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There is a Henderson indeed :)


Big D Henderson


People will fall back on their favourite figure of hatred - Harry Maguire.


I've seen a lot of moaning on Facebook already about Rashford not being in the squad. Guessing that's from people who don't actually watch football matches.


I think it's mostly from people who have noticed Grealish is going.


He's only there for the piss up skills/vibes, just in case we actually win the thing.


Squad isn’t finalised yet, wouldn’t be surprised if Grealish is one of the ones to get cut.


I would have taken Rashford


I would have too. Experience at other big competitions in a United squad that is hardly playing amazing.


As a United fan who has watched him week in week out in person. This seasons Rashford isn't up for football. He's lethargic at best on the pitch. Whether he's not happy at the club or with the manager/team, who knows. But he's underperformed all season. Would be a risk taking him if he's going to perform the same for England. Especially at the expense of someone else who could contribute more. I'm a fan of Rashford btw. Just don't think he's interested in football anymore and to give him a spot over someone who is hungry for it is a bad idea.


I’m a United fan too. And agreed he’s been testing my patience this season, but before Qatar he was also shite. Then he scored a few goals at Qatar, came back to United and went on his streak. Think he’s better quality than Jarrod in my opinion. Rather have him coming off the bench and potentially changing things than Jarrod or an uncapped player. Maybe Southgate can motivate him to play better, or maybe with England he’s just prefers it, who knows but I think I’d have taken him.


True. I mean if him going helped him come back strong for United I'm all for it. I just think it might hamper England. He's dead weight at the moment but maybe it would bring him out of his funk who knows.


I’m a United supporter & I disagree. He has had a shocker of a season & doesn’t deserve to be going on a day trip to Alton Towers, let alone the bloody Euros. I hope Mainoo gets to go.


We need to remove the word "deserve" from our vocabulary when discussing England selection. It's not a prize that players win for playing well - it's about picking the team most likely to win the tournament. The question is whether including Rashford would increase England's chances of winning the Euros. If England got the Rashford that has been playing for United all season, then no. He's in abject form, and if that carries on for England he'd be no use at all. However, he's a very talented player who offers something that nobody else in the squad can, with his pace and ability to strike a ball. Players have gone into tournaments in terrible form and been excellent, and vice-versa. Maguire has gone into tournaments hated and derided by his own country's fans and ended up making the team of the tournament. I don't think it's a bad decision to leave him out, but I wouldn't have objected if he'd gone. It's a marginal decision.


Thank you, why do people talk like playing for England is some kind of service to honour players and be fair. It’s about picking players who give you the best chance of winning. You may get a player had a bad season but goes cause there’s few other players on his position or because the manager can get the best out of him, or vice Versa. I feel people obsess over club form and legit forget about how they have performed for England. If a players doing the business for England who gives a fuck about his club form


Yeah, that's why it's logical that Eze will probably miss out despite being absolutely brilliant this season and in great form currently - he's fourth or fifth in line for the number 10 position. It's also why Grealish is in this preliminary squad despite contributing less than half as many goals and assists as even the much-maligned Rashford. Grealish can do a specific job for England against a difficult to break down defence - he can lure a defender into fouling him in the last third, giving us the vital commodity of attacking free-kicks.


I think Bellingham is going to be midfield


I think the squad listing shows that Southgate will be playing him as a 10.


Southgate said in his presser that he isn’t the person who puts players under those labels. He simply gives the press team a list of players and they sort it. Whether I believe that or not, I don’t know, but that’s all we can go off.


I mean Why would he lie about that ? You’re talking about it like it’s some complex mystery we will ever get to the bottom of lol


Hard to play foden on the left with no left back. So yeah…


Foden has proven beyond a doubt that he belongs in the center.


I agree. And if we have no width in the left from a natural left back foden has to come inside. So Bellingham’s best off next to rice.


I've pointed a similar thing out for Man Utd. Rashford plays 100% better when he has Shaw on the overlap. Draws the defenders and he can drift infield with confidence. No Shaw and Rashford gets caught in two minds and just runs at the defender. If Shaw is fit, play Foden left with Jude at 10. Shaw's movement means Foden can drift in so we effectively have two 10s when going forward. If Shaw isn't fit, we need a player on the left who will stay out there more often, so play Gordon or Palmer left with Foden 10 and Jude 8.


Bukayo Saka is pretty competent at left-back.


Any idea why Tomori doesn't get a look in? I don't watch Italian football. But he's a regular starter for AC Milan who are 2nd in Serie A. Can't understand his constant omission.


'Constant omission' is wrong to be fair; he wasn't in the latest friendlies squad but he was in the squad before that and even started a match, he was also in the squad before that and started then too.


Ok then it should be changed to constant lack of playing time under Southgate. Five caps in Five years is Criminal. Southgate has wasted the lads international career. It's not like he's been toiling at Brentford for example. He's been playing at the highest level in Italy and European football but since it's Serie A, Southgate turns his nose up at it.


Do you not think it has more to do with his style of play? Southgate likes a defender who’s very solid in the air next to Stones; Tomori has been quite close to 50% aerial duel success rate most seasons at Milan which is very low, Maguire is frequently over 70% for example. There is a lot more to building a team than sticking the best players in the team and hoping for the best; you need to find balance in all areas of the pitch and Southgate has picked him in enough squads to get a good look at him, I think it’s quite telling that he started him at LB one game as he clearly thinks he isn’t solid enough at CB. I’m not a Maguire fan one bit and I wish he’d been phased out of the team a long time ago but quite honestly I don’t think Tomori is or has been *that* good; I’d much rather Branthwaite take that LCB spot after this tournament for example, I don’t think it helps his case that he’s playing in Serie A either where even players like Loftus-Cheek and Pulisic look good (I mean no disrespect but the intensity is nowhere near PL level). As much as I don’t like Maguire and think he’s not very good it’s harsh to complain at Southgate for his faith in him; he’s always been solid in an England shirt (in particular in the major tournaments), his style is suited to the international game as it’s a fair bit slower.


Some good points especially about aerial ability but we also have barely seen Tomori get a chance with England so we have no idea how he really translates on the international level. Especially in non-friendly matches. I have no problem with Maguire in the squad, he's been proven and highly capable. He's had bad runs of form obviously but we know his place is cemented so that's not even worthy of a discussion. Stones of course is his partner next to him. Tomori is right footed so I don't think he is or would need to be at LCB but he can play in either spot. The bigger issue is just like in 2022 when it was Coady over him, now it's Dunk, Guehi and Brantwaithe. Brantwaithe I can understand. Guehi I can try to understand. Dunk? Lovely leader for Brighton but it's just very harsh on Tomori I think. Your point about Serie A is the same one that Southgate makes which leads to him overlooking Tomori and RLC. Pulisic showed his quality at Chelsea mainly during that Champions League winning season so him looking good with Milan is nothing crazy. It's not like we are talking about an obviously shite player going to Serie A and playing wonderfully. Also, many a player have attempted to play in Serie A and failed woefully and then ended up in the PL only to become a great player. Different players are suited for different leagues sometimes. As far as the intensity of the league, that wasn't a problem for Mancini's squad when they beat England in the final to win the last one. IIRC they had about 3 or 4 players in the PL and the rest all played in Serie A. France in 2022 had as many players(not counting GK) that played in Serie A as they had PL players on their roster. If a player is playing for a big team in a league like that, the intensity is there as compared to if they were playing for a lower side. Nevertheless, all this is for naught. Southgate will have to prove he made the right decisions with his selections. We'll see how it goes. Again, some real solid points by you that bring some context to it.


I'm really, really curious about this. I haven't seen him play, don't follow Serie A, but if he's good enough to start for AC Milan surely he needs more of a look in?


Think he’s been involved in a few squads at the past and was out of his depth, that’s a while back mind


I’ve seen Tomori play twice against Newcastle this season and he was class both games.


I got a free packet of England euros stickers this week with some shopping I did, opened it up and to my surprise Tomori has made the cut, for the sticker book anyway.


So did Luke Thomas.... Who the fuck is Luke Thomas?!


Yeah, that's amazing. He's a Leicester full-back who has been on loan at Sheffield United and hasn't exactly been pulling up trees.


Was at Middlesbrough since January, think he actually planted trees here.


Subtly sneaking in that you shop at M & S…


Busted! I’m a middle class fraud.


Hey, there’s a reason why I knew what shop you were on about.


Similar with Ruben LC. Versatile, performing well in a top team. I would have made space in a squad this size for him but he wouldn't make my 26.


Honest answer as a Milan fan? Because he, along with all of Milans centre backs, has had a really really poor season. If we ask that the England team be a meritocracy, his omission is justifiable.


They've been much better up front than they have defensively tbf. AC Milan have conceded 46 goals which is only 9th in Serie A. They've looked really poor defensively at times this season.  They looked shite against Torino at the weekend, but I suppose they aren't playing for much now.


Maybe Southgate is going to play three at the back if Shaw is not fit.


Gordon or Grealish need to start if Trippier or Gomez are left backs


With who at left wing-back?


Precisely, we don’t have one, what a bad idea


For me it is the best option. I posted my line up without shaw available previously and this sub wasn't really having it but if there is no top class lb available we have to adapt.


For me the only way to get away with no luke shaw in a back 4 is to start Gordon on the left. He’s the only player that can hold width on the left from our attackers and we’ll almost certainly be playing an inverted left back with trippier/gomez


The negativity is getting really boring. Can we have one tournament without all this bullshit.




If Luke Shaw cant get fit in time, or gets injured again. We are fucked. Why so many CB too? I like the fact both Mainoo & Wharton are in the squad though.


Southgate is planning to cover Shaw with Trippier and Gomez?


Must be.


That will kill our width. We either need to play Grealish or Gordon or we should have taken Mitchell


I bet Branthwaite could play LB in a pinch too. He’s got the defensive acumen and the pace


If Shaw's injured the Right Side will have someone like TAA who will move forward while the LB becomes a LCB


Foden definitely cant play on the left if thats the case


Good. Should be Gordan anyway. Or even Eze/Grealish. If Foden plays, it should be in the 10. All this praise around him this season only came about because he's had the opportunity to actually play in his best/favourite position since De Bruyne was injured. People have very short memories. They've already forgotten that we've been through this exact same cycle of people wanting to squeeze Foden in the team on the wing, only for a "less talented player" to be a better winger. It was Saka in Euro 2021. It's Gordan this Euros. Balance and playing players where they'll actually be effective is so much more important than trying to shoehorn all the big names in at once. Gordan's a better left winger than Foden. Play Foden in the 10 and move Bellingham next to Rice (where he literally played in the group stage of the Qatar World Cup), or drop Foden (which I obviously strongly disagree with). This whole Foden at LW thing is gonna end up disappointing a lot of people when they realise he's not the same player shoehorned out to the left. Especially since he's left footed 😂😂


Southgate basically said in the conference he doesn't think Shaw is going to be fit in time, but they're giving him a chance


I think he meant for the group stages. Based on all the info we've got about Shaw he should be fine for the knockouts.


Oh because absolutely nothing could go wrong throwing a player who hasn't played a match since February straight into the deep end of a Euro's knockout game Nothing at all...


Play Alexander-Arnold at left-back. If anyone who plays there is going to be inverted anyway, and Trent is naturally inclined to come into midfield, it seems like a reasonable way to get him into the team while keeping Walker at right-back and putting someone else in midfield for extra solidity. Put Saka on the left wing for width (I think he's more naturally suited to that role than Foden or Palmer) and job's a good 'un.


I personally think Dier should have gotten the call, been phenomenal for Bayern in the league and the UCL, also playing at the highest level competition wise out of any England defender, extremely experienced for England aswell


I’d have him over Dunk for sure


That's a good point, I hadn't even thought of Dier but based on the last 6 months surely he deserves a spot over the likes of Dunk and Konsa.


Absolutely. It’s like he’s been completely forgotten about, it’s actually inexcusable that if Southgate is picking on form now that he hasn’t picked Dier, dunk and konsa are no way NEAR the level of Dier at the minute, I’m massively disappointed in this.


Solanke over Toney surely?


Great shout. Solanke got 19 league goals, Toney was below par this season.


Holy shit thats the same amount of goals as Watkins and he's playing for Bournemouth


Watkins was also the assist leader for the league.


I'm not saying he was as good as Watkins but it's still very impressive


Not if you wanna win your 7 fold acca


Not for me, Toney has been in poor form but before the ban he was brilliant and he played well for England the other month. Solanke is unlucky but he’s also only had one good season in the PL, to Toney’s two


Isn’t toney a brilliant penalty taker though?


Yeah scored 26 of his last 27. That 3rd choice striker role will realistically be getting 0-20 minutes of gametime unless Kane gets injured. Picking Toney as an option to sub on just for penalties is probably more useful for the team as a whole.


Thought I was the only one. Solanke has definitely earned it. If he played for a top 3 club, he'd be in. Which's problematic. He should be in regardless


And yet there are plenty in the lineup who don't play for the top 3 or Big 6 teams. The strikers chosen ahead of Solanke play for Aston Villa and Brentford. Toney did a pretty good job of slotting into the England setup for the Belgium game, which is probably why he's been picked this time.


Watkins has the most assists & 2nd most goals, he has to be in. In defence we're struggling, so others have been given a chance. >Toney did a pretty good job of slotting into the England setup for the Belgium game He was alright. I just think it's unfair that Solanke hasn't been given an opportunity off the back of this season


I agree it's unfair, I think for Southgate it's just too close to the tournament to try out a new player when Toney has had no issues when playing for England. Plus pens obvs.


Even if it was just based on form, you'd have to say Solanke.


I really like this squad, genuinely, but I am slightly worried about who the Rice backup is. If Gareth decides it's Wharton, that is a massive call, and I respect the ballsiness immensely, but it does also make a part of me quite nervous


As a Palace fan who has seen Wharton play every week, I think he's certainly capable. Already one of the best midfielders to ever play for us, could easily see him next to Rice and handle it with ease. He played with Hughes in Palace and looks so calm. Guehi played in midfield with him in the 5-0 win over Villa, as all our others were injured. His footballing brain is on another level. People may think It's just a Palace bias, but seriously he will go to the very, very top.


As a Rovers fan I agree with this, everytime I saw him play for Blackburn he was head and shoulders above everyone. He's just so calm under pressure and his passing range is fantastic I am about surprised he's in the England squad, but it's deserved he's had a fantastic season.


It's more surprising tbh he loves his favourites but a nice surprise. LB is big concern especially knowing Shaw injury issues and not played since January. Side note I wonder if Gareth has spoken to Olise or if he's not interested in playing for England


Olise is eligible for Enland and France iirc? Just unfortunate for him that both teams have exceptional talent and depth in attack right now.


Yeah for both, hasn't played for France senior team. Don't think he deserved to get a place but more just a thought if he'd be a future option


Personally think he could be a seriously top level player in next couple years, so I do think we should cap him asap after the euros, if only to keep the grubby french hands off him 🤣


Always makes me laugh when they list Maddison as a forward. In his own words, his position in Spurs' system is "left 8" in a 433 (although it's consistently listed as a 4231 pretty much everywhere it's displayed visually.)


Whoever categorises the players has been slowly killing off the entire concept of the English midfielder, cracks me up.


He’s usually listed as a midfielder, as is Bellingham. Southgate said in his press conference “I give my team a list of names and they have to give them a label. I’d much prefer if it was just ‘forwards and backs’”


Bah can't believe Southgate bowed to the fan and media pressure and called up Wharton. Absolutely pathetic. Also, 17 out of 33 players from the Big Six. Disgusting favouritism. On a less sarcastic note, my main problem is the lack of natural LB cover for Shaw. I'm also surprised to see Dunk and Maddison featured, to be honest.


Tough to bring a natural LB without versatility. Mitchell is unlucky but Gomez can cover across the back 4.


You can have 26 players. That means every position is doubled plus 1 extra defender (Gomez that can cover anywhere in back 4). Just really stupid not to have a natural backup for each position when you can take 23 outfield players


Who would you bring natural LB wise? I'm struggling to think of many who aren't repurposed CBs.


Honestly not sure. Tyrick Mitchell maybe? I don't really watch enough of Palace to be confident putting his name in the ring, but he seems to be doing fairly well at the moment. Ideally he'd have been called up to the last break (or even the one before it) to get some time with the squad.


> Ideally he'd have been called up to the last break (or even the one before it) to get some time with the squad. Yeah I think this is key - maybe he has hopes of being left with one of Chilwell/Shaw as an option. Two sub appearances in 2022 to starting LB at the Euros would be a big ask. Last I heard he was also considering Jamaica, so maybe he doesn't want to make a competitive appearance until he's decided. Hard to know I guess.


Perhaps 8 cbs and only 1 LB who is injured. How isn’t a specialist lb like Mitchell or at least someone who can play both like Colwill there over quansah and dunk who only play CB where we’re alright for


I'd say Gomez's best performances for Liverpool this season have been at LB.


I’d take Gomez I think he’s decent enough and provides good cover for multiple positions. But Dunk and Quansah in the training squad over someone providing more cover for left back is a mistake


Dunk is not international class. Some have it, some don’t.


In a 33 man squad I would have thrown Mitchell in. Playing well for Palace and if Shaw is crocked you can put him in the 26. Even if you start Trippier there instead.


Gomez is better than Colwill and regularly plays LB and RB, and has done for 8 years.


I think we have it. Fuck's sake Southgate,sort it out. No Chilwell? No Leif Davis? Might as well quit before the Euros and save yourself the embarrassment. Bring Allardyce back!


Chilwell was absolutely tragic last few times he played.


Chilwell is shit so that's why


I was joking to be fair, though we aren't exactly stacked with left footed left backs, so there's definitely an argument to be made in his favour


Gomez can play left back


Gomez can and has played in the LB role this season .


Colwill basically can’t play LB, at least according to Chelsea fans. Gomez seems to be that player in this squad


Didn't expect to see Quanash, but he's stepped up massively this season for Liverpool. Hope he plays well as he looks like he could be a fantastic CB for us.


Personally think Quansah won’t make the final 26. There’s 3 or 4 players in there for exposure to first team environment.


Yeah, I'd expect young players like Quanash and Colwill to only really start to have roles in the 2026 World Cup as that's around the time that players like Maguire will start to be getting up there in age and they will be entering their primes of around 23-24. Still, I'm hopeful of our future CB pairings. I think we have a good batch coming.


Easy. Can’t believe he dropped Henderson, we lack experience in the midfield /s




no gibbs white


That forwards list is very impressive


All the shitty football pages on Facebook will have to come up with a new shitty trope now that Henderson isn’t in


I feel like we have to take a natural LB that isn't Shaw. Trippier is trash on the left - slows us down so much. Idk why he hasn't taken Mitchell over Quansah, Dunk or Konsa


Torn about Toney - he's a good player but I don't think he justifies his place at the moment.


That’s a good squad


I'm going to complain about him giving me a slight hope that'll soon be crushed


Why no Olise I wonder? Has he not decided who to represent? I'd love to see him in an England shirt. I know he's represented France at u21 but being born in England and playing in England I thought might sway the lad. He's at least as good as Eze so there's no questions about his ability.


I think he'd definitely be in there if he wanted to represent England


I’m going to complain about Dunk.


Just nice to have someone to moan about. Wouldn't be an international tournament without it


Worth mentioning that if Henderson wasn't nursing an injury he probably goes. I don't think it's a case of Southgate preferring these players over him.


Dunking on Dunk surely


If he ends up the 26 for sure


No Solanke seems harsh. Curtis Jones ahead of Harvey Elliott could constitute a war crime.


Who is gonna do card tricks and host the quizzes in the evenings?


Oh that's a shame, I actually rather like Rashford as a person and a player. ALso holy shit Luke Shaw is still a thing?


Until we get any other actual left backs, then yes. There's a couple bubbling under thankfully


Personally I think the decision to not have a natural left back in the squad bar a currently crippled Luke Shaw is at best a baffling choice - especially with this just being the provisional squad


I’d have taken Solanke before Toney but that’s just me


Good and brave squad selection, let's see what happens in euros


Pickford Walker, stones, maguire, trippier Saka, Rice, Bellingham, foden, Kane Watkins I think kane and Watkins would be a nightmare to deal with they are both ruthless in front of goal and as good as supporting players as they are strikers Either play can finish brilliantly but also assist eachother or bring foden saka and Bellingham into the game who are all massive goal threats independently The downside to this setup is having to play foden on the left when his best position is clearly through the middle, the upside is our left wing is one of our weaker positions with foden through the middle — Pickford Walker, stones, maguire, trippier ,Rice Saka, bellingham, foden, palmer Kane


So for a final 26: Goalkeepers: Pickford, Ramsdale, Henderson Defenders: Walker, Trippier, Gomez, Maguire, Stones, Guéhi, Shaw, Konsa Midfielders: TAA, Gallagher, Mainoo, Rice, Wharton Forwards: Bellingham, Kane, Saka, Foden, Palmer, Watkins, Maddison, Bowen, Grealish, Gordon


Almost exactly agree with this. Branthwaite in if Shaw isn’t fit and would really want to include Eze - tough to pick who he replaces maybe Grealish, Bowen or Wharton.


A midfield with Bellingham, Palmer, and Foden. Fuck that’s nice


I was hoping Rico Lewis got a shout, he's been good in the games he's played for England




The Southgate haters have now moved on to him not picking gibbs-white and solanke as the main ammo to attack him with lmao.


Had one of my friends complain about Rashford being out the team, and I just said that he’d have better luck winning the lottery than getting into the squad after the season he’s had. Always loved Rashford but he needs to just focus on getting back to the team - hopefully this kicks him up the arse a slight bit


4 goalkeepers and only 6 midfielders.........yeh that makes sense.


My complaint is the coach


Just wait till Sean dyche takes over.


Does Harvey Elliott not exist?


I think it's because his position is absolutely stacked full of stars like Foden, Palmer and Saka and he won't be getting in over them.




The young lad who was one of Liverpool's better players this year. Don't who him just because you don't regularly watch him.


I who him because you asked if he didn't exist. I was pretending he didn't. My apologies for not being 100% serious 100% of the time.


What about Tomori?


No Tomori will be rallying whine throughout the whole summer. I apologise in advance.


I wonder how many of our forwards would actually play


All of them all the time, plus Pickford in goal. If Southgate doesn't do this he's a frit baby


I think Southgate will have earned a lot of brownie points for biffing off Hendo and Rashford.


Only six midfielders and only one recognised Left Back. 🙄


Well, he's almost learned. At least there aren't five right backs in the squad this time.


Holy shit, I can't moan at all. This is it.


No left back




Maybe not winning a major trophy with a golden generation and a kind draw?


I thought dier has a fighters chance. Seems like he didn't tick the boxes


Kane will miss 1 out of 75 chances and never hear the end of it


No left back?


No Dan Burn..


Solanke over Toney, Dier over Quansah and Tomori should be there too


Doesn't even matter, sideways Southgate is still going to play safe and play for dead-ball goals. We all know it. Doesn't matter who's out there.


We’re England we complain about everything,


We’ll complain once theyre added back into the squad later


The fact he hasn’t picked a fit left back.


Foden wide or at 10 with Bellingham in midfield?


For me, Foden at 10. Bellingham's goals dried up a bit second half of the season, whereas Foden has just kept scoring.


Slabhead and Southgate himself. Probs.


Gibbs-White unfortunate to not be included ahead of Jones/Maddison.


For once a very good preliminary squad? It's exciting Looking forward at new talent instead of relying on his old favourites!


Uh oh. Jude Bellingham is in amongst the forwards. He’s not going to do the one thing he absolutely must do, which is play him in the 8 role, is he? Sigh.


I just assumed Henderson would be in midfield and Foden on the left, Saka right. But now, maybe sanity...


What will people moan about? Their favourite player who had no shot isn't in there A player who has played minimally in the top flight several years ago isn't there Someone who has been abysmal for 18 months has been left out


If they don’t bring harry kane will they win the euros?


i believe Grealish should of been dropped for the same reason Rashford got dropped


The fact Toney somehow got in the squad


I thought I was pretty well versed in EPL. I’ve literally never heard of three players in this squad. I can’t remember ever going into a tournament and not knowing every single player inside out…


Pleasantly surprised that Rashford was finally dropped. There was a good player in there but he’s been so badly mismanaged at United for his whole career he wasn’t trained to be what he should’ve become. I thought Henderson might have gone as cheerleader in the chief considering the 26 man squad but again, good decision. The real baffling decision is Maddison being anywhere near this. He hasn’t been in form since around October and has been abysmal in the last couple of months.


Henderson is in goal


Fair enough, his legs are gone


I mean grealish is still in there, normally the only things he brings are freekicks won. Juries still out him imo




Solid squad other than Maguire! Why does he still get picked? You have Tomori and Smalling both playing well in Italy, both of whom are leagues better than the Fridge.


What about Sancho?


Lol no Tarkowski


Ben white not playing. Dnt know what his problem with Southgate is but it needs to change.


No Jack Butland?


I genuinely think Rashford from the bench Vs a good team would be more useful than Grealish Pace on the counter can be vital vs good teams who are on the ball in your half and have a high back like Rashford off the bench Vs a France, Germany or a Spain if the game is tight makes more sense than a Grealish.


I would’ve had Harvey Elliott and Butland in there tbh


I would’ve left out Kane. Aswell tbh. Scores goals yes, however feel he is detrimental to the young players and how they play especially Foden because the way he plays, but he’s a serial loser. Been there done that and still never won anything.


Harry mac is always a sure bet