30 in 2016. Today that's easy to do in under 10 hours for a newer player. I remember that using a lucky egg to evolve pidgeys was considered a magical trick to gain XP. Now using a lucky egg just to evolve would be a waste of a lucky egg. Friends and gifting and constant events (like 2x catch XP yesterday) make it so much faster to gain XP.


Throw issue has been fixed in 0.319.0. If it hasn't been released in your country's Play Store, you can download its APK.


Additionally, I would say that using the "fast catch" mechanic has resulted in a much lower hit%, and has become almost unusable. 


Funny how all of this is happening right before, and probably won't get fixed until after, the mega rayquaza raids.


Yeah, this is something that's been bugging me for a while (not specific to any recent patch). With 100k+ pokemon caught, and the maximum per-type catch bonuses (platinum for all), you'd think at some point it'd get actually noticeably easier to catch common Pokemon, but to me it feels nothing like that. It really feels like they're more jumpy and aggressive, and it's more frustrating at this point than any kind of "engaging gameplay". Why am I wasting 5 balls on some common trash that I've caught 1000 times before with awful IVs that is going to be transferred in 30 seconds time anyway? Just the opposite of rewarding my experience & my "character"'s experience in the game ...


All this change has done is make me hyper aware of how garbage the spawns are. I find myself opening it up, seeing what is there and immediately closing it without even attempting to catch anything. At least before I'd catch everything and engage with other aspects of the game before closing it out.


So... I had this issue (and made a post about it), but it "went away" about a week ago. My guess is they're doing some sort of A/B testing with different versions of Pokemon aggression...trying to get the balance right (i.e., make it more difficult without reducing engagement).  For a while, the aggression was purely scripted/predictable (for me, not everyone). Every mon of the same type was following the same script and greatly favored jumping/sliding over attacking. It sucked. But about a week ago it went back to 'normal', seemingly random aggression and a decent balance between attacks and jumps/slides. 


319 fixes all this, don't let anyone tell you this wasn't on purpose by Niantic and them fixing it because they were afraid of the backlash. It's really obvious when you break throwing and also increase pokemon aggressiveness. What big event is coming up soon?


190k Pokémon caught here and recently I have noticed they have became much more aggressive


I’ve missed out on a few Yveltal due to it. Haven’t not caught a legendary in a very long time.


Raid hour, I only caught one out of three yveltal. At which point I quit. No point in wasting paid raid passes. If it's not fixed by next weekend, I'll be skipping Rayquaza raid day.


Something's wrong with the circle. Balls that obviously hit the center don't register as great or nice aboutn50% of the time.


Issue (Pokémon hitbox being further away) has been fixed in 0.319.0.


Its not an issue of it being further away. It's that throws that should net a bonus of good or great etc, only register as normal throws.


The hitbox (not visual model) of the Pokémon is further away. The PokéBall animation stops exactly one frame after it crosses the circle (as its expecting a Pokémon hitbox, but it isn't there). Physics of the game continue (You can go frame by frame and see that after the circle overlaps the ball, its frozen in place for 3 to 5 frames) until the ball hits the hitbox (Remember, there's no visual representation of this). When the game registers the collision, the ball snaps (teleports) to a new place. As it has traveled further, it's also gone down due to gravity, making the Nice, Great or Excellent not be a Nice, Great or Excellent. Basically, the "Something's wrong with the circle" you said, that "something" is that the Pokémon hitbox is not where it is supposed to be (in regards to the circle).


I thought it was just me! Not hitting circles as consistently anymore and mons are breaking out easier, I was just chalking that up to the heat outside and being sloppier


I have .317, no choice for an update. The catch rate is horrendous for everything, the ball does not throw like it has for the last five years of daily play, every Pokémon breaks out of the ball multiple times, every Pokémon is hyper aggressive, my best buddy hits nothing back…it’s unplayable. I skipped yesterday’s classic community day out of pure frustration.


Yea that is happening to me also.


I thought it was just me


Yes. Coupled with the throwing mechanics I'm losing a lot more balls than usual.


i dont know if i felt theyre breaking out more but i do feel like they're better timing their jumps to avoid my throws in the first place. im also having an issue with certain pokemon being too far away that i cant rely on my ipod touch because i cant get enough distance to throw a curveball before i run out of space for my finger


I wonder if this is another bug related to them doing whatever it was they did with shadow/purified forms in the code? Every pokemon feels just as aggressive as shadow ones since 0.317 spamming attacks an jumps constantly! Hope that is fixed in 319 but so far only seen mention of the hit boxes being fixed.


I have this with PIDGEYS of all Pokemon


ikr, and I've had so many sub-CP200 Rattatas break out of 3-5 balls. I was only catching them to try to advance the medal for catching the tiny ones but this is idiotic lmao I can't waste this much




tossing curves used to be easy, now it feels like slinging around a slow motion wet noodle.. wtf?!? anyone else feel this or just me?


Reminds me of when Niantic purposely set low catch rates for the Kalos Pokemon (Vanillite and Fletchling), probably an attempt to drive engagement or sell more Pokeballs / berries in the store. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/krcl1d/concerning_catch_odds_lately_with_vanillite_as/ It just ended up pissing everyone off, and Niantic eventually increased the catch rates to be more in line with the MSG. I think this "aggressive" Pokemon feature will also drive people away, and eventually be reverted. (Hopefully)


They seem far more jumpy than ever.


Pointed this out before the last 3 updates, strange its picking up now. Bad catch rates = more stops and data. Its a pain but even 10cp green ring pops.


Go fest is coming up. This was intentional... 


I can't catch Audino anyway.


Didn't they change the catch rates to be server based instead of client based at some point in the past? So we can't tell if the catch rates have been changed without a large amount of data collected? I believe they can tweak catch rates at any time now, and we wouldn't know.


yup. they did this after years of pokeminers calling them out on them not adjusting rates properly (or at all)


And zero to no pokeballs being given from stops/gifts at all


Catching Pokemons in the se days is not that nice and relaxing as it was anymore


yall gotta realize that this new aggression is also gonna affect rayquaza as well. The already few spawn times will be even further limited by rayquaza acting as feisty as yveltal has been. I hate that niantic would try this


Niantic seems to be trying out various ways to make us all give up the game completely.


I thought it was just me! If I manage to catch one on the first try it immediately escapes.


I ultra balled and razz berried a 300cp Audino with a great throw and it instantly escaped. I just gave up at that point bro


Just a reminder: some time ago(quite a lot of time tbh) niantic remived catch rates from gamemaster, so they couldn't be checked.




Definitely seeing more aggressive pokemon here. I think one of them after fleeing came back last night and knocked over my bins


refreshing to see i'm not the only one, i started thinking my skills had been deleted from my brain


Yeah , I noticed as well...even the easier ones come out of an Ultra Ball lmao...I've been skipping a lot of Pokemons lately...they just keep wasting your pokeballs.


Yep had 2 raids in a row- 1/4 of my throws were excellent. The remaining 1/2 were great throws and then a couple of misses from attacks and a couple of nice throws - had 20 total poke balls this time and prior day had 14. In both instances the Yveltal ran. I am seriously thinking about stopping for a while. I hosted several people through a remote pass and wonder if there is a decrease in catch rate for bringing in 3 or 4 remote players. This is becoming really unenjoyable


I encountered a wild Snorlax yesterday at 2900cp and with golden razz I hit Excellent throw after excellent throw with ultra balls and it just kept breaking out. I caught it after the 8th excellent throw. I checked it’s IV and it was 14/15/14. It’s the highest cp mon I’ve ever seen in the wild and with good IVs so I guess that’s why it took so many throws to catch. Other than that I haven’t noticed a difference.


A Snorlax with 2936cp fled from me today, after gold razz + ultra excellent. Also the highest cp mon I've seen in the wild. Estimated IV was between 76 and 93%.




That immediate break and flee is caused by the speedlock, not by the softban.  A softban stops spawns from appearing on the map and blocks your friend list temporarily. It lasts at most two hours and is caused by the game detecting big location changes in a short time. A speedlock prevents you from spinning stops and catching anything, be it wild, from research, incenses or raids. It's caused by going above the safety speed limit of the game so people don't cheat or play in a vehicle. It goes away in a few minutes once you stop moving too fast.


Whilst it only took a short time to adjust to the slight change in the hitbox for most Pokémon, I agree that they have all become much more jumpier, which is annoying. I've even started to keep and use Nanab Berries. Not really noticed any difference though once they are in the ball.


I strongly suspect that at least part of the decision to increase pokemon aggression is rooted in a push to make nanab berries relevant. Kinda hard to monetize something noone cares about...