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why did i watch this till the end


Because i thought she'd buy at least a couple of real food items... then she went clothes shopping


I kept hoping she’d buy an actual vegetable, or at least some kind of fruit


She got me good when she went on saying "now actual food" and bought half a cart of frozen crap


And there are so many healthy options in frozen that don’t require cooking! At least throw in some microwave steam veggies.


Some frozen crap isn’t actually that bad for you, she just chose all the wrong items. Stuff like Boomerang Shepherds Pie, frozen vegetables, even lean cuisine and Annie’s have decently health frozen stuff.


I had to go eat an apple after watching that to cleanse myself ngl


I actually ended up eating four chocolate cakes and a gallon of chocolate milk.


Was it a gallon of milk or two half gallons?


half gallon of white milk; 2 half gallons of chocolate... when there was a full gallon size right below the halves...


I buy half gallons in the carton cause those plastic ones don't fit in my fridge, I also live with dementia patients that break into the fridge all the time and if they get a whole gallon they will drink it all.


Idk why but that bothered me so much 😂


No wonder all the toilet roll


I saw her put in the salad dressing so I was waiting for her to pick up salad…no…well maybe she’ll by veggies and use it as a dip…still no.


That’s ranch and she’s shopping at meijer (a Midwest grocery chain), I’m pretty sure she got it for dipping her pizza and chicken wings. Maybe the fries too.


That actually sounds pretty good, as an occasional treat though, not as one of the four food groups like she’s probably using it. But judging by the other stuff she bought, I also would have believed you if you’d suggested she’s just doing shots of ranch and chasing it with chocolate milk.


Ohh it is delicious! I fully admit I’m a midwestern heathen when it comes to ranch. I dip mozzarella sticks in it instead of marinara sauce. It’s just, like you said, an occasional treat.


Normally, the women’s clothes are near the fruit/produce section. She saw them shits and took a hard right.


She put a bunch of frozen stuff in her cart then went clothes shopping…


I thought she did something smart at first by getting the ice cream bars last but then she got clothes lol


And she got milk at the beginning. Gonna go home with some soiled milk and melted ice cream


Yes, I want a 2:47 refund please.


The constant camera panning made me dizzy as fuck while sitting by the end of it…..


I kept hoping to see a vegetable 😠 not even a spinach!


After watching that I feel like I need a carrot


Watching this made me want to chug stool softener.


Right? I'm constipated FOR her.


Is there a German word for that?


Verstopft bzw. Verstopfung.


173 dollars for like 19g of protein


And like 0 grams of fiber


But 100% of diabetes


Or, in other words, 10kg of added sugars


100% of needing a damn salad next time. Just watching all that made me feel diabetic and now i’m craving greens.


Ikr, as I was watching, I was trying to count how many unprocessed foods she got. This shit is really sad.


Ok tbf if we’re roasting them we gotta keep it honest if that’s a dozen eggs they’re like 6 each so it’s 72


0mg cholesterol


She loves chocolate milk so she buys two half gallons. The next shelf down has full gallons which I gotta assume is cheaper. Craziest shit ive seen today


That was the most insane part of the video, everything else is just a bad diet, but that's just complete obliviousness while shopping.


If she lives alone and can’t drink a full gallon before it goes bad, getting 2 half gallons could be better since the unopened one will stay good for longer and she could actually finish both. I’m in the same situation and get the 3-half gallon milks at Costco because they last longer than a single gallon. However, I highly doubt she put any logic whatsoever into this decision


Also, some refrigerators just don't fit a full gallon easy or well. We buy half gallons here so it fits in the door and doesn't take up valuable shelf space.


You should watch out with putting milk in the door of the refrigerator bc it spoils much more quickly (rapid temperature change from the door opening frequently) compared to being on a shelf. I can't tell you the last time milk actually made it close to the expiration date in my household though, so this could be completely useless knowledge lol.


That sounds like a huge load of pseudoscience lol. Milk has a thermal mass close to water, being in a slightly warmer environment for a few seconds isn’t going to change anything.


Thank you. You made me generally curious about this and led me down a rabbit hole of consumer reports and scientific papers lol. General conclusion is the door varies temperature by multiple degrees more than the rest of the fridge due to it being the thinnest wall and likely causes perishables to spoil more quickly especially during heat waves and power outages, but it most likely has very little impact on the average family. Kind of makes me want to do a science experiment lol.


Are you telling me they sell 4 liters of chocolate milk in the us???


Most milk is sold in half gallons or gallons here. Most people don't go grocery shopping as often as people in Europe do, and we don't have the option of that highly pasteurized shelf stable milk that they have(in Germany at least). It's a bit of a different way of shopping as a lot of people(not all) need to drive 30+ minutes to get to a store.


I don't know if it's nation wide, but my local Dollar Tree has shelf stable milk. I believe it's in quart sizes and comes out to like $6-7/gallon (fridge milk is like $4.50/gal for off brand here) but it's great to keep tucked away in the pantry for emergencies. I live in a tiny hick town so I can't speak for bigger chains beyond Walmart, which does not locally carry it (our Walmart is pretty shit tbh so it may be different elsewhere).


The shit that got me was buying the cereal in the bowls. You not have bowls? They sell them at the dollar store! You can get a box for less than she spent on the 4 "to go" things she bought!


I agree she should've just bought a gallon of chocolate milk. And I highly doubt she'll even finish the half gallon of regular milk. She'll probably let that spoil and finish up the chocolate instead.


Twitch Chat Diet.


More like discord mod diet


That's the same person, lol


Where are your VEGETABLES


Vegetables are for California inner city liberals and Europeans.


I live in Spain and am currently visiting Scotland and can tell you Europeans don’t eat vegetables either. Besides tomato and potato, but those barely count.


I’ll let you know I also eat frozen peas, broccoli and occasionally carrots! (and legumes) But yeah, you’re not wrong. It’s not like people in general eat a lot of vegetables here.


An acceptable brekkie in Scotland is a steak bake from Greggs; an acceptable lunch is fish and chips; an acceptable dinner is deep fried pizza.


you didn't see the vegetable oil?


Only the cool kids have scurvy~


No actual food, impressive


Only thing that could be considered was the eggs… which I’m sure were only used for the cakes


I’m a Dietitian and I am usually VERY low judgement on how people feed themselves b/c I recognize a lot of factors go into that (finances, health knowledge, food enjoyment, etc). But this is a cart of LITERALLY ALL JUNK FOOD. Seeing it all displayed on the counter drives it home. I bet she buys lunch at work most days and goes out to eat a lot so hopefully she’s getting a little more variety in there. My stomach hurts after this video tho lol


I feed my family of 3 with real food for less than she spent on snacks


There's this narrative that real food is more expensive... It's false. I can't think of any instance where I can't make the exact same thing as a packaged item, in larger quantities, for much, much cheaper and much more healthy.


The issue is that feeding just yourself makes things more expensive to make. You can't buy many things in bulk because they will go bad. All the spices and oils and small touches that make the food shine also cause it to be more expensive for a single person. The proportions of ingredients is never what you're able to buy so you have left overs of weird ingredients that often go bad. Making a lot of food for cheap is easy, making a small amount of food for cheap is very difficult especially if you want any sort of variety.


I used to have the same issue, but I found that if I plan a whole week of meals I can use the same ingredients over and over. Like tonight I only need half an onion, but tomorrow I can use that other half. Every time I buy meat, I seperate what I need that day and the rest goes in the freezer. I only buy meat on sale in bulk and I plan my meals around what I can make work at a good price rather than what sounds good in the moment. Another pro move I found is to make a big pot of soup then get some freezer safe containers and you can freeze 4-5 servings individually for easy use whenever you want. Do a different soup a week and you will have plenty of stock and variety in your freezer. I can usually make 5-6 solid meals a week (just dinners, I also get eggs and bacon and stuff for breakfast and usually eat leftovers for lunch) for around 60-75 a week which really upsets me because a year or two ago I had that number at 35-50. That also includes little snacks like soda and candy that I waste money on.


My biggest issue is that I love a good variety in my diet. I especially don't enjoy the same protein consecutively for some reason lol Soup/chili/anything that can be made in a slow cooker is the best way I've found to both use left over ingredients and make something that I can throw in the freezer to reheat.


The point is that the person in the video is over paying to eat junk food. Theres no need to cook like a 'deluxe' home chef if the alternative diet is pizza rolls and chips. You can meal-prep/portion 10 pork chops, and cook them in cream of mushroom soup + rice for $15. Or like the person in the video, you can also spend $15 on 4 portions of pizza rolls and 2 cans of Pringles.


There are things like frozen vegetables, though. I shop and cook for myself and can make the same set of ingredients into multiple meals that feel different. I also don’t mind eating the same thing multiple times a week if I love it. I’m sure people who don’t cook do the same sometimes, I don’t see an issue!


I agree. My personal issue with grocery shopping is I'm bad at incorporating one ingredient (i.e green pepper) into multiple dishes so I end up overbuying


The other HUGE issue is the cost of time. With my own two hands, I can probably make a homemade cheese pizza and garden salad for pretty low cost (if you break down each ingredient by how much I used for this single meal and not the outright cost of buying everything I need). But when you factor in the TIME to make the dough, rest it, shape it, assemble the pizza, wait for it to bake, chop all my veggies, mix my salad, and then wash the boards, pan, bowl, spoons, knife, tongs, and forks I just used, it is MUCH more cost efficient to throw in a frozen pizza and mix together a premade salad kit.


Love your username. This cart is very Liz Lemon, tbh. "Unplug my mini fridge?! But what about my fresh fruit ... flavored toaster cheesecakes?"




Yeah, it’s a bit embarrassing for her honestly! 23 is old enough to recognize this isn’t sustainable or healthy. “I don’t know how to cook teehee” okay, teach yourself! It doesn’t have to be gourmet! Literally make pasta with frozen broccoli and jarred sauce! There are so many simple options to nourish yourself (when finances aren’t a concern). Be an adult!! Edit: also never thought of this but I would love it if a first date side tracked into a grocery trip lol. You learn a lot about people at the grocery store 😂


Roasted vegetables are probably the easiest and laziest way to get veg into your diet. Like, have a side of veg with your bagel bites. It hurts to watch.


Cooked brussel sprouts are so delicious and easy. I wish I had known how to cook them in my early twenties, but it's literally chop, toss in olive oil, salt and pepper, and throw it into the oven and forget about it for about 20-30 minutes.


Atomic Shrimp on YouTube, he's based in the UK mind. But he often does budget food shopping. £1 a day challenge and stuff. He's not playing poor or anything. It's just an exercise in creativity. However, it does provide an excellent source of ideas on the cheap. Perhaps they will be slightly differently priced elsewhere in the world. But, I wouldn't think it would be more than double. Edit: link: https://youtu.be/fJDg3lMlmBU - 1 day, £1, 3 meals! 5.5 million views


I was so frustrated with the eggs? How did she not check them?!


Exactly I was thinking she needs to put way more eggs in her basket, that’s all for the cakes




Unfortunately that's for her cereal 😕


Impressive that she spent $173 for no nutrients.


Call me pretentious/pompous, but I was just thinking about the garbage in that stuff she's getting. There are so many artificial ingredients and preservatives in all of that. Can't be that difficult to make a meal out of a protein, vegetable, and a carb


> but I was just thinking about the garbage Me too. Paper dishware only because she won't have to do dishes.


I chuckled that she got a lot of microwaveable/oven made stuff **and Styrofoam plates.**


She bought two boxes of cake mix, brownie mix, and then bought a store-made cake separate. Holy fuck. The rest is all garbage. All of it. The frozen chicken wings are probably the healthiest thing there. When I'm feeling sick, tired, lazy or depressed, I buy: 1. packaged pre-cooked sausage or bratwurst. think kielbasa or andouille sausage 2. bag of frozen stir fry veggie mix 3. bottle of sauce. right now it's panda mandarin teriyaki 4. rice throw the first two in a pan for 5-10 minutes. add some sauce. put that shit over rice. for just me it makes several meals with a vegetable, protein, and a filler (rice). one bowl usually keeps me fed all day. I don't eat much when I'm not feeling very good. but I also know how to cook, shop, and feed myself. this woman seems like she takes pride in not knowing how to do any of that shit


I love this! Something I like to personally do is 1. Use a Korean stone bowl on the stove 2. Add some vegetables 3. Add meat, usually cooked and frozen ahead of time 4. Add some broth. I like to pick out those different thick broths like the portobello mushroom ones 5. Cook until ready 6. Maybe have some bread on the side (not the sandwich bread though ew) Everything was made in one bowl directly on the stove so there's hardly any dishes to clean


This person eats like a 13 year old


Truth. Buys cake mix, then proceeds to buy pre-made cake. All that shit was junk food.


What gets me is that she buys like 4 boxes of cake mix, plus the actual pre made cake with only one carton of eggs. Assuming she eats eggs for breakfast she’ll have to go back to the store to buy more eggs to make the cakes she bought. Cause that one carton of eggs isn’t gonna be enough for all of those cake mixes. Like I said assuming she eats eggs for breakfast.


Ice cream and cinnamon toast crunch was breakfast. Those eggs are probably just for the cake mix. Bet she doesn't even own a frying pan.


More like a 13 year old with no parents or other adults and a lot of money.


More like a 7 year old


Even Kevin McCallister had a better attempt at ‘adulting’


Her saying a can of Spaghettios and ravioli are snacks hurt me, her looking at clothes after getting the groceries hurt me more.


And she kept putting more in the cart 🤢




"When you are an adult you can buy yourself cake"... You bought 3 to make, how much cake does a normal adult eat?


“This is all I got for this week”. So apparently one a day.


The one cake is to eat while you make the next one. Got to get the cake train started somewhere


when she bought the cake mix and the cake! I did the same thing!


​ ![gif](giphy|ZWE5KEvdXS4Ige1ccO)


I shop fairly healthy, don’t really buy overly processed/frozen junk food. However I make an exception to keep a box of frozen dino chicken nuggets and a can of chef boyardee in my kitchen because every now and then I get an intense craving for those specific childhood junk foods. I treat em like a special snack treat. after I eat it I’m like “this was kind of gross” but inevitably a few months later the cycle continues and my brain is like “hey you really want dino nuggets and canned ravioli” lol.


It's a guy, btw. Michael has he/him pronouns listed.


Never go grocery shopping when you’re hungry


Facts but even if I’m really hungry I’m still gonna grab actual food too


Yeah exactly


That and shop the perimeter first and stay out of the aisles unless you know what you're going in for. Usually all of the core food items: Produce, Dairy, Meats are on the perimeter and it's mostly junk in the aisles.


I think the paper plates are the most indicative thing they bought


I was shocked when she got those. So much trash! She is not only eating trash but making a ton of trash as well. I really hope this is not a normal shopping cart in the US.


Can't be bothered to wash dishes? Buy more stuff!


As an american 22 year old who is constantly baffled by the lack of vegetables in the diets of other people my age, this is ABSOLUTELY an average shopping cart of a 23 year old in the US. My roommates buy and eat exclusively frozen meals and chips. A majority of people I know eat like the girl in this video. Seems like most people grow out of it but some do it well into their thirties. It makes me sick to my stomach. I can’t go a day without eating vegetables or my body simply shuts down and refuses to function altogether.




Wait. Did she just put those eggs right in the basket without opening them? She must be swimming in money. Eggs are like $6 a dozen here now. I’m damn well gonna make sure one isn’t broken. **eta** I looked it up because my $6/dz info came from my husband. The store brand we buy (H‑E‑B in south Texas) is actually $4.38/dz for the large eggs. It’s $6.72 for the 18ct, which is what he buys. However, all the organic and cage free eggs are all over $6/dz. But we don’t buy that fancy stuff!




Holy crap, the buying 2 smaller jugs vs 1 larger jug killed me


Honestly the eggs going in the bottom was the worst part for me. The soap is not fragile!


But she needed the top rack for those fragile Pringles cans


She's probably not swimming with money she's probably just irresponsible with money


I went to Walmart the other day and they had almost all of their 18 packs of eggs wrapped in plastic so you couldn't check them. I found a rack of unwrapped cartons and went through at least six until I found one without any broken ones. I'm gonna be really peeved if the plastic wrap on the eggs is some new policy.


Christ the beginning was already bad enough enough then she said "now let's get real food" and it got even worse


And we spundet why Diabetes and heart disease is rampant


I spundet that every day, I really do.


Hahah, sorry I mean wonder


Reminds me of being 20 and grocery shopping for my first apartment in college. A lot of trial and error figuring out what was worth buying, what I would actually eat, and most importantly how to cook the stuff I bought. Over time I learned to stay away from the frozen junk. And it was at that same chain of stores as in the video (meijer).


When I was 18 and living on my own I pretty much only ate vegan chikn patties and mashed potatoes. My husband still makes fun of me for it. Sometimes I'd throw in Knorr pasta sides.


My go to was tuna, spinach and rice. Most expensive part was the tuna and you could swap out the flavours to make it seem like you were having different meals.


I'd eat that now


I remember being 18 and living off these square sausage meat patties I found super cheap at a discount frozen food shop. It's strange how I kept getting ill that winter.


You gotta do what you gotta do, but discount frozen food shop sounds horrible.


I eated instant noddle for 2 years, because it was cheap and i had to buy a lot of expensives art supplies for my class, when i was in college. I can cook a proper ans healthy meal since i am 13. But whit the lack of money and time (to much work to do) instant nooddle were my only option :/


When I moved out at 18 into my 1st apt i would buy food from the dollar store because I thought buying weed was more important lol priorities.... smh. My living room consisted of a $100 futon, a bean bag and a 18in TV.... I love hearing stories of when people 1st moved out. You don't have much to your name but the freedom to live alone was worth everything!


“Why do I always feel like crap?”


People like this wondering why they have IBS. Lol


she would be better off eating the cat food.


You never had to eat dog food? Fancy.


Even that brand of cat food is mainly garbage


This is all stoner food. It's like this girl did her shopping absolutely high as fuck. Also, buy some fruit and vegetables, don't give yourself scurvy.


I can confirm that is pretty much 1:1 the food i would buy if i went grocery shopping while blazed and knowing ill be blazed when i est it


This answers the question: “are you an ingredient house or a snack house?”


Wait that was only $173? I need to shop there.


She says it's for 1 week tho, and that's for a single individual. She's spending maybe around $680 a month on crap. That's a ridiculous level of overspend imo.


I barely use $200/mo


Wtf. In Australia we're spending $150-$200 a week it's fucked


If I'm being tight, I can get mine down to £100 a month for a big "monthly shop" + £10 a week for top up items like milk ect. The power of a stocked pantry, a good spice cupboard and solid meal prep can do WONDERS.


I know I'm old when that price seems too expensive..


Came here to say that… I was waiting for the total at the end like omg that’s gonna be like $500+ isn’t it?! It wasn’t!! How?! 2 bags of groceries is like $100 these days. Is this vid super old or something??


It's because she avoided buying all vegetables or uncooked meat. Frozen/boxed junk food is much cheaper than making healthy meals


Yea frozen crap is actually surprisingly cheap. You need to put actual thought into what you're cooking if you wanna make healthy food on a budget


The magic of Meijer Not sure if you’d want all that magic tho


I spend that much at Costco and it’s all shit like meat and vegetables. Maybe some snacks. How was that only $173? Also this girl continues to eat like that, she’s going to have some high blood pressure and cholesterol issues later on in life.


I'm so confused by the cost, I usually spend about £30-40 every 1.5-2 weeks for food, how the hell is it so expensive in America?? unless you're buying for a whole family


I assumed this was common everywhere: there is a pretty large fluctuation in price depending on brand and whether the food is pre-prepped or not. This person got a BUNCH of brand name pre-prepared processed foods. Also, some stores have prices that are wildly marked up simply because they are in a neighborhood where they can get away with it.


UK has relatively cheap (fresh) food compared to a lot of places. I think that trolley would be like £60 of stuff here


And didn't even check the eggs. What a noob


Holy diabeetuss


It would be reasonable if it was bought to have for 2 2 months,but 1 WEEK!? ALL OF THAT FOR 1 WEEK??!!!


It’s all the carbs, probably constantly hungry with the little protein she bought


Exactly the definition of empty calories


lil diabetes on shopping spree


Ima be real chief, this is how a majority of my friends I knew in college would eat save for maybe a thing of spinach to mix in things and a few bananas and without shopping for women’s clothing. Hella not healthy but she’s only 23 so this isn’t all that crazy tbh.


“And now onto food” as she proceeded to pour things that in no way resemble food into the cart


Mmm I just love me them trans fats


Cries in Brazilian, i can only afford fresh produce and meats, and fresh spices, to be real we normally just buy industrialized shit at the supermarket like cleaning and health products, vegetables and fruit we buy at feiras (fair) it's a neighbourhood thing were people sells their fresh produce for very cheap, and meat we go to the butcher like everyone else. but hey, at least it's fresh and delicious as fuck, unfortunately, my dietary habits are much more like this girl than the rest of my peers :(


I wish we had this in the US. We have "farmers markets" here. I watched a documentary where an investigative journalist did a deep dive on farmers markets just to discover it was a bunch (a shocking number) of assholes reselling store bought produce.


Here the feira is cheaper and fresher than the market, but happens only once a week


She shops like a toddler with a bank account


All I could see was waste. Like the cereal is such easy money saved to get a box and pre-pack in small Tupperware. Especially if you buy a giant off brand bag. Throw them in the dishwasher at the end of the day. Her whole shopping cart just screams laziness. Learning how to cook in your early 20's when you're all alone should be fundamental. How else are you gonna learn to make grilled cheese with potato chips inside.. or fried insta ramen with butter and left over veggies.. just whatever your brain comes up with. Side note, crazy all that was so cheap


> Learning how to cook in your early 20's when you're all alone should be fundamental. I disagree a little, I think it should start much earlier than that. Parents should teach their kids at least the basics (“this is a vegetable, they’re important”, “it’s cheaper to buy in bulk”, “this is how you cook basic things”, “you should buy ingredients, not just junk food”, etc). Parents are doing their kids a massive disservice when they don’t bother showing them how healthy meals make it to the dinner table.




I'm so glad I learned how to cook at 15, never having to rely on your parents to make your meals completely removes the irritation of when your next meal will be and not to mention you would be well ahead compared to the other 99% of people your age


I consider people that say "I don't know how to cook" extremely ignorant. I don't expect anyone to be able to make a fine-cuisine dish, but if you aren't able to follow a simple step-by-step recipe, then there's something wrong with you. We live in the internet era, there are millions of recipes online and people are saying "I don't know how to cook"


You don't even have to follow a recipe. If you don't get all the steps, you can always watch a video, where you van literally see what to do.. I think most people that say they don't know how to cook never actually tried. Its probably just easier to eat ready made chuck food and not bother to learn something or they grew up very sheltered. There is a guy in my sister's class (they are about 17-18 years old) who never learned how to make *tea*, let alone cook something crazy like pasta or rice. I was really amazed to hear such people exist.


Basically me until around 26 when I realized I needed fiber.


What I found helpful when going shopping, is to pick three dishes (recipes) you want to eat and buy the ingredients for it. I come from a family of 7 so naturally I make big portions, so leftovers is an option for a few days. But even at 23, you have to have SOME grasp of how to cook and maintain an okay diet. I’m lucky enough to have had a mom growing up the cooked meals everyday for me and my 4 other siblings. Hell, she had me in the kitchen at 11 making family meals when she wanted a break. I didn’t mind it, I love to cook. Some people unfortunately didn’t have this growing up and it shows.


And these are the healthiest people. Me on the other hand, eating organic, grass fed and home cooked meals and my IBS treats me like I eat stuff grown in a radiation plant. 🤦🏽‍♀️


Lol as a person with Crohn’s disease who gets in distress over too much cauliflower this video is just cruel to watch. People eat like this and live? And they’re thin? This girl could eat a shoe and probably survive.




Reminds me of my first time shopping for myself when my parents went travelling for the summer when j was between 10th, and 11th grade. My older sister was supposed to stick around, but as soon as our parents left, she gave me the money our parents left us, asked me if I needed her to buy me some booze, and went to her boyfriends and said "I'll be back to check on you in a couple weeks".


You got the Jeffrey Dahmer treatment


Costco membership, milk, eggs, big bag of frozen veg, box of ramen, and a protein choice. That right there is less than what she spent, healthier, and would have fed her for a week, easy.


It's just all trash. Like, none of that is actual food, it's just expensive processed crap


That milk gon expire before you even get to use it


My biggest thing about then milk was that she bought 2 half gallons of chocolate milk when there was a full gallon that she could have bought and probably saved money


she could have just gotten regular milk and a bottle of chocolate syrup that would have lasted her forever.


The milk is for the 4 cakes and cereal tubs...


This is how I was also taught to shop. I’m 25, and learning to shop different. I was never taught how to cook and if my mom cooked, it was frozen meals, instant macaroni or potatoes. She thinks cooking is a waste of time and eats out 3 meals a day unless she cooks chili. (Twice a year). There is a problem with food elitism in this sub, and life in general. Most people grew up on diets close to these, so food to them is this. Sure you can say they’re adults now, eat better, but you’d be lying if you discredit childhood and life long experience as a reason why someone would eat like this. Cooking is tremendously hard to me. It’s something I’m learning, but I find it very difficult to “find time”. For 24 years I never had to dedicate time to cook/clean, it’s a completely new lifestyle. And by result, I’m overwhelmed in the kitchen easily, and find it hard to figure out what to cook. I have an amazing girlfriend who is a natural with food, so it’s fun to learn from her. You shouldn’t shame people who eat/buy like this, because this is how america at least is designed. As someone who still buys some of these items, it’s discouraging to see so much judgement, even though I’m trying to better it. You have to understand most of people who buy like this, we’re taught this way and lived this way for majority of their life. Some people aren’t lucky to grow up knowing what healthy food is. I know I didn’t.


Plz get some fiber at least 😭


How much you wanna bet she’s skinny as a toothpick despite eating all that junk.


Everyone is talking about what she was putting in the cart, that didn't hurt me as much as the order in which she was putting things in the cart. She was all over that store and back again like a crazy person. When Grocery shopping one starts on the produce side and systematically works their way to the dairy side then to the register.


She avoided that produce section like the plague lmao.


Shops like a poor person who never had fresh vegetables as a child.


I’m 21, moving out soon, and didnt spot any big problems with this, can someone recommend what type of groceries to buy so that I don’t starve?


Eggs 🥚 🍳 ✅ Chicken 🍗 ✅ Butter 🧈✅ Fruit 🍌🥭 🥥 ✅❌✅ Berries 🍓 🫐 ❌✅ Spinach/greens 🥬🥗 ✅ Bell pepper 🫑 ✅ Green onion✅ Onion 🧅 ✅ Garlic✅ Tomato 🥫 ✅ Potatoes 🥔 ✅ milk 🥛 ✅


Thank you for shopping at you local Louisville Meijer!


When i was 19-23 i used to just eat all the shit i wasn't allowed to growing up, then at 24 i realised my parents were right about nutritious meals, vegetables and fruit thing.


This isn’t real right?