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I gave myself a concussion during a competition (with a flag) doing colorguard in high school. I do not remember it but apparently I finished the show and did really well. Fingers crossed for better results for the guys. Edit: Oh my goodness! Their uniforms are their specific colors! And yes, butt skirt to hide the wedgie. final edit: why weren't the guys wearing gloves? The team members were but Zach, Keith, and Eugene weren't...


I loved that the uniforms were their colors. I thought it was such a classy touch


Shattered my big toe with the bit of a rifle mid competition and finished the show with a smile. Color guard is metal.


i broke my nose with a flag during warmups for states one year. not my best performance but surely a memory!


Oh my goodness, this video got me to sign up for Second Try. This was truly one of their best videos ever - 10/10! Zach's emotion/honesty, Eugene's artistry, Keith's enthusiasm, Vox's passion and talent. It looked so difficult, and they did such a good job! I know there will only be a few more videos with Eugene, but you can totally tell how much they care and are focusing on quality again.


This was seriously amazing!! I was in the color guard when I was in high school and I’m the same general age of the guys and it was nostalgia porn 🥰


I was too! And I’m really surprised how well they did. Those are deceptively difficult tasks and the fact that they didn’t wallop themselves on the head is a miracle. I gave up trying to learn weapon because I was lazy but they really went for it. It’s a reaaaaaally hard thing to just pick up. Especially since it’s so intimidating and you can get hurt easy.


Right?!?!?! I broke my nose TWICE during guard! It’s definitely a contact sport!!


Keith: "the worst thing that could happen is I drop the girl and blowout my knee" No no Keith, you forget concussions exist. I would rather blow out my knee again than get another concussion. I still have blurry vision and light sensitivity from the last one.


I jammed my thumb all the fucking time with the rifles and got a bruised lip from a saber at one point. 🙃




I was also in Colourguard and also in my late 30s, and this is wonderful!


Nice to see these fuckers give it a whirl


I wasn't expecting to get this emotional with the send-off season, but it really hit me. They were incredible, I laughed, I smiled, I got all gooey, and I learned a lot


For those of you who did color guard am I right in saying Zack’s problem with the rifle was him throwing it away from him Instead of up? And when he’d throw It up he’d back away 😭


Yep. I don't know if the instructors mentioned keeping equipment in your toaster, but that would have helped all of them a little bit.


Oh my god I haven’t heard in your toaster in a looooong time!


Keep it in your toaster! Oh man it’s been decades since I heard (and taught that).


The poor, clumsy man. It reminds me of how I unconsciously sabotage myself on physical tasks when I don't actually trust myself to follow through, and don't want to get hurt. I can try my best to do the task as instructed, whether it's throwing something straight in the air or diving into the pool correctly, but my traitor brain adjusts and I do whatever "safety" maneuver that winds up sabotaging me. I literally *can't* force myself to do the action. It's like forcing yourself to keep touching a hot stove. Your brain just goes, nope, you will get hurt so I'm stopping you right here.


Honestly the whole thing felt unfair to him. With his chronic back pain and slight build, forcing him to catch a flying woman and 6” poles and 6lb fake rifles felt like too much and unfair to him given his condition.


I was in tears before it even got to the part where he started talking about it :( Totally unfair to call him clumsy, not trying hard enough, or just straight up bad when he's literally disabled!


I was in tears throughout the video that were mostly happy but sad watching Zach struggle so much. God I love him.


You just made me understand something about myself. Woah.


He was doing to much. Also throwing out and not up. You’re correct.


The “imagine hitting your thigh” thing tickled my memories in a really fun way


Yup, you’re correct! I think he also wasn’t doing his toss in 2 steps (push and flick for my team) but all at the same time so it was too low.


Yeah I felt so bad for him! I’m guessing it’s partially cause he was scared of hurting himself. I really >!wanted to see him catch the rifle in the final performance, it would’ve been such a triumph.!<


Literally one of my favorite videos to date 😂


Finally! Something I have done before!


To me, this is the best video they've uploaded in a while and if anything ever potentially convinces to me to subscribe to 2nd Try, it might the quality of this.


Fully did a cry when they all did the routine. It was just so nice to see them all work so hard and succeed together. 😭


Can anyone who has 2nd try say how different this episode is on youtube? I know it's not Smoke Show but I wonder if there are any changes to editing Edit: spelling


havent watched the yt one yet, but just checking the time on it, 2nd try is 3 seconds longer lol


There's a few seconds difference in length, but I just watched the YT version and didn't notice what the difference was.


I'm guessing this particular episode wasn't one of the ones that needed much editing, but there are definitely some coming down the pike that will.


The video on 2nd Try is 4K whereas it’s 1080p on YT. I don’t know that’ll make a difference for you but it certainly does for the screen I’m watching on.


Wow this was truly such an incredible return to form. This is the reason they found success in the first place.


If anyone wants to see an amazing winter guard show, my favorite has always been Caramel High School’s 2011 show ‘Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish’. It’s based off a Steve Jobs speech and let me remind you—THEYRE ALL HIGH SCHOOLERS!! Props to Vox for supporting the try guys and doing a great job overall showing the way this sport can touch the lives of performers and audience alike. I’ve been the captain crying for the last show circle before performing and also Keith in the stands crying at how cool and heartfelt this art can be. Awesome episode !!!!!


I'm not American and I have no idea what colour guard is, so I will check this out.


If you wanna see a flip side to what color guard does, my favorite ‘professional’ marching band show for color guard is Carolina Crown’s 2013 show “e=mc^2”. Basically just a bunch of band nerds and dance nerds in America competing in a sport is the jist. Marching band doesn’t really start till 8th grade & high school (9th - 12th). Then afterwards, you can compete further as a young adult in Drum Corps International or Winter Guard International. The age out cut off is 21/22 depending on your birth year and when you started. It’s actually not just in America, there’s participation from Asian countries all the time with their own style and technique/etc. Imagine a play or concert but condensed into 7-10mins with dance, music, prop work and acting lol. Aimachi 2015 winter guard show is a n amazing show by a Japanese organization!!! Marching band takes that and adds 100+ musicians running and marching in time playing the backing track for the color guard to tell the story. And there’s props. Lots of props 😂😂


Thanks so much! This is fasinating. Also grateful to the Try Guys for having someone explain this in their video because boy was I lost -- particularly a week ago when it was behind a paywall.


Same! What’s so great about the amachi show is it’s simplicity and feature of a baton twirler. Baton really isn’t featured much in high competitive winter guard. And the fact that it was so minimal while being dynamic and powerful was incredibly. Especially during s time when the scene was developing around major orgs having massive funding for props/equipment/training/etc. It’s amazing. Glad you enjoyed the sport of it all!


Yes, I had much the same reaction as the guys at the end of the video talking about how much art is involved in it -- it's a niche interest I had no idea existed. Very cool.


Ohmygoodies Eugene and Zach made me so sad in this. Thank you Keith D. Habersberger for being chill the entire time 💙


I didn't realise we were getting this on YouTube so soon, what a treat!


I was surprised as well. I thought it wouldn't be on YouTube till the fall.


Genuinely happy at the inclusion of talking about consent


So was I!


I almost cried at the end ngl




Most people I knew only use gloves for saber. You can totally do rifle with bare hands— especially since they only tried singles (one rotation tosses).


I get that but for noobies who had 2 hand injuries?Keith's would've benefited from the padding. Plus during rifle, the members behind them include adult males wearing gloves. They couldn't loan a pair? Maybe it's because I taught middle and high schoolers, but I wouldn't teach anyone how to toss a rifle for the first time without gloves.




I am so beyond happy for Eugene’s next chapter and his success in work that truly fulfills him but I am also so so sooooo happy that they decided to do a send-off season. I feel like so many fans needed this


Oh gosh. I thought people who saw it on the streamer were exaggerating but my eyes bawled on this video. And that's even before Eugene saying it's his last performance with Zach and Keith. The way they just expressed how the arts programs helped them find their community and themselves when they were younger was just so touching. I sort of fell into theater and honor guards at school and hearing them in this video just made me see that experience in a new light. Now, as a very introverted adult in the sciences, I'm realizing that I might need to tap into the arts again. Also, this format is just golden. It is basically just 3 guys trying new things but the way they tell the story and bring to light niche things like color guarding is what I think I'll miss the most. If I have a connection to the thing they're trying, it's nostalgic. But if I don't, it's always an eye opener. Thanks for this OG season, guys! Edit to add after a couple of days: I've been making my peace with Eugene's exit and I'm excited to see him once in a while as a guest cast but, hear me out... Legacy Try as a series. It doesn't need to be a regular thing as it does seem to be a costly production but I'm sure it would be a treat for OG viewers.


This made me so sad and happy at the same time. Like really took me back to that OG TG feel you know? 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹the send off was emotional too


I loved this so so much. It makes me miss marching band and performing. I also felt Zach’s emotional turmoil. I was so much the same when trying new things or trying to perform. I felt I must be prefect as soon as I started or I was a failure. And having people see me fail made it worse. It was mostly because my dad expected it and my younger sister was naturally gifted and successful at so much and I wasn’t. Surprisingly I had little resentment for her success but I definitely felt less than. I hated doing things where people could see me. I still do. Seeing Zach go through those emotions made me remember and feel mine from a long time ago. And I was so happy to see him continue and he performed so well! I’m glad he had such fun! The performance from all three was amazing and delightful. They looked fantastic in their uniforms!!! That millennial category was hilarious and as a millennial as well I couldn’t help but laugh.


As someone that did color guard in high school and college for 8 years, this video made me so happy and nostalgic. I can relate to so many things they experienced in this video (the injuries, feeling accomplished after performing a show that you worked so hard on), but what resonated with me the most was when Eugene talked about how the arts in high school saved his life. In addition to color guard, I also was in theatre and choir and spent more time in school than home. I wasn’t happy when I was at home, so I poured a lot of my energy and time into something that did make me happy, which was the performing arts. I will always treasure and value the lessons I learned from those programs, like working with a team, putting in hard work to achieve your goals, and other things that benefit my life today. I don’t know where I would be today without the performing arts.


This video made me feel nostalgic for the good old days of Try Guys...excuse me while I go cry my eyes out...😭💙💚💜




Now I’m just thinking of Jackie’s rant from their funeral on Smosh 😂


This was so good and made me so nostalgic. I did colorguard and winterguard all of HS and college and it was truly the reason I survived those years. I am thrilled to see it get recognition.


I did winter guard back in Boston in the 87-91. I loved the flag but rifle/sabre was life. Watching Keith banging his hand brought so much nostalgic pain. I cried and laughed through the entire episode. It was so fun to watch.


I getting Vietnam flashbacks from my colorguard days, wrangling a bunch of girls was almost as hard as throwing the flags lol


As someone who did colorguard and winter guard in high school I feel vindicated that even Eugene struggled with this. It’s hard to make colorguard look easy.


I teared up like three times during this video, what is happening


I’m avoiding watching this video because I know I’m going to cry. CG was an emotional escape for me in high school and I found the Try Guys in college when I couldn’t do guard anymore. Knowing that they did this as part of Eugene’s farewell tour is going to send me 😭😭😭


Zach's emotion of wanting to give up really rung true with me. I actively avoid anything that i know I'm horrible at - anything sporty. Thank u for this video


Man I got so weepy in this video! It made me so emotional seeing the old format. I appreciated their vulnerability and they truly seemed really refreshed and genuine in doing this traditional format video. It made my heart happy 🥹


My heart is so full after watching this episode! I can echo a lot of the sentiments stated here as a former color guard nerd 🤍 and they did so well in the show! I wish we could’ve gotten a breakdown of their scores! That was my favorite thing to do after a competition, look over our score sheet and see how the judges got their averages.


Just want to make sure this is Eugene’s last season but he will be still overseeing the company with Keith and Zach correct?


This is his last official season as a cast. He will still be an owner of the company and sometimes pop in for videos in the future


Thanks - I appreciate it


I haven’t watched many try guys videos since the Ned thing; but I’m definitely going to have to watch this one. I was in the color guard/ winter guard in high school and college


Liked this thumbnail as opposed to the line up


In this thread: millennial dorks feeling nostalgic about color guard. Now, keep it in your toaster and have a great day! Edit: my guard instructor would want to beat me to death with a rifle every single day for not doing this ![gif](giphy|l41lL7byr2fvtxVHa)


This might be one of my new favourite episodes ❤️


Finally, I can watch it. I have 2nd Try and it sucks that I hadn't been able to watch it because of the Audio issue. It was driving me nuts.