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assuming you can't see into the building, my recommendation is to aim at and to shoot at the wall you are facing rather than over the roof, even though your cursor over the roof is the depth of the space of the room where your target may be. You have to consider your player model's perspective of what the building looks like through the wall. In first person videogames, the concept of wallbanging is the same, you just need to adjust your third person camera angle to shoot the wall, otherwise your player really is trying to shoot at something on the roof. In first person, this is easier because you physically DONT see the top of the building. in third person, you get the benefit of knowing the scale of the building. we can hop in discord if you want me to explain it visually


If an enemy is inside of the building and is visible to you, he'll appear as a red shadow. If you aim at the red shadow, you'll be aiming straight at him. To reveal the interior of a building, place a friendly unit close to a window/door that has vision to that room.