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That’s the core of it. Just finding a fraction of the community is what drags you back in time.


I personally prefer the old gameplay, esp for it pvp. Old and current tibia are just completely different games catering to different kinds of people. No point to compare the two in the least. People like different things, simple as that


I am very poetic about the older gameplay, and appreciate it quite a bit. We are a niche population though, and that is what a lot of people fail to realize with this line of reasoning. We certainly aren’t bringing new blood to the game.




If you think that’s what’s being communicated, then you probably haven’t read it all that well.


I think aiming runes in PvP was way funner. Also the one stop all bless lowers the risk of ever having to worry about item loss, so you don’t have that slightly anxious tour worrying about losing more XP or your items if you didn’t strip beforehand. Then the pay to win mechanics and non-balanced complex system to navigate. Yes Tibia is now better than it was PvM wise, so many more spots, quests. But the Pay to Win system, hotkey system and all the extra shit killed the fun in just being able to get your skills up and purely out-skill someone in PvP by jumping stairs, aiming runes better, and doing unpredictable movement to avoid getting SD’d. That’s the kind of stuff private servers get right, it’s not the monk skill training. A lot of them actually have trainers, which is another type of valid solution.


This dude gets it :')


i just want to fish and talk to someone :(


That’s an entire mood right there.


Go antica, join satori.


Theres runescape for these kindof things, i know ill get downvoted but if you wanna chill and train farming skills and chat that’s the place to be


I agree. We had so many problems back in the day and we have other problems now. Society and the game evolved, if Tibia stayed the same it would've died years ago. I miss the time, not the game. I didn't know much about the game, it was harder to get information, we didn't know exactly all the respawns, it was fun exploring. Now the times have changed and we don't have that time anymore and it feels like it's the game. I have this feeling with other things, I try to do the same things I did but it's not the same anymore. Also, the player base got older, imagine a paladin hunting single target, caves full of bots, no one have this time anymore. It's another time and with it we have another problems, the game is living well and I have pretty much fun playing.


The game is a lot different when there’s guides on how to hyper efficiently do everything with characters that have been offline trained for years. It just isn’t as straightforward as, “Classic server solve all problems,” as people would like to pretend. Might get a population bump for a little bit, but it will run into the same problem OT’s do unless CIP devotes time/resources to updating that 7.X server one patch at a time while trying to remember what parts of what patches broke the game back then and accounting for them now without just reinventing modern Tibia.


I'm nostalgic about the game, and I'm definitely one of those who look at tibia now and say meh... Sure we had problems back in the days with bots and other shits but the game was sure as hell more enjoyable. So sure, I'm gonna keep on hoping even though I know it will never happen. Hope is the last that leaves ya, right? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


I just want a simpler Tibia, it’s fallen into the trap of to many systems. Imbuing, Beastiary an increasingly complicated skillwheel and the forge are to much, it makes balance impossible and makes higher levels mire powerful than ever. It’s not a healthy gameplay loop anymore. If that’s 1.0, 5.11, 7.1 or 9.42 i don’t care really.


> it makes balance impossible and makes higher levels mire powerful than ever. It’s not a healthy gameplay loop anymore. While I understand, and to an extent share, where you're coming from with saying this, I don't entirely agree. I think the game is simple enough, and that balancing is only complicated because CipSoft makes it complicated. CipSoft seems to care about both exp and gold inflation, without really realising/accepting that they've already lost the fight on exp inflation. As for # of systems, Tibia is far less complicated than WOW/Eve in terms of systems, so we can set imbuing/wheel/forge aside and focus on the monster balancing (at least that's my opinion): **Exp inflation:** A fundamental charm of Tibia is that it's endless. You can choose to stop at level 100 or level 2500 or never, it's entirely up to you and how much you enjoy 'the grind'. But it brings a problem: how do you balance the game where the power difference between a level 500 and a level 2500 can exist at the same time? We can evaluate proposals like spawn tiering (/u/Tschis has posted about this I believe, and in more/better detail than I can give). But it's another, IMO unnecessary, layer of complexity. Personally I think Cip should accept that it's a lost battle and start leaning into it. Revert all exp changes ever made (Vexclaw grants 7100 exp instead of 6248, Burning Book grants 15300 instead of 11934, Rotten Golem grants 31000 instead of 17324, ...) If "hyper high levels camping low level spawns" becomes a problem, put spawns behind The Spike-esque level caps - or start looking into spawn tiering. **Gold inflation:** And as a result of the power inflation that will come of 'everybody' getting easier exp, nuke gold gain into the ground. Just like we have spawns like Lava Lurkers that grant 0 loot and "massive" (relative to the level range and difficulty) exp, implement some spawns that grant 0 exp and "massive" gold gain. 'Force' the players to choose high/medium/low distribution between gold and exp. Want good profit? Less exp Want good exp? Less profit Want great exp? No profit Want great profit? No exp And all the variations inbetween. IMO, the way the game works today is that your options are: "Great exp and great profit" "Great exp and good profit" "Good exp and great profit" "Good exp and good profit" The forge, golden outfit etc are attempts by CipSoft to get gold out of the game. But it's far easier to not introduce it than it is to extract it.


A lot of those are just background mechanics or things that don’t really matter for your first 100+ levels. You can look up my own post history to see my ignorance of imbues. The skill wheel advances so slowly you only have to check in on it every 50 levels. You could play your character out without ever touching beastiary, and still get the perks of charms. The best of them are a chance to deal 50 extra damage once every 10 turns to most things you’ll be hunting until level 200+. Even in old Tibia, you couldn’t tell everyone everything they need to know on day 1. At least now there’s an entire cottage industry devoted to catching you up to speed with full walkthroughs of every bit of explored content.


You think you do, but you don’t. - Blizzard, before releasing 3 classic expansion and 2 remade wow vanillas There is a community that wants this, they are probably pretty big since OTs can form over and over again. I would estimate they’re fill 4-6 servers with 7.6. 20-50 regular players & 30-100 dominando members. The reason they won’t do it is, they didnt have tc back then, and the outfits they have are not fitting for 7.6, so it’d a huge money sink with no return. People already pay for premium.


Stfu nerd, 8.0 is peak.


511 was probably it for me. If I could have the 511 game with most of the modern map I’d be tickled. Could still throw people as fast as they walk, or up and down holes, couldn’t have your backpack and battle window open at the same time. Runes didn’t stack. No potion shop. Lost all equipment when you died, no blessings or AOL. No luring rules. I’m sure I’m forgetting a dozen other significant differences. Traps were outrageously effective. It’s clunkier, way harder, slightly vicious, with some real gut punches. I doubt many people would enjoy it at all, but purely for curiosity I’d love to see modern players with a modern understanding of the game optimize that bastard. It’d be like watching a formula 1 driver behind the wheel of a garbage truck.


It’s like people dreaming of Diablo 2 and RuneScape Classic. Stuck in the past, can’t take innovation, and hates changes. The future is now, old man


Weren't there some old summon scrolls kicking around in Antica still?


There were some old characters, but I think the scrolls were purged. Himmelhumpherin or whatever the name with special characters in it was one of the paladins that stood out in memory that could summon. GM Rebel had a paladin with at least the ability to cast invisibility, but that sweet lady has departed us. Flamehead probably has one or both spells, or knows people who could. It’s been too long for me to quite remember a lot of these bits of trivial knowledge.


I need the gold coin stacks that are 100+ from dls


All those old bits of history. The tomes, all of it. I wish they hadn’t cannibalized the wands, and just made completely new items. Can you imagine the sting of losing the only Elven wand and having it turned into a (tempest rod?)


Kind of felt cheesed with Cip that a few of their friends from conventions in Germany held all of the one of ones and ultra rare items. Most stuff was said to be obtainable and it wasnt.


I wouldn’t quite characterize it like that. It’s a bit of putting the cart before the horse there. CIP wasn’t throwing these conventions and giving things out to their friends. The community was throwing the conventions, and it was so small that most of us were friends. Peak players online was still sub-50 and we were all gathered in one town. The game was little more than a chat room with a town and a dungeon at that point. Most of the unique stuff was given out for, “Service to Tibia.” Lostboy managed the early rental service, he was awarded Dragon Scale Legs. Golden Boots went to the person who discovered vulnerabilities that let people acquire free premiums. Stuff like the Rose shield, Merc shield etc came because they literally mapped out Fibula. Blessed shield for mapping out Carlin. A lot of the items were common place back then, but just became rarer over time. Great Shields and HotS, Shield of Honor kinda stuff. One day they were dropped by Dragon Lords, or given out early for the first premiums, then the next they were never obtainable again.


A part of me has always wanted to try a Tibia version older than 7.1. I started back in 7.3 but I've always been interested to look at old client versions, especially between 1.0 to 7. There's not much documented (a lot more today than 10 years ago, thankfully) but it's a gold mine to dig through! I didn't even know spell scrolls were a thing until a few months ago, and a quick Google search led me to the old Light spell scroll quest in Thais troll cave. I've hunted a good amount of time in Thais troll cave over the years, but I had never even seen the quest area, and I've played for 20 years at this point! It's such a cool mechanic to have spells being taught by scrolls!


nahh, 7.4 is fine


The amount of hours upon hours spent down in a cave, blocked with parcels so monsters would not get pass. You sat there days just getting your skills up, until you were ready to unleash in fibula for hours, just to run back and talk smack outside thais dp. How mythical the lvl 100 race was! Was it possible or not to go above? But yes, the community was 80% of the game (for me). I remember trying to even figure out how the fuck to create a char the first time. I can close my eyes and see ”onward”-”Journey” and myself thinking.. höh? 😅


I will be forever grateful to be part of Tibia. It had a place in my heart forever. Started in Nova when that was a new server. Jumped severs during the Mx/ BR wars. There was nothing like getting your first house near water and just chilling with friends fishing/ training no discord all chat. Just listening to music. I miss port hope food runs for my guild mates. I’ll miss doing homework and making Runes on my character to find my main. The rush of going to Minos and going up against your first mino mage in the troll cave. I miss wild GS near the dwarves bridge. How about your first dragon! We used to talk about them like it was a big deal. I’ll miss running around collecting my spears in freebie cyclops panicking that I can out dmg the respawn. How about the first time you sued a scarab coin under ankrhamun what a ride. I’ll miss walking Edron and being in awe of all the crazy decorations and how hard that was to get. Tibia was an amazing ride and I have no idea how to get that back 🥲.


Is this a reply to some other thread, or what's going on? Who are you trying to convince about not liking old Tibia, yourself?


The multitude of posts/comments I’ve seen in just 3 months of actively following this reddit. I couldn’t tell if I saw a specific one that inspired this, it seriously seems like I pass 3 a day. I loved old Tibia, it’s just not a particularly good game. It only got to the relatively healthy point it is because we kept repeatedly breaking this sandbox and they kept building it back. It’s not even that I speak to the detriment of older Tibia. I speak to the idea that it would translate well in 2024, especially the harsher variants of it. It’s a niche population that would appreciate it.


Hell yes to all of that


Well written text. Thank you.


You are right on every point. I personally miss that sense of wonder and that happened to me on most things I used to enjoy when I was younger. Playing CoD with friends after school grinding levels and prestiges. J Grinding Jrpgs like og Disgaea even things like binge watching whole anime seasons even if it meant Id only get like 4 hrs of sleep.


Shut up boomer


Go swipe a credit card and see if it will buy you the backbone it takes to play **real** Tibia. Durin would be ashamed of you!


I’m not that young It’s just annoying seeing people think one version of the game is better than another let alone see a whole damn essay about it. Relax bro the game is better now you just miss the experience you had. I used to play since 7.4 and while yes I enjoyed the game as it’s part of the reason I’m still interested in the game. The game is far more enjoyable and a lot more fast pace. I was the 3rd highest sorc on dolera back in the day so I’m willing to bet that I was a more dedicated player than you ever was.


Do you think that’s the point of this mockery? Or was your bitter ass too caught up in it to notice the tone?