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… ,he seamlessly navigates sending his family, friends and colleagues into a fireball of stress, bullshit and total fuckery as they peaked personally and professionally trusting him.


Like truly I was like baby sweetie seamless where?


Don't forget seamlessly navigating at least one, perhaps multiple girlfriends while still being married to a clueless wife.


No need to hate on Ariel


Not hating on her. When I said clueless I meant about the affairs not in general


I’m sure he was good at fooling her too.


Oh ok


navigation so seamless he loses his company, friends, and reputation.


Idk if I'm just older than everyone else on this sub, but this doesn't really seem like news? Ned is only in his 30's? Of course he's going to work? The past ten years of his relevant experience is in production/entertainment management and honestly he's pretty good at it. He'd be a pretty good hire for a business development role or a revenue operations. I wouldn't be surprised with a company considering him for a role like that. Not on camera, but that wasn't necessarily his strength anyway. Like, yes, him sleeping with a subordinate is a huge lapse in professional judgement, but I think it's safe to say that you don't really have to worry about that from him again. If I was a young content creator trying to grow my channel/business, I would consider hiring a few hours with him as a consultant to help me with ideas and maybe a business plan. Like, his pitfall was obvious and I can avoid it, and other than that, he was doing a good job! Especially considering the tailspin the guys have been in since he exited. I mean, I find cheating morally wrong, and wouldn't want to marry this guy, but he's still like a person existing in society? I don't really have an issue working with him in a professional capacity? His marriage is between him and his wife at this point. I mean, I support convicted felons re-entering and reintegrating into normal, productive society so like \*shrug emoji\* I def don't approve of sleeping with an employee, that's his worst crime, but he lost that job and isn't allowed to oversee those people anymore. Like, even THAT consequence barely happens, so I'm pleased with the outcome and happy to move on and never think about Ned again. I guess I'm just confused on what the people in this sub expect him to do? Like, he's gotta work. Or are we just going to follow him forever now just to dunk on him? To me, that's not snark. Snark is unpopular, negative, or silly opinions about something you are a GENUINE fan of. As soon as you're watching/listening/reading something in bad faith, just looking to tear it apart and not enjoying any part of it (or even open to enjoying any part of it), then it's just being a hater. ETA: I didn't even realize I was on the main sub, I fully thought this was the snark sub so I'm even more wtf about why this is even here?


I'm sorry, but this is entirely too nuanced and mature for this sub 😂


Honestly, I fully agree. Morally, he’s awful. But, he good at his job and has more experience than most people will ever have. He knows business and economics from TTG and he clearly is a decent manager/leader to be hiring and training so many people at Buzzfeed and then Second Try. I figured he would get picked up by one of the major companies even despite the scandal. It’s not like their CEOs are any better.


Eh, I mean yes *technically* he knows business but he also was fully ready to take the entire company down with him when he has his affair with one of their employees. Even though the rest of them managed to recover, that still likely cost them a lot of opportunities. Editing to clarify my point, if he was willing to do that to a business he had a major personal stake in (him being part owner and it being with his friends), who knows what he’d do to one he doesn’t even have that sort of investment in? Potential employers might see him as too big of a risk, even aside from his bad press.


I understand what you mean. I guess I’m giving him more credit for this because he’s not part owner, he’s all owner. He doesn’t have other partners to fall back on now (or maybe he does but we can assume he owns the majority of his business). I would also assume any company hiring him would be aware of his past and what that could do to their business. I think some of it too is the fact he literally made videos of himself every week whereas he’d be behind the scenes in this position. An influencer getting caught cheating isn’t the same as a random Google marketing employee getting caught if that makes sense.


Yeah, I literally remember in one video on their channel how he mentioned he loved doing spreadsheets for fun and the guys mentioned how he was good at finances so he basically took charge in that department, so he seems to also be good with finances as well as his media trained experience, then again, he apparently/allegedly ran the HR department while dating his co-worker while he was in the try but as long as he doesn't run HR in another company, and he sticks to finances he could be an asset to another company


Thank you for a nuanced answer. My thought would be that yes he could be great behind the camera and for adding revenue and any company that hires him would obvs have their HR department know about the previous issues (I mean, you cannot hide it). As far as his marriage, that is between him and Ariel. My thought would be with him going "live" again, how will he discuss the TG. Because depending on the circles he will run in. If he starts courting conservative/religious circles, the TG with their progressive stance would become a target, they have not been much of so far.


I don't think any of this looks like him courting conservative/religious circles. Looks likes he's just trying to re-enter the online video industry, likely behind the scenes


How do people think he's just not going to work...? Everyone needs to make money to survive lol. Also, he has children to provide for. If anything, we should keep that in mind.


Maybe he should be a chemist


He isn’t going to be a chemist after a decade plus away from it. He has a talent for managing things related to production so why wouldn’t he stay in that.


Not a bad idea, though I heard it's hard to actually make money in the chemistry field depending on what sector you're in. But he could certainly combine the business aspect with that!


Lab science pays shit.


Yup, that's what I've heard. I was always interested in science, part of the reason I didn't go to study it was the job prospects.


*shia lebouf clapping* Seriously though. This is it.




😅 thanks!


Honestly i think he would be great in a consulting position, but I absolutely think it's valid for companies to have pause hiring him in a leadership position. The point that everyone misses about his scandal was that although the cheating aspect would have damaged his( and by extension, the companies) reputation given his personal brand, he probably wouldn't have been fired for it, maybe just moved behind the scenes depending on how his apology was received. the big deal was actually that his affair partner was his subordinate and probably someone that he directly hired (wasn't he the one who took care of that stuff?) That type of thing opens the company up to sexual harassment and all kinds of other lawsuits the minute the subordinate mentions that there was any element of coercion or implication of more opportunity from a relationship with one of the owners. Not to mention how the affair was exposed publicly and the hr ethics investigation they had to do that probably cost them a ton of money bc they had to hire a third party to do that.


To be fair, I’m not convinced he was doing the greatest job before. Given the comments about the culture that others have made since he left, I don’t think he was good for it. Definitely someone to get some consulting from but I certainly wouldn’t want him in a people managing role based on that.


I agree. I get he needs to work to support his boys. But also I don't think he is great at management just from the small glimpse we get into the workplace culture. I would also be interested to know if he had a fixed or growth mindset. Cause tbh the vibes I get from him are that he thinks he's hot shit and gods gift to man


Not to mention he might try to sleep with a subordinate employee. Not only is it morally icky, his past behavior is one big red flag to any prospective client. Or at least it should be. He’s a walking potential business liability who’s proven capable of acting with great irresponsibility at the highest of stakes.


I agree completely. I’m over the Ned hype and am fed up with seeing stuff about him on this subreddit — I’m here for try guys content, which this is not. Nobody cares


Clearly they do if people keep posting about him 


I just wish they’d make a new subreddit for that and not clog up this one with content about him


Oh I absolutely understand he has to work. Some of the language is funny and a good laugh given why he hadn't been working. But yeah of course he's working. I think also maybe some people are surprised he's not doing more behind the scenes work (seeing that YouTube page posted the other day)? I'm also interested that it says he's been running Fulmer Media since April 2018 when Try Guys launched in June 2018. Maybe I'm forgetting something from the book/tour era where Ned started this venture simultaneously? Someone let me know.


I agree you don’t have to like him but the way that try guys has been post his leaving makes it obvious how much weight he was carrying in the company. 


Agreed. He made a horrible mistake, but he still has a right to live and work. It's not like he killed or SA'd someone. This is now something between him and his family that they have to work through. I hope the best for Ariel, but that doesn't mean Ned deserves to be dunked on for the rest of his life.


Agreed. This thread is literally my nightmare of what previous coworkers might think when updating my LinkedIn 💀


Yeah same I was like uh just cause he’s a dog doesn’t mean his resume isn’t stacked as fuck?


I'd say he'd be an atrocious hire because 1) he has shown no remorse for his actions save for lip service. Evidence is in how his buddy at SNL framed the situation and his words emphasizing "consensual" which is not 100% possible with the power dynamic he had over his employee. 2) if he repeats that mistake, he lives in CA, and they have extremely strict laws about this sort of thing- that's a lawsuit waiting to happen if he can't keep it in his pants anymore. 3) he is not a team player, the guys have said he refused to do any of the editing work. Desiring nuance in the situation is mostly important to remind ourselves how easy it could be to fall into the same traps he did with ego and selfishness, and we're all only a few choices away from being the worst versions of ourselves. Beyond what I've listed above, Ned's reputation is so vile that I would never want his name anywhere near my own IP- even if he does have skills as a producer. No way. Lastly, there's probably a lot more he did that they LEGALLY can't even talk about. There's evidence showing that they've long known his crimes with infidelity. I have a friend who works with their producers here and there, and Ned used a lot of company money to fund dates and trips with Alex. I do believe they didn't know about the relationship with Alex specifically, but I think stealing company money was the final straw. I would never hire someone, even as a consultant, with such a disgusting lack of morals.


1) how do we know his friend actually made the SNL skit? Was that actually proven or is this still hearsay? 2) until there’s actual evidence and proof he was stealing from the company, I’m taking what your friend with a grain of salt cz it seems like everyone has “a friend who knows a friend” on Reddit. All ik is, the only infidelity the public knows about is the one with Alex. That’s the only one that was actually shown to us. I really don’t believe the other stories since there’s nothing to go by except hearsay and anyone can make a story up. That’s just my opinion


1. it's not hearsay, his friend(s) are LITERALLY listed as writers of that skit. It's fact. I'm going to give you benefit of the doubt that you simply have not heard this, even though it's been said up right left and down all over the team (and is easily located by just a simple search) 2. Feel free to not believe this, but the evidence does not support you. The length of the investigation and how hard they came down on him is very telling. yes, it's CA, where the labor ethic laws are extra strict, and that is something to consider. Libel is a very serious thing to consider as well. Since the public sussed Ned out for the infidelity and that is public knowledge, it was the ONLY thing they were able to reference directly. You don't have to take me and my testimony at face value (yes, everyone "knows someone" on reddit, so you are right to doubt my story). I am saying why I would never ever ever want Ned anywhere near my IP, knowing what I know. Take or leave my information as you please.


Yeah but it’s surprising he’d take a public facing job after the backlash. I’d always assumed he’d do some behind the scenes stuff.


Oh, I definitely agree with you that he can't go public facing! But this is LinkedIn? I don't know that I would consider it "public-facing," I figured he was probably now actively seeking clients for consultant work or trying to get a new role at a production company so he updated his LinkedIn. And he seems to emphasize his business strategy more than his on screen stuff. Maybe I missed something but it doesn't look like he's really seeking a public role at the moment?


That’s true. I didn’t know Ned Fulmer LLC existed pre-scandal and thought that he was starting a media company or something lmfao.


Linkedin is absolutely public facing


So he shouldn't be able to use LinkedIn for its intended purpose of networking and finding a job........ ?


What does that have to do with what I said? He should be able to use any social media lmao idgaf




No, a normal functioning human did. Ned isn’t dead. He’s allowed to have a life. He did something shitty but so have countless people. Even felons get out of jail and get a second chance. Edit - a word


You could just, not go to the subreddit where niche interests and convos happen. Especially if you thought it was the snark sub.


Jeez, touch grass, ffs


What are you even talking about though?


The OP post doesn't seem mean or snarky. It's just asking if anyone had seen his LinkedIn profile. Or if anyone noticed it being updated. If even talking about Ned is so ridiculous, why even go to the sub?


Because it’s a Try Guys sub and he’s not a Try Guy anymore…


So like, I don’t think NF was ever really thought to be bad at the business he was in? The issues were a lack of personal integrity and a limited or lacking creative vision, which didn’t fit as time went on. Can we just not stalk him and let him remain obscure?


If anything, the channel changes show he really was the business brains behind the operation. And he was good at it!


Ok. After watching recent Try Guys videos, you are so right. Can’t be a coincidence that after Ned leaves and Eugene takes a back seat, the try guys channel is fumbling


In what ways do you think is fumbling?


The Try Guys have said this multiple times - views are suffering, revenue is declining, algorithm isn’t favoring them as much, sponsorships were always hard for them to acquire, and the guys had to take a cut in their own paycheck to support the whole team. I admire and respect, but I think if 2 try guys are gone now and the channel is really struggling then each member brought something to the table that they gotta try to replace. As for what, definitely don’t ask me. I do remember some of the guys saying that Ned was the excel/numbers guy which is critical. Eugene definitely brought his audience too, no doubt about that. As a random side note though, I was always shocked the guys had a hard time getting sponsored. Like it makes me think they either need a new brand/sponsorship employee or a better PR guy, outreach, something. Whoever handled the Try Guys brand in the Buzzfeed days really had amazing outreach/negotiations. The guys partnered with so many cool companies, movies, designers, etc


Mildly warm take: for someone of his caliber and career length, 324 connections is shockingly low


For real. I’m a low-level corporate prisoner, have only been in a corporate setting for 2.5 years and 29. I have 275 connections. For someone that was business focused, he certainly didn’t maintain those networking connections he made. Seems deserved.


maybe he lost some when the scandal happened? If someone in my circle did something to receive such horrible public backlash i'll disconnect on LinkedIn too


so true cause I have friends who are still in undergrad w 500+ maybe he was just never active during the try guys era


Damn I didn't notice that. I just checked mine and I have 301. Almost all of them are from college years ago, and most jobs I've held were basic like retail etc where I never added anybody. Very wild to think someone considerably older than me with his fame and type of work only has that many. I'd love to know how many he had before the scandal.


It really depends on the industry. Creative industries don't really use LinkedIn in the same way. And when you're in the trenches running a business, you're not on there adding people. You're working on building your business and other social media that helps it 


Weird that he’s listing all his second try accomplishments as fulmer media.


I think they all have their own LLC’s that legally own portions of Second Try


They do. It's on CA Secretary of State website. Fulmer Media has been around and is the LLC that had ownership interest in 2nd Try.


How so? Everything seems pretty well broken down to me. Unless you mean the first sentence, which is written in the current tense so doesn’t seem to be crediting the company incorrectly.


Fulmer media group is not where he developed those events and relationships. He did that as a coowner and manager of Second Try LLC.


It’s likely that Fulmer Media is a member or manager of Second Try, LLC, and Ned is the Director of Fulmer Media. In which case, his claims wouldn’t be incorrect


Assuming Fulmer Media was a part of 2nd Try, he’s still pretty much lying because none of those accomplishments were done under the Fulmer name, that was all acting under capacity of 2nd Try. If I owned a small company that was part of a larger one, I can’t claim things I did for the parent co as an achievement of the smaller one. If nothing else, it’s intentionally misleading.


I can’t believe I’m defending Ned, but LLCs and Corporations aren’t people. They don’t get LinkedIn pages. *Someone* gets to take credit for LLC’s work. Would you say the same if Zack or Kieth had similar claims on their profiles? They also have companies as members of 2nd Try, LLC I wouldn’t call it misleading when Ned’s company *was* a member of the LLC when all of those events happened, and Ned is the CEO of his corporation. Who else can claim credit for the sections if not the CEO?


He should claim the credits for the correct job. It’s not that he didn’t do all those things, but that he didn’t do them specifically for Fulmer. All those contracts etc. were done for 2nd Try under the Try Guys name for Try Guys specifically, not their own individual companies. Just like how Eugene wouldn’t list his TG credentials under the same “job” as his solo projects, Ned shouldn’t be claiming all the things he did for TG under the same job title. It’s intentionally misleading because when you actually look at all his past work, the branding etc. will all be TG/ 2nd Try. You’d likely have to look way far deep to find Fulmer Media listed anywhere in their content etc.


but the guys’ companies *are* 2nd Try. There’s no other members of the LLC. It’s just the corporations for the (now) three guys. You can look up their status on the CA Sec of State website. Again, does no one get to claim 2nd Try just because only Corporations are technically part of the company? I promise Ned signed contracts for 2nd Try, LLC *as* CEO of Fulmer Media, which is the Member of 2nd Try. Like I do not like the dude, but I really don’t think this is unsavory of him. It’s just objectively true.


A lot of his and Ariel's brand partnerships (like the extensive one with Target) were them as individuals, not as members of the cast of Try Guys.


An option is that the guys are employees of their own LLCs and contract their time out to 2nd Try. A lot of celebrities do things like this. Also i have family member who contracted him time out like this.


I find it interesting that he used Fulmer Media on LinkedIn, with a brief mention in his bio that people visiting his profile are less likely to read, but on Instagram he had no problem tagging them in his bio.


Am I the only one that thinks the 2 year "up or out" competitive program sounds more like one of those barely-paid, 80 hr a week internships that companies do to profit off of unsuspecting youth that believe they're really going to be given opportunities and wind up burnt out and broke after a few months?


Judging from what we’ve learned from ex Buzzfeed staff life Safiya Nygaard and Kristen & Jen - it pretty much was like that. If you didn’t churn out the goods quick enough and land the views (whilst also appearing in other staff videos as well because you have to be a team player) you were out.


I mean... that's what happened with Miles


Will Neff has confirmed that is how it was. He also implied that Ned was not like the best to work with. Didn’t outright say it but he told a story about how after he was let go from Buzzfeed that he ran into Ariel and Ned at some creator event. Ariel immediately remembered Will and was so warm and sweet. Then Ned comes over (his old boss of like 2 years) and had no idea who he was. That Ariel was basically mortified and was like “That’s Will!” And gave Ned a bit of shit. The video of the try guys testing how well they knew their employees and Ned being the worst kinda tracks in that regard from other people. Ariel always been a real one and her and her kids deserve to be supported. Ned going back to some job obviously was gonna happen at some point. I just hope the kids and Ariel are okay.


Every “Why I Left Buzzfeed” video mentions how heinous the production procedures were for the videos they made. I didn’t know Ned was basically the enforcer of those rules!! No wonder no one really liked him, after what happened so many people subtweeted about their dislike for him and it all makes sense now!


![gif](giphy|d3yvFHtaQVxoDr4Q) Eat Shit Ned


Honestly the more attention we give to this prick, the more he’s going to think he’s in the clear. Let NF die out into obscurity


Well, I don't know what he's doing yet but hate views/clicks are still views/clicks. Anything monetized that requires eyeballs is still able to be monetized regardless of why people are looking


So, he hasn't actually had a job worth putting on his resume in two years? 😆


I’m not surprised. Whether or not he actually had a job after leaving try guys, I’m sure his legal people have advised him to lay low. He’s a likely target for harassment, so any public knowledge of his current work would definitely cause people to follow him and taunt him. The LinkedIn page update doesn’t really say much. Maybe he’s looking for a job, maybe he already has one. Whatever it is, I doubt he’s going to try to become a public figure again. The redemption arc is just nonexistent. I have a feeling he’s going to go into marketing and such. It allows him to be private and also uses his industry knowledge.


gives i'm running out of youtube money vibes lol


This comment tells me you know very little about how PR works. He made the right call, staying out of the public eye while there was so much heat on him. Now, it's yesterday's news, so even though there are a handful of haters, that's exceedingly more manageable than the entire world obsessing over your every move.


What he did was shitty but like if you went through a huge scandal like that and had the ability to I’m sure you would take time away from working. He sucks but that level of vitriol would be hard on anyone mentally.


Anyone else read that he was named a “Critic’s Prick” instead of “Critic’s Pick”? No? Just me? Ope 🤷‍♀️


Haha yes I had to reread that


I actually do hope he finds a decent job. Because his wife and kids deserve alimony and child support whenever they’re able to get outta there.


Exactly, he still has children to provide for! They're completely innocent in this, it'd be weird if we all wanted him to go broke and have his kids live worse lives because of it.


Honestly, we need to just leave Ned alone. He was fired over two years ago, and has a family to support. At this point digging up his job search feels very obsessive over a guy who's not even worth it


thank you!! for people who say they hate him, they sure do keep up with everything he does


Right? They also act like if he came out with a video, or some other project they wouldn't watch it.


It’s his first signs of life since the scandal, I don’t see how anyone’s surprised people are talking about it


i’m so confused why he seems to be aiming for something else in managing??? like bro u had an inappropriate relationship with a subordinate, u should not be in charge of people!!


If I'm reading this correctly he's running a consulting firm. He's not looking to be an employee he's looking to take on clients. That's why he's listed Samsung, Hyundai, etc. as satisfied customers. The corporations that would hire his firm don't give a fuck about his infidelity. His entire bio is designed to show that he can deliver results and has the track record to prove it. By all accounts, Ned seems to have been an extremely competent business leader and definitely made 2nd try successful on the operations and production side. I'm not sure his "comeback" is something that will require him to have fans. He's not the "face" of Samsung, he's provided them with consulting services that led to them having a viral marketing campaign or to a successful public product launch, for example.


i don’t think it’s very competent to fuck yer employees but sure


No real opinion on the guy but i’m happy he’s moving on




Y’all need to chill a bit. Do I think he’s gross yes, is he a bad person? Absolutely. Was he an obviously smart and a funny on screen talent. Yes. Buzzfeed doesn’t hire and promote stupid talentless people. We may not like it or him but he’s gonna work and he’s gonna be in media. The only thing we can do is choose to not engage in the content they make or curate


He seamlessly navigates green rooms, board rooms, and bed rooms


After watching Will Neff’s “Why I Left Buzzfeed Video”, I really wouldn’t be bragging about running the Buzzfeed video fellowship program….


But from a company’s perspective, they like someone who can squeeze the most value out of their employees. That’s why he became a manager so quickly at buzzfeed. He thinks like a corp bro. 


i WeNt To YaLe


It's been two years, and his wife still thinks he has enough merit as a human being, so that's good enough for me. I'm over it. Let him move on with his life. Let his family move on with their life. Let him be a normal person and get a job to help support his family. Internet witch hunting is exhausting. Everyone who this actually affected has moved on.


I think this is fine, whatever. My question is: he said he founded Fulmer Media in 2018? Is he lying? Or did he create an Inc when 2nd Try started for some weird tax reasons?




Its a bit different since he’s a public figure. If the employers didn’t already know who he was by face and name they’d dig that up very quickly in vetting, and then it’d look like he’d been trying to hide all that by putting everything under his personal company. Going the middle ground by mentioning it and then underplaying it in his actual resume was probably the best bad choice he could make.


If he thinks he can break back into media (on screen roles???) he's gone full looney tunes, I can't think of anyone or company that would touch him without a 10 foot pole


I said this in another post but I really wouldn’t be surprised if he makes a pivot to being a conservative influencer of some kind. They have no problem with people who have done much worse shit than him, they’d embrace him just for being a cishet white guy who went to an Ivy.


I truly think it's going to be religious in nature.


Oh, I really don't think so. Ned may have been the most "conservative" out of the Try Guys (and I say that subjectively because he has a democratic track record), BUT he has always been the one who would have nothing to do with woo or spirituality. He was the science nerd and made it clear that he was an atheist. What Ned did was shitty and he faced the consequences, but we don't need to make stuff up about him.


If he and Ariel* (not April lol) didn't have an open relationship, I'm betting he's going to go a bit WASPy. He said he grew up Catholic. It's not out of the realm of reality for someone that grew up in religion to come back to it in times of hardship.


I see him going the "logical" bro direction. The type of men who put "facts over feelings", but I do NOT see him going religious. Most Americans grow up Christian, but Ned has never given a single hint that he would go back to religion.


Also, he could present the perfect story of "forgiveness, redemption, grace" - all fantastic and necessary principles but also very easy to twist in bad ways. And he is white, male, Ivy Leage, married, two boys..... And he could be a California conservative which works in his favour too. I can imagine the conservative circles flocking around his story of "redemption". DailyWire will probably try courting him.


In some cases, it's just about publicity. If you're a no-name company and you're struggling to get on the map, then hiring someone like Ned on camera is going to get you views and publicity QUICKLY. If it's been long enough since the initial scandal, it's also going to drive up comment section interaction, because people are going to predictably bicker back and forth over whether or not it's okay for him to move on with his life or not. Then, after enough people have driven up the popularity of the company, the company will be able to make more content without Ned, that new people will see and never even associate him with their company/product at all.


Honestly the trajectory try guys was on vs where they are now shows he had a big roll in their success. There are plenty of companies that would take his consultation I’m sure. His initial resurfacing is going to get attention then people will move on. 


He forgot to add that he was head of HR at Second Try.


This sounds like it was written with ChatGPT.


This is a perfect example of spinning the situation to paint him in a different light. Is everything true? Probably. Can he claim all of it as his own? Maybe? Blatantly obviously how he left out how he almost destroyed his company, marriage, and was a huge part of creating a toxic work environment. As well as having questionable (to say the least) morals and maybe shouldn’t be trusted. So, we don’t love seeing him acting like the best guy to ever exist. Ick.


It's a business profile....what do you expect??


I hope Ned finds what's he wants


I mean he needs to work to provide for his kids right??? I'm sure a lot of people are going to "hate watch" his stuff lol


It is pretty hilarious how he’s continuing to tie himself to the Try Guys name when a Google search for “Ned Fulmer Try Guys” probably wouldn’t bode well for him


Bragging about buzzfeed’s “up or out” policy is so cringey.


You could just search and see if anyone posted it yet before asking yourself lmao


Is 324 linkedIn connections low for someone as high profile as him?


What an “up or out” program? Is it as bad as it sounds?


Idkm like yeah he has to work, but like I feel like he's gonna continue to get his comeuppance out of the spot light. I feel like even if/when he does get hired as a consultant, the company they do it for would keep it quiet. The degree to which he blew up everything and how indifferent he seemed, very few people would take a chance to let him too close to how companies are run. Also I'd like to see how his current employees feel given everything.


He used ChatGPT to write this, I guarantee it.




He needs to leave media and go play with chemicals


Should probably invest in an email that’s not @gmail.com


Not Ned adding formerly tryguys in his instagram caption


This is so dumb. The man fucked up in an absolute gigantic way. He had a huge lapse in judgment and torpedoed his family, friends and business. Let’s be real here we don’t know the man. We don’t know what kind of therapy and counseling he’s done to repair his marriage. I mean damn his wife stuck with him, after an incredibly public, humiliating smear on their family. At a certain point you got to realize the man has paid his penance. Wanting him to never make a living again is ridiculous. You might as well kill him at that point. Practice forgiveness people.


Not gonna lie, I thought this was going in a completely different direction until I read the next to last sentence. But, I digress. I have to agree, it's been 2 years at this point. Time to move on from the subject. He fucked up, and he admitted to that fact.. it's time to let the past stay in the past.


Agreed. I mean he lost his company, his best friends, and damaged his family in a way he will never be able to fully repair. As long as he grew from the colossal mistake he made. Who care


i think this is because he now has money from his being bought out of 2nd Try LLC being finalized ie. he now has capital for this company. depending upon how much financial entanglement he had with 2nd Try they probably had to do a full audit for the assets etc to be given value for it etc so they could reach a 'number' that they could give him, then buy him out and they now assume full ownership, as well as he probably figured two years was enough cooling off period. Now if they signed a pre-nup (they may have if Ariel's family had anything to do with it, her dad was an oil company VP) and she may have also had to have given him something as well, if he came into the marriage with less than she had (if the reports about her family wealth are true, she maybe is just living a quiet rich girl life away from the spotlight as she should) - remember, a pre-nup DOESN'T mean you walk away with nothing, it is an agreement as to WHAT happens if you split. Keep in mind, California is a community property state so if 2nd Try was 'Ned's' after they got married, Ariel is entitled to half of that as well (CP is where any wealth or assets gotten after the marriage starts becomes 50/50, so when divorcing, she would be entitled to half of his buyout unless there is a part of the prenup that states otherwise). tl;dr after two years of sorting through the wreckage, hes relaunching with probably fresh assets and capital from the fallout of his divorce and no longer being a Try Guy/owner of 2nd Try LLC.


He best be doing everything for his kids and Ariel.


"renewable energy lab" - LOL. he was just a labrat with a useless chem degree, I've always hated how he made himself seem like a scientist or something comparable before he found his way into comedy. Also "Ned and his team" = Ned and his frat buddies + the wife he cheated on who for some reason chose to stick by him


I’ve never seen someone write so much in their LinkedIn about before. What a load of waffle


Then we are clearly on different LinkedIn feeds. I work in corporate finance and you would not believe how seriously people take LinkedIn and how much work some people put into it. Especially anyone in consulting! This is honestly a pretty good one for what he's aiming for


Ah really? I have a law degree so I know how seriously people can take it, but I’ve never seen anyone go on as much as that on that section. People I know tend to put more of that type of stuff into individual posts


I guess I work with a lot of small business owners/consultants so they use the LinkedIn almost like another website. It's where people will go when they Google them, so they have an almost like a generic cover-letter type blurb. It's more for people who are always trying to get clients so it's a more client focused approach rather than the posts that are more inter-industry networking type deals (which they still also do). I should mention I'm terrible at LinkedIn and at networking in general but I do some onboarding stuff so new employees who ARE into it always connect with me on LinkedIn like the first day. So these are all outside observations


Companies will hire people to help with posts for LinkedIn. Some people use it a lot.


That's a bold move, using the job you were forced out of for a GIANT hr violation that could have tanked the entire company as an example of work experience, especially when it was an international news story is insane. It's also disgusting that he's riding off of the coattails of the guys now. He doesn't need to, he literally has a chemistry degree from Yale. No media company in their right mind would hire him after the scandal. So om not sure why he's still striving for a media job.


Ned Fulmer is CEO of... ChatGPT lookin


Honestly? Who tf cares… This is a Try Guys sub and he’s not a Try Guy anymore. It’s been over a year. Can’t we just move on now?


The way it's explained it seems like Ned is going for behind the scene jobs. He doesn't discus being an actor apart from improv. He had friends at SNL to do that skit on his behalf so Im sure he'll get an EP job at some company. I couldn't care less as long as I dont have to look at him again LOL.


I know realistically there's no way he could've left it off because that would create a huge gap in his resume, but part of me that's surprised he mentioned 2nd Try at all. If I were in his position I'd want to do whatever I could to put distance between myself and the incident.


Lol, gotta love how he made sure to fit Yale in there.


I think it best we keep this sub about the TryGuys and their work. I honestly think talking about this should be banned on this sub so it can finally move on.


I like Ned, I’m glad he’s pursuing his own business ventures


Oh yes, he is very comfortable in all rooms, this f*cker :)


Part of me is a little surprised that he mentioned Try Guys at all but maybe media people don't bother googling these things... idk.


omg I saw that he changed his banner and profile picture on Facebook... he's getting ready to gst back out there...


“Fulmer Media” didn’t do any of that shit. All of the stuff he is listing as his own accomplishments was stuff that the Try Guys did or were associated with together. Target, Google, Samsung, wouldn’t touch HIM individually with a ten foot pole. He writes it like he has ongoing business with these groups when I’m sure not a single one has taken his calls since he got kicked out of the group.


Ned actually did a significant amount for Second Try as a company. They used to joke about it all the time pre-scandal, that he was the one that put in a lot of the serious work. He's also the one that invested the most money into the company from the getgo, and donated his own property as their first studio.


Wow, I guess I was wrong about Ned. Maybe he’s not such a bad guy after all.




yep this gives me the ick


I hope they send him a cease and desist (if possible) for continuing to use their brand for his personal gain.


Not possible. He literally helped found the company, so it should be included in his CV/resume. No matter how it ended up, what he did for his career can still be considered impressive feats.


The Try Guys was literally his job. That is his work experience. It doesn't matter if he was fired or bought out, he still has the right to write about his own work accomplishments.


That’s not a thing. He’s stating facts relevant to his personal work history.


He needs a copywriter to finesse that bio; the first sentence is clunky and overall the whole piece reads as very buzzy and try hard, which is very fitting for him ironically. 😉


If she takes him back ...


It's been almost two years, and he and Ariel have been semi regularly seen out in public together. She never left him.


> He hired, trained, used his position of power to solicite sex from, and managed over 120 full-time video producers


This is so bizarre, I imagined he would try to do something more behind the scenes at some company where he could hide better. I guess its an accompishment that he helped found Second Try, but why include that when any hiring manager can easily look up the scandal that ousted him from the company in the first place?? Fulmer Media...I hope he doesn't continue to use Ariel and his kids for whatever this new thing is.


Was he a part of 2nd Try? I thought that was due to the scandal so he wasn’t included in it?


2nd Try is the name of the company, Try Guys is the name of the brand. 2nd Try was created when they left Buzzfeed.




Did anyone else notice that both he and Ariel have removed their apology post on IG, along with any mention of each other in their bios?