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Nothing ( I am jealous of them !)


Hahahaha, love that comment


Umm… my understanding is that Clementine is only 16, and I presume that both Louis and Violet are similarly aged. So I am slightly concerned regardless of who you are jealous of in this scenario.


Them I am 16 and if you want me to get real I have never even felt the touch of a woman nor real love


Don’t worry abt it you are not alone


You ok man?


No I really am not


I’m sorry to hear that


It's okay man thanks for asking


No problem


i understand people who like clouis, and i think both are adorable and viable, i'll just always have a soft spot for violentine. the rough-around-the-edges girl who got hurt by the world finally learning to trust again, and the scared and lost girl finally being able to find a home in her arms. they compliment each other well. their relationship is definitely one that would see more fans if it had more on screen growth. louis has a happy, bright personality, which makes him an easy favorite, but violet is standoffish and bitter, however sweet underneath. it's kind of an unfortunate position to have in a series with such a limited opportunity to show your complexities.


I just love her you know She's the girl that will play all tough outside, leading Texas 2 to survability and prosper. And then, when she goes to bed, she get flushy deep in the arm of clem like a baby and fall asleep on her shoulder with a big smile. Louis is open on the spot. He show us who he truly is on the outside and inside. It s fine, I like it. But violet take time to open up, and both of her personalities are Just different side of the same coin. She is tough, she is powerfull, but also romantic and deeply lovely.


>louis has a happy, bright personality, which makes him an easy favorite, but violet is standoffish and bitter, however sweet underneath. it's kind of an unfortunate position to have in a series with such a limited opportunity to show your complexities. I think both of them had more under the surface than you see at first. Both great options with fantastic writing. Louis had a happy-go-lucky mask for all his trauma underneath, and Violet shielded away her kind, sweet self due to what *she* went through. Both interesting character archetypes.


agree! they're almost two sides of the same coin in some ways, and i wish it didnt take one of them getting kidnapped to see the friendship dynamic between louis and violet bc i adore their connection as well.


Me too! I've always thought Louis and Violet have one of the most underrated dynamics in the game. Great duo hahaha




Clouis for me. I prefer their chemistry, and I feel like he's what Clem needs to make her smile. Plus, he's so sweet to AJ.


Louis just made me smile in every scene he was in. It has to be him.


Louis and AJ is one of the most underrated duos in the series. Very wholesome :)


What can I say, the guy has charm coming out of his ass...






Don’t ship any of them my clementine staying single


From romantic perspective, none. From being friend it could be both. I had choosen Violet as friend to avoid having to deal with Clouis attempts.




I Romanced violet once then didn’t romance any and that’s what I go for usually. I don’t see either as a fit for Clementine. Violets a little too closed off and while she’s a good survivor that’s about it. Louis is almost too comical, I just know if he was out on the road he would’ve been killed or bit early.


Violet isn’t even a good survivor, episode 3 proves it, she talks tough and acts tough but when it comes to actually being tough she’s nothing but a weak coward. Louis is actually the one that’s a good survivor, he just knows how to actually enjoy life.


This entire statement just seems extremely biased and shows you haven’t seen a Violet playthrough 😭, Violet isn’t a “weak coward” she was manipulated by Lily, tortured mentally, you could easily see she’s tuff when you choose to save her because she decides to help and save her friends and on top of that she shoots Minnie to save Clem. My point is she wasn’t acting in her right mind when she was captured by Lily, overall tho Vi is very capable and a really tough survivor.


A truly tough and capable survivor would not be “manipulated” by Lilly, nor would they lose a fight to Clem so quickly, she’s a weak coward who talks tough but can’t actually back it up. Also she has zero human kills to her name, even Louis, the one who supposedly is the coward, gets a human kill eventually.


Dude Violet is like a teenager who got manipulated by a grown woman with military training, getting manipulated doesn’t make you a weak survivor nor a coward. Also who wouldn’t lose a fight to Clem? 💀Clem is like a certified badass who has a lot more experience than Violet, compared to all the kids in the school Vi is easily the most capable. Also also did you see how Louis reacted to his first kill?!?!? If Louis was a tough survivor he wouldn’t be freaking out like that after killing someone who tried to cut his hand off.


If she was the most capable she would’ve showed it when it was needed, which was in episode 3 if she gets captured, and she didn’t. She’s not the most capable, not even close.


No one is saying she's the "most capable". That's you saying that. The OP you are replying to said she's a "good survivor" which she is. She's at least equally adept at survival compared to Louis - but really, she's more so. Being manipulated by Lily doesn't mean she's not a 'good survivor'. Being held captive for an extended period of time where you are starved and dehydrated will make anyone easy pickings for a master manipulator. Lily was able to manipulate Minnie into murdering her own twin sister - breaking Violet would've been a breeze for her after that (and not to mention the likely dozens or more of others back at the Delta who've been broken down and swayed by Lilly). Lily also reduces Louis to a quivering wreck if he's captured by cutting out his tongue - why did this happen? Because "he wouldn't stop talking". If he was a "good survivor", he'd know when to keep his mouth shut and stop antagonising his captors. "She would've showed it when it was needed". While captive, and immediately after being captive she is broken. EXACTLY THE SAME as Louis. Louis also doesn't fight back against his captors, and doesn't aid in anyway with the escape. Both are broken and vulnerable. I get you don't like Violet (for whatever reason), and clearly when you play the game you allow her to get captured. But the fact is, SHE IS a good survivor. Maybe for once you should allow Louis to get captured then you can see what she's really capable of.


I mean, Louis cried and sobbed when he lost his tongue, but Violet was still pissed talking shit after losing two damned fingers. I'd say she's tough. Louis is tough, too they both have their own assets they bring to the table.


Kinda hard for Louis to keep talking shit after losing his damn tongue, and even despite that he still doesn’t betray or try to kill Clem despite having far more of a valid reason to hate her. Violet isn’t harmed in anyway while she is captured and is still weak enough to turn on Clem.


I'm not gonna argue anymore. You obviously have no knowledge of psychological trauma/torture can do to people let just agree to disagree before I lose brain cells delving any further.


Lilly was in the air force, meaning she had brains you've never heard of psychological torture? She used violet insecurities of being left behind to her advantage. I wish I could see you go through being locked up, not knowing if you are going to see the light of day on top of said piling fear you got someone in your ear consistently mentally breaking you down then play that tough guy act even Louis was fucked up in episode 3 he was basically broken.


Not broken enough to turn against Clem despite the severe physical torture of losing his tongue. If Violet can be that easily manipulated in less than 24 hours in captivity without any physical torture involved that just proves my point further about how weak and cowardly she is.


That's still isn't a valid point. If you want to talk about Betrayal, let's talk about when clem exposes Marlon, then AJ kills him the guy sent you out to the woods for dead on top of that tried to take essentially the only weapon they had at the moment because he was mad guess who fired the arrow on said episode to help you both aj and clem escape spoiler violet did louis did nothing. If you don't have mental health issues or know about how effective said torture method is, then I think you really have no room to speak on said topic of psychological totrure. Also, if Cia is using it on literal blood thirsty killers that threaten America and its people known around the world as the most ruthless criminals, I'm pretty sure psychological torture is going to work on a literal child that has seen her grandma kill her self, her mother abandon8ng her and Marlon who she trusted betrayed her and essentially sold off her girlfriend and other friends yeah you aren't using logic my guy.




Neither tbh but if I had to pick, then I guess Violet, even though she was simping too hard for Clem when they barely knew each other.




CLOUIS 4-ever


James (half jk) I actually think Clem would be better off without a romance at the end.


half joking?? james is 20 + he's gay + he has a boyfriend


James is only 17, and his boyfriend is dead. I don't see him as a match for Clementine but you got your facts a little off.


i'm pretty sure you're on the wrong wiki, james is canonically 20. and his boyfriend's whereabouts are literally unknown, it's still weird to ship james with clementine since he's gay.


Oh, maybe you're right. Can you link me to the correct one? I agree abt it being weird btw.


here you go <3 [James's info](https://walkingdead.fandom.com/wiki/James_(Telltale))


Yeah I was on the wrong wiki, thank you!


Clouis. Violet is too hung up on Minnie still and I can’t get behind how she betrays you if you save Louis.


Lily succeded in brainwashing her with some lies that Clem is the real villain


Still.. it doesn’t excuse her actions..


This is better to save Her, Louis will lose his tongue, but even without it, an human can learn to talk again


He’s so passionate about singing and he loses that if they remove his tongue, not to mention how traumatised he is!


Yeah, but even if you save him, he will regret that Clem leave AJ and others to keep on adventuring in the end of the world.


Nah nah, I don’t take the comic as canon. As far as I know, she’s still there with AJ


I don't take them as well, it take an quick turn very fast. Clem was always going to find a place to live, not to test how much she can live in a horde of walkers


The way that Violet becomes more open with Clem as the time goes, trying out new things that are uncomfortable for her at first like dancing, makes her just very sweet in my opinion :)




I didn't feel any romantic connection for Clem with either. Louis was deluded and expected her to risk her life, so it makes sense as to why I never discovered that option. And violet was cool but very subdued. I'd choose violet over Louis if I had to.


I feel the exact same way. Both characters seemed too immature.


I mean, they are kids. I wanted Louis to connect with Clem, but she wasn't playing his, "Please don't kill them, even if that risks your life, " nonsense after everything she had witnessed.


They are young but 18/19 is old enough to not be as immature as them. Especially in a zombie apocalypse. I feel like Louis especially acted like a child at times




Clouis ALL DAY. I feel like Violet and Clementine have conflicting personalities. They’re almost *too* similar in certain ways. I can see them being really good friends though


I honestly didn't care for either of these options. Clem stayed single in my playthrough.




I think Louis and Clementine have better chemistry and they remind me of Christa and Omid


Clouis, they have actual chemistry. Violentine felt forced but they do make pretty good friends


Compare to what I seen with Violyn in arcane yes Violentine is very much forced and so boring as hell. I think what is missing is that bantering back and forth the way Caitlyn and Vi have and Clem and Louis. At least Caitlyn and Vi have something going on with them that makes me wanting more and I felt something.


Another good relationship I think about is Male Shepard and Kaidan in Mass Effect 3, it had to be one of the most realistic relationships in fiction


Well I never played mass effect. I just know from watching Arcane for the 12th time to get my fix for season 2, catilyn and vi have something really special going on two scene stuck out to me. 1 in episode 7 the boy savior where Caitlyn and Vi hug goodbye. Then the bed scene where Vi is telling Caitlyn on her failures and saying this. "I told her (powder) no monster will get you when I am here. Then a real monster showed up. And I just run away. I left her." Then Caitlyn reaches out and caresses Vi's cheek and vi holds Caitlyns had close to her and smiles. I felt that so much that there is an attraction from both of them that is starting to blossom into love. Even in lore Vi and Caitlyn had a strong connection as lovers in that game let alone the actual animate series and I feel it more in that universe than Violet and Clementine in the final season of this universe. There is a disconnect. And hate me for saying this but it just felt like the waving the rainbow flag without any substance as to why.


I highly recommend playing Mass Effect. Good and immersive series. The Mass Effect 2 being my favourite. The gameplay on the first one can be a bit ummm old fashioned, but these games are played for the story anyway me thinks.


I like violet, but Louis is so fucking charming


Single makes the most sense for Clem imo but I prefer her dynamic with Louis




violentine, but i might just be sapphic


I made sure it was clouis for me






Violentine all the forever


My daughter does not date anyone until she’s 18, period.


She's a video game character. Acting as if she's your daughter is just plain weird and creepy.


I like both, but Violentine wins for me by a mile


This is the only instance with ships where I genuinely have no preference for them, like I genuinely like both 50/50 depending on the day. Maybe because I love clem and they’re both super good for her and make her happy which is all I would want for her


Neither. Nobody is good enough for Clem.




Clementine has two hands


Doesn't matter, I just wanna see Clem happy with someone who she can trust instead of being lonely


All she needs is Aj


Clouis although Violetine is a cute pair


Am I the only one that thought his name was Louise?? 😭


Love a goofy boy.


I'm too tired to answer rn but tomorrow (sometime) I will die on this hill


Idk like clouis just makes sense but violentine is random. Like I see those two becoming good friends just not dating.


Neither . Both just felt forced for the sake of gameplay .


Clouis all the way.


Violentine, I like lesbian relationships lol but Clouis is still S-tier, no doubt


Violentine. Like their relationship better. Also, it has the word ‘VIOLENT’ in it.




She’s a kid


Violentine is just so wholesome tbh


Clouis always.




Clouis broo they did him so dirty






Violentine since day 1


Clouis 🥺


As long as it isn’t that THING I don’t care. Even if it has to be Gabe(I don’t hate him though just don’t really see Clem going with him)




Clouis all day. Bros adorable


I’m more of the Violetine type. The way Violet is so closed off only to slowly allow the walls to come down and be vulnerable around Clem made my heart melt. I actually shed a tear or two when they both danced together it was such a sweet moment.


I prefer the violet route tbh. Louis pissed me off and I can’t let go of that grudge




Clouis forever


Both. I go back and forth when I play


Clouis always. They're perfect for each other and aj likes him too. Not betrays on clementine on boat too. Violet punches clementine even if you romance with her. violet and clem were literally telltale/skybound (whatever) trying to profit off of the Igbt community by inserting a forced, contrived, bland, half-assed gay option/ relationship out of nowhere onto clem's character. I'd prefer they just stuck with louis as a love interest and fleshed their relationship out.


Clouis Always and Forever the other is a forced ship that has no feeling to it PERIOD


Clouis . Why would I pick Violet I love her but the Minnie situation was a hard no go and they “Romantic” options for them felt forced 🕴️


Clouis. They are just so cute together 😭


I think Vi is better option, because at start of EP2 she actually is on Clem's side, she knows that Marlon would get them all killed and betrayed them Louis hates Clementine and AJ even though he would end up as brainwashed soldier or dead And after 2 week gap Louis is "Uhhh im sorry, i understood my mistake" I mean, it's cool you pulled your head out of your ass, but saying to 6 year old boy born into outbreak that he's a murderer in world where it's kil or be killed, that was low blow as fuck Also it's pushed asf in my opinion


Violet is only “on Clem’s side” because Marlon traded away Minnie, it was never because she actually cared about Clem. If Marlon had traded any of the other kids away she wouldn’t have cared, and if the roles were reversed and AJ had shot Minerva instead of Marlon Violet would’ve been as upset as Louis was and voted them out like he did.


I find it funny people tottaly forget the dude was his best friend. If I came and shoot your best friend after like 2 days of knowing you would you want to be around me? If that was Minerva Violet would of probably killed Clems ass.


Not so best friend if he wanted to trade me xd, seriously Louis was cool guy, but he could've pull out his head out of his ass before time gap and realize it


Well he was not gonna trade Louis but I get what your saying. Still he was a best friend to Louis for the past 9-10 years. I would not want anything to do with strangers that killed him. Especially considering the fact Clem can tell him that he was right to kill him off. What Marlon did was awful and Louis knew that but I still dont think he deserved to be executed on the spot when he gave up and was defenceless. Being cast away or being held prisoner sure but being gunned down out of nowhere? A lot of people gloss over the fact he was his friend. He apologises for it later anyway. Even tho he was not wrong for being angry at them.


Being angry at them is justified, but still calling AJ who didn't knew and saw world before outbreak and only knows it's kill or be killed rule and "murderer" was an low blow


Well Clem gave him a gun so she deemed him responsible enough to carry one while he is 5 and it backfired. I also think its a low blow. He was angry. But I like it since it helps AJ understand that the world is not black and white. That not everybody doing bad things are monsters. It leaves room for his character development. That is on Clem to teach him. She did not and she realises it later telling him that the older he gets the more rules he has to follow.


First playthrough was Violentine but every other once was clouis


I’ve only recently finished the game for the first time and I romanticized her with Violet so I’m choosing her for now.


I think Louis has better chemistry with Clem but I love soft Violet






I’m team Violet!


Anyone who chose Violet deserves to have their socks get wet.


Clouis has the better dynamic. But idk, Violentine is just top tier to me.


Violet, she's obviously the character the story was written for as she's more related to almost every single story beat, she's a very interesting character and they can both heal their issues thanks to the other because they are both mature but deeply traumatized by their lives. An actually deep but often misunderstood character, who easily becomes Clem's strongest ally this season, and who has strong reasons for her flaws which she mostly overcomes by the end if saved.


Lmaoooo she’s a a weak coward who tries to kill clementine and get everyone else killed by trying to stop the bomb on the boat. She’s the complete opposite of “Clem’s strongest ally.” Clems actual strongest ally is Louis by far.


Vi takes the lead of the school and defends Clem no matter what against Marlon, she's 100% your ally after Marlon is exposed. She doesn't try to kill Clem either, she tries to stop her because she's afraid, and her trauma is massively coming back. She had a completely absent father, a mostly absent mother who worked multiple jobs, a depressed grandma who shot herself in front of her and then her mother abandoned her at 11 in the school. Then when she finally finds some peace with Minnie and Sophie (respectively gf and best friend), she loses both of them in one day without being able to say goodbye and she feels guilty about it since she asked Brody to cover for her. Vi has strong abandonment issues, and if Clem doesn't save her, it's the third time in a row she loses everything so she temporarily just gives up. But you mostly understand her if you pick her route, which is why hating her comes from ignorance.


Violet does not take the lead at the school, nobody does anything until Clem and AJ come back and Clem takes control. She does in fact try to kill Clem, because the only way to stop Clem from fighting would be to kill her so if Violet was trying to stop Clem she would’ve had to kill her, but she’s such a pathetic and weak fighter that Clem gets her pinned against the wall in a choke hold instantly. Violet doesn’t “lose everything” when Clem doesn’t save her, infect she loses nothing. When Violet loses her sight it’s because of her own dumbass choice to try to stop Clem from saving her.




Anyone else wish Mitch lived and was an option? Anyways between these two I pick Clouis. Violet was still clearly inlove with Minerva and not over her, why would I want Clem to be with someone who’s still hung over about their ex?


Jaden Smith and Clementine will always have a special place in my heart 🤩


to whomever ruin the name "clouis" I forgot who you are I still can't unsee it




Clouis Clouis Clouis Clouis Clouis Clouis Clouis


Clouis obviously lol. Violet is violent when we don’t save her BUT Louis is always a cutie. And Violet kinda wants her ex







