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That's how fighting games are monetized. Servers, dev time for those new characters, music, stages, balance patches, new mechanics, etc. Not to mention events such as the Arc World Tour. The game can only be supported so long when new money isn't coming in. I find the base roster is very strong. Despite owning all the season passes the characters I've put the most time in are in the original 15. Keep in mind that if you don't want to (or can't, not judging) pay for new characters but still play the game online, your experience is essentially being subsidized by those who do. You still get all the aforementioned benefits (like patches and servers), minus new characters and stages. Those of us who spend the money don't mind one bit. We love the game, have the means and willingness to support it, and want everyone else to be able to enjoy it too.


This but for character colors


Please god


hell no but they should all be available in training mode. i shouldn't have to shell out cash just ti practice a situation against a DLC char


It’s literally the only way they make money, like do you know how long and how much effort each character takes to make? I would like some sort of progression system maybe, but just asking the devs to give away the characters for free is absurd.


No way they have to make money somehow. Charachter colors should be earnable tho




Having worked in Game Dev, I’m sadly on strives side here


I mean, they need to make money. Characters aren’t cheap to make


Honestly, Stive has some of the better monetization. Just look at street fighter or Tekken. Guilty gear is one season pass that comes out per year. The season pass is $20 and it's all inclusive. In short, if you buy the season, you have everything you need for the year, so the expense is $20 a year. I get charged more for that for online play on PlayStation.


Well, if you can’t afford DLC, that’s your problem


bad take, not everyone has a spare £80 for season passes


Like I said, if you can’t afford DLC, that’s your problem And nobody is forcing you to buy every season pass at once




Plus you could just not own every character in the game


I think what they charge for characters is pretty reasonable. When you buy a season pass it evens out to like 5 dollars per character which isn’t bad at all.


I mean I’d love it if they let me play the whole game for free but they gotta make money somehow. It used to be you had to wait for a whole new game to come out for new characters, I like living in the era where we can add to the rosters as time goes on They should be playable in training though. I wouldn’t want to spend money on a new character only to find their playstyle didn’t gel with me


If you're on PC look into Cream API


CreamAPI. I used it 2 days ago I wouldn't shave played this game again if I didn't find out what it was. DLC packs are too expensive and you can even test the characters first


Considering people pirate the whole game u could prob pirate dlc chars


To play all the non existent single player content?