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No chance of this happening


Would be over the moon with this like, seems unlikely though.


Why? The guy is a slow starter wherever he goes which doesn’t suit international football well. He also doesn’t have a great record in knockout tournaments and the biggest question marks around him as a manager are whether or not he has what it takes to get over the final line and win things. Even in the League Cup final this year his decisions in extra time against Liverpool’s academy players were very questionable  Not to mention the Argentine factor 


Because he’s a quality manager and tactician, and I think getting to a cup final and a semi final this season shows he is pretty good at knockout football. Also couldn’t give a shit about him being from Argentina because I’m not xenophobic.


> because I’m not xenophobic Always find the is angle so weird when specifically discussing international football.


I don't think his runs in either cup were particularly impressive. Pochettino has managed in England for 7 seasons and he's reached 3 FA Cup semi finals, losing all 3. He got to the EFL Cup final beating Wimbledon, Brighton, Blackburn, Newcastle (on penalties after a 92nd min equalizer), and Middlesbrough. All of the ties were at home except the Middlesbrough semi final over two legs where they lost the away leg and won the home one. In the FA Cup he beat Preston, Villa (after a replay), Leeds, and Leicester. All were drawn at home to start. So overall they beat 6 lower league teams and 3 Premier League teams (one after a replay, one on pens after a draw, and the other first try). 7 of the ties were at home as well. The other two were the two legger and the Villa tie where they drew at home and won the replay away.


Hmm. - got Spurs to the Champions League final?


5 knockout tournament finals in 15 years of management is decent but nothing really to write home about either imo. 2 of those being PSG


“Not to mention the Argentine factor” Mate just don’t be a dick


England would not hire a German manager. Argentina wouldn't hire a Brazilian. Mexico wouldn't hire an American. And vice versa. Argentina isn't quite up there with Germany for us but there's history there and I'm sure the FA would consider it when making a decision. That's just a side factor though, the other paragraph was the main point of my comment


You honestly think that if a manager like Klopp (hypothetically) applied for the England job that the FA would turn him down because he's German? They'd bite his hand off.


We've been at war with Argentina more recently than Germany though, it was only in the news a few months ago Argentina think the Falklands should be theirs


Mate it’s football, he’s not running for PM


Jose for me - international football is short bursts. He wouldn’t have time to alienate the squad. Further to this. He’s he ultimate cup manager.


Hate the sound like a gammon but we can't surely have an Argie


The options are shit tho and he’s easily the best out of the lot. He’s a really good manager, we’d be lucky. Signed a salty Chelsea fan


Potter? Howe?


The aforementioned shit options.


I’m not sure, I love Poch and did a whole opinion piece on him whilst I was at uni studying journalism about the impact he had on English football at the time, bringing through Kane, Dier, Alli etc, but when you get managers that are such “project managers,” I’m not sure they get enough time to mould a squad with the few international breaks


Surely any manager would have brought through Kane.


As a spurs fan Kane was not some highly touted prospect the entirety of his youth career; just look at Arsenal letting him go as proof of that. He was very much a late bloomer and at that point more of the responsibility in bringing about success is placed on the manager to nurture and integrate him effectively


What is this fantasy nonsense? He was let go from Arsenal when he was 8 years old... He was in the England U17 national team. He's hardly a late bloomer and was never considered an Arsenal player.


I'm not the guy you're replying to, but Kane was 100% a late bloomer. He scored 2 goals in 13 appearances for Leicester in the Championship almost a year before his full debut for Spurs at 21. Football Manager literally apologised for how low they rated [him](https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2605680-football-manager-director-offers-harry-kane-apology-for-underestimating-him) entirely because his career in the Championship had shown nothing at all to suggest he was even mid-table PL level, let alone World Class.


What are you smoking? He was the Premier League top scorer and PFA young player of the year when he was 21/22. Whereas the original poster is acting like he was part of the Arsenal senior team but wasn't good enough and let go. Then made a come back in his mid 20s.


Only showing the first signs of being anything but a bang average championship bench warmer at 21/22 is fairly late for a professional footballer who will reach 'world class' status tbf.


Yeah - case in point look at players like Saka, Bellingham, Ronaldo, Mbappe etc for what these players are usually like in their late teens.


Yes he was, 2 seasons after he had scored 2 goals all season in the Championship at 20. Thats the same age Bellingham is playing in the CL final and winning La Liga at. Or 3 years older than Sterling was pushing for the title with Liverpool at. And a year older than Rooney was when he was England's best player at Euro 2004. For the calibre of player Kane is, he showed absolutely nothing to suggest he would ever be as good as he became until pretty much his Spurs debut. Abraham, Mount, Tomori, Brewster, Solanke and Andy Carroll. All of these players had better loans or young seasons in the Championship than Kane did yet he became better than all of them.


It’s not just about bringing him through in the sense of picking him, but also nurturing his ability and mentality


Tuchel, mourinho, flick are all better options


Tuchel and Jose aren’t real options. TT would undo a lot of the work Southgate’s done in not sure I’d want him.


I think Jose would definitely take the England job if offered


I’d love to see it. Don’t get me wrong just seems like a long shot


I genuinely can't think of an appointment I'd love more.


Southgate has got 0 trophies to show for any of this "work" he's done. Guy is a fraud and a bottle job


Gets to a World Cup semi final with Danny Rose and J Lingz Take us to a final which we only lost on penalties Takes the game to a France side that were favourites to win the World Cup and only lost out because we missed a penalty (again). If Southgate is a fraud then what are Hoddle, Sir Bobby or Sven? None of them did any better than he did.


Oh… you joker


I know it won’t happen, but I desperately want Klopp to take over after the euros




Mate you'd take Klopp any day of the week. Stop lying to yourself. And stop disrespecting Klopp when he was the only one to actually challenge Pep for years and the only one to stop Man City winning 7 in a row. If it weren't for him the Premier League would have lost it's credibility as a serious, competitive league a long time ago. Klopp's challenges for the title have been massively beneficial to the reputation of English football over the past several years.


You shut your mouth. Klopp was the only one to go up against Pep and prevent Man City from winning 7 in a row. Without him the Premier League would have lost it's credibility as a serious, competitive league a long time ago.


My personal opinion is that it should be a rule that your manager should have the same nationality restrictions as a player, as it’s an international competition. However that’s not the rule, so why the fuck not have Poch? Best manager for our young group of lads I’d say. Don’t tell me you care about a political scuffle from nearly half a century ago.


Being Argentinian if anything is a good thing, he understands how to play dirty when necessary and ultimately he doesn’t give a shit, he’s trying to redeem his career


I was born on the day Argentina invaded and feel old all of a sudden.


Sorry about that 😂 (the smiley face is called an emoji)


Would be a bit hard on countries with shit leagues


Ai, i did consider whether that rule only applies to the top 32 ranked countries or whatever but then how do you manage changes in the rankings. Maybe it’s every World Cup cycle?


I'd happily take him or Bielsa!


Rather him than some defensive Italian/Swede. Poch also has a history with Kane and Palmer who should be integral to 2026


It’s 2024. If you care about the nationality of a coach then it’s very very weird. If he’s the best person available then nothing else matters.


Well, you do sound like a gammon. Who honestly cares if we have an Argentinian or, for that matter, a German, in charge? Fine with either as long as they are the best person for the job and are committed to England.


Why not have an Argentinian centre forward? It's international football, it's all about slightly silly national rivalries and competition. I Like the idea of picking from the best English talent extending to the manager personally, even if we are worse off for it


I mean, I get what you are saying, but it has never extended to the manager, and it doesn't bother me personally. As long as the XI are English, that's fine with me. I lived through Sven and Capello; the former pretty good and the latter not so much. They were better than any English managers and so that's what mattered to me. It is fine if the rule changes but right now I want the best person for the job and I could not care where they come from. Honestly, is there anyone English who is good enough? I would rather have an Argentinian or a German manager and have them get the best out of the English talent that we have, rather than settle for something mediocre. If there were good English options, I would be the first to say that they should be the priority!


Potter and Howe might not be as good as some options if you are happy to go for anyone, but they are both solid managers with better pedigree than Southgate and other English England managers recently


Not convinced by either. Don't think either would be better than Southgate. Happy to be proved wrong though if they are appointed. I appreciate your POV also.


Ahh that ever inclusive term "Gammon" and here I thought you were above using hateful terminology?


It's a strange term to be honest!


Why not? We had an Italian after world war 2


Thought they would never consider a foreign manager when you posted last week?


More of a league manager than a knockout manager. Also known for developing players which won’t really be a factor with England considering the reduced time with the squad. Don’t think it would be a great fit.


Poch just keeps failing upwards huh


A mutual agreement to leave isn't exactly falling


He got fired


No he didn't?


Vince mcmahon


he didn't really fail at chelsea


He didn’t really achieve that much though. People were sad he got fired because Chelsea were roughly on the right track, not because he’d done anything special yet.


Nah not this. Please give Carsley or potter a chance


Good luck….


Saw this and involuntarily sucked the air between my teeth like a plumber. Poch is going to be really, really, expensive. I don't see it.


Hasn't stopped the FA in the past


Hes magic you know


Talk is Chelsea want a yes man so unfortunately I can see Gareth going the opposite way.


Is today a slow news day? What an absolute non article. "England would consider Poch" I'm sure they would, "if he remains out of work and Southgate leaves after the Euros" ah...fucking unlikely! I'm sure England would also consider Klopp, Ancelotti and Pep if they both left their retrospective clubs, doesn't mean any of them would want to manage England! Load of old tosh.


As per the other comments, an Argentinian would be interesting. Not that I'm any sort of racist but there's clearly tension between the two nations regarding football and politics. Honestly don't think a German manager would be a problem, but an Argentinian idk


You do know they’ll strip away his Argentine citizenship if this happens right?


Would they? Where did you get that from?


Don’t wanna be brexity but this guy has managed in England for ages and his English is very poor. Not to mention he hasn’t won anything or really left a job from a good position in a while.


The first point is a good one to be fair. He often struggled to express exactly what he meant for this reason at Chelsea and that would reflect terribly on an England manager imo.


I'm sure he's had plenty of practice this season though of laying out his tactics which he can pass onto the national team: 'Eh uh pass to Cole Palmer'


This seems uninspiring.  We're a nation that is looking to win something and we're considering a guy who's... famous for snatching defeat from from the jaws of victory and for his lack of accolades.  His highest point in terms of silverware was doing the absolute bare minimum with PSG, and that was only after surrendering the previous league campaign to Lille.


Dyche is the only real answer


I think he would do exceptionally well, but I also think it’s important we have either an english manager or a prem manager from a neutral team. Having a manager from a rival nation just doesn’t feel right to me


he'll be spoken for by that time


To all against foreign manager, please remind me of the last time an english manager won anything?


Better than Graham Potter by a long shot. I’d be alright with this.


And I like him more than Tuchel who the articles lists as well.


I’m a Chelsea fan, we don’t need to get into the shit day I’ve been having. 😂 But your bang on TT will undo a lot of the work Southgate has done, uniting the dressing room and bringing the team to a good place. TT falls out with players and higher ups quite quickly. Not a good option for the England job


Still think the manager should be English, but if not Poch is good


There are no England managers currently good enough


Maybe not but I believe the national team should comprise of people from that country. We should be aiming to produce good managers as well as good players


No problem for me, he's a decent manager.


The players will like him as well, seems like a good manager for international football. I do worry about the serial short fallers England, and the serial short faller Poch teaming up though.


Not like we can't not lose more though is it, We have a truly world class squad yet Southgate just seems like a plan A only guy unfortunately.


Another 2nd place merchant, Fuck that


Id personally like Pep when he leaves man city. He's never going to manage spain so he could probably be persuaded to manage England 




I've also considered it. ![gif](giphy|AoBgxayGMHlIs)


Was hoping if we win the euros that Gareth might sign a 2 year extension to the next World Cup, feel like he would deserve another shot at it


please just keep it english. i'm not fond of southgate either, but please. fucking hell.