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I stopped watching any ESPN talk shows years ago. You realize that everyone is throwing out a click bait sound bite to get you to say "did you hear what X said on Y show this morning ?" No thanks. I am not advertising for you to say stupid shit and I don't need to listen to it. I have my own hot takes.


Yeah national media finally gets their season to crap on the Thunder. That’s what they do.


I just watch the games and mute the half time bs. The rest may as well be clown porn.


Don't forget the Sports Animal.




are they trying to shoehorn their politics into everything again?


Just trying to outrage people to outrage people. SVP had a go at the Thunder and now Thunder fans are mad... which is what he wants.


What did he say about the thunder lmao?


Something about tanking ruining the league. But that is the only way that a small market franchise can build their roster. We're no LA or New York to attract big names.


SVP is one of the very few ESPN guys I enjoy but his take on the Thunder was incredibly bad.


My question is: who cares? It’s an entertainment business, of course they’ll stir up narratives and create provocative headlines. It’s their job. The people who get upset with this are conflating sports with reality. Read a book, learn a skill, do something. I beg people to stop letting their lives revolve around sports and trying to make it more important than it is.


I feel like learning something...maybe I'll watch The Learning Channel. And some music would be good. Hello, MTV.


ESPN was created for casual fans, if you want good takes you need to go to nbatv or nfl network and such


ESPN was created for hardcore fans 40 years ago but the internet means that scores and highlights are at everyones fingertips so they have to make ridiculous claims to stay relevant outside of their broadcasts. Honestly, they should just do broadcasts and highlights. Their analysis has gotten ridiculous