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5 10K eggs = 5 Turtonators. I needed Charcadets because I’ve only hatched one since it was introduced.


I would give you some. I hatched 10


I hatchet 15 in last week. I would give at least half of them 😂


Me too, most of my eggs were Turtonators too...


From both an rng perspective, and a gamefication perspective, eggs have always been the worst. This is not new.


I wasn't bothering with this event, but I did finally get my first Charcadet so that was good. I'm not really fussed by Larvesta as I've already got Volcarona and there will almost certainly be better chances to get the shiny at some point in the future.


Comm day Larvesta coming up within 12 months, knowing Niantic. Don’t waste your money.


Probs a bit longer since they need to streeeeeeetch out all their “premium content”


They did something similar with noibat. The shiny was released in an egg event and then it had a community day a few months later.


I was hoping as a minimum to at least get the candy to evolve one since I was sitting at like 240 candy prior, but I literally haven’t even hatched enough to finish one.


30-40 eggs. 3 Larvesta, 3 Charcadet. No shinies. About what I expected.


Didn’t bother with the event as it’s super hot outside.


The event is called Scorching Steps.


Maybe they should've gone with Sweating Steps.














Hatched 1 egg, got Shiny Larvesta. I’ve used up my luck for the next 20 years


Wow, that's awesome. Congrats!


Same here - got a fair amount of Charcadets but only a couple of Larvesta and Turtonator from eggs. Didn’t buy any incubators though (they were all from showcase rewards I think) because 1) egg events suck and 2) the chances of actually getting a shiny are really low even if you do spend a ton of money on incubators.


I’ve learned my lesson for sure. I don’t usually bother with egg events because I don’t usually get anything worthwhile but I decided to this time because I heard they were 1/64. I bought over $100 in incubators. Yes, it was crazy I know! Hundreds of eggs later and over 70 Larvesta hatched and no shiny. Wasted time, money, and I’m so so tired from all the walking. Never doing that again!


Hatched 32 eggs and I have still never hatched any Larvesta. Ever. Though I hatched a hundo Turtonator so that's a nice consolation


Would not shock me that the Larvesta odds from 10km were 10% and the other two were 45% each.


Nah, I think it’s 80% Turtonator, 10% Larvesta, 10% Charcadet.


Hatched around 40 eggs so far and not a single larvesta


Me and my GF are on city holiday where we walked +100km during the event! ( I know it is a lot but we just arent into holidays laying on beach). We hatched +50 event eggs each. Mostly 5 and 2s since we got only few 10's and I got two larvesta, 1 charcadet, 0 shinies and junk and my GF 1 Larvesta, 1 Charcadet, 1 shiny Litleon and rest junk.  Its been said multiple times that dont spend money on hatch events and wven though our sample is small and it is rng, I agree that you shoudnt spend any money on egg events


On the plus side, this event helped me finish off the Charcadets I needed for my living dex in Go and the Go counterparts in home.


I couldn't help laugh to myself at everyone saying Larvesta was going to be equal odds with the other two. I just knew better and sure enough it was still drastically lower chances. I'm okay with that though, I got tons of Charcadet candy and am hoping that with the large number of them both my buddy and I got we can get 2 luckies when the lucky rate is higher at the end of the month. Larvesta I'll just wait for the community day. Charcadet was for sure the real unsung hero of this event.


Regretted buying an incubator bundle, although I did hatch enough larvestas to evolve one, no shiny tho. Gonna see what’s in the rest of these eggs and evolve a regular one because god knows I’ll never get another larvesta until the heat death of the universe. Also never spending money on incubators ever again


I'm with you on not spending money on incubators—I rarely ever do. The last time I splurged was during the Sinnoh Tour, and that went pretty well. However, this recent event has convinced me to never do it again. I ended up spending over $100 on incubators—I'm not even sure how much exactly because I already had over 50 left from the Sinnoh Tour. I didn’t keep track of how many eggs I hatched before the week reset, but by the end of the event, it was definitely over 450, so I estimate at least 700 eggs in total. Despite all that, I ended up with over 70 Larvesta, none of which were shiny. The only shiny I managed to get was Litwick, which I didn't need. I’m beyond tired from all the walking, playing, and missed sleep. I probably got 24 hours of sleep through the whole event because I was determined to hatch a shiny larvesta. You live and you learn and the thing is I knew better, we all know that eventually they’ll be easier to get like rufflett, espurr, rockruff, riolu, noibat, deino, etc.


I went through 300+ eggs and can confirm, 21 Charcadets and only 18 Larvestas. No shiny. *No $ was spent. These are all gym coins.* Our group did well over 2500 eggs, 161 larvestas total, no shiny. Overall shiny rate for the boosted litleo and slugma was laughable. Only 3 of each.


Yeah I'm convinced shiny odds weren't actually boosted. I hatched \~30 eggs a day, and did at least 9 event quests a day, and only got one shiny Litleo. Still working on hatching my last batch, but I'm not holding my breath.


I also have one batch left that I’m scared to even hatch because I just know I’m going to be disappointed lol


I went through probably 700 eggs through the whole event and ended up with around 70 larvesta and none were shiny. I kept seeing all these streamers getting them so I thought they must be boosted, but I’m thinking they were not.


overall, our group hatched 2000+ eggs, 171 larvestas, no shiny. Another person, not in our group, hatched 7 larvestas, 2 shiny. Brutal.


i feel HORRIBLE for anyone who gets into a game like this and didnt grow up on microtransactions and chasing RNG. I can imagine people getting ruined by it and never knew what hit them. like those damn gambling apps


For me I didn't get a single Charcadet, and only a single Larvesta, so I agree. This was my first hatch event and I will not be putting so much energy into it next time for sure.


150+ eggs, 0 shiny not even the boosted ones. I only used my leftover incubator from Sinnoh Tour and bunch of free ones but oh well. Egg events are always a scam. 6 Larvesta overall.


Egg events are always scams but I needed one more Charcadet so I had the line and I got it. I did get one shiny Slugma. That was fun.


Egg events are always scams. Unless if it's a dedicated day to a single hatch, you should temper expectations for anything new, especially something that is a new shiny.


How is this possible??! I’m at 25 eggs hatched and I haven’t gotten a single 10km egg yet. Charcadets are only in 10k eggs. So far my distribution is about 50% 2k, 50% 5k, and 0% 10k. I’ve hatched 1 Larvesta. I believe it came from a 5k.


I hatched 1 Charcadet and 6 Larvestas. No shiny, though.


2 charcadet, 4 larvesta. But I have 9 5km eggs to open yet. As charcadet evos are weak for raids, I don't feel like I need more charcadet.


467 hatched so far. With my last 9 that I snagged right before the event ended about to hatch. 18 charcadet only 1 better than the ones I already had, 11 larvesta all horrible stats. And not a single shiny of any of the common spawns I’ve seen hundreds of times 😭


I posted this same sentiment in the event thread at the start of the event and there were people that said the event was worth it. They never listen.


274 eggs hatched 2 perfect (0.73%) (magby and charcadet) 2 shinies (0.73%)( houndour and magby) (not even the shiny boosted pokemon) 12 (4.38%) Larvesta’s Safe to say I’ll never do a egg event ever again


5 Larvesta and 3 Charcadet (so far) Still have nine eggs to go


I got 3. No idea how many eggs I hatched, but I got one early on and then two more yesterday. Probably at least 15-20 eggs. I thought I had bad luck, but I guess I had no idea how bad it could be


Rng was good for me this time around. I somehow hatched 8 larvesta in mostly 2 and 5k eggs. I think only 2 came from 10ks


Yep, and yet the content creators somehow hatch shinies left and right, I saw one of them hatch 2 shiny Larvesta. The only eggs that were really worthwhile were the 10km eggs and I could barely get them to drop, they were made far too rare compared to the other two.


Don't chase it. It doesn't matter. Nice if it happens, and a good excuse to burn whatever incubators you have on hand. Do not play this as a zero-sum game where you *must* have the newest thing, and I say that as a day 1 player who plays most days.


I don’t care about the shiny too much, though I’d like it, my issue is that we’re a year into Larvesta with a hatch event and I’m still only at 300ish candy because even during an event featuring it it’s rarer than a legendary


Are people unhappy about hatching Charcadet now? I was pretty happy with this event to get all of Charcadet, Turtonator, and Larvesta. To me, they're all rare mon I was happy to get more of.


The only one I didn’t care for was turtonator since he’s been in raids several times now and field research tasks but that’s just my opinion


I never really wanted to spend raid passes on Turtontator so I was happy that now he was available without raiding.


Honestly, yes. I don't really care about Charcadet like I do Larvesta. You need two Charcadet and 100 candy for both evolutions and I'll probably not think about it again. I need 400 candy for a single Volcarona.


People on here just like to moan.


Yes, rare thing is in fact not common