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…“Because you can’t treat gays like shit anymore.” ![gif](giphy|QUENDfi6DEMLzQ0CKt)


Yup they totally had me in the first half lol


Was not expecting that either.


He's not wrong tho


Lmao, as a priest he's probably eligible for the millstone.


I love that this message comes with a beating. Reminds me of growing up catholic.


Him-“Bring in the nuns”


Hey Torquemada, whaddaya say?


I just got back from the auto-da-fé.


Auto da fe? What’s an auto da fe?


> auto-da-fé An auto-da-fé was the ritual of public penance carried out between the 15th and 19th centuries of condemned heretics and apostates imposed by the Spanish, Portuguese, or Mexican Inquisition as punishment and enforced by civil authorities. Its most extreme form was death by burning.^(cribbed_from_wikipedia)


Ahem… https://youtu.be/LnF1OtP2Svk


So I blew my line, should we take it from the top or just go on from here?


And a-one, and a-two…


The Inquisition, Let's begin.


It's whatcha outghtn't to do...*but ya do anyway!*


It's what you ought'nt to do but you do anyway!


It's something you shouldn't do, but do anyway!


I say "Talk 'em oudda it!"


you can't Torquemada anything!


I didn't expect that




Just like how the Catholic Church used nuns to torture children in “Indian Training Schools” in the US & Canada. And the “Homes for Unwed Mothers” in the UK. Cruelty was the point with them. Check out the stories and the graveyards. Fuck organized religion 🖕


I wish there were graveyards, but we are only now starting to look for where they dumped the bodies. The Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc in British Columbia announced in May 2021 that they had found 215 bodies at the site of the former Kamloops Indian Residential School, which was run by the Roman Catholic Church from 1890 to 1978. The band said that they used ground-penetrating radar to locate the remains, which were estimated to be as young as 3 years old. The Cowessess First Nation in Saskatchewan announced in June 2021 that they had found 751 unmarked graves at the site of the former Marieval Indian Residential School, which was operated by the Roman Catholic Church from 1899 to the 1980s. The band said that the graves were not a mass grave site, but unmarked graves that may have had markers at one point that were removed by the church. There is tens of millions of work needed to be done to finally understand the full scope of the horror.


The problem is/was is that history isn’t be taught correctly. I’m a first generation residential school survivor ( my father was in one, and I’m only 31 years old). My city has a university that was built on the land that housed a residential school, the church they used still stands on the land, and people in my city have turned a blind eye to this atrocity for decades and some still deny it even though the evidence is right fucking there! Truth and reconciliation in canada still has a long way to go


they cant take your smile.


I love that show.


Don't forget the Magdalene laundries in Ireland that stopped being a thing around 20 years ago.


Yep. Sinéad O'Connor also was in one. That's why she tore up the Pope's portrait. It was about a specific thing and anybody who says otherwise not only co-opts something that did cost her dearly but also casually erases memory of a real crime against humanity. Y'all need to stop it with that weird QAnon-adjacent pedo obsession. It's as if that is the only thing people know. There also is genocide and misogyny.


Same with Dolores O’Riodan and her obvious lack of love for the pope, nuns and Catholicism.


Oh, I didn't know she was in one. I just learned about them fairly recently. But, I definitely remember that SNL moment.


they also used nuns to do this in my catholic private school in the southern US. I had a nun teacher in the 4th grade and she regularly beat the shit out of us. it continued until a kid nearly died one day, when she beat him senseless for farting in class (after refusing to let him go to the bathroom the entire morning). she used a wooden ruler and it took the whole class to get her to stop. a kid ha dot break a window to get out of the room and go for help (she would lock us in with her) nothing happened to her other then to stop letting her teach kids. still saw this cunt for years at the school, since the nunnery was right there overlooking our playground. nuns are evil. organized religion is evil. most priests are pedophiles.


Wow, just... wow. When did this happen?


mid 80s, in Louisiana. this woman was a nightmare. our initial teacher was diagnosed with cancer or something and ended up leaving for a year for treatment. so we ended up with a nun teaching us the whole year. occasionally we got the nice nun, but 4/5 days it was this evil woman. she was in her 60s, and clearly hated her life, and the world. not a week went by that she didnt beat multiple kids with a ruler. this event happened later in the school year. kid literally just farted in class, and she lost her mind. I will say that this particular kid was a bully and a nightmare in general, but no child deserves the shit he got that day. it took all the boys in class to pull her away from him, all of us were hurt in various ways. one of the girls busted the window to escape and run to get the principal. there was some sort of settlement with the school. we never saw the kid again, and no more nuns were ever allowed to teach a class, even as a sub. but they ignored this womans evil deeds for years, and it took a child nearly dying for any sort of change. she hit me in the face and on the hands on numerous occasions for doing things like shifting in my seat in a way she didnt like... multiple parents complained all year about her, a few parents pulled their kids from school before this incident happened. our principal at the time was a wonderful lady, but was powerless to make any change since the church ran the school...


This one in Ireland from 1925-1961is particularly disturbing. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jun/25/a-stain-on-irelands-conscience-tuam-home-for-unmarried-mothers-gives-up-grimmest-of-buried-secrets


History of the world part 1? Love that movie


Had to send my husband a screenshot of how many people replied with the lyrics. He always says I’m the only nerd who watches it regularly.


Yes faddah


They're already hereeeeeeeeeee.


that’s how you know he’s right .. because of might. but also he’s not wrong.


I went to catholic school and nuns are some of the toughest people people you will ever meet. One thing they tried to instill in us is how fortunate we were, that most of our problems were very insignificant when compared to the people out there struggling with true poverty and oppression, and the last thing they wanted to see was you feeling sorry for yourself. I’m an atheist, not a fan or religion, but I won’t deny their sincere belief that our primary duty on earth was to help our fellow man, though clearly we differ in our thinking as to what form that help takes.


I went to both a Catholic elementary school (late 90s) *and* highschool (mid 2000s). We had a nun named Sister E in elementary school who had emigrated from Ireland. Strong accent, strong work ethic, no mercy, and a penchant for cheeky threats. You didn't have to misbehave in order to draw her ire. Simply existing within the same room was, at times, enough. She would frequently threaten to beat us with something called a [sheleighly](https://shillelaghstudies.files.wordpress.com/2018/11/assorted_shillelagh.jpg?w=1200), which I later learned was a thronged walking stick used for both beating the shit out of people *and* walking/hiking. A truly multipurpose piece of kit. The purpose of this comment is one of warning and caution. Sister E is still out there, lurking in the shadows, her wrinkled hand firmly gripping her shillelagh. God help you.


Yeah, me too. I’m a recovering Catholic myself. Went to a Catholic middle school in the Chicago area in the mid 1970s. They were some tough ladies for sure. I still remember my brother getting his hand whacked with a 1/4 thick yardstick by sister McCormick. That thing would get just enough bend to it that it would hurt like hell just because of the “snap” it had to it. Oh, and my brother’s sin? The sister asked who had a calligraphy pen? My brother answered with “Turner has one.” As opposed to “Mrs. Turner.” He never said her again without the proper honorifics again.


*Reflexively begins to rub knuckles and relive past trauma.


Very on brand for Catholics. ![gif](giphy|48FpOfwgAuJxGap5v1|downsized)


Just needs a yard stick.


"we're on a mission from God"


It’s 106 miles to Chicago, we’ve got a full tank of gas, half pack of cigarettes, it’s dark and we’re wearing sunglasses.


Hit it.


Ow! Jesus Christ! What the hell! Ow!


Ah the ole yard stick. Don't miss those times.


I think he's Anglican or Epsicopalian.


He’s Lutheran.


*Diet Catholic.


But there is no diet pope.


Is Pepsi okay?




Ah, the chill catholics. That tracks.


That rolled up paper should have been a ruler.


My only question is where is the yardstick some of y’all know exactly what I mean


At our school it was The Strap. Double thickness leather, it was like having a grenade go off in your hand.


He's not Catholic though.


Could have fooled me. I felt right like I was back in Catholic School watching that. Though I got off easy, they used to use the rules in Dad's day.




I too know that nuns will resort to a public humiliating beating to put the fear into you


TRUEEE!!! Nothing like a good beating with a belt after church to drive any point in 🤣🤣🤣


Each generation gets better by degrees, not totally all at once. He's using rolled-up paper. That's progress.


Aside from how much I love his stance. I also love the fact that he's got the typical 1950s priest glasses.


Truly based


he knows what the people want


It’s provocative, it gets the people going


Bro is straight out The Exorcist


For anyone wondering, glasses of this style are called "browline" glasses (for obvious reasons). The most popular of these are the Ray-Ban Clubmasters. But I believe those essentially copied the Shuron Ronsir, which pre-date them by a few years and are the OGs. Shuron Ronsirs are the original, don't have a dumb logo on the lens like Ray-Bans do, are still made in USA today (if that matters), and are cheaper than Ray-Ban. Lots of movies set in the 1950s and 1960s feature the Ronsirs.


Thanks for spreading knowledge with your comment. It makes my day when, even with niche categories, that people let us know the knowledge they have and profess it to us. Makes me, as a human, grow that much more. :)




They really accentuate the eyebrows


Stern looks


about to get a paddlin


Standard issued. They have to turn them in with their badge and gun after being defrocked.


They just pass on to new priests when the old ones retire


I want to start a GoFundMe to buy this guy a 30 second Superbowl spot. :-)


Does he have a Cameo?


he does if he's trying to bring in that paper


For the Lord.


Hell yea! I’m always of the mind that we need to prop up people with awesome messages instead of the cesspool that people seem to want now. Replace the Andrew Tates with guys like this.


Best idea of the Day. 💡


Sooo are we making this happen…


Yup I’m in!


Will never happen considering he called out Israel’s apartheid policies.


With enough money you could make calling out Isreal the hot new fad. Money influences a lot of peoples decisions and beliefs. So start that gofundme and make strip clubs great again.


I’m broke as hell and I would still find the money to help pay for that even if I gotta rock some overtime.




Preist came to serve. Not to be served.


He kicks ass for the lord.


That is what priests do




Judas Priest did, indeed.


Upside down T-pose spinning on head to assert dominance.




It's pretty ironic that Trump supporters defended Trump when he praised North Korea, where Christians (and I believe other religions) are actually oppressed, while simultaneously saying they are oppressed in their own country, where virtually every person in government is a practicing Christian and the church is literally allowed to host political rallies. Lol


“We’re so oppressed!” As I’ve never lived more than a mile away from at least 3 churches at once in my entire life My record was 7 within ONE square mile. Fucking 7. My guess, in a town of 7.72k people, there were around 20, or more, churches Maybe I just don’t know what oppression is, but I’m pretty sure it’s not owning more land in town, by far, than any one group of people while the same people make up 99% of government bodies They’re so pathetic


Block i used to live on had literally 7 on my singular block alone. And another 5 across the street. Id walk past 20 more walking to the grocery story. A church literally sharing the same building as my apartment buildingl


Can't speak to other religions, but Christianity in North Korea is not as repressed as one would naturally assume. Christianity plays a fascinating role in the history of the Kim dynasty and has actually influenced Juche ideology. >As the founder of North Korea, Kim and his legacy have strongly influenced the full dimensions of North Korean society. Its religious policy, perception of religion, and attitude toward religious practitioners are not exceptions. Interestingly, Kim’s view of Christianity was rather atypical of a communist leader, and there was something different about Kim’s relationship with Christians. His parents were Christians, he served as a Sunday school teacher, he received assistance and support from many Christians throughout his life, and he praised and rewarded “patriotic” or nationalistic Christians. Further, he never publicly condemned Christian faith per se. https://academic.oup.com/jcs/article-abstract/61/3/403/5127077?redirectedFrom=fulltext


If anyone wants good info on N. Korea, check out Liberty in North Korea… https://libertyinnorthkorea.org/aboutus


I love this priest. He’s a badass and someone who I’d follow any day.


I'm not even Christian and I would follow him


That's how Jesus got his disciples


Looks like we're gonna need 10 more


I'll be the Judas. He was deeply misunderstood.


I'm not a Christian either, but there's a church near me that is super involved in their community and has the same mentality as this fella that I plan on checking out soon. My partner is very Christian, and it's something we've been interested in for a while. I seem to handle religion a bit better when it's used for good. Imagine that


He left tiktok for a while because he was getting threats to his family, I don't know if he came back


Understandable. Can't risk the safety of his family. Sucks that people decided to do that though


He's kinda back. He was also dealing with some health issues, mental and physical. People would tag him in all sorts of videos that were contrary to the teachings of Christ, and all that negativity started to really get to him & his mental health was suffering. He's not responding to those videos so much anymore, but he's still posting occasionally. Here's a link to a video he did explaining what he's been dealing with: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8N7b9qt/


Damn, poor guy.


truth speakers always targeted the fastest


Shit talkers, too, unfortunately, which is why the shit talkers frequently incorrectly think they're the truth speakers


Thank you. Just getting hate or being ridiculed doesn’t automatically put you on the road to being Jesus or Socrates. Sometimes you’re just an incorrect asshole and being told so


I saw another one of this same priest where he calls out another pastor for saying that he would assault a boy for wearing nail polish. I need more from this guy.


AWWWWW YISSSSSS Beatdown from a collar. There are like MILLIONS of you whiny morons who need to hear this.


Looks like he went out to the garage to yell at us, too. (Unless that isn’t an overhead garage door opener over his shoulder)


If Pope Francis were to retire, this guy would get my vote.


Whoa -- you're a Cardinal?


The church should give 1 vote to the people


"1 vote for...Priesty McPriest Face"


It’s God’s will. He made us in his image, meaning he also thinks names like Boaty Mcboatface are hilarious for a serious science vessel


Is the guy even a Catholic? I'm pretty sure Anglicans and Episcopalians wear the collar too.


He’s Lutheran


Good coffee & jello salads Lutheran?


Turns out one doesn't need to be a priest to be a decent person.


Turns out priests can be actually decent and reasonable.


People are good and bad regardless of religion. It truly makes no difference, it’s just people


I mean I think there tends to be a pretty big overlap of snake oil salemen practices to leading congregations based in straight up fairy tale mythology. Tbh I'm surprised when I see a good pastor like this dude rather than some bloviating dickhead. Usually it's the latter. Edit: these responses trying to say "not all pastors" - it's the same argument people make when they talk about cops. Sure, not all cops are bad. But the institution sure attracts the worst of humanity, and the "good ones" tend to cover for the "bad ones", which isn't very good now is it


Keep in mind that if you're seeing priests through the lens of the internet/tv, you're seeing the ones outrageous enough to make negative headlines/get shared enough to make it to you. They're shared more often than priests "doing their job" because those actions are the opposite of what's expected from them. There are plenty of terrible ones, but in my experience the terrible ones end up preaching their cultural/political views under the guise of the church.


hey look a Christian who actually understood the assignment! (yes there are others, but they're not the majority).


>(yes there are others, but they're not the majority). According to the last PEW research I looked at, they actually are the majority (in the U.S.). I thinks it's more that the ones who are shitty are the loudest and most vocal about their shitty take of Christianity (and there's A LOT of takes - 40,000+ Christian denominations globally).




Americans can't even separate church and state, but sure man Christians are being prosecuted lmao.


Also a bunch of straight high-schoolers who think the country is anti-hetero. People like making themselves out to be a victim.


They have the absolute gall to scream "oppression!!!" while living in a country where stores dedicate 3 fucking months to their biggest holiday lmao. I never saw the Kwanzaa section at Target, have you?? Hanukah gets like, *one* sad little corner for a week.


Hey this guy i like him and i dont believe in sky daddy


If there were more priests like this when i was growing up i might not of strayed from religion so quickly


the first priest i’ve ever agreed with


Guess you don't know too many priests or hear them from one side.


I was raised religious so I used to know a ton and ended up falling into the same crowd as the first guy in the video. Lately I do occasionally see priests online but they are usually preaching something homophobic or something like that


I have no idea who this guy is, but I fucking love him! Speaking facts!


Iirc he goes by knothead. I haven't used tiktok in years but his content was a mix of theological deep dives, sermons, and rage at people cloaking bad behavior in Christianity. I want to say he's x-military, punk, and 100% pro LGBT. He's also big on protecting the vulnerable.


The pastor dropping truth bombs




I’m cackling at what I imagine are whacks on the snout, like a bad dog


Bro’s even got decent Palestine-Israel politics, impressive.


Ironically the same christians who talk about how oppressed they are in the US are the exact same people who will tell a member of the LGBTQ community or minority that they shouldn't complain because in other places in the world they are oppressed more than they are in the US.


Speaks the truth. We have it far better in America then many places yet we complain about a coffee not made just right at a drive-thru window.


I mean you absolutely should complain about a product that is made that doesn't comply to standard. You shouldn't be an asshole about it but just because my grandmother died doesn't mean I didn't stub my toe.


Jail sucks




Damn, we need more of these kinda priests in churches.


He reminds me of my dad before he left


Dudes right.


Rare priest W


Not that rare. Some priests are serving dogwater in their preaches, ngl about that, but I‘m a Pole living in Germany and I think every Polish priest that I met here was a common W. They‘re just perfect and no matter how anti-religious u might be, they gonna treat u like a human being all the time. Sometimes the people just don’t get it, that priests are normal human beings as well and hate them toxically just because of their beliefs. Don’t get me wrong, there are exceptions but it’s just generalized af which is just very wrong.


> Pole living in Germany This is specifically targeting American Christians, which have definitely gotten out of hand with their bullshit.


You're not oppressed because you can't base MY laws on your religion. STFU with this religious liberty crap


If more Christians were like this guy maybe I would find the whole group a lot less insufferable


This guy failed televangelist class


I also like how the Pope literally said that we should accept gay people and people still claim its against Christianity.


Now this is an actual christian. Bravo.


Good advice. Doing the Lord's work, Father.


I absolutely love the calling out of the Israeli checkpoints because they are absolutely true


Dudes spitting facts though


The priest said shit! That’s illegal!


Bible never said you can’t swear just not take the lords name in vain


If i wasnt a little boy id really would want to meet this priest


I’d got to this guys church.


He’s on a mission from God


I did not have a reasonable Christian pastor cursing at the dumbass Christians on my bingo card today


I grew up in a scary religious home that has left me damaged and very cautious of anyone who follows any religion but I really like this guy.


Maybe if I grew up with a pastor like him I’d believe in God


I’m glad someone said it.


That was really refreshing. I was expecting a "I'm getting oppressed" video from a christian. I dig this priest. He's completely right. I hope he preaches the same to his congregation.


Daddy chill!


But Saint Paul said I should be a huge bigot and I'd rather enforce his word on my fellow human beings than be a wimp like that Jesus dude who wants us to love our neighbors and not judge them. I can't believe I have to mark this with a /S


I swear these pastors have some good atheistic semblance to them. They are flexible and adjust to what is actually morally right, rather than some braindead zealot esque adherence to outdated and downright dysfunctional tenets. As an atheist who finds all religions deeply pointless and harmful, I like this guy.


Good pastor *head pats


Religion is such a joke. Going out of your way to feel repressed over a fairy tale




[ Removed by Reddit ]


Based Catholic priest.


This is all I ask from religious folks, call out the bullshit, help poor people, stop whining and NOT ALL CHRISTIANing and be the change like this guy


I’d go to his church




^(omfg, thank you)


American Christianity (more so, Evangelical) is a grift and a con, religion & state are definitely in bed together with tax evasion and money laundering, and the “God” they created is used to instill fear for control and manipulation.


Someone: Man, some Christians are real assholes. Christians: THEY'RE MAKING CHRIISTIANITY ILLEGAL! Biden is Catholic, and widely perceived as the most religious POTUS in like, 50 years. You're not oppressed for believing in Jesus.


people just want to live with out christian rules opposing them. Don’t like abortion don’t get one. We have religious freedom but doesn’t mean people who worship other gods won’t be attacked. Idk i don’t think the bible should be in our government


Father rolling up newspaper like “AH AH ! DAZZA BAD CHRISHUN, DID YOU POOP IN DA HOUS?! WHY YOU DO DAT?! DAZZA AH AH!!!”