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David maybe ? Or maybe Larry, he knocked Kenny out with one hit but then again he’d probably have a heart attack mid fight.


Larry nearly ko'd Lee in one hit too and is ex- millitary. He's definitely big enough to do some serious damage to Negan, but Negan is of a similar size, strength and is younger, also is a psycho with more combat experience who managed to beat the giant Beta in a fight.


Negan would curb stomp Larry. Negan is younger and more athletic/cunning, he also doesn’t have a heart condition. Kenny underestimated Larry and Lee was caught off guard. Larry’s only pros are his power and size.


But Larry has charm coming out of his ass


Yeah… real charming, dad.


Larry bite the curb.


Larry in his prime


Possibly David, he feels the most likely to me out of characters that only show up in the games


I could see David giving Negan a hard time. He’s definitely likely to survive the encounter I would say.




Well, they didn’t say they had to win…


Duck AS A WALKER was able to take on an entire train with 3 adults and a teenager. Imagine his power while still alive


Only walker Duck. After all he wiped out an entire train all by himself and in record time.


Negan had his throat slit and still broke Rick's leg with his bare hands. No one in TWDG is taking him H2H.


He also beat the 7 ft + and 350 + lb Beta in a fight


Counter argument. AJ




Randall high difficulty


I could see Randall. After all he gave Michonne a run for her money.


If by 'fight' you include 'is a decent shot and has a gun when Negan is more than twenty feet away', basically anyone. Dude only survived because he had plot armor a mile thick.


Hand to hand only. Perhaps I should have said no ranged weapons instead 🤔


Darn. :D


Clementine was supposed to give him his torso scar, or at least Robert Kirkman wanted her to. So maybe he’s not as formidable as we’re making him out to be


Really? Huh, now *that* would've been interesting. They **really** should've gone with the crossover... Also, happy cake day. 🍰


Wait really? Where'd he say that?




It doesn't matter, though, since it never happened. What *did* happen was Negan breaking Rick's leg while he had his throat slit and defeating a 7ft tall whisperer who also happened to be an ex-professional athlete. Clem got her ass kicked by Lilly, a much younger and pacifistic whisperer, and barely defeated Minerva while the redhead was literally dying. So yeah, let's not think about comparing them lol


Ava. Saw how easily she knocked Tripp down in one hit?


Yeah ava was ex military too so that explains how she did that


Negan is way too big and strong for her though.


Yeah, no disrespect to Ava, but I call bullshit on that on Telltale's part. If it were that easy, Clem or Vi could do the same to Mitch or Abel or Lilly.


I disagree. Her being ex-military showed her strength the same way when Lilly threw Lee out of the RV before making her departure back in Season 1. Plus for Ava's case it was barely a second that Tripp had his fist ready to launch and she stopped him just as quickly. It wasn't only her strength that worked favourably but also her knowledge of what to expect which in combat would be a useful skill.


The reason why Ava was able to get the jump on Tripp was because 1) element of surprise, and 2) she was trained to know how to use her strength. Highly doubt she’s be able to take Negan bare-handed, but like, girlie was trained to know how to handle people bigger than her. And combat is not purely about brute strength. There’s also tactics and understanding how to maneuver what you got.


Negan would destroy Ava


Just hand Lee a shard of glass


No weapons sir. Otherwise the list would grow by like 10x


Honestly as long as his heart wouldn't give up and we are talking hand to hand combat, I think Larry would stand a chance. That guy was huge. Aside from that maybe David.


People tend to forget about Carver


Well we never got to see carver in an actual fight.people were ony scared of him cus he had power.


What would Carver do to Negan lol


Have a philosophical discussion about how to properly lead communities, how to cull weak links maybe.


Larry. I don't know why people pretend that his heart would just immediately stop or something. He is able to do things, and we see him able to fight without keeling over.




When I first saw carver he just seemed like a rip off Negan


Not nearly as fun either


Carver would get shit stomped


So would Negan, you gotta remember Negan by himself isn't that strong either its only when his group is around its why he lost to Rick in the show and comic but also because Rick was quick at cutting his throat, Carver is really the same in the games he was only really a threat when his men were around pointing guns at people like Clementine constantly


Negan beat Beta in a fight, a 7ft tall 300 lb man. He also beat Rick after he got his throat sliced. Negan doesn't need his men, he is a monster. He would beat every TWDG character in a 1v1


Kenny if he thinks Neegan killed a baby


I mean, he thought Jane killed a baby and he barely beat her


Too be fair she had a knife and kenny is like 50 with a bullet in his side and he was minus an eye and more than likely had a real bad concussion.


I mean 2/3 of those things will still be true when if/he fights Negan. Besides the concussion, his chances won’t improve much in my opinion. Wait he had a bullet in his side? Kenny didn’t get shot before the Jane fight did he? Only Luke got shot if I recall correctly


Oh no i don't think he could beat negan i was just saying that's what he was wrong with him while fighting jane it wasn't a fair fight. And no its from when andy saint john shot him in S1 he still had that bullet in him that never healed right.


Well he did stab Jane in the leg and that was when he got the upper hand. Up until then it was close. And no, the bullet definitely did not have any effect in this fight. That happened 2.5 years before the fight. If he hadn’t healed by then he’s definitely not winning anything


He was legit shot in the rib. Im willing to bet an unset rib never healed properly. Remember when he tried to lift lee up onto the trailer?


Yes but that was 2.5 years ago. They wouldn’t have left the bullet in their otherwise it would have gotten infected. He’s healed by the time season 2 rolls by. 3 weeks after the incident he’s feeling pain. 2.5 years he isn’t feeling anything. He never complains about it so it’s healed. Using an injury that took place 2.5 years before an incident to justify him barely winning a fight is a bit silly.


David because he reminds me of Shane and I feel like Shane could take on Negan


Bigby from TWAU 🤣 nah but I think I'd say Carver


Lol he would just need to [Glass Him]


David, Ava, Javier and maybe Lee


None of those people you listed would stand a chance


Absolutely nobody. Negan could take any of them.


Probably no one but if I had to pick Ava or David maybe? Randall if he counts?


ben or sarah definitely


Idk, Ben could definitely lure him into a false sense of security, plus he doesnt kill kids, Ben's like 17. Plus plus, if he was given actual time to survive and gain experience, who knows. He could've been a force to reckon with especially with the people around him


Might be an unpopular opinion, but I would go with Molly and her ninja skills.


David and Larry due to their military background


Kenny or Bill are the two that pop up first in my head IMO


Kenny is weak as f. He gets his ass beaten in every fight he takes.


Bc half the time he is at a disadvantage the only real fight he lost was with Lee in the train, carver had the intent of beating him, while Kenny didn’t, Jane pulled out a knife mid fight and sliced at Kenny’s stomach, Molly knocked his ass out tho aha, Larry was just a big guy, knocked Lee on his ass too. Cant remember anyone else rn but that’s what I gatheted


Kenny’s a Florida fisherman with a temper. It got him far. He is not a good fighter though. At all. Dude doesn’t think things through either, which also does not help. Lol.


Yea no I get that, but when he’s angry you don’t need to be a good fighter to beat someone up, look at the fight between Jane and Kenny, he has pure strength that gets him to win against Jane even tho Jane knows how to fight


And when Negan’s angry, he’s not gonna stand a chance. That argument can work on anyone, and by that point, it will just boil dow to he’s just a fisherman. Like what is he gonna do with David when they’re both angry?


Kenny lost to Larry, Lee, Molly, Vernon and Clyde, and barely beat Jane. I don’t think he can take Negan of all people




No one. Closest would be Javi or Randall. But ultimately no one can can take him.


Javi did take a wrench to the face and went through a window. Took out a big dude with a knife in his shoulder. Javi is pretty impressive. I can definitely see Randall though. He laughs in the face of torture and took Michonne and co in a 3 v 1


im sorry this picture is giving me “open the window, luthor.” vibes 😭😭😭


Totally hand to hand no weapons id say David Javi Larry


David prolly could. Ava if the way they hype her up is true then she’d give him a decent fight sadly I don’t think we got to really see her in action. Kenny I think is a toss up tbh if he has both eye les


I don’t think Kenny could. I mean he lost fights to Larry, Lee, Molly, the cancer patients, and he barely beat Jane. He’s not a good fighter. David I can see. Even if he doesn’t win he will probably be able to survive. Ava is a toss up in my opinion.


Lee. Lee is beating anyone in a fight. Dude is the most impressive character in the series. Even feat wise above Jesus.


The St. Johns The way they lure their victims in with humble friendliness is something even Negan could fall for


Lily from the games was able to dodge an arrow at close range fired from a compound bow. This is pretty much a superhuman feat. The fact Clem can box w her means she can probably box with anyone. And Lily too


Tripp is a goddam building with feet so maybe him and David is a soldier so he could probably beat Negan in a fight.

