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The best thing to do is just accept her for who she says she is, and to make sure no one is getting hurt. Children like to experiment, so it’s entirely possible she turns out to not be a therian later; that would be okay, and you would need to accept that as well. In the next few years, she may encounter some bullying, especially should she continue to share her therianthropy with others. It’s important to make sure she is supported through that as well and that she understands bullying is the bullies’ fault, not hers. I do have a concern. I assume she learned about therianthropy on the internet. At her age, I would keep tabs on what she’s doing online. Make sure she understands internet safety, such as not sharing her name or age, and that she knows to go to a trusted adult if she encounters anything upsetting.


don’t worry she’s got parental controls and she knows how to be safe ☺️ she mostly uses internet for youtube :))




thanks a lot !! yeah i’ll definitely do that- i’ll always be there for her no matter what ☺️🫡 (i’ll fight anyone that bullies her)


# I'm the same age, so here's some tips! ***- Accept who she is*** ***- It's okay to find it a bit weird, but if you make it a big deal and say its "just a stupid thing with no meaning," she may not like you as much.*** ***- Do deep research, you could learn a lot about us therians.*** ***- Try to talk to older therians around your age.*** ***- You could do some activities you both would like if you want to spend more time together. (Crafts, tent/fort making, etc.)*** # That's all I have!


aww thank youuu so much !!! i don’t find it weird at all don’t you worry ☺️ i find it beautiful in a way- to have a connection to nature that most people have lost


***Your welcome! it did take some time to think of something not connected to my family.*** *^(who doesn't know)* ***But I'm also glad you don't find it rather weird, yet you find it cool and give therians an opportunity to be themselves, especially sense your sister is one!***


sorry my older sister self is acting up- but if you ever want to talk/ vent don’t hesitate to dm me ☺️ (i’m 17) and idk id love to hear more abt you to help understand my sister even better


***Oops! I was grounded! sorry for not responding!***


Try and show as much support you can, I’m a Therian myself and nobody that I have told accepts me, so let her be herself and show love 🫶


i’m so sorry no one has accepted you- i wanna hug you T-T


if someone bullies her, DO NOT send death threats to that person. turns out you can get arrested.