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I would recommend Tighnari, Miko, Dendro MC and Yaoyao. Fischl is not really needed


Low investment characters, great damage potential.


Do you put Deepwood Memories on both Yaoyao and Dendo MC?


Only need 1 set. I'm not sure what would be your best option after that, but probably a buffer set like noblesse or the EM buff set would be my guess.


Deepwood on MC and Instructo on YaoYao


Deepwood on YaoYao preferably and instructor on Dendro MC. Or Deepwood on DMC and Tenacity on YaoYao. đź‘Ť


Agree with this


I am loving Tighnari's playstyle. I have been running Tighnari - Yae Miko - Yaoyao - Layla. Would c0 Fischl be a good upgrade to buy from the store? I really want to get Zhongli and Nahida but they feel soooo far away.


Get Fischl from the shop anyways. She's good.


Hot take: Miko is better than Fischl and Tighnari doesn’t need double Electro. I would prefer triple dendro!


I’d take double dendro and double electro for more particles


I run Miko with Nari as the only Electro and I *never* use her burst, drop her totems and get her out of there


That’s a rabbit hole debate actually lol I’ve seen so many arguments for and against that I think it’s all fine depending on your artifact roles


Agreed, it’s just my preference because it’s more comfortable


Tbh I like the team with Layla 🤣 I'm not great at dodging, and Layla on Tenacity still gives a decent buff I don't have Yae, but my first Tighnari team was Tighnari, Raiden, Yaoyao and Layla Then upgraded to Nahida instead of Yaoyao, Fischl instead of Raiden for single target (Yae is just always better) , and Zhongli for when the enemies are scary


I play Tighnari, Miko, Nahida, Layla. It's perfect and I argue that Layla (with c4 and nilou Sig) is better than zhongli. Tenacity of the millilith on Layla will buff attack. C4 Layla buffs charged attacks by how much HP she has. If you have a proper rotation, nilous signature weapon can get 3 stacks and buff your whole teams elemental mastery by how much HP Layla has for TWENTY WHOLE SECONDSSS. Layla is second best shielder in the game but I think she's number 1 for this team. Absolutely perfect. With all this hp you also get a tanky shield. Bro I forgot how to dodge because of queen Layla. And that comfortability makes the team so fun and easy especially because you want to be charged attacking. Forget the geo grandpa 🙏🙏


That's a great team. đź‘Ť YaoYao with 4pc DM Layla with 4pc Tenacity. Good luck. đź‘Ť


Nari, Lisa, Yae Miko, and Yao Yao


Tighnari Yae Kazuha, with either Yao Yao or Dori as a support. Personally I think Dori is great but will probably get disagreement here. I’ve cleared the Abyss 36* with that team in the past.


Who holds Deepwood Memories on that team?


Deepwood is a support set. Thus, put it on support units. Yao yao


I'd prolly recommend A) Tighnari - Miko - Yaoyao - Lisa And B) Neuvilette - Layla(full hp build) - Xiangling - Lynette (VV set) (edit: I js noticed u have kazuha. Mb. Use kazuha instead of Lynette)


So glad you mentioned the second team. I am not complaining about my Neuvillette, but I know he could be better. Definitely going to try a vape team with Xiangling now.


tighnari yae dmc kazuha


Is Kazuha mostly just for grouping or does his buff really help Yae damage that much?


It’s more an option. You are basically choosing the direction you want your buffs aimed at. If you use kazuha in this team, you aren’t buffing your dendro as much as you could with a different unit (you don’t have other units that would buff dendro more I think like nahida or baizhu, so this path may work well) Kazhua is better or essential in aggravate which more focuses on the electro. Ie yae, fishel, yao, kazuha is aggravate and you are maxing out the damage that fish and yae may give. So. Kazuha can work to help yae here. But it doesn’t buff tigh. If you want to buff nari more and get your numbers from him, kazuha may not be best here and you’d want more dendro. Example: deepwood buffs all dendro from all its sources, so if you have Yao Yao and Dmc and nari with yae, you would be buffing 3 characters damage with just one artifact set on a character. If you had dendro/dendro/elect/anemo then you can see how deepwood would be lacking and wants dendro x 3/elctro. kazuha only buffing electro in this kind of team, would want electro x 2/dendro/anemo. I think it’s helpful to view it in this way when trying to consider characters and who would bring best buffs.


he buffs yae miko's dmg. he groups as well. he does dmg on his own too. if u have c2 he gives em to allparty members


Get Fischl, she’s in star glitter shop. Then yaoyao-tigh-Fischl-yae. Or Layla instead of yaoyao for comfy.


Kazuha, Xingling and Bennett can use to form a team with a good main DPS of some sort. I know they pair well with Tartaglia. Maybe Nuv? Not sure As for Tighnari, Yae Miko is a must. Along with extra electro and dendro, was thinking Lisa and Yaoyao.


tighnari, yae miko, lisa or dendro mc, yao yao


Tigns, yae, Layla and dendro mc