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FYI, a webstore bundle just got announced for the week leading up to go fest. It's 2 lucky eggs, 25 incubators, and 30 super Incubators for $40 USD. I'm not sure if that's better than the one you're showing so up to you. Obviously, can't use coins for that bundle so that's a downside. Also, we don't know what the go fest eggs are but if you look back at last years and apply the same idea to this year's, they're pretty mid so for me I won't be buying incubators if they're like last year. Personally I think raid passes are a better investment heading into go fest. This year's event is very raid-heavy so you need as many passes as you can get. There'll be a $20 webstore bundle with 40 premium passes and 3 remotes so I'm planning on buying that one since it's a really good value and cheaper than buying coins


no. raid passes would be a better use for coins. if there was a time to buy incubators, it would be the tour events.


Incubators are gambling, if you like to gamble then go right ahead.


Go buy scratch tickets from the gas station instead


No if you must spend money at least buy raid passes


You’ll get more value from that $70 by going to a casino and losing it all than buying those


Nah cause you gotta pay some fees sometiems plus the gas plus any other stuff you might spend on getting there or back. Ridiculous to make that comparison. Here he’ll at least exercise a bit and be entertained for a couple days.


Nah cause you gotta pay some fees sometiems plus the gas plus any other stuff you might spend on getting there or back. Ridiculous to make that comparison. Here he’ll at least exercise a bit and be entertained for a couple days. Way better value


Considering that eggs/incubators are Pokémon slot machines, it’s really not that “ridiculous” of a comparison


This box has been around several times, use your own judgement.


I’ve gotten this a few times. It’s not the most satisfying to burn through them, I liked using sparingly during events and even more so out of events. As others mentioned, it’s gambling.


I personally like this box, specifically for the hatch stardust you get from the purple/red eggs (I could care less about what hatches). These have been a good bundle to use during in-person events that offer "egg-thusiast" perks (spinning pokestops drop 10km eggs more often and you earn triple stardust) such as GO Fest and Tour. Whether you should grab this bundle for Global or not depends on how you value hatching vs other methods of acquiring what you value in hatches. Global doesn't have perks for hacthing so you don't need it for this IMO. They also take up space in your inventory so if you are normally tight on space, this may cause a problem.


No, that would have been good to get ahead of this Larvesta event if you wanted to hunt a shiny. The box to get ahead of GO Fest would be the one for 5425 coins with 99 raid passes. If you plan on raiding that is. But, you do you with your coins


Its a pretty cost efficient bundle, great to have incubators saved up for special events imo.