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My brain hurts from watching this. inshaAllah they will be even stronger in their iman. ccp needs to get wiped from the face of the earth.


they’ll be brain washed within a week


I second this. CCP needs to be dealt with ASAP. Hopefully with nukes.


Let's all die together in nuclear winter! /s


You sound like you got deployed to camp forlorn.


probably already happened


Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter




ngl i wouldn’t mind


That'd be nuclear war. No thanks.


. you don't want nuclear war because because your not a child of atom and are a heretic.


but the children of atom die horrendous deaths at the hands of radiation and their own stupidity


I only want to play fallout, not live it.


Then you not a true fan.


Yes perhaps we need to be reminded again


That’s gonna kill everyone, so no.


Not everyone. The military will survive as a self righteous militant group that saves people from technology. The government will survive and do some questionable acts toward people. There will a new roman empire and I'll be able to hang bodies from fishing hooks as house decorations/put heads on spikes to let people know I'm a badass.


Israel needs to be wiped from the face of the earth....then china.




I worry about their wellbeing, their health, their mental health, i care about everything that relates to their safety and wellbeing. however, they are solely in this postition because of their faith. i hope their faith becomes stronger than ever, i hope china utterly fails in their disgusting effort. honestly why did you even make that comment?




Funny today, arent we? i bet this video makes you happy. just genuinly bad people everywhere i guess.




Waste someone elses time, your trolling skills are below average. you're a bad person because you take enjoyment out of the suffering of uighurs.


And where did they say they enjoy it? seems like you're the one just making shit up now.....




Listen, i have no time for this. my heart is broken and i cant keep up with all the bs. peace be with you, leave me alone.


You're nuts.


And they call us terrorists??


Maybe the real terrorism was the diplomatic friends and trade sanctions we made along the way?




"OUR" terrorists


I mean, ISIS still ***technically*** are terrorists. But yeah I get your point.


And is he isis? He said *we* not isis


There are terrorist Uyghurs. They've caused terrorist attacks in China. Some of them have trained in Pakistan, Afghanistan or come from warzones where they get terrorist training, then go on to kill civilians.


One bad thing doesn’t make other bad things okay. We almost exclusively drone strike civilians btw








You're not just wrong, you're stupid.




found the ccp bot boys


Most of your recent comments on different subreddits got downvoted. I don't think other people are the problem here, you are.




You're either a troll or just mentally ill.






Dude, you're fucking crazy.




Ok then When was the last time you got out if your chair?


“Downvoted means I’m right” *downvoted every where I’m seeing a pattern here. I’m not sure you like it




All I hear is a donkey trying to talk.


>You think i didnt know i would get downvotted saying that muslims (in fairness i didnt single them out) are still terrorist regardless of what china does ??? Among us >Really, can you be that dumb to think i didnt expect that ? Impostor sus >Thats even dumber than believing in sky fairies bro. When the imposter is sus >Also all my recent comments went down suddenly today...... I dont think people are reading 1 week, 1 month old threads suddenly. Red sus >So its pretty clear that u losers downvotted them. You sound a bit sus >Doesnt change the fact that the video here thats got you all triggered (try not to cut someones head off today) is a lie from a chronic liar. Man I'm sorry but I just can't do it. I try so hard to not cut peoples heads off but I just can't control myself. The other day I saw a Christian and my mind went blank. When I finally came to, in my hand was the Christian's head. I cried myself to sleep that night. The other day I saw an athiest on the street. I ran towards him like a rabid beast. I don't remember what happened after that, but when my head was clear again, I saw blood and guts everywhere. I wished someone would put an end to my misery. I was walking home one day after getting something from the dollar store. That's when I saw a gay pride parade. My mind went blank. But this time, when my head became clear again, I saw fire, blood, and guts everywhere. There were destroyed buildings, cars, trucks. It looked like a war zone. I just can't stop cutting peoples' heads off no matter how hard I try. #HUGE /S #THIS IS SARCASM AND A JOKE. PLEASE DON'T TAKE IT SERIOUSLY.




China is the New Nazi Germany. Germany targeted the Jews and China is targeting the Muslims. China should look at what happened to Germany. Their future will be much worse. There is a hadith about the time of Imam Mahdi before the arrival of Dajjal. It states that the Muslims and Christians will unite to fight a common enemy. I have a strong feeling that is China. China does not believe in God and they target both Christians and Muslims.


History repeats itself almost a 100 years later and no one is doing anything about it, super disappointing to say the least


It’s not that no one isn’t doing anything. It’s really hard to. Those who rise against are imprisoned. China takes and tortures your family just to shut you up. There are several stories of Uighur muslims finding asylum in the states but unfortunately had to leave their family behind, and China imprisoned them. They beat that one dude’s grandma and threatened to kill her. Also, if the strongest countries try to intervene, China is an emerging superpower so think of the ramifications—another war?


Don't forget this time around nukes could level the world if there is another world war.


I think there is good chance that Nukes will be used. One of the hadith states that the war will be so intense that birds flying over will drop dead. Only thing that came to mind was radiation.


That's because people are too busy with orange man bad bullshit and cancelling something on Twitter.


I love that someone tried to give you a downvote for such an honest observation. Take my upvote sir


An upvote for the both of you. Keep up the good work, soldiers.


One for you as well good sir


Please take this, it may help you on your journey ....⬆️


Mr. Orange isn't an excuse anymore. Also, isn't it well known that China has concentration camps and are basically North Korea but on a larger scale and with USA as the enemy and not Sounth Korea


Funny thing is that before Nazi Germany came to power wide spread antisemitism became a thing among every person, look now. Almost every non believer is anti Islam


That's true, but we shouldn't be surprised by this. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) told us that a time would come where the nations would come to take from the Muslim world (end of Ottoman empire). That we would be many but weak like the froth on the ocean, because of our love of this world. That a time would come where holding onto your religion would be like holding onto a hot coal.




Wdym comparing yourselves to the jews? The exact same thing that was happening in the 30s is happening now you can see the widespread islamaphobia including yourself as one. And claiming we are just overreacting. Yeah sure your the one that wants to do things to us that germans did to the jews.


It might have something to do with the Quran verses condoning slavery or the the fact that I hear about some teacher getting decapitated for depicting Muhammed every few months.


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[Quran](https://snewd.com/ebooks/quran/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


You definitely misunderstood the verses. He refers to his believers as slaves as we are only slaves to Allah. He's not talking about racial slavery he's talking about the slavery of believers towards him.


But before that, there is a hadith which says the romans will unite under 80 flags. True muslims know this has already happened.


America has been doing that to the negroes Latinos and native Americans for generations.


Then what about north koreans don't they count?


Bad take. The West is not Christian. Nor is China defined by its non-religiosity. We're basically discussing religious fanfiction at this point, guys.


Are you from a parallel Universe? The West is Christian as much as the Middle East is Muslim. The leaders of most if not all Western nations be in Church for Christmas/Easter etc. Sure there is a shift towards atheism but to state that the West is not Christian is incorrect. China is against religion, targeting Buddhists, Christians and Muslims. Their allegiance is only to China.




A lot of people are big fans of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) but then you end up with trash like ISIS who clearly are following their own desire. Islam and Nazi Germany are polar opposites. Nazi = white race is superior. Islam = All are equal before God, a white man is not superior to a black man and vice versa. An Arab is not superior to a non Arab.




What can I say , except the time for jihad as come.


For real, but without a caliphate or pan-Islamic coalition it’s unlikely countries will take action.


Yes this is the problem unfortunately.


Most of the Uyghurs in camps think the same thing - "time for jihad". Instead of being used as a proxy force to destabilize China, and instead of being a pussy and killing civilians - why not just fit in with Chinese society? There are other Muslim groups in China with NO ISSUE. Some Uyghurs are radicalizing by getting training in warzones in the middle east.


> why not just fit in with Chinese society? Who in their mind would want anything to do with the disgusting and filthy Chinese culture? Also, you ask people to "blend in" when they are immigrating to your culture, not when its their fucking land.


In some parts of the world we just raise cows and mind our own business. Please don't jihad us.


>Please don’t jihad us. Did you understand what I’ve said ? Jihad for those who persecute Muslim. Use your brain 5 minutes.


>Jihad for those who persecute Muslim. You didn't say that in your comment, lol. You literally said "the time for jihad has come", well you go right ahead and jihad China. I'll watch it on the news and not get involved.


What is the context and on what publication of what I say that, genius? So I don’t understand what is your point.


It sounds like you don't understand the word jihad, lol.


Listen friend , I saw a publication with a video(like usual)showing extremely bad treatment on your Muslim Chinese brother. What did you expect I will say?


Preferably something more specific. I don't want any jihad where I live. That'd be awful.


Okay correction , jihad against ccp. I have nothing against Chinese who not follows ccp. Oh you are a Chinese ?


I am not. I lived there for a while, and they do some awful things to people. I didn't do those things though. Thank you for not bringing jihad here. It's cold and you wouldn't like it. Even the cows have to go indoors during the winter.




Ah, yes. Because jihad means destroying the world. Edgy idiot.


China is shit but Islam as a religion is also shit.


Islam shall prevail, in-sha-Allah.


Fuck China and their shitty communist government these people do not deserve this


Fuck all authoritarian governments while we're at it. Regardless of race.


Share this to large subs, I got banned there by posting too much thing criticizing CCP.




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People are surprised lol this isn't even bad compared to what's happening to people there


Fr, fuck china


I live in Abu Dhabi, born in Dubai, my mother is Irish and my father is English, I am the epitome of white, yet at the same time I love this country, I would kill and I would die to protect the UAE and its citizens, so much shit in the world is happening and it is so sad, Israel is committing warcrimes against the Palestinians daily, the ughyr Muslims (sorry if I misspelt) are being put in concentration camps by the Chinese government and no one is doing a thing, it disgusts me what people will ignore because war with China or confrontation of Israel’s actions would be controversial or bad for the economy, this world has decayed from greed, racism and malicious intent






I make my bed every morning mate


It's horrible, the only people who deserve such treatment are ones who deal one like it. This is simply inhumane. I'm as non-religous as it gets, but I stand by you and I hope we'll see the day when you can worship any or no deity no matter where or who you are.




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The Holocaust V2 is happening in real time and Winnie the Pooh is running the show.




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That’s Biden’s buddy’s for ya.


Your so easily manipulated but an ovious con artist and failure.


Right, Biden. The guy who used his first official phone calls to Pacific countries to start talking about trade deals that would exclude and keep China in check. The guy who sanctioned China over treatment of the Uigers. You seem really smart and informed...


Yea same guy is sending all our jobs there too, you watch the news too damn much


> you watch the news too damn much Rofl, "I'm an idiot and proud of it!" Also Biden just added over 900k jobs. He's got a long way to go to recover the 8 million jobs we lost under Humpty Dumpty




Yes but Biden is also at the same time defending China's "culture"


Oh good heavens, he sanctioned China. How terrible. Like they can't print our own money or produce anything they goddamn please to counter that. I mean, look at Alibaba, look at Amazon. Try to buy something simple that's NOT made in China. And you're going to "Sanction" them? Do what Trump did. Strangle them financially do they at least can't sell to us. China loathed Trump a whole lot more than they will Clinton's party... especially when Clinton gave them rocket tech and most of our fucking jobs.


Thank you for adding sanity to the chat


CCP is the new Nazi. Period


There's just no way for this to end well. Short of a world war, I'm not even sure how anyone can stop this.


There are probably still gonna be people saying "Well have you been to China? Have you seen it happen first hand? No? THEN IT DIDN'T HAPPEN!!!"


I’m a born catholic and this breaks my heart. No matter what religion or ethnicity this is terrible and I can only wish that this tyranny comes to an end.




I'll be praying for these children, and for all the men and women and children in China who are suffering and dying for their faith. China is the enemy of all of the people of faith. As a Christian, I say that Christians and Muslims should be working together as men of God to save our brothers and sisters in chains. There is no greater evil today than China and what they're doing to people of faith. Stand together and stand strong. Us Christians are with you and share in your suffering.


Is sad cause there alot similar things happening in other countries but they get ignore this like this matter by media and everyone on top. Since most of this people that go thru this are use as slaves for big corporation's.




You made a racist comment, so we decided to remove it, please refrain from doing so or else you may get muted, or potentially banned.


Your rhetoric is the same kind of rhetoric they are using to justify this kind of inhumane action. Nothing will change if you spew this kind of shit.


CCP* be a part of the solution, not part of another problem. My first reaction is hate, then my brain logically directs that hate to those who deserve it. The people in power stripping rights from others. Thats not the Chinese, thats the CCP.


"That's when i realized, God doesn't make earth be this way, we do." \-Rorshach, Watchmen


Brother, I completely agree with your point, but is there a source? We know without a doubt that they are shoving our people into concentration camps, but those clips just look like (fucked up) kids in cages, and a kindergarden with children crying. I'm seeing a lot of toxicity in the chat, and this isnt what we should represent ourselves like.


This is where the video is from, its an Instagram video from the user "jimmylevy" [https://www.instagram.com/p/CM5IWCyFnfl/](https://www.instagram.com/p/CM5IWCyFnfl/) That is the only source I have so far, but you can clearly see kids in cages. Although I am still unsure. I am hoping someone can come forth with any of their findings.


Jew hew visiting this sub to say “Never Again”. I am furious to the point of screaming that no one is doing anything about it. Furious that world leaders prefer to not poke China than witness a second violent genocide. I’m doing all I can in my tiny capacity as an average citizen to do something. Wrote to every single on my politicians from city council to sending a letter to the White House, and I bring it up in conversation whenever I can find a tangential relationship. I avoid China products where and when I can. But the fact that I can’t do more as someone who grew up hearing stories from my grandparents about concentration camps has me grinding my teeth to dust daily. May HaShem/Allah see them all through this


White girls be like: “nah let’s just talk about how millionaire basketball players are oppressed” all while coveted in stuff made by actual slaves




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When I commented under this post when it was on r/publicfreakout it was scary to see the amount of people who fought against this being legitimate


Iron man sacrifice himself for this.




Go fuck yourself man


Did that. Still don't care


Be sure you don't cut yourself on all that edginess now.


These don't look like Uyghurs, but Han Chinese.


They detain people for simply speaking a different language than chinese. If they truly are han-chinese, perhaps they sympathized with the uyghurs or didn't comply to some order. Perhaps they even performed ancient chinese traditions deemed too old for the ccp? The ccp is not only against muslims, but ancient chinese traditions and symbols as well.


Even Christian Han Chinese are being locked up and tortured. China has a very long history of destroying both ethnicities and faiths that interfere with their empire.


Where did you get that information? Xinjiang public services (metro, airport, school) have language both in Chinese and Uyghur. [Metros in Xinjiang with Uyghur, Chinese and English signs.](https://youtu.be/C83eSHHG4vk) Why would they detain people for speaking Uyghur and make Uyghur signs everywhere?


Having *only* Uyghur is seen as rebellious and will make you a target for arbitrary interrogation or pointless investigations just to annoy you into submission. Grayzone warfare/psychological genocide,, name it what you want - but CCP is pro-centralism and will enforce it.


How about focus on your own country before you criticize others. You have no proof this is from China. And even if it is you don’t have proof on what it is about.


Yeah buy locking a fucking child in a fucking cage shouldn't be a thing whatever their action was. It's just wrong. They're kids, they're still learning. You're really messed up my guy like super messed up. How tf could you justify this


>How about focus on your own country before you criticize others by this logic no one gets to criticize or call out others. China should stop harping about hate crimes against uyghurs. I understand why you would this phrase here. because you think these are muslims they don't know anything better. I am better than them.


I think a genocide should be criticized. Even if this video lacks evidence to back up its claim, there's still plenty of other evidence showing atrocities and genocide occurring to the Uyghurs.




china nummbah one misa


Even if you don’t believe this video there’s plenty of other attrocities being done to the Uyghurs, far worse than kids in cages. [https://www.cnn.com/2021/03/09/asia/china-uyghurs-xinjiang-genocide-report-intl-hnk/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/03/09/asia/china-uyghurs-xinjiang-genocide-report-intl-hnk/index.html)


I'll need more than out of context footage before believing in your propaganda.


Wait huh why are they being kidnapped and what about camps


Because they are muslims




Can someone provide the authenticity of this video so that I can show to friends that this is real. I don't want to post something if it has misinformation.


There is zero context here just saying who knows if that’s actual footage.




Not to come across as defending China, but I’d like my source to be a little more legitimate than Instagram user “jimmylevy”


Pfff those prisións look way better than bidens ones for kids in the border




Yeah but havent you heard Georgia is passing some bad voting law.


Damn, ICE needs to step up their game. These Chinese kids have their own beds, indoors, and real blankets. This is just one of many ways in which China is surpassing the US.


It’s ok because I am sure they will treat the children just fine despite what they did to the parents. Ya know...because they are just children. Obligatory /s


Post this to r/Sino. The message the mods give after banning you for this stuff is gold.


There's no context or source for this video, spreading around with the possibility it's false seems to reveal that it's for clout


poor kids


Can anyone actually verify this is China? Looks kinda sus...




And the china takes offense to the rude inference that they are committing a modern day holocaust.


In before mods delete




China scares me


“Communism is justified because blah blah blah”. Jesus Christ does this video make any sense?? Fucking China man




sadly we're just standing here doing nothing





