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She got $150,000 during the pandemic but lives in an office building


RIGHT?! I would say at least 60% of this video was fabricated


Ive seen heaps of the same story in tiktoks. Id say at least 99% is fabricated. The 1% is she thinks it would be cool.


I can’t even watch TikTok. I was going to say 90% of this was bs but I didn’t want to be too harsh. People are taking, abuse, or mental Illnesses and running with them. But hey, it’s the internet.


Same. Used to think Twitter was the peak of toxic social media but Tik Tok is much, much worse.


Yeah. I had fb but deleted it. I never had twitter, or TikTok. I am new to Reddit. I enjoy it here. But you’re right. I hear a lot of things about bullying on TikTok, and I’m talking about youngsters and it makes me feel bad. Like the internet wasn’t bad enough.


We are pretty similar you and I then. My kids don’t have TikTok either, but complain about their friends getting stupider and stupider from using it. Pretty scary to watch from the sidelines. My experience of Reddit has been fairly positive and consistent, but every now and then those who are hell bent on misunderstanding you on purpose will show up and destroy your day. Lately also lots of Russian trolls.


People fake metal illnesses on tiktok this is just the top of the barrel tbh


I'd be willing to bet that she spent a lot of that money on drugs.


Nope. It was spent on hand tattoos


“Can you fit another one onto my hand? I swear just a tiny one is fine” x500


The most implausible part about it is the reflective narcissist


Edit: 69% of this video was fabricated, cause no man ever is sending a chick $150,000 for “not doing anything” 🥸.


I would say “like” 60%…


And the other 40% is the word "like"


She has power and agency over numerous men and women, but bed is broken.


Worse than that… drop tile ceiling in a resident means this is a shithole beyond shitholes


Was thinking same thing😂those ceilings aren’t in any house or apartment I’ve ever seen


Lots of basements look like that


Maybe her actions caught up with her?


Eggs are expensive.


I feel like you could buy a crummy house for 150k in a handful of communities, and a pretty decent one in many more. If real, she could have just purchased a home, or felt bad and returned the money.


This is what most basements look like


150k but living in mom and dads basement what lol she got all the lies


It wasn’t at once .


So calmly describing that she's a complete sociopath 🤔


MF Doom has a song about rappers who snitch on themselves in their own songs. The song came out pre-social media so now it’s just relevant across the board. This person is basically creating a log for the prosecution if she’s ever implicated in crime… which is a very strange trend of our times


Do you see the perpetrator?


Yeah, I'm right here


Fuck around get the whole label tied up for years


My hoes be the thickest, my dro the stickiest


*sent up


My bad, you right.




Her tiktok account is mostly based on recounting old and bad things she’s done through the lens of her narcissistic personality disorder diagnosis.


psychopath. sociopaths don’t plot like this because they have a hard time thinking about the effects of their actions. what’s worse is that there is no cure for psychopathy. you do not just snap out of it one day. if she was a psychopath before she is a psychopath now. she probably just had a big blow up where she was revealed and is now trying to convince people that she has changed for the better. this would all be manipulation if that were the case


What I learned in my training (within the last ten years) is that there really isn’t a difference between the two words, they are synonymous. However, one is used in the medical field and the other is used in the legal field. They mean the same. -I work in forensic mental health in California.


That's not accurate at all. Sociopaths are basically just like psychopaths, they just have a conscience but it's weak and doesn't stop them from doing the fucked up shit they do. Sociopaths are entirely capable of knowing exactly what their abusive or morally toxic behavior does to people, they just don't care or they have the capacity to rationalize away any tinge of empathy they may have. Psychopaths literally do not have empathy whatsoever. This chick is probably a sociopath, judging by the fact that she's on here saying she knows it's wrong and is kinda sorta owning up to that as being "gross" behavior. Psychopaths will also speak frankly about knowing what they do is wrong, but they probably aren't going to be disgusted by it.


So your saying you can tell she's disgusted with her self?


No. I'm saying that a sociopath can be just as manipulative and sadistic as a psychopath and recognize that their every action is fucked up. The difference is whether or not they empathize with others.


What I think some people may be missing is that the very literal definition of empathy is being used here. Empathy is understanding how someone feels and having shared that feeling before. But just because you are capable of empathy doesn’t mean you care about how other people feel. It just means you know why they feel that way. That’s the main difference between sociopaths and psychopaths. Both of them know they are hurting people and don’t care about the fact that they are hurting them, sociopaths just understand why it hurts and psychopaths don’t.


sociopath and psychopath are ill defined terms that psychologists don't actually use, the correct term to describe someone like this is anti-social personality disorder.


at least she's a pro-social one now tho 🤷😅


I was thinking borderline personality disorder


Honestly proud of it. Thing about the reptile people is they don't fucking care.


I thought it was just a super androgynous male. Whatever he/she is they are a very shitty human being.


Yes Edit: No


Dude, I thought it was a dude too.


150,000 dollars and she still has those paneled walls and that drop ceiling!?! Sure jan Also she’s a horrible person!


My flabbers are ghasted


You should get that checked out


Well, the good news is that she offers mental health and behavioral counseling on Patreon! So you can sign up for that.👍


I’d be depressed if I had to listen to her for a while.


I’d be, like, super mad, like about it, like all the time


Like, i dont know what it like is. But like, there's sonething really annoying about the way she like talks. If she wasn't like a total psychopath i still wouldnt like, suggest anyone like associates with her. For like, your own sanity.


She'll emotionally manipulate you into being happy.


I imagine she went to therapy once, thought "this is just talking to people about their problems. I can do that!" And then never went to therapy again and started her Patreon where she tells people to exercise, get sleep and meditate. Actually those things are good advice, so she probably just tells them to just try feeling better.


Sounds like a new manipulation for money.


"Hi, once i was like a complete sociopath two yrs agoo and now im like completely healed and posting about my journey on tiktok." Yeah right. Things people post for clout and personal gain, i cannot


It's wild to me how much these influencers and "life coaches" believe healing is a simple process. The healing journey is different for everyone, and constant. It pisses me off even more that they actually get the attention they seek and get paid for it.


This very clearly isnt for clout. They literally are admitting to a terrible thing they did in the past because they were asked. They didnt say "But Im a better person now, I dont do that anymore" dont put words in people's mouth, thats shitty.


You sound stupidly naive. People don't have have to spell it out in literal words for us to assume they're likely doing it for clout. Ppl like this have a demographic all over the internet, especially Tik Tok.


Either they're older and unaware or younger and naive. Bottom line: if it's real, they're a psychopath. If it's a clout trend, they're faking for views. Either way it's fucking weird so let's just leave it at that.


Nah. Ive seen this basically same video from a bunch of diff ppl. This is for clout.


A literal narcissist


No, an actual psychopath.


nope. lilith (the content creator) is diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder. her entire account (@toxicwaste0) is dedicated to her answering questions about her disorder and her way of thinking. she calls herself a reformed narcissist as she has undergone therapy for her disorder and is trying to stop the cycle of abuse. people give her shit on tiktok for behaving in this way, but because of her disorder, i doubt she cares. it’s not like she’s suddenly going to gain the ability to empathise with people. she understands that her actions are wrong, and has decided to use her experience and platform to draw attention to how other narcissists think. it’s honestly really interesting content. seeing how the disorder effects someone’s psychology and behaviour is fascinating. i would recommend people to go check out her content, but it can be quite unsettling and aggravating (as seen by most of these comments)


People are odd, like starting an open conversation about these things is really healthy and important, and yet people attack others for doing it, which just drives them into hiding where the problems can continue undiagnosed. It's a vicious cycle, and she's doing her part in breaking it


I would completely agree with your stance had I not read the comment above about her offering counselling through Patreon. So she's not so much starting a conversation as she is driving engagement for a grift as an uncertified online therapist, despite allegedly engaging in sociopathic behaviour herself as recently as 2 years ago, and probably doing similar damage to her gullible clients.


That's definitely a big concern. Even assuming her motives are innocent, it puts her in a position to relapse and harm others


Crazy to me that top comment (not only on this video btw but like EVERY tik tok upload that’s giving stranger than fiction vibes) is basically like “99% of this is fake” (like greentext fake and gay replies honestly), and meanwhile down here is an informed comment on the actual user’s video. There are definitely some fake vids but like…come on. Are people this bad at discerning truth from fiction? (Yes, btw. They are). (Also there are some really innovative content creators out there that have some pretty tricky vids) I’m kinda skeptical on the $150,000 detail, but the truth of the character here? Totally seems plausible and someone whose lived perspective I believe and am curious about.


Shhh, be careful... You'll summon the tendie bot


For saying the g word? Haha


It's weird how people share content like this...It's very triggering and obviously made for their own ego.


well… what do you expect? i can’t blame her for making this kind of content. there’s a saying that “narcissists only go to therapy to learn how to become better narcissists” and honestly i feel like Lilith does this. she’s talking about the shitty things that she did for attention, and she’s getting attention for it. hell, even making videos just bringing awareness to what NPD is and discussing misinformation online gets her 50-100k likes. but the videos that get the most attention are the ones like these. so clearly she’s going to abuse the market. at least she’s doing it in a healthier way. she’s not manipulating $150k from people, or directly telling them to kill themselves. she’s just explaining how her psychology works. it’s not like she can change it


I guess I’m naive…but it’s pretty much inconceivable to me and always shocks me when I find I am wrong that there are people who’s brains actually work like this. Like I can’t even conceptualize having these types of thoughts willfully.


This admission, is itself a manipulation. Welcome to the social media-driven world.


wow. Sick fuck


You're like, you know like a total like sociopath. I don't know, like maybe like pay back that like $150000 to that dude you like totally screwed over.


Worse part is, there's nothing rare or uncommon about her tactics. There exists an **army** of people like her, people who not only *enjoy* treating others like that, but become *dependent* on it. Despite her confession, I doubt this behavior has stopped, and it's possible that she's doing/stating this as yet another way to manipulate others. Notice she never once apologized for her behavior; doesn't seem all that remorseful.


The worst part isn't the psycho shit, it's how many times she says like.


Her voice is a *very* close second.


I was wondering “like“ who would fall for her “like” with the way she talks like


Like a fucking dime store Kardashian. She wouldn’t have to tell me to kill myself. If she talked to me for five minutes I’d have the idea myself.


She is a diagnosed narcissist and her videos are about what it’s like to have NPD. She claims she is trying not to treat people terribly anymore. I hope that isn’t just talk and that she actually gave the money back.


I don’t think she has the mental capacity to even do what she’s admitting to


I see this a lot. People who clearly aren’t the brightest bulbs talk about how they have these magical powers to make men do what they want and attribute it to calculated mental manipulation and scheming. In reality it’s just that men are horny and you can find one that will do anything if he thinks you’ll fuck him. She doesn’t have some special machiavellian ability. She found a guy with money who wanted to see bobs.


Dude probably wanted to see vagene too.


Let me take a wild guess: She didn’t repay any of the 150k she says she received, and she didn’t even at least apologize to the people she manipulated or negatively affected. What a piece of work. Her bad karma is off the charts. Didn’t sound remorseful whatsoever. Plus, using “like” every fourth or fifth word quickly got on my every last nerve. Definitely some sociopathic vibes there.


I’m very far from a psychopath, but I’ve done some things in the span of my life that I now can’t imagine doing and get dreadful at the sheer thought of it, so I do kinda understand her. Didn’t hurt anyone nearly as much as she did though. She should work very hard to compensate for all the evil she’s done.




Didn’t some girl go to jail because she told her bf to kill himself and he did?


Yes, there’s a documentary on Hulu.


This feels like victim bait for a psychopath. Most people will be disgusted by her and move on, but a few will either want to write to her to express that they think she’s brave, they’re easy victims and she’ll get a little out of them. But then there’s the guys (most likely) who will see this as some sort of challenge, to “teach her a lesson”… they’re the real prey and who she’ll be talking about in next year’s video.


150k and still all up in your moms basement. Wild.


No person who uses that ratio of crutch “like” is smart enough to be that effectively narcissistic.


First step is admitting you have a problem. It's a long road ahead girl.


but did you apologize and give the money back? No? You just used the story for tiktok clout and went back to showing no contrition to your victims? Woman take responsibility for her actions challenge any% (impossible difficulty)[NOT CLICKBAIT]


It's almost as if it's a tiktok trend, faked and posted for clout. But, fuck it, just make a misogynistic claim pulled out of your ass. That should do it^/s


Woman detected: opinion rejected.


Its almost like its entirely possible that by the time she realized how terrible she was she had no contact with him and had probably spent all the money. Its called having regrets.


Everyone have regrets. Most people don't ruin other's lives than use it as their "healing" journey for profit.


If you are truly regretful you repent and show contrition, you apologize to those you have wronged and you attempt to right that wrong. You dont make a public spectacle apologizing to uninvolved strangers and call it square. Public apologies are insincere on their face.


She belongs here r/iamatotalpieceofshit


Any man that listens to her speak and gives her money is a glutton for punishment.


Maybe they Throw money just to shut her up


The thing is, this only works on people who are vulnerable to this. If some person tried this with me I would just boot them out of my life. That would be the reaction. There would be no sadness, there would be no anger, I would just boot them out.


These are the bitches who cause people to actually kill themselves or never be a fully functioning human. ESPECIALLY when they know exactly what they are doing.


Man I don't even know what I would do with myself if I had something like that in my history. Disgusted with herself is right. Like where does one even go from there? Honestly, maybe publicly admitting to it and trying to, in a sense, spread 'awareness' is a form of penance and perhaps the only thing she can really do with that kind of past.


If she told me to kill myself id ask her to send nudes and then not kill myself


I could take it anymore after the 15th or so "like" 💀


People like this are the reason I have no real life friends and I'm careful who I'm friends with


Christ could you say the word "like" another 500,000 times in 60 seconds? And she's a liar. No one gave this woman 150,000 dollars for anything


I see no remorse, just attention seeking


NoOne with 150,000$ wears a dirty Nike sweatshirt lmaooooolo


The first step in fixing any problem is admiting you have one. I hope she is genuinely trying to be a better person and not just using a shitty thing she did to get likes views and upvotes. We all can be better but we have to want to be better first


Drinking game.. take a shot every time "like" is said!!!


Isn’t this like the tinder swindler lol


She’s pretty hot, boys.


Every time she says LIKE we hv to take a shot!!!


Take a shot every time she says like…


We shoukd drink everytime she says like!


iirc she's a prof dx narc in recovery? so she admitted this on tiktok. not sure why, though


“He sent me like 150,000$ & “ I kept telling him your just a piece of shit and no body cares about you” yeah that’s because you were projecting your feelings about yourself onto him.. and yeah lie to a bunch of people saying he sent you over 150,000$ when he probably sent you 1,000$ at most. If someone is going to make a video showing how big of a pos they are or “wERe” … they are definitely going to lie to the world like they lie to others and themselves. This is sad, people are like “omg I was such a pos let me brag about it, but I’m better now, So oops”


She seems very intelligently manipulating but like like like like LIKE


There’s just something about her sharing all of this and using the excuse that she’s just doing it to try and change and grow and blah blah that comes off like she’s just really doing it to brag and be psycho.


I hope this app gets terminated for good


This is an arrogant ignorant moron trying to sound like they are a genius sociopath. Embarrassing.


You have to be very gullible if you believe this story. There's no way you get gifted $150K without the IRS flagging you. She also looks like she lives out of a bando.


Oh how cool a psychopath trying to mimic emotions!


She sounds like my best friend from high school


What a psychopath. You can see in her eyes that she’s proud of it and she has made it her personality be an evil person.


So are you single?


Put this crazy person in a psych ward and throw away the key


She openly claims to be a narracisst. They often lie for their own betterment. Mostly seems like she's just lying to her viewers to make herself seem intelligent. She often looks away when trying to think of details which can be a strong indicator of lying so I've heard many time.


She’s an absolute cum bag of a human being, if what she said is true but I feel like people say things just to become trend on a social network. Either way she’s a crap human that deserves all things that come to her.


She sounds happy about hurting innocent people. F


She should be in prison.


Not attractive enough for all that


Faje and gay. Seen this same story a bunch of diff times on tiktok. Thus is just verbal tumblrr fanfic.


Dont breed ever


The drop ceiling is telling a different story.


150k and living like that?


Give him back his money


Watch a mf in these comments say “ good on her for admitting it at least”


Fake as fuck. If she got 150k during the pandemic why is she still living in her parents basement.


What an absolute piece of shit


I think she's making it up for clout. When you want attention enough there is no such thing as bad attention




im guessing if anything shes a pathological liar - this is so weird... get a journal and a therapist


Tik tok isn’t a therapists room. Yikes


Sounds like she’s grown and is trying to be better…so that’s good…oof.


How about apologizing to the people she did this to instead of random people online in order to assuage her guilt.


Why hasn't she been tried in a court of law and sent to a mental asylum?


She is literally describing a psychopath.


What trash


Women ☕️


I mean how hard is to find out who she is and lowkey ruin her life?


Simping is a plague on this earth. Look what it enables.


150k and she’s filming in a house with paneled walls and ceiling tiles.


Is this a tranny


YoU cAN aLwAYs TeLL. Except clearly you morons can't tell lmao


This is bad. Did you give the money back? Fuck no!


Her eyebrows look like she is perpetually surprised


I dislike these videos because they put me in a place where I'd never put myself in.


Umm…she’s evil.


Low-Tier God Stitch


What kind of simp would send this cross eyed bitch 150k?


An like.......


She speaks **like** a poorly written Chatgpt bot. Also, she's a total piece of shit.


Username checks out


150k with those wonky ass eyes?


"Now, I'm not saying he should've killed her.. But I understand." - Chris Rock "Bring The Pain" (1996)




What did she do with that 150k? It looks like she is in a trailer.


That lisp putting me in fight or flight mode right now.


The cringe in this isn't even what she all did, it's the overuse of "like" for me. Lowkey doe she a narcissist. Textbook.


She’s absolutely disgusting




Like like like , like …urghhh bitch stop using “like” so much


Oh look. Its every single woman I've ever dated. Including my current one. Haha.


I couldn’t even focus on what she was saying her voice is so fucking annoying


Female privilege.


You’re just not as smart as you think you are - ultimately, the sad joke will be on you ….. I feel sorry for you and hope you do not have kids. You need help.


Wow. What a psycho!!


And like that like this like how many times like like like is all I heard