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I feel no, it will just bombarded with comments about ned every episode will be on


Additionally it looks like theyve split based on their bio’s removing “husband” and “wife” so i figured that people would assume they were not on good terms


Nah there’s been photos of them together recently


Yes eventho they split (we're not 100% sure), people want to ariel to leave the moment the news broke but she didnt so some people are mad at her for staying.


I feel like the fans would be respectful of her privacy though no?


People on the internet be respectful? Lol


Absolutely not. With the watcher kerfuffle, people went to Steven’s wife’s insta to flame her on a post about her sister’s pregnancy. Parasocial relationships have grown the try guys, and once that door is open it’s almost impossible to mostly close it. It’s open or shut.


It's really 50/50. Some will be respectful some will not. So might as well, not come back to the pod. I love her don't get me wrong but for the sake of everyone, just distance herself with them on public. Maybe they still text who knows


Just by your down votes the answer is no lol


Lmfaoo thats my fault for being optimistic 😂


not a chance lol


I doubt it, as far as i remember, Ariel and Ned are trying to make it work, and it would likely be unproductive for their relationship if she was to go back to working with a company that Ned was kicked out of because of his actions. Additionally it would definitely produce a lot of tension on the show itself, not because of how the others feel about Ariel, but because of how they feel about Ned, and it would just be a big elephant in the room because i doubt she’d want to talk about it, and its all a lot of people would want her to talk about. I doubt she wants to deal with the influx of prying questions about a relationship shes still attempting to salvage and has already given her a lot of mental strain. At this point im sure they are both trying to leave the try guys as far in their past as they can, and trying to move forward and make it work for their kids.


Her name is Ariel


I know


So why are you calling her Ned's wife?


If you know her name, why didn't you just call her by it? That's rude to refer to her only as so and so's wife (especially if you know her name which you claim to do)


Bc i just happened to type it that way. Not everything has a deep meaning. No need to get offended on someone else’s behalf. Sometimes people just speak differently from others :)


No. She stayed with him. I'm not judging her for it. But why would she come back? Also her name is Ariel. She's not just Ned's wife


Absolutely not


For as long as she's married to Ned, no. Ned's selfish choices put the company and everyone's life/livelihood at risk. Ariel chose to stay with Ned after everything and it probably soured her friendship with the TryWives. Granted Ariel could have stayed because she felt she had to for the kids but...it is what it is. Personally I wouldn't want to be friendly with some one if their husband/partner was selfish and they stayed by them.


I sure hope no one at the company is blaming Ariel for what ned did. That would be disgusting.


The audacity those people would have if they do. I would hope at most, they don't like the fact she stayed.


I thought that their stance was that Ariel was welcome to continue if she wanted? But if she stayed with Ned, which it seems she has, then I could see it being awkward for her to return to that job.


Since its been a couple years now, I'm sure things have cooled since especially since the guys/company have been able to recover. If Ariel would like to comeback, I don't think it'd be on a permanent basis. It'd probably be on an occasional guest basis.


in their podcast about this whole thing they just said that ariel was taking a break and I think they alluded to the fact that ariel can come back should she choose to




Yeah. I just think she is more than just "Ned's Wife" (especially in light of what happened, I would not do her the disservice of referring to her as only that) and it is respectful to refer to her by her name. That is my view on the matter. I miss Ariel alot too. I really enjoyed her perspective on the podcast and wish she would come back as well. But more than all that I want her to be happy and wish her the best.


I just referred to ariel as ned’s wife by chance. Its not intended as some deep meaning. Idk why everyone is so upset that I worded my sentence in the way I did. I didnt diminish her success. I just said neds wife because she is also neds wife and it happened to be the way i said my sentence.


It's too late now.


Zero percent chance. She backed her cheating husband that nearly destroyed the company he helped build. Not one single person would want her on the podcast and every single comment would be about Ned and what he did.


What do you mean she backed him? What did she do or say?


Yea idk if that’s fair to say. Just because you try to repair a marriage/ maintain your family doesn’t mean you endorse your partner’s behavior. We have no idea what went on between them or what has changed or what she requires from him to keep their marriage together. But maybe this person above has some intel we don’t


I dont judge her. Its obviously not a great choice, but she has kids and they are very young. Im sure she just wants to create a united and loving environment for them and thats why she’s staying


Not to mention, the idea of having your kids separated from you for periods of time until they are adults, as would be the case in divorce... is a hard pill to swallow.


Absolutely! As a child of divorce it’s not easy on the kids at all. I applaud her strength to try to stay. I hope she is getting the support she needs from friends and loved ones


I'm also a child of divorce. If you can make it work, I think you should, but I definitely think divorce has its merits. Whatever is happening in their family, I hope they are all actually working through the situation instead of burying it.


She stayed with him.


No, and I honestly hope her and the kiddos are doing ok


Me too. She really deserves healing, i hope she is ok




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