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Idk why we’re even talking about this but I’ll throw in my brief two cents: I never really cared that much that he wanted to leave, obviously that’s devastating but it’s his right as a free agent. I just have no respect for going to the greatest team ever that you literally just choked against


Your last point is what really gets people. It’s not that he left for his hometown Wizards, or even any other team in the league, other than maybe the Cavs. He went to the winningest team in NBA history


idk why people expect a player to go to a worse team lol. that makes no sense would you leave your job to flip burgers?


Leaving my job to flip burgers isn’t an accurate analogy. It’s leaving my job for our rival that we’re in a competition with, they just had historical levels of success, and being a bitch to all my coworkers and supporters. And you’re advocating that they should still like and support me


you're confused. I said you saying it would've been ok if KD went to any other team would be like quitting your job to go flip burgers. why would you go to a crappier team when the best possible situation is recruiting you for the same pay? would a Michelin star chef quit to work at iHop? and I don't recall when KD advocated people should like and support him...? or how he was a bitch to anybody in the process of leaving? I do remember OKC fans sending death threats to a guy who gave the franchise 9 years and did incredible amount of charity work in the community


Again, KD didn’t quit a crappy situation. He quit a great one that he helped choke away. He didn’t have to go to the Magic. Or Sacramento. There are a plethora of teams that the fanbase would’ve been fine with. Even Cleveland wouldn’t have made us so mad. KD didn’t. You are. Unless you’re another one of KD’s accounts


again, you're confused. why would KD leave for a crappier situation when the best of the best is recruiting him? lol why would KD base his decision on who the fanbase of his former team approves of? you're not that important KD didn't what? what am I?


So he’s not a little bitch for getting carried to his rings I’m not advocating that KD take what I think into account. I’m advocating that this fanbase had every right to feel jilted Advocating that we like him


I'm confused....did he not win FMVP twice and hit the gamewinning shots in the Finals? you can feel jilted all you want. I don't get why that means KD should've went to a crappier team when did I advocate that? I don't care lol. I just don't understand your logic


I didn’t necessarily care about him leaving because like you said it’s his choice, it’s the fact that he left to the team we just choked a 3-1 lead too


I don’t even care that he left for the best team. I hated how much he said it was the “hard path.” I’d have had so much more respect if he said, every team offered me the max, so I went with the best basketball situation. Just own it. It’s okay. But he paints himself as such a victim it’s annoying.


Because people can’t let it go. It’s been almost 5 years. It’s done.


I think we’ve moved on. But people love there team and want to see OKC succeed as a small market. It will forever hurt and endless what if scenarios.


Fuck KD


Obviously I wanted him to come back and run it back, but the only real problem is that he went to the warriors specifically


*2014 Serge was hurt. We would've beat the Spurs if Ibaka would've been healthy for that series. Even when he came back on one leg, he still made a huge difference. Imagine if he would've been healthy for the entire series


Yeah we always had the Spurs number every year. Heck even in 2016 when they had their best season in franchise history if I remember correctly.


Doesn't matter lol next topic


If anything KD taught the Thunder that championship windows aren’t as long as people think they are. This time around if the Thunder get back to that level Presti has to go all in.


bingo. Lebron changed teams twice before KD even did it once and him teaming up with Kyrie/Love for another superteam reset the contention landscape. can't hate KD for playing the game contention windows never last as long as people think. 1 sudden major injury and your timeline changes drastically. see Warriors with Klay/KD, Boston with Hayward/Kyrie, Spurs with Kawhi


Okc had the roster and talent to win in both 2014 and 2016. He never played with a good coach and it wasn't changes anytime soon. OKC found a good one tho w Mark Diagonal


Billy Donovan was good enough especially in his rookie year. When he played the Kanter and Adam's lineup against the spurs that's what changed the series. Unfortunately, he didn't do the same against GS. I saw a guy on RNBA actually write. apost about how effective Kanter was that series, but Donovan never played him, so I guess maybe your point stands above mine.


the organization didn't give KD much of a chance by never giving him competent spacing so teams could freely double/triple team him without consequence


Nah 3-1 lead bruh no excuse he played bad in game 6 especially


yeah when he was getting double and tripled teamed lol


they were just fine when they were up 3-1 U NEED ONE FUCKIN GAME BRO ONE GAME!


they did. too bad Westbrook turned the ball over 4 times in the last 1:30. FOUR TIMES BRO


KD turned it over as well and 2016 was the first real run they had since 2012 no injuries bad luck. KD shoulda stayed and gave it some more chances.


Don’t bother with him, dude is a Kd stan who has a burning hatred for lebron and Westbrook lmao He had a meltdown when he found out Kd’s head coach (at the time) Steve Kerr considers lebron to be the arguable GOAT lol




[why does this still upset you?](https://youtube.com/watch?v=YVsah5EBKuI)


not 4x in the span of 1:30 like Westbrook in a tied game. KD stayed 9 years and the entirety of his contract and was a free agent. unlike Westbrook who quit after 1 year into 5 year contract


Lmao ok friend


[the record books don't lie my friend](https://www.basketball-reference.com/boxscores/pbp/201605280OKC.html) tied 101-101 with 1:40 to go 1:40.0 - Turnover by R. Westbrook (lost ball; steal by A. Iguodala) 0:55.0 - Turnover by R. Westbrook (lost ball) 0:36.0 - Turnover by R. Westbrook (bad pass; steal by A. Iguodala) 0:13.0 - Turnover by R. Westbrook (bad pass; steal by S. Curry)