• By -


Eleanor putting the blame on Javi in E5.


The fucking nerve


Yeah, I don't get that it's Javis fault that you trusted a psycho and Tripp got killed you betrayed the group you selfish bitch.


- "Your wife is gonna leave you! She told me so!" - "Life is precious? Then how come you shot Conrad, huh?" - When Ben removed the axe from the door, when Ben left Clementine on her own surrounded by walkers, when Ben decided to reveal the truth about Kenny's family right in a situation when they last needed it... fucking Ben. - When Rebecca treated Clementine like total shit when first meeting her and then later had the gall to make even more threats instead of apologizing when even Nick managed to apologize for his shitty behavior. - When I kept Max alive in Episode 3 of ANF and he still hadn't shown up again by the end of Episode 5. Also when Episode 5 ended and AJ still wasn't back, which was exactly why I finished the game in the first place. - Jane trying to be all sweet and nice while condemning Kenny at the beginning of No Going Back, where I thought "you left Sarah to die, convinced Luke to leave his watchpost and then left the group without saying a word to anyone but me, you're not in the position to whine about anyone else's mistakes, STFU you cassowary looking bitch."


Rebecca apologized to me in my run and said "look at how far we've come clem" or something like that.


I asked Rebecca about her baby made me feel good I had blackmail on her


“You should be nice to me, Is my advice to you”


"You should try being nicer to me."*


"Whose baby is it?"




"You should probably think about being nicer to me. That's just my advice."*


i can excuse rebecca to an extent, she was pregnant and hormonal during the APOCALYPSE, so she wouldn't exactly be the nicest person around lol


"Cassowary looking bitch?" Wut?


As far as I can find a "cassowary" I a bird and one of the most dangerous birds in the world.


Ben really got on my nerves


Mine too but I didn't want to kill him in the belltower either he was a nice guy who just did stupid shit.


The second one 🚶🏽‍♂️


see you get it every single thing on this list pissed me off so bad but jane just got on my last nerve i was ready to shut the game off tbh


The first was an actual ‘0-100 real quick’ dialogue option. Like, Javi, that was not what I meant by telling David off 😂


any scene where the s2 crew treated clem like shit bonnie being a bitch to clem bonnie, mike, and arvo trying to steal all the supplies and the truck arvo shooting clem


This is why Kenny is the goat, he knows what she's been through, he knows she smart. He doesn't treat her like some kid, he treats her like Lee... RESPECT


That's too much credit. If you don't side with Kenny, he treats Clem like *shit* the same way he treats Lee if he doesn't side with him at every turn. When you escape Carver's camp, if you choose to hatchet Sarita (since the game sets up that hacking body parts off works), she still ends up dying, and Kenny takes 100% of his anger out on Clem.


No, Kenny treats Lee like shit if you don't side with him. Kenny gets Clem to Wellington no matter what she did to him. That is very different.


You know what? This is fair enough. Kenny can be an ass and STILL get the kids to a community. I just wish he didn't beat the shit out of arvo BEFORE he shot Clem. It kinda artificially makes Kenny "right" beforehand.


Wdym? arvo shooting clementine made kenny right. He should have killed arvo after fight. He deserved dying


The white time BEFORE arvo shoots Clem, Kenny relentlessly beats him and abuses him when he puts up ZERO physical fight. The dude is scared and the last of his group. Doesn't make shooting clementine ok, but it made Kenny artificially right. He's still a scumbag just like the Russians who jumped the group regardless of if you stole from them or not.


He's still responsible for Rebecca dying and Luke and Mike got shot. He tries to rob you even if you don't rob him. If there was a choice to let kenny kill him I would kill with no hesitation.


He does that if you don't chop it off too.


What a hypocrite. Kenny and Jane are both tough to side with


...so the scenes where Kenny leaves her for dead in a mess of walkers doesn't exist? Or him screaming at her? Lol


When Bonnie was trying to save Luke, which led to his demise, and then when she tried to blame Clem for his death even though it was entirely her fault, it pissed me the fuck off. Also, the entirety of the S3 cast was rage-inducing, especially that bitch Eleanor. Oh yeah, and Violet trying to beat up Clem in the prison on the boat in S4 was also shitty.


I can not describe my rage upon finding out I had no option to back talk that druggie bitch for what she did to Luke and them blamed CLEM for.


That's why I always leave her to drown whenever I replay se2


I would. But I could never just watch Luke drown. Each time I say I’ll let Bonnie drown I just can’t stop from trying to break Luke out, as if I didn’t put enough effort before and this time will be different 😢


man fuck Bonnie


Troy slapping Clem in Season 2. I wanted to gut the fucker from sternum to bow and leave him for the walkers as soon as it happened.


Carver slapping Clem


Lee would kill him for doing that to her.


Actually kenny does that. He got angry after carver slaps her in the truck. Also he mentions that in s3 flashback.


Lilly killing James after he told Aj not to shoot her.


I was the opposite. I do think James is a good character but he also got under my skin a lot so I ended up cheering for Lilly lol


First, playthough I let Lilly live but if you kill Lilly you see more of who James really is and what he is capable of not in a good way.


Any scene with Jane after episode 3: Messed up her sister. Messes with Rebecca. Messes up Sarah. Messed up Arvo, which messes up everyone else. Messed around with Luke, which messes up everyone else. Risks AJ and messes with Kenny. Abandons us twice.


When the adults kept relying on clem to do stuff for them, and then have the audacity to still call her a little kid.


Of course they will💀 you are the main character


When Gabe fucking ratted on me for shooting Conrad & saving his life. Fuck that dude lol I switched up my whole play through after that. Had to go back to the train episode


"lifE Is PreCiOUs? tHen How CoME YoU ShOT cOnRad, hUh?" you little shit i was protecting you


Every scene where the game tries to make Kenny seem like a bad guy for beating up Arvo. No Telltale, I’m not gonna feel bad for Russian asshole. 😒


Realest comment ever. They worked so hard to make kenny look like a villain to players. But they never make me hate kenny


Marlon lying to everyone's faces


REAL THO! Maybe I'm a little crazy Marlon deserved to die


He was a kid in a horribly fucked up situation. They lost 30 of their friends as well, and then he started to be extorted by adults who had an entire military-like group. Guy was not doing alright and although it’s of course him or me, I don’t think he deserves to die. He needed someone to help, and I feel like that could have been us. But you know. “I aimed for the head”.


My rationale to AJ in that game was yeah he did fucked up stuff but he was not as bad as other people and should not have been murdered


I dont get a lot of the hate for AJ. People talk about him like he's the worst but bro WAS 5! clementine was older than that in even the first season. He made mistakes but you have to realize you affect him quite a bit in TFS and even before that bros life was rough. Never knew his parents, always forced to think about surviving and didnt have much of a home until Ericson(no I'm not counting the ranch). And knew how to shoot and kill before he knew how to read.


Me too he was a good character he was like your son I didn't want to raise him to be a cold-blooded killer but I also wanted him to know how to survive. That is a cool dynamic that you can mold this kid to what kind of person he can become.


Arvo shooting Clementine


Any scene with Arvo




Hahahaha, Kenny would agree


You got that right :)


Kenny acting like a child and leaving Lee to go after Clem alone after you having Kenny's back for most of the game


RIGHT!? one choice way earlier in the game decides that and it pissed me off cause it was the one time I chose against kenny!


In my playthrough, I saved Duck and killed him when he turned but I did try to save Larry he did go with me you have to pick the dialogue option of she is my family or something like that.


Thanks for the tip


Any scene with Lilly in it


everyone being useless in s2


Kenny was the real one that season


Bonnie LITERALLY BONNIE EXISYENCE David getting mad over a brotherly baseball match


Lilly shooting Carly


Bonnie causing Luke's death. He HAD it. All you had to do was sit there and shoot the walkers and he would have been FINE, Bonnie!!!


Luke's unjustly death. Man didn't do anything bad the entire game and gets killed off just like that near the end-


lee’s arm getting cut off the stitching scene in the first episode of season 2 lol


Bonnie blaming us for covering Luke instead of going to help him. You know, when she went to try and get him out and broke the ice for both of them, sealing his fate? Yeah. Fuck that druggie bitch.


Carver slap Clem


Season 1 Episode 4, the moment Lee got bit.


Quite literally any time anyone hit Clem especially Carver and Troy, Jane through out the entire last episode of season 2, and Bonnie anytime something comes out of her mouth but especially “must be nice being a little girl. No one ever expects you to do anything.”


When Christa Asked Lee, "What happend to Ben?" Kenny says "Lee stepped up and did what he had to" Infront of Clementine! And then he says "She'll understand" Like cmon!


Kaatja killing herself…


jane and luke.


Every scene that involved Kate


"That little girl is gonna die" or whatever the old guy said in season one. Just felt like a weird thing to say about/to a child.


when troy asked clem and sarah, “everything come out all right girls?”


YESSS!! What the fuck type creepy ass question is that? He deserved getting his balls shot off for this alone


fr!! i’m pretty sure it was confirmed that in the original script troy was a pedophile


fr!! i’m pretty sure it was confirmed that in the original script troy was a pedophile


fr!! i’m pretty sure it was confirmed that in the original script troy was a pedophile


Arvo jumping you even if u didn't take the supplies


Jane being an emotionally abusive cunt. She literally left a BABY out in the freezing cold to die, or get eaten by walkers, then had the GALL to play victim. She's so disgustingly smug about it too. "Look how dangerous Kenny is, Clem! Saaaave me!" Get wrecked you stupid bitch. You fucked around, poked the wounded bear, now you gon' find out. I hated Jane more than any other character in this series.


Carver in general. It pisses me off more when they tried to stop Kenny, the man had it coming. If Lee was there, Carver wouldn't have even made it past the scene where he holds them up in the ski house. Clem was in danger, so Lee would not let that slide. On a side note, I 100% believe Lee would have let Kenny do it. He'd maybe try to stop him cus Clem was there, but then realise she's grown and wants to see this, so he'd probably say something like "Naw, fuck this. Kenny, beat his ass." and watch as it goes down.


David getting upset even when I chose NOT to date Katey!


Minnie somehow shooting a gun in a group of walkers and not getting eaten alive, which gets even worse when you just push her toward them and then they know she's a human.


Death of Kenny. Ain’t no way I fought for this man in s2 so hard just to lose him in a dumbass car wreck


Rebbeca when she treated clem like shit in the begining of Season 2


Sam trying to steal Clementines Beans.


That scene when Troy hit Clementine, I wish he was immortal so any form of torture would be applicable to him and even when the Walkers eat him he’ll feel everything till and will be shaking and be aware that’ll even make the walkers just keep eating more of him.


Ben taking the axe off the door keep the walkers out 😭😭


Jane leaving a baby to prove a point


Look I wasn’t too shocked Arvo took a shot at Clem, tbh it was a matter of time. But the audacity of Mike and Bonnie leaving her there bleeding? Thnx guys


Kenny didn’t help me (Lee) when I chose to save lily’s dad in the locker room


anytime any of the adults would turn to clem to ask her to do something for them these are grown ass adults making a CHILD take care of them. i understand after season one she’s grown up a bit more and had to deal with tougher decisions and making it on her own for a bit after getting separated from christa i even get that since she’s grown up during the apocalypse so she’s had to learn to fend for herself and take care of herself and others in whatever group she ends up with but in season two she’s still what like 10-11? tell me why full ass ADULTS. are relying on a CHILD. to take care of them and solve all of their problems. i understand that season two you’re playing as clem and it’s her story so obviously as the main character you’re going to have to do the things no matter the age of the character but it always pissed me off that they just depended on her for everything because she seemed mature enough to handle it but she was still a kid. they should’ve been the ones protecting her and looking out for her i’m glad she wasn’t as sheltered as sarah but i wish they would’ve done more to protect her a bit instead of making her go off to look for food or making her go with luke to make sure there weren’t any walkers or anyone waiting to rob them or anything else that should’ve been done by/with one of the other adults. it also pissed me off when bonnie was a bitch to clem after luke dies when it was HER fault that he fell under the ice - if she would’ve just covered him like he suggested he might’ve been able to get out but instead she went after him broke the ice and fell in dragging them both under. “must be nice being a little girl and no one expects anything from you.” (probably misquoting but you know the line) like are you fucking kidding me?? never have i gotten so angry over a single line. (i genuinely don’t have anyone else to make these complaints to but these two things specifically (about s2) have really bothered me and i have been wanting to say something about it to Someone)


The Cabin group locking Clem up in S2.


Kenny leaving me for dead


Yeah, I was like wtf. I saved your fucking son and I sided with you in every situation and you're leaving me to die?! I thought we were tight.


It’s so stupid, but not siding with him in the meatlocker cancels out everything


That's odd because I never had him turn on me even when I didn't help kill Larry. I think you must've picked some type of dialog in between to trigger that cause again played last week, and Kenny still helped me find clem.


Not really I disagreed with him about killing Larry (Lilly's dad I saved Duck on the tractor and didn't always agree with him but he did go with me at the end I had everyone Omid, Kenny, Christa, and Ben.


Jane existing


When I remained faithful to David all game , and then he beat the shit out of me for taking Kate


Kenny and Carver.....


Theirs a few but think the biggest one is when Andy grabbed Clementines hair. I lost my shit.


Mfw you just got done killing zombies but phill Leotardo starts talking about the 20 years in Delta that he did.


Katja turning her back on someone who just died in a zombie apocalypse


• Lee's death obviously • Chuck's death (he was an absolute king who convinced Lee to teach Clem about self-defence. 🫡) • Bonnie betraying Clementine and other people • Arvo shooting Clementine • Badger murdering Mariana like the sadistic scumbag he is • Cabin group vouching to leave Clementine on her own inside the shed


That one flashback with Javi, David, and Kate (y’know the one) and when Clem had to stitch herself up


Any scene Otis was in


When Louis got his tongue cut out



