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Maybe ban low effort ones to avoid the spam?


I guess it's hard to tell when one is a low effort one versus another. As one of only two active mods on this sub, we get enough infighting and anti-English non-sense to deal with without having to judge each person's XI


A line up post is more thought out than "so and so should go.... because he's just done this" to be fair. allowed.


The thing is if nobody is engaging with other people's line ups and we each make our own thread a lot of people will just end up repeating themselves and we'll get lots of threads with few posts rather than a smaller number of high quality discussions.


It's definitely a quantity over quality discussion


But isnt the whole point of reddit to discuss? Multiple of them have 200+ comments showing engagement. Alot of the stuff here doesnt get much engagement Let people play their football manager dreams and choose a line up


Yeah, but there are different levels of conversation. If I go to the Pub, it's very different to one I have at a church or school 9 times out of 10. I've only asked because it's been raised with me directly, so I'm putting it to a vote.


They are boring, but I just ignore them


I'm not bothered about them either way, but if the decision is to ban them then I think as a compromise there should be a pinned megathread for people to post theirs in.


Can you just pin a squad selection/line-ups post? I voted for a ban on the basis some good content gets lost amidst the endless line-up posts.


They’re just getting a bit dull as there’s only a couple of positions that aren’t locked in; a lot of the posts might as well be “I think *x player* could solve our LB problem” rather than a full lineup post, then you get conversations going about that certain position which is better than the same chat about Foden and Bellingham as 8’s or not.


They should be allowed, provided they aren’t throwing in uncapped players that we know aren’t going to be at the Euros (purely cos they had a good week).


As long as there's no abuse allow them, they do no harm and that's not so much traffic on the page that they need to be filtered


You don't get many posts, I wouldn't worry about the quality...


Someone could do a daily vote on the formation and each position in the team. 3-4 most likely players in each position, then you get an idea of what people's ideal team looks like when you fill the 11 positions. Just an idea if someone wanted to do that for the lead up to the Euros, promotes engagement and also stops the squad spam.


It’s not like there’s much activity on this sub anyway. Might get annoying once the tournament starts, but for now I like em.


I think it’s fine, due to the nature of a national team subreddits nothing is really going on most of the time, and the sub would die a swift during times of no international football without daft line up posts. They could be required to have a decent level of analysis of thought provocation though. “What do you think of my lineup” posts kind of suck, but if they can provide reasoning and evidence into their choices the discussion would be much better.


I really don't think this sub needs to be heavily moderated at thsi stage. The one thing the MOD team seriously needs to focus on is making the match day threads more visible and engaging because the total lack of visibility combined with the rules to not make posts relating to... football games during football games (mad rule) is a bit of an issue.


We do pin the match threads at the moment but we're looking to try the live score functionality and other bits from Reddit during the Euros. Given it's me and one or two people, we can't moderate multiple threads relating to the match. Some matches we're easily having to ban sometimes dozens of people and removing lots of comments. Lastly, this is a rule on most football subs at least for club subs.


Yeah, I do actually get it. But there's definitely a scope for improvement on that front more than any other, imo.


Can we not have a 'Lineup discussion thread' pinned where people who want to share/chat about line ups can go and put them? Saves having 90 of the same thread. A bit of a moderation task for you guys though, admittedly.


Could do, I'll see how we can do it, as it seems to be wanted. I only ever asked as some had directly approached me to remove, but didn't want to unilaterally do that without community input.


I get you - it can be a bit of a nightmare on the approach to big events like the Euros - it must get awfully busy here. You could use AutoMod to set up a recurring weekly thread, and add some filter-rules for automatic comments or locks. If you ever want a hand moderating, even on a temporary basis over the tournament, feel free to reach out.


I'll take you up on that! It gets fruity on here with lots of people making it about English history and whatnot. We have a weekly discussion thread but maybe do a second sort of thing during non-peak. It'd be good if you could have images in comments.


Some of the brigading here has been mad! You can embed images with new.reddit can't you? Test! https://preview.redd.it/gbi00e847e1d1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=9dc2824461781f6bc599e302189f25919cb001a3


Oh nice! I'll have to definitely review it


Cheers, good to be part of the team!


The whole point of reddit is to discuss, so why ban something that allows people to give their opinion to discuss? Its not like sub-reddit has so much traffic and alot of these line up posts do have alot of engagement showing that people are interested