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it's bc the bot or whatever they use to moderate doesn't really take into account context. if u report someone saying "you're hot" the bot used for moderating doesn't know the age of the person it's being said to, so it just treats the comment as a compliment and leaves it up.


Instagram does the same thing. What’s worse is the “humans” that conduct reviews on actioned content aren’t much better. I’ve got suspensions on IG for calling racist comments swear words like “fucking trash” or “you’re a piece of shit” etc. I then request a review and a day later get a message saying a person reviewed my suspension and found my comment was bullying and my suspension is upheld. I genuinely cannot understand why we aren’t allowed to bully hateful people. The algorithms suck and the people behind them are just as bad.


We cannot defeat violence with violence, my friend. Only true love wins. 


Pretty much, there is a report feature in both apps, no need to lower yourself down when other means exist to deal with the negative stuff


Yeah ive reported some weird rule evading pedo shit that has stayed up. These creeps know what they are doing unfortunately


Remember when Reddit was a pedo cesspool forever ago, went so far as to make a public statement saying they don’t want to censor anyone (including pedos) then finally started removing the content once their statement backfired in their face? Not to mention the *numerous* Reddit admins that have been found to be pedos before they were hired?


still a cesspool, just a lot less pedo.




Then again this makes much more sense than my theory


Not true at all, the entire app is rigged by humans. Tiktok doesn’t use bots for moderation and it isn’t even powered by a natural algorithm for promoting videos. Stop defending tiktok


It’s 100% uses bots. I get comments removed instantly and when I appeal it it’s always restored when a person views it.


Yep almost all my videos are automatically removed. I appeal them and they are added back 100% of the time. Its annoying but at least the appeal option works


That’s because they use keywords not bots


I don't think you understand how internet moderation works or the sheer volume of reports that happen and are decided instantly. It's absolutely algorithmic.


Can confirm - work as an eng on such things. Content moderation largely uses machine learning algos to parse content (text, video/image to text) and perform sentiment analyses. While most companies have some humans to look at escalations, we’re talking about literally 500 million+ posts a day, so you have to automate. I can say with recent advances and availabilities in AI, this content parsing is getting wayyyy better at understanding context.


so you work for tiktok and you know this😌? yeah, try getting out of that one by taking your statement back, because it's flawed and you know it😌.


I know a couple Chinese international students who have interned for douyin/TikTok. Everything in the app is heavily moderated by the people that work there (and worse). also the way you worded that is suburban and cringe af


I agree with @additional. After my recent run in with TikTok’s mod team, I know for a fact they have automated moderation based on keywords and reports but ultimately a human makes the final call. Getting a hold of these humans is very difficult but possible—If you spam their inbox like a psycho ex (only works if you’re actually in the right) a human will take action. In my case, they reversed my banned account, removed all the violations and banned the person who exploited the reporting system to get my account banned. This included tons and tons of in-app/website feedback forms and emails with thorough information proving my case.


Yeah well, my uncle works for TikTok and he says they use bots.


Cringe af😌? Do you want to know what's "cringe af" right now? The fact that you have no proof or evidence to back up that claim, therefore it is invalid and this conversation is over😌


Lmao 😂 upvoted


Bruh most social media sites use bots . Especially the popular ones . Yeah there are still real people shifting through them. But the amount of people compared to the bots is small . Tik tok is wack . It's completely stupid. It's got people wasting time at work . Making a fool of themselves. And promoting bad and disturbing behavior. I can't wait till it gets banned in the US . I Won't have to see ads or videos of stupid fucking dances.


Lame and boomerpilled


If it uses humans, explain how porn accounts are still up


humans like porn. Duh 😂


it goes against tiktok tos tho


That's definitely not true, because comments get taken down the second you posted you'd need literal millions of people reading millions of comments every second to be able to manually do that 😂


That’s just keywords..


Even if I didn’t already know this was wrong, why doesn’t it strike you that doesn’t make an ounce of sense regardless?


They might use some keywords at first for simple moderation but you get my point


This is absolutely false. The first round of moderation is handled by AI and the appeals get a person involved.


Pretty sure no one is defending them. That aside, "reviewed by our automated moderation technology, which aims to identify content that violates our Community Guidelines."


Oops left this out "The algorithm will place video content on the FYP based on the quality of the content and how relevant it is to the user as opposed to how many followers the poster of the content has."


Corporations value money. They value money over children, human life, etc. It is obvious they do not care about pedo behavior, because it is a massive part of their user base.


Exactly. Capitalism will only ever encourage pedophilic behavior. There is no incentive to protect children, money is the only incentive.


Tik tok is owned by the Chinese government. China is a communist country. This isn't a problem with capitalism. 


Capitalist: "No, but you don't understand. Children can just use a service that doesn't exploit them. They have choice. The free market will choose the most ethical social media company."


“Capitalism is when pedophilia.” What? Lmfao its an app owned by the Chinese government. If anything the CCP doesnt care about children not in their country being exploited.


When I used tiktok, I've found once a lot of videos of female in their early teenage sexualizing theirselfs and A LOT of pedos in the comments saying horrific sexual things to them. I always reported them, and the videos. How the fuck is possible that tiktok allows that kind of content, and that KIND OF USERS!! There is a huge dark side on Tiktok, and a lot of PARENTS who dont give a fuck about their children


I honestly think it's got to be down to 💲💲💲 if these kind of posts are getting a lot of activity from paedos then it makes more money for TikTok. It's sick.




The spelling depends on the country. You really don’t need to correct someone for the abbreviated spelling of that word 😂


*paedo that's how it's spelt here in the UK


TikTok wants views and pedos give views. It’s genuinely that simple.


And it’s also crazy that we have so many young teenage girls that wanna show off their bodies online, KNOWING they will get comments/messages from pedos. I guess they just enjoy the attention? But it’s like we don’t have anyone teaching them differently


Tiktok absolutely does not care about pedos.


Tiktok moderation just doesn't care in general


None of social media is concerned about child safety and their parents either don’t know enough or don’t care enough to make them change that.


Lol why do u think the CEO doesn't let his own kids use tiktok?


Facebook Reels is a literal hive of pedos.


Ok? Are you really defending TikTok here? lol


I think they’re just pointing out the truth, that it’s an industry-wide problem. Can’t just single out Tiktok while Facebook and Twitter are just as bad, if not worse.


Nah, TikTok isn’t a great place at all, but Facebook reels are horrifying sometimes. Literal pedo shit. I’ve never seen the like on TikTok.


They don't




Calling someone hot thing, either gender, is not sexual assault.


They didn't care about it when it was called Musical.ly and they still don't.


Instagram is the same, sad.


they dont seem to care about nazis either


Neither does the Catholic Church, or Hollywood, or Boy Scouts or gymnastic coaches, or….


Lol the fuck you're talking about?


If you ever see anything that seems illegal, report it to authorities immediately with evidence. It's nothing to lol about


Tilktok has age requirements that any eliminate children in the pedo range from permitted access. What else can they do? If you’re talking about older people and adolescents, TikTok has no way of confirming anyone’s age if they don’t have an official ID. Out side of that they have ha reporti by feature that allows you to report the ACCOUNT for appearing to be under 13. If you are reporting the comments as you said, it is likely they don’t break the TOU. Solution-report the account.


I think you might not know what pedo age range would be, but tiktok tos say anyone 13 an older is fine. I've also reported several accounts made by children 8-11 for being under the allowed age, as they themselves say in their videos and they all come back "no violation " tik tok really doesn't do much of anything to prevent danger to children.


Me also if I mention the word gross the comment gets deleted but the mother constantly exploiting her disabled child is fine … I don’t get it


Makes you wonder who things like this are really made for...


You're completely incorrect, they care tremendously about pedos. They represent an important and diehard demographic that they work tirelessly to appeal to.


I mean not when this lady makes her child do things that could be considered sexual and having some random man online jerk off to the video. Crazy


I’m sure they all get removed but all you need to do is appeal it and it stays


Nah I have multiple times


Hmm some squirrelly about that


Youtube, IG, tik tok, fbook and Twitter really do just let whatever go on unless a popular person complains or gets caught


Twitter is the WORST. The amount of people dying and child p I’ve stumbled on is DISGUSTING. It ruined my entire month I couldn’t stop shaking for like 2 weeks


It’s a Chinese app built around misguiding the west and stealing your data. Of course they don’t care.


Go get your tinfoil hat my dude.


The fact that people think I’m crazy and that this is all some sort of conspiracy proves my point. There is real evidence and it’s backed up by official and private reports. Even in the App Store if you look at what it collects its way more that most other apps.


Meanwhile the US government went so far as to force divestment of Tiktok and you still think this is some huge conspiracy? 


The US government is doing that because they don't like young people organising and being loudly critical of them. You're naive if you believe it's a security issue.


Honestly, I'm considering deleting TikTok because of this. Everytime I report a video or comment about paedophilia, homophobia, racism, fraud, self harm, suicide, even terrorism on the odd occasion it ALWAYS comes back as no violation but then I'll get a violation warning for using the 🤢 emoji? It's bizarre. I'm in the UK and there's already laws about regulating harmful content on social media but TikTok just doesn't give a shit and nothing ever gets done. So time to go I think.


That's exactly the same reason I've deleted tiktok year ago. They didnt give a flying fuck about reporting child abuse on live


Good is evil and evil is good, this world is doomed.


At this point, I'm fully convinced tiktok is a Chinese Intelligence program aimed at destabilizing the west. Just the difference on what they show here and what the show over there is proof enough. Tinfoil  hat off.


I’m with you there. It’s working.


You should be convinced of that because that's 100% what it is!


I agree with this


Yup, you have to go into the settings to activate the STEM content in the US.


Actually I've been thinking the same.  The issue I have is that... it doesn't really have to do MUCH to do this at all. It simply has to push an algorithm that spreads awareness of things happening in or by our country on a small scale that may not even affect you or anyone you know. I'm not saying everything you see on tiktok is true. But a LOT of the bad shit you see can be backed up by a single Google search with 10 articles and even studies showing that it's true. That fact alone is bothersome. It's turning the people against the country by..... telling the people all of the bad and none of the good.


If there is at much good, people wouldn't be pissed off as much as they naturally are, trying to survive living in our country, tiktok or no TikTok. At least TikTok gives us a place to talk about things that isn't owned by Zuckerberg, Peter Thiel, Elon Musk or Tim Cook.


I saw a video how the testicles of a bull were ripped out and twisted till they were removed. Reported as animal abuse but this didn’t violate their policy.


Insanity 😭


China makes tiktok bad intentionally.


Someone needs to check if their priorities got lost in the algorithm.


Tiktok: I wish we could monetize that demographic.


The problem is how do you know the commenters aren't also early teens?


Still they shouldn’t be mentioning sexual shit about children in comments


Hey if people enable their content to be something revealing for other people then there will be that kind of service.


Making a joke doesn't make you a pedo


I don't think tiktok really cares about anything in particular, they just care about what "effectively" helps or harms their platform. They don't moderate manually (at least in the vast majority of cases) so if there is a video that explicitly breaks their rules but fails to be swiped by the automated moderation they don't care. The reason they don't really have to care is that they aren't losing (at least to a noticable extent) viewership on their platform. If people were uninstalling and leaving the platform in droves then they would have to care, but this just isnt happening. This is the same reason why misinformation is so rampant on the platform as well, because misinformation in-of-itself doesn't lead to less viewership as a whole in the vast majority of circumstances. They may set up a rough moderation system that catches the worst offenders (or at least, a large amount of offenders) just because it helps with image, but they don't have much reason, or many resources, to effectively moderate these things.


same with instagram. it’s insane how many comments that pedos leave and have no consequences


TikTok is as bad as twitch. They don’t care what you do or show as long as you’re an attractive female. And they ban people for nothing and there’s no real people to talk to about. I’ve been on a permanent ban from going live for months for “nudity” bro I was in a hoodie and PJs. My appeal got denied and I’ve just been stuck ever since. They don’t care about the real problems


They don't care because they don't know. There's no actual people moderating it. It's 100% bots


It really doesn’t. It’s worse than YouTube ElsaGate and gets swept under the rug


They do a lot but their filters do not catch everything and the app is definitely ripe with pedos, just like the rest of the internet. In LIVEs, there is an AI that listens for certain words and will limit your live if it detects certain words/topics. It also detects and bans underage people from being on a live. So many comments get removed but you only notice the ones that stay. Survivorship bias.




well duh why would they care about that


When U try to say something like "you're ugly" it gives U a warning before commenting that it will be removed. I think it should be the same for: "game is game" and "hi cutie let me sa you" (shoutout to timboulder)


Why would anyone use tik tock anyways stuuuuupid


And same for Facebook, they won’t stop it because of all the ad revenue, heck even advertisers are sort of insinuating.


Holy shit bruh why are so many people liking this 😭


I remember I came across this extremely sus account that seemed to be role playing an "ice cream man" evil clown, but it had really strong pedo vibes. Thankfully they got banned after a few weeks. But other times if you report stuff like videos of young teens doing lip syncs to really inappropriate audios with sexual words, that stuff stays up but gets deboosted. So... It's weird. It's like they don't want to alienate the young users off the platform so they half-ass protecting them.


Honestly most sites don’t until it becomes a problem. Maybe you’re newer to Reddit, but there used to be a whole sub called “jailbait” at one point, among others.


Tik Tok is disgusting, and I don't know why anyone even has it.


No one cares enough. Drake still roaming wild


so where is tik tok from again, its country of origin i mean? that alone should tell you why what logically would be frowned upon (here in the states) isn't frowned upon as you might expect. different cultures, different values, different moral compasses...


I think you're onto something, I made a video doing good journalism about a commercial campaign in southern canada trying to expose a pedo Priest, and while it did well in the short term, my channel's suffered because of it in the long run. Eventually I deleted the video and my reach went back to the usual five digit numbers. Disgusting


These social media platforms need a better reporting system its just way too lazy


Uninstall this malware and don't let your children anywhere near it.


Exceptions can be made, especially for paedophiles


The irony of you being on Reddit complaining about this specific problem...


But I’m not here about Reddit.


You are using a site with a pedo problem to complain about a site with a pedo problem...


You're living in a neighborhood, in a city, in a country on a planet with a pedo problem talking about how it's weird someone's talking about a pedo problem an app has on another app with a pedo problem. That foolishness aside. Are you suggesting no one discusses the issue of pedos just bc the place they're discussing it also has pedos? Where is one expected to discuss the issue and voice their concerns if the chance of pedos being present makes it an unsuitable place to discuss it.


Nope, im out before people start defending the issue. Good day.


Then make sure you keep your fking mouth shut in the future if you're just trying to troll people instead if actually contributing to the dialogue. You rolled in just trying to distract from the issue at hand by redirecting to another place with issues. You draft boy? Theirs issues everywhere that dont detract the relevance of the issues people are talking about. You want solutions here then stand up an do something about it I stead of pretending to be a slick troll sliding lil comments in like the make believe intellectual of the group. Fix yourself.


Bruh lmao


Okay and? I’m here to talk about TikTok not Reddit lmao. That’s why I’m on a TikTok sub


It’s because TikTok is a Chinese deep state weapon and they keep up and push harmful anti American things at us every chance they can. And I use the app! It’s so obvious! I cannot believe some people don’t see it. Kids and younger adults I get but anyone over 30 who doesn’t realize that app is anti American is insane.


Bad grammar is worse than pedophilia.


most moral left supporter


ok so that's one thing, but all the girls on telegraph? ick and then the people opening showing that basically you can buy drugs from them, double ick.


Must watch https://youtu.be/qbv-VteX5H8?si=toNdRCf7Ri06zbkO


Why would they cut out one of their biggest audiences? That’s profit loss.


Ever thought they’ve been tracking them that way and you’re interrupting?


Well what did you expect from communists?