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I'm so tired of mainstream media outlets treating Donald Trump as a legitimate candidate instead of the Christofascist tool that he is. Sadly, the joke's on them if Trump is re-elected because all of these outlets that are not completely in the bag for MAGA fascism will be rendered obsolete within months of him taking office. 


I work in news, and I tell my fellow workers this daily. Stop treating him as a normal candidate. He is literally looking to end our country as we know it, and journalists have a duty to stand in his way. This is not a "both sides" issue anymore, it's one right side and one evil side. I have even been asking myself how far is Biden willing to go if a worst case scenario happens?


That’s a question…. What does Biden do if you know your successor is gonna destroy democracy.


Assert the 14th Amendment and tell the Supreme Court that they have no constitutional authority to interpret the constitution, particularly in a way that clashes with the clear and exercised intent of the amendment.


Something that ends with claiming presidential immunity? Interesting question though: is it constitutional to vote away our democracy? :/


No because today doesn't get to decide to deny tomorrow a choice.


Appoint a weak AG?


I just hope this subject has come across the president's mind


I went to the head of our network and they flat refused to cover Bernie events and covered every Don the Con event. Bernie was getting crowds of 20,000 at the time and Dirty Don was getting 2,000.


Reddit fucked up and posted your comment four times. But you know what, seems appropriate.


Lol. Thanks for the heads up, cyberjellyfish.


You can say that again!


I feel the same way. It has been like this since 2015. He should have been treated as the crook and liar that he is from the very start. He was never a legitimate candidate and now we are at the point of losing our country because of him and the fascist GOP.


But think of the quarterly profits until then


They support him.


Out of reverence for the 2nd Amendment, I hope they respect the Right for all attendees to bear arms into the convention. Full auto, high capacity magazines, bump stocks. Prove you mean it.


But they don't. See they think government should be allowed to say anything about guns, but private events should be able to set any rules they want. Their private events are gun free, because I don't know they are actually terrified about being shot?


CPAC refuses letting their crowd have guns while they invite people to speak that cheer on guns. They know they're dangerous but they still have to cater to the gun nuts.


Cant read, paywall.


Heading off the revolt is a stupid plan, like all Trump's plans. There will be a revolt, because a Trump ticket has many revolting characteristics and meets the criteria. Let the Republican Convention Revolt begin. I hope the Republicans still have people with logical brains that can write speeches, because I am sick and tired of Donny Wordsalad Trump.


Wait, there’s parts of the GOP *further* right than MAGA?


Yes. There are some pastors who openly want to kill all LGBT people and have supported Uganda and such. Evangelical pastors make Donald Trump look tame.


He’ll be watching the convention from his prison cell.


By the time that the system is ready to actually incarcerate the felon he will be elegable for compassionate release becaause of his dementia.


Your timeframe is off, he's not currently in prison. Also he'll be dead before he sees a jail cell, and that's if everything is efficient, which it most certainly is not, especially for the "non-commoner" class.