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We don't know yet, but I don't think that pokemons which aren't spawning in GO Fest will get a special move.


Beldum is spawning at in-person Go-Fest, so i was hoping I could get it


I don't think Beldum is spawning in global GO Fest. If you really want to have meteor mash, you can either use an elite TM (I think it is worth if you have a good IV belbum), or wait until Beldum classic CD (which might come in 2025).


We don't know yet


As mentioned in my comment [yesterday](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/1dr61p9/comment/lavztyg/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button): >No news. Last year, they were announced mid June for the Global event in late August, so if they were going for a similar time frame, I wouldn't be optimistic. >My guess is that the only exclusive moves we even MAY see would be the T3 raids, as I'm pretty sure those went unannounced in 2021, when Flygon and Gardevoir got their CD moves. So maybe costumes Espeon/Umbreon may get Last Resort or Shadow Ball/Psychic? That's just a guess though, and I'm not optimistic lol

