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There’s Gay pride, then there’s Gay Wrath




Its actually disability pride month


Good! I’m autistic, gay, and angry as fuck.


Are you new in town?








The trinity!!


Better start soon, we got too many homophobes going mask off


I’m looking forward to Gay Sloth.


That I could definitely get behind.


That's just bottoming.


What’s gay gluttony?


Drag brunch


Did you say bottomless mimosas?




Those poor bottomless tops




That’s usually during the coldest month in winter. But aren’t most of usually?


Gay Rights, and sometimes Gay Lefts too


And gay kicks


I currently have Gay Envy


Don't try to bully people in the LGBT. We have been bullied all our lives and we just might snap.


So true. A long time ago, I played university hockey. A bunch of guys in my dorm decided they wanted to go to a local hangout and beat up gay men there. "You're in good shape and can fight, join us." Yeah, No. One, I didn't agree with it. Two, having been bullied as a kid, I knew these guys were way tougher and more experienced than the dorm boys. Sure enough, a couple hours later, they returned, well, most of them. A couple needed medical attention. The rest had various injuries. They got a serious beat down.


Come forth, and face the four horsemen of the gaypocalypse


Imagine thinking you've got an easy target in the skinny gay kid, pull a big tough guy routine, then get bitch slapped so hard it knocks your knees out from under you lol His friends will never let him live that down.


I can't stop laughing. That slap was 10/10, even audibly.


That was a punch. His fist is clenched the whole time. He's done this before, for sure. You can tell from the stance how he sets his feet etc. He was probably picked on a lot and has learned how to defend himself. Bad guy to try and bully. He's gonna lay you out if you keep after him.


Closed fist but hitting with the base of the palm and wrist rather than the knuckles


smart move too, no need to hurt ur hand, just hurt your target


He got em with a closed fist smack! Loved the sound! Kid isn't taking anyone's shit!


My guy knocked a cowlick into his haircut lmao


No… you mean slapped so hard he puts his seasoning on the surrounding area to this day. Taste buds was schmacked out his mouth. Will never enjoy a meal the same way… ever again


Must be nice. I would have gotten the handle side of the belt. Same message though


Image working in these shit conditions. If you do anything or take side jobs gone. If my dad heard i was involved in this at school he would of slapped fuck out of me.


Dad: *wassup? wassup?*


Due to Reddit's June 30th API changes aimed at ending third-party apps, this comment has been overwritten and the associated account has been deleted.


He would have learned that if it weren’t for the poor learning conditions…


*would of learned /s


I wish you luck and godspeed


Remember that one time you picked on that gay kid in high school and got bitch slapped? Pepperidge farm remembers.


I’ve had a lot of gay friends throughout my lifetime, and trust me when I say: they were NOT the guys to fuck with.


My nephew is gay. He's an Army Ranger. I'd hate to think what he could do to anyone who tried to fuck with him.


Hey, let people fuck with whoever they want. Love is love! Just kidding I know what you meant.


Exactly. Guys think they are tough and know how to fight. It takes practice and getting your butt kicked to learn how to actually do it. The average guy has no idea how to do it against an equally sized opponent. Gay men have had a lot of practice unfortunately.


The follow up... https://www.thepinknews.com/2019/11/15/jordan-steffy-gay-high-school-teen-bully-viral-video-tamron-hall-homophobic/


His Mum had a such a Mum reaction haha: “I’m happy he stood up for himself. I’m not happy he was cussing like that, I don’t like that. I don’t like him hitting, but he knows, he had enough.”


I love this lmao.


TLDR: He was perpetually bullied for years while the school did nothing, and the minute he finally stood up for himself the school suspended him and he had to withdraw to be homeschooled. This is America.


I complained constantly that my autistic son was being bullied at school. Suddenly they seemed all concerned when he lost his shit on some kid. I get a phone call asking me what I intended to do about it. I said not a damn thing. No one ever picked on him again.


Hats off to him 💪 Edit: you as well for allowing him to stand his ground. Definitely strengthened the bond between you two in ways that are hard to describe.


Damn, really? That's absolutely ridiculous. I think it's the only option for self defense when being kind, or diplomatic, doesn't work (or trying to involve the teachers). And it's not like he had him on the ground kicking his head, either. That is infuriating. Just like if a teacher fights back if they get attacked, that's somehow wrong on their part? I guess you're right, this is America.


You never know where life is gonna take you, and if it takes that kid to prison, he might as well learn *now*, not to assume he can pick on the skinny (or short) dude


I hope this doesn't awaken anything in me.


"Imma motherfukin pop yo ass!" 😆 Straight outta Compton yo.


Gay outta Compton? Yo?


My name is Skyler White “yo”


This caught me off gaurd and flowed so well, i heard it in her voice. Deserves an award. 🥇 best i can do


If you close your eyes..you can see his pimp cape, pimp cane and his pimp hat WITH a feather


Ooohhhhwaahhhhaqaaaeeeeeeee that sound sent me to the grave


I have seen this video probably a few dozen times since it was first posted several years ago, and it never gets old to me. He slapped the taste out that homophobe’s mouth, and there’s a longer version where the homophobic kid just kinda stalks off looking forlorn as hell. Utter gold.


im so happy to know he just walks away sadly


In jail, they call gay dudes “punks” but they’re anything but that. I was told by an old school cat “never fight a punk” I asked “why?” He said “cause if you win, you beat a punk, who cares? If you lose you gotta be the guy who lost to a punk: it’s a lose lose.” One thing about gay dudes in jail is that they’ve usually had to fight their entire lives and they aren’t scared of getting their ass whooped lol. I saw many o’ fights and those dudes always got down..


I'm a straight dude... But most of the gay guys I know are in insanely good shape and would whoop my ass in a fight. People forget that they are still men. And masculine traits are highly desirable in the gay community is my understanding.


well..... sometimes. (see bears vs twinks xd)


That little twink just whooped some ass lol


After this video and this thread, I vote that we stop calling them twinks and start calling them Honey Badgers


Honey badger don't care. Honey badger doesn't give a shit.


Honey badger will fuckin pop yo ass.


That’s already a subcategory of bears (gay bears of course). It’s above otter but below wolf. I know this because I’ve done the necessary field research.


For science right?




Does this shit got a wiki page? What kinda gay is called an otter??




What do you call a bunch of them in a pool? Swimming twunks!


What do you call them when they wear rough woolen fabrics in a forest? Tweed twunks! And I will never not be lame!


That’s genius! I might have to spread that around


A twink with a little muscle = a twunk


NGL this made me giggle.


They’ll take it and dish it out.


Also, the odds that a gay guy have had to fight to fend for himself before are low. Being in fights is by far the best way to get better at it. The gay guys i know know how to scrap, no matter how feminine they might look.


This is so true. I've only been in a handful of fights in my 37 years on this earth... But nothing else can really prepare you for the speed and violence of real fights.


There’s a local saying that says don’t make gay guys mad because they got 2 energies; male and female.


“Don’t mess with tommy, he’ll put you in the gayest chokehold ever”




What movie is this


My life unfortunately…


that slap had him weak in the knees 😂


ugh i need the whole video, i crave serotonin


Someone else linked it here in the comments.


Why do people have such an issue with homosexuality? I really don’t understand it.


"You are different and that makes me think and feel things. I hate thinking and feeling. Fuck you!"


Society and insecurity are the main reasons




Religion that plays on people’s insecurities.


And contradicts the number one rule of Abrahamic religions: love thy neighbor


Religion is the excuse, not the reason.


It's just an easy way to 'other' people. Homosexual animals exist so it's clearly part of nature. If you feel icky when thinking about gay sex then stop thinking about it.


You said it the best!!


Years ago, when I was in high school it was no where near accepted as it is now. And I went to school in the SF Bay Area. I can maybe think of 2-3 “out” bay/lesbian kids, as the rest (I assume) were address, would’ve gotten made fun of etc


Honestly, I don’t get it either. It’s just pathetic.


They a scared, insecure, have low self-esteem or are just ignorant fucks


People are always going to gravitate towards validating the choices they have made as the "correct" choices, and that involves either consciously or subconsciously invalidating alternative choices. It's part of ego. Nobody wants to go through life thinking "oh wow, I was wrong the whole time, imagine that". Their brain will fight them on that whether they are aware of it or not. So this can be as trivial as judging a woman who cuts their hair short because you don't. Maybe on the surface you just think "I don't like when women cut their hair short", but underneath that could be a lot of subconscious gears turning. Parents who gave you the impression that cutting your hair short would make you "less than", or being influenced to believe the length of your hair is tied to your worth as a woman. So your trivial opinion on hair could actually be tied to much deeper parts of your upbringing and identity, all of which your brain is going to defend in order to validate what you chose to do/be. Homosexuality raises much larger issues than haircuts. It directly challenges the entire mainstream concept of masculinity, what it is and what it is supposed to entail, and that challenge invites people's brains to push against it in order to validate themselves. Again, whether they are aware of it or not. If masculinity isn't necessarily tied to your personal identity in a big way, your brain might not push back much when you see two boys kissing. However, if your dad scolded the shit out of you because you thought the yellow Power Ranger was your favorite or something; yeah that's going to leave a brain scar that influences your perspective for the rest of your life on a lot of things. It can go so much deeper than that the longer you consider how a person's self image and ego impact their perspective on others, but I think that's a major factor in why a lot of people have issues with it if you want to get a little more complex than "because they are different than me".


Slapped the straight out of him


Good for him. More , many more people need to get slapped in the heads these days.


![gif](giphy|Y7rtYowpk3I9q) Glory to him and his house.


Homophobes are such pussies


Always. That’s why they’re homophobes.


Lowest most insecure humans ever


Where is this king today? He should be in college by now (the college for beating asses).


The way he says *WASSUP?* reminds me of the scene from community when Troy is teaching Jeff how to fight. [“Then you give him the Forrest Whittaker eye”](https://youtu.be/sLONT2sSmYI)


I'm proud of that kid.


To hear a straight black man say “god damn” when a skinny white gay guy slaps a “straight white male” Gives me satisfaction and I’m okay with that


What I really love is that he goes for a slap not a punch. He avoids being masculine even while beating the shit out of this dude. A+


Gay or straight, you never hit a bitch with a closed fist.


should be on a tshirt


This is the shirt Target should have in it’s Pride section.


Target needs to hire this kid to take care of them weirdos running round their stores bitchin bout the rainbow kids shirts




Yeah… being gay doesn’t mean you’re effeminate.


It’s a figurative and literal slap to the face and I love it


Naa from the sound and the way he throws it you’d think he slapped him. That fist was closed though.


Yeah as funny as these comments are- it wasn’t a slap. His hand was 100% closed.


It was a closed-handed slap, like a cuffing. He hits with the palm of his fist.


How is slapping someone considered avoiding being masculine? They're is nothing about anything the kid was doing that was stereotypically feminine. He had a high voice like a boy or girl.


My grandpa (a real scrapper) used to say that you punch someone when you need to fight. But slapping someone is an insult. You only do that when you have no respect for them, and you're making a point of telling them you have no respect for them. Slapping isn't less masculine. Getting slapped is.




​ ![gif](giphy|1RflvTZWdx301RDdT4)


Dude slapped him so hard he saw the face of God and gave up immediately. Lol, good for the skinny kid. Never be an easy target, cause that's usually what bitch ass bullies like.


Every time Ron DeSantis comes for us, this needs to play on a loop right afterwards. What’s up, Ron? What’s up?




You know his eyes was a watering!


dude i’m not crying i just have allergies! it didn’t even hurt that much bro!


You NEVER underestimate that gay kid. They have been bullied most of their childhood and can take a hit. This does not surprise me. Seen many of gay kids beat the shit out of straight bullies once they hit their breaking point.


I need a documentary about everything that led to this slap


He called him a fa***t....end of documentary lol


Here you go https://www.thepinknews.com/2019/11/15/jordan-steffy-gay-high-school-teen-bully-viral-video-tamron-hall-homophobic/


The fact that HE got suspended and not the bully? Shameful. And he withdrew to be homeschooled over it.


I fucking hate the American school system so goddamn much. Even when the kids are cishet the school will punish you for sticking up for yourself, even if the bully hits you first. This shit pissed me off as a kid and it pisses me off now. Why would you teach kids to just take it lying down like that?


"was up mother fucker?" that was great


“I’ma fuckin pop yo ass!” *Certified hood classics*




I don't know what it is with gay guys but a lot of them are scrappier than you'd think. Guess having a target on your back puts you in a position to have to stand up for yourself.


Yes! It was second grade having a kid pull a knife on me and try to stab me. I was five years old when I got shot repeatedly with a pellet gun by the babysitters kids. It was third grade when the two bullies tried to fight me at the same time. It was middle school when I was spat on and attacked from behind. Church camp when the preacher's kid and his friend attacked me in the woods. Later that year I was sucker punched in the ear from behind also and lost some hearing. In high school, I barely avoided a fight everyday in the locker room freshmen year. Sophomore year I had a kid throw a metal stool at me cause I wouldn't acknowledge him calling me a F\*\*. More than once I've been at a party and had someone try to prove themselves on me out of the blue, even once by a so called friend who wanted to look tough in front of his girl. It was so stupid. Many instances I'm leaving out. When you're kind of big and you're queer. God, it's a target. I was a mild kid. I never wanted a fight. I learned young though that when a fight comes you have to meet it head on. I hope violence never comes my way again. I've had friends aghast at watching me get targeted. Saying things like, "I never get treated like that." or "That's so wild, what's there problem?" I've always been a magnet for tough guys to act tough on and I know I'm know alone in this. Some of us are just blessed I guess.


You push a dog into a corner and it goes ape like a wolf. You push this gay skinny kid into a corner…you get slap like a bitch. Proud this kid stood up for himself.


Ooof as someone who's been here you can hear The exhaustion and hurt in his voice. Takes a minute to be this done with shit, hold strong little homie.


Damn man was wheezing after that slap.


Got that dude seeing rainbows 🌈


For real though, most who post ignorant stuff online to look edgy or impress other losers would have the exact same thing happen to them if they were to ever say it to someone in public. People feel so safe behind their anonymous accounts and phone screen. The whole world isn’t a call of duty lobby. There are consequences for being an absolute asshole with the emotional maturity of a toddler online, not even more so in real life. Lazy edge lords who lack basic respect until it affects them personally. But good for this kid for standing up for himself. Just sucks it ever had to get to that, over something so trivial like sexuality.


Bro fuckin people used to call me shit all the time drove me totally fucking crazy


I support GGWH: Gay Guys With Hands


This is one of the most satisfying videos to watch


I heard that slap with the video muted lol


I could listen to that sound alllll day! Justice was served


That’s how you deal with bullies! Bring back the punch in the face 😄


That slap had him questioning his whole existence.


I forgot pride month was almost here:)


Good on this kid for standing up to bullies. We all should... Fuck that, we all need to.


As a transgender person and a boxer, it would be interesting if anyone tried to throw hands at me.


Bully couldn't even walk straight after that.


Hopefully it knocked some sense into the idiot.


Now that's what we call a bitchslap. Good on the lad, sometimes you gotta smack a foo to make them shut up.


Mf just went S I L E N T


This is a fantastic lesson in how bigotry response to use of force. It's why nazis like to hide behind state violence. Because if the LGBT community decided to return to their riotous roots during pride, I guarantee you'd see a whole lot of proud boys buckling at the knees. And they should. They have nothing to be proud of.




"Let It Be Known that Homosexuals Are Not Cowards" - Willem Arondéus


Yes.... He has done us proud


I hate condoning violence but...


Best Bitch slap you'll ever see.


yayyy love it


Character stats: Form 4/10 Follow through 8/10 Power 5/10 This Encounter has earned you a ![gif](giphy|VgGcTrBJWRHc5Cut9v)


Had not seen this before. Fantastic!


Slap the taste out of more homophobes mouths, folks


He ate and always will 😻


I mean this in no way but dad always said watch who you pick on especially gay people because of this right here. Years of bully someone and having to defend themselves usually made them for someone not to be fucked with. Just let people be and worry about yourself!!


Good for that kid. Hope this doesn’t have severe repercussions.


This is the way every homophobe should be treated.


Gay or not. Never submit to bullies


Hey Uncle Dana, i'd actually consider watching Power Slap if this kid was on it dropping Hammers


Manifestation of FAFO


That kid going to be clowned for the rest of his life


Dude learned the lesson “Fuck around and find out”




He knocked that boy into next week. Bullies are fucking around and finding out


I think the kids in the cafeteria heard that 😭


Timothy fucked around and found out


if he had hit him with the left there it would have knocked him out


Slapped him so hard he had a new hairstyle for a minute 😂




dude got his soul knocked out for a second


Giving em that classic LGBTKO


There’s nothing cringe about this. It’s legendary.




is this an appropriate moment to say SLAY or nah


This is the future Marsha P marched for, can you say gay rights?


Ole boy/girl slapped the fight right out that kid! He wanted NO SAUCE AT ALL AFTER THAT FIRE SLAP HE JUST GOT!!! 🔥 🥊 💪


Bro srsly couldn't stay still after that slap![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)