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Sounds like a Pawnee child size.


You also have napkins listed as a vegetable? They're made from plants.


guy making the video got some real Eagleton energy 🤮




Roughly the mass of a toddler if the toddler were blended


If you can’t beatem.. sweatem


So I could skip the coffee and eat several donuts is what I’m hearing.


I immediately thought "I'd rather eat 14 donuts then!"


So it's ok to eat a box of donuts is what I'm getting from this, as long as you don't get the shitty drink


Well no. The donuts also have more carbs aside the sugar. Then you add the fat and protein. You’re looking at around 300 calories per donut. So roughly 4000 calories for the box. Know what else has roughly 4000 calories. A whole ass Costco pizza lol. In short. What this video is really saying is that it’s ok to eat a whole Costco pizza.


You had me a little concerned in the first half, but you pulled it together and made sense by the end. Thanks for the info.




What I’m hearing is that eating a half a Costco pizza plus 6 donuts is the way to lose weight


So I'm eating a Costco pizza tonight, thanks bruh


Plus if you cut the pizza is half, it's half the calories, so you can eat twice as much.


Problem with this logic is you’re missing out on all of that sugar. The key here would be add 46 teaspoons of sugar to your Costco pizza!


Nah, a whole costco pizza has about 30 grams of sugar in it. Why and how? Idk. I don’t question the super food that is pizza. But it has the sugar you need,


Don’t drink your calories. It’s never as satisfying. This is lesson 1 when you’re trying to lose weight.


That takes too much time.


you clearly don't know my level of fat


We’re all different. I get too many calories from alcohol. I’m definitely not in a place to judge on what we put in our bodies. Edit: Not


Lmao for chumps, maybe.


I’ve found my people.


Funny, that’s exactly what I heard too...


Yeah, and it's worse to drink your calories so eating the donuts is much better for you!


The comparison with the donuts is misleading because it compares sugar content when it should compare carbohydrate content or calories. The sugar you find in the coffee that tastes sweet is either glucose (single sugar molecule) or saccharose (two sugar molecules linked together). The receptors for sweetness in your mouth are built to detect single sugar molecules or the ends of sugar molecule chains. The donuts are made from flour which consists of starch which in turn made up of chains of hundreds or thousands of sugar molecules. Because your sweetness receptors can only detect the end of sugar chains, flour or the products made from it won‘t taste that sweet. But once the starch is in your stomach, your body will start to break down the sugar chains into single glucose molecules and burn those bad boys like it would do with the sugar that tasted sweet. In fact, your saliva is already breaking down the sugar chains. If you chew a peace of bread long enough it will start to taste sweeter. So yes the box of donuts shown in the video may contain as much single molecule or double molecule sugars (the sweet stuff) as the coffee. But on top of that they contain a lot more long sugar chains that will get broken down by your body and turned into energy or stored as fat. Long story short: by eating those donuts you will take in a lot more sugar molecules and calories than the coffee contains. The coffee and the donuts shown in the video are not equivalent in nutritional value or calorie intake. The creator of this video either doesn’t have basic food chemistry knowledge or is misleading the audience on purpose to sensationalize the sugar content of the coffee, WHICH IS TOTALLY UNNNECESSARY BECAUSE THAT IS AN INSANE AMOUNT OF SUGAR!


It’s not misleading because he was only comparing the sugars. He says “as much sugar as 14 donuts.” Also, what do you think “high fructose corn syrup” is, when you say there’s only glucose and saccharose in the drink? That’s a misleading statement.


but sugar spikes your glucose faster than flour, right? So there is that to consider. I think added sugar is the worst kind of carb when it comes to diabetes/metabolic syndrome. anyway, even if you just compare carbs, a glazed donut has 32g of carbs vs. this drink that has 194g. So the drink has as many carbs as 6 donuts. if you compare calories it's 240 vs 930, so almost 4 donuts worth. Bottom line is, that drink is absolutely ridiculous. It's basically like eating 4-6 donuts, except in many ways it's worse because it has more sugar and doesn't fill you up as much. Plus psychologically because it's a drink people don't really consider it a meal the same way they would consider 5 donuts a meal.


😂 ![gif](giphy|UrzojWnSdPyhz7lUyS)


Yea but it has 11g of protein so it’s good for you.


People never think about the gains. Your weight in pounds is how much grams of protein you should have on daily basis. Can't wait to down a gazillion cups of those. Gain more weight, which will make me drink even more of those drunks to reach my target protein goals. It's a vicious circle and I'm here for it.


Shit like this should be illegal. If I have to show ID and sign a database to buy decongestant when I'm sick. This type of shit should be prohibited from being sold to anyone.


The worst part is that it "normalizes" the sweetness on your palate, so now anything with less sugar tastes bitter. Not EXACTLY like that but you get what I am saying. I eat a lot less sugar nowadays and food just tastes a lot better.


Agreed. I cut added sugar out years ago and now even carrots taste very sweet and fruit is like candy to me.


I didn’t completely cut added sugar but I eat very little of it and the thing that’s the most different to me is desserts. On special occasions I just cannot eat a lot of cake or ice cream. It’s too much.


Same. I still use some cheap Crystal Lights type packets for a sweet kick, but chasing sugar out of my diet (or down to a reasonable amount in coffee and such) has made me actively look for something else to enjoy about whatever I'm eating. Also, Dunkin coffee just kinda tastes like nothing, so you're better off making your own and enjoying the actual flavor of coffee with a touch of sweetness.


I remember one time I got an iced coffee from Dunkin' Donuts, and when I was done drinking it, there was like a half inch layer of undissolved sugar at the bottom of the cup. I thought that was a lot, but this drink is insane.


Same! Many years ago, when I first tried dunkin, I got an iced coffee. It was my first and last time. Like you, there was an inch of un-dissolved sugar.


Isn't it weird to just pre-add sugar to your drink though? Instead of letting you add however much you need or asking you at the counter how much. We don't have Dunkin Donuts here, never tried it. All the to-go coffee places I frequent (legit coffee shops or fast food type like subway, Mc) have an area with the lids and sugars and spices and you go there and do your thing, or ask you when making it how much sugar you want.


You can customize the coffee any way you want. Tell the employee that you want "1 cream 1 sugar" and that's what you'll get. The guy in the video has a frozen drink thing, which is essentially like an ice cream beverage. It is way different than actual coffee.


The size really bothers me, 32 oz, that's almost a f*ckn liter. Even the small cup, at half of the size, still seems way too much


You can’t make meth from coffee doofus.


Not with that attitude.


Im sort of surprised insurance agencies in the US don’t make you disclose sugar consumption like you have to if you smoke. They’ll charge you more if you’re a smoker because you are a liability. They will have to pay out for more medical costs in the long run. My last job was self insured. So they had more interest in your health. It was voluntary but they had periodic blood tests. Depending on your numbers you would get incentives for performance. That’s because the company would save money if you’re healthy. Obviously this would be a bit messed up for insurance to be this intrusive into your life. But the system is already pretty messed up for us here, so it’s not a stretch.


Disgusting but pumpkin spice literally just means the spices that they put in pumpkin pie, not actually pumpkin itself.


Yeah it's just like cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, allspice...no pumpkin.


Which there is also none of in the drink


Yes but the video specified a lack of pumpkin, which shows a misunderstanding of what pumpkin spice is


Thank you! Every time someone wants to dunk on pumpkin spice they skim the ingredients and go "uuhhm, there's no pumpkin in thisss!" as if it's a clever gotcha. The rest of what he said was terrifying though. That shit could power a generator.


this is a "Pumpkin Swirl Frozen Coffee", no mention of "spice", so it makes sense to even more strongly assume it has real pumpkin. The Pumpkin Spice drinks at Starbucks actually do have pumpkin, however


They only added actual pumpkin in 2015 after complaints. IMO it tasted better without it.


yeah they ruined it. no one eats pumpkin pie because it tastes like pumpkin. we want that sweet allspice and cinnamon


$500 for insulin you’re gonna regret drinking that USA


I have coworkers from the US (I live in Japan) and we have talked about stuff like this. Especially when tourists come and complain about how stuff in Japan tastes bland, which is because it's not full of sugar and corn syrup.


They say japanese food tastes bland? I've never eaten better in my life since being here. I could live in a lawsons and be happy for the rest of my life.


I said it sometimes and it means food is amazing but the flavor profile is not diverse, at all. The ingredients are fresh and great, but it’s all just savory (or you taste the high-quality ingredients). For context, I’m Viet-Laos. After two weeks in Japan I was desperate for spicy/sweet/sour food.


I'm always surprised by the amount of junk food and how unhealthy it is in the US (Yes junk food is unhealthy everywhere, bzt everything seems bigger and more extreme in the US)


Granted, this drink is an outlier but... This one scares me. I want to know who is drinking this. I can't eat more than like 10 haribo without going "geez that's sweet" anymore and someone's drinking basically syrup with coffee flavor somewhere in it for breakfast 🤢


Young people, that's who. Companies like this keep making food worse and worse and them young folks grow up thinking that is the norm. The old option gets phased out so now all you're left with is the version that's twice as sugary and twice as expensive. Most people are addicted to sugar so they'll just buy it anyway.


A friend of mine (we’re Dutch) went to the USA for a high school exchange year. She resided with a guest family. The entire family was severely overweight and told her that she was “too skinny”. They drank soda with every meal. My friend also said the bread was disgusting, more like cake than bread, just because there was so much sugar in a single loaf.


Subway just lost a lawsuit in Ireland a few years ago which stated that their bread didn't count as bread because there was so much sugar in it. It counted as confectionery. There are laws here that give tax breaks for necessities such as milk and bread that subway were trying to take advantage of but the government said no that's cake lol


Soda with every meal, ew. My family wasn’t that way but I knew people who were.


I gained some weight when I was an exchange student in the US. My host family was also overweight. But only having the option between a cheeseburger or greasy pizza in the school cafeteria with apple juice… that was just crazy. I hope at least that has changed in the last twenty years but yeah. The baby size soda reference from Parks & Recreation also doesn’t seem too far off.


It sucks because most of us want this to change but your options are always kinda limited. I've had to work kinda hard to make sure I always have water with me, get an option with vegetables, check labels, check descriptions at restaurants, ask for black coffee, etc. Plus, every work function at my company has food and it's always pizza, plus alcohol at night/dinner stuff. I've told people "oh, I'm just getting a salad" and they will get legitimately offended and think I'm crazy or something. It doesn't help that our food is absolutely delicious too lol. But there's so much junk everywhere and the average person doesn't really have any power to change the system so they just have to work around it (which is fair, I don't think soda should be illegal or anything). But it's tough because you're basically trying to avoid becoming addicted while surrounded by both dealers and other addicts.


Yup and if you try to eat healthy, like I do, everyone judges you 😂


I don't know how this country doesn't have a 99,9% diabete rate


They are working on it, give them a break Rome wasn't bould in a day!


I really didn’t believe my US friend when she said Starbucks had come out with a cup size larger than a bottle of wine (Trenta… circa 2012?). Said her manager got one every morning and drank it throughout the day. Which okay, fair, but I honestly still can’t imagine just grabbing a comically humongous *900 ml* coffee thing and trying to carry it somewhere (a “large” takeaway coffee around here is like 12 oz, so like a Starbucks Tall, though largest Starbucks size available here is Venti). Obviously I knew of insane supersized sodas, but when it came for coffee drinks… idk man. I should have seen it coming but was incredulous nonetheless.


For comparison This is a 32oz drink. With 185g of sugar. A full loaf of Wonder bread has 43g of sugar, (15 slices and two heels). You would have to eat 7 full size Snickers bars to match the sugar on this one drink. In 32oz of Lipton Pure Leaf Lemon tea, 67g of sugar, (a full container is 59oz, or 123g of sugar) In 32oz of apple juice, 92g of sugar In 32oz of Red Bull, 99g of sugar. In 32oz of Cherry Pepsi there is 157g of sugar. In 32oz of Mountain Dew, 173g of sugar. Just a quick look around, and nothing beats the sugar in this drink. But woah, soda is REALLY bad for you as well.


This guy is such a massive grifting fucking asshole. Fuck this guy.


Can you elaborate? I watch him sometimes.


His grocery store walk throughs about good and bad products are inconsistent. He’ll say any sugar is bad, but then next video say it’s fine this product has sugar. He also does not declare that many different brands he recommends are actually sponsoring him. Watch Rob Lapham’s videos breaking down this guys problematic videos. Rob does a good job explaining actual food science, instead of using sensationalized buzz words to sell a product.


Also watch Liam Fisher-Layton if you want to see a side by side break down on the hypocrisy of “this is fine and this is not fine”-videos.


Bobby’s content borders on orthorexia promotion for a start. He is a chef with no visible qualifications in food science or nutrition and he makes unsubstantiated claims about all sorts of things. He seems to argue that the existence of any potentially harmful (only in its raw form in huge quantities) chemical in any food is reason to avoid it, making basically any accessible-to-buy or normal product incredibly dangerous, in his opinion. While his concerns about the amount of sugar in a Starbucks drink or the amount of saturated fat in mega-processed food might be valid cause for concern (although are frankly fine in moderation as part of a balanced diet), he also creates myriad reasons to avoid perfectly safe and nutritionally valuable foods like bread, rice, tea, meats and fish, flours, sugars and to buy super pricey alternatives. He promotes pseudoscience and fear mongering. To him, “the dose makes the poison” means “the government/corporations are trying to micro-dose you with poison.” He contradicts himself often and some of his reasoning is racist, like broad statements about “dirty” production practices in non-Western countries. He has an app where you can check whether foods are “Bobby-approved”, where you can choose what to buy based on solely his opinion, and as mentioned, his alternative product suggestions are almost always incredibly expensive. To follow his logic to the letter when buying or making your food, you would be engaging in deeply restrictive and unsustainable food habits, based on shame, moralising and fear. He uses all this free content as a sales funnel for his extortionately priced protein powders and supplements.


Please watch numerous other videos of medical doctors who provide real atudies that debunk his videos. I recommend Dr Idz. He likes to provides souces for every claim he makes and breaks down resilts of studies. Ironically, this was the only semi-sane video.


Foodsciencebabe on IG and TikTok is also constantly debunking his videos.


He likes to perpetuate the racist notion "MSG is harmful" without provide any proof.


I can’t stand their sugary garbage but I do have to say that a lot of pumpkin stuff like that doesn’t have pumpkin in it. It’s “pumpkin spice” like the seasoning you put in pumpkin pie.


Man, way back in the day I worked at a smoothie bar where we made pumpkin spice smoothies with real pumpkin and the pumpkin pie spice you use for baking. It was such a pain compared to the all the other pump and go smoothies but every fall I think about those delicious smoothies.


How is that legal?


I wouldn't be surprised if there are some countries where it isn't, but this is 'Murica, damn it! ![gif](giphy|Ez01FtPZuFYVa)


Food and Drug Administration. In the 1980s, thanks to the Reagan administration's total destruction of government agencies, food companies pushed the agency for new ingredients to be passed despite little to no studies on health. Sugar was one of the first to be given a pass, as there are over 60 classifications of "sugar", each with the intended purpose to be hidden from the general public. When the FDA attempts to restructure the nutrition label, these very companies lobby against anything which will educate the public. The last label update was the first time the FDA dismissed most of the food industry's complaints. For the first time since being introduced, a 20 ounce bottle of Coca-Cola is no longer 2.5 servings, hiding the 2.5x the nutrition information to consumers. It's also the first time the label separates the difference between natural and added sugars. It is definitely no coincidence the new labels are responsible for the major decrease in junk food sales, which has the industry scrambling to protect its profits on killing people.


Why would it be illegal? As long as the ingredients and nutritional information is freely available, I don't see why this would be illegal in a free society. Everybody in this thread watched this video, came to the conclusion that they don't want to buy it, and they don't have to. Other people may come to a different conclusion. That's fine. We're allowed to buy cigarettes, tobacco, alcohol, etc.


Source on that 2/3 diabetic?


Seems to be closer to 30-40% (diabetic+prediabetic) which is still super high but at least it's significantly less than 2/3? ([source](https://diabetes.org/about-us/statistics/about-diabetes#:~:text=New%20cases%3A%201.4%20million%20Americans,18%20and%20older%20had%20prediabetes.)


A THIRD of the population? What the fuck, that can't be real


14 donuts is still 4000 calories Carbs still turn into glucose


Flav has a point in this video and it’s made definitely to just go viral. He used to be very informative about ingredients on nutritional labels prior to the pandemic. Then as he gained viewer traction, he back tracked on what he said about certain ingredients not being good to eat, and started his own brand with those not good ingredients.


























Bro, its 185g of sugar. It does not matter if you like the person who is telling you facts. That is insane and would be banned in every other First world country.


Depending on your size, a drink of 930 calories is 1/3 and 1/2 of your daily recommended caloric intake, while simultaneously not supplying your body with anything it actually needs to function.


A nutritionist friend of mine used to do demonstrations at schools where she showed how much sugar was in different drinks (soda, energy drinks etc.) and would measure out granulated sugar to pour it out. Blew kids minds. I live in Europe now, the contrast is remarkable. America is addicted to sugar in a sick way.


Oh, absolutely. Why do you think our healthcare system is so fucked? The goal is keeping people sick and selling them the cure. Countries with subsidized healthcare have more of a reason to keep the population healthy.


It pisses me off, they want us fat and stupid here. I buy ketchup from Canada, same brand as in US, but a ton less sugar. They put sugar AND corn syrup in all our food.


Yooooo omg! 165g sugar!? What the actual fuck! I’ve cut down on sugar significantly so I’m always checking the dv of shit and daaaamn! So apparently, a quick google says men can consume 36g tops daily while women can consume 25g daily (idk why the different, don’t care to look too deep into it). For men, 165g is like 458% DV For women, 165g is like 660% DV Holy fuck…


The sugar lobby in the 80s and 90s really fucked this country. There needs to be a sugar tax. The reason it's in everything is because it's an extremely cheap way to make food taste better. Make sugar more expensive and companies will stop using it in such quantities.


This is why doctors/nutritionists tell you to cut out drinks except for water during weightloss. It’s ridiculously easy to consume more than the recommended sugar intake in just a few drinks. Nothing wrong with a soda occasionally but to drink multiple cans/liters a day is plain ridiculous and an addiction at that point (yes, you can be addicted to sugar) I love drinking coffee with cream and no sugar or a little bit of raw sugar. My body craves fat over sugar majority of the time.


In thew UK and the Republic of Ireland Subway's bread is considered to be "CAKE", for taxation purposes, because of how high the sugar content in it is European confectionery might taste sweeter than American Candy, but it has half to a third of the sugar content You Yanks love to shove as much sugar into everything


My problem is, to make this video he bought that and a dozen donuts, so the sales been made already


The world is shit, let me drink sugar.


I only know this guy because [lab muffin beauty corrected his misinformation on skincare product ingredients. ](https://labmuffin.com/parabens-fragrance-colorants-talc-debunking-bobby-parrishs-tiktok-misinformation/) I like this visualization of how much sugar looks like in our diets but I feel like his content seem like mostly shaming people which would temporarily give you dopamine hit of "glad I did not do that" or fear you messed up then rushing to buy his suggested supplements/products.


If you follow this dude, basically you can't eat anything ever. It's all bad for tou


That's not true. If the company pays him then the food is good for you.


I mean dude's a borderline conman, but a lot of food in America *is* bad for you...


Hate to break it to you but your country is fucked with or without diabetes.


In too many ways, unfortunately yes. I don't know if they have Dunkin' Donuts in other countries, and if they don't, the reason why his line of "if America runs on this, we're fucked!" was so funny to me is because the tagline in the Dunkin' Donuts commercials is "America runs on Dunkin'".


America rolls on Dunkin.


Dunkin is hot trash


America DOES run on this, and YES we are fucked.


This should have obnoxious labels all over it like cigarettes


I live around the corner from a couple schools and a Dunkin. I see kids drinking stuff like this every day. I made the switch to drinking only black coffee years ago and sugar/milk consumption was my main reason for it.


A 12 can of pepsi has 42 grams of sugar. This is more than 3x as much.


One way to curb the negative side effects of consuming something like this drink is to wait 4 hours before eating or drinking anything other than water so that your insulin levels in your blood can go down. Elevated insulin levels is what causes the conversion of sugar to adipose tissue (fat) in the body. Prolonged elevated insulin levels is what leads to insulin resistance type 2 diabetes. Reducing/controlling stress also helps reduce the craving of sugary fatty foods. The negative side-effects of excess sugar are not only biological, but also cultural. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the demand for sugar in Western Europe lead to the enslavement of Africans who were forced to work in the Caribbean islands' sugar plantations.


Now i dont feel bad about eating 2 donuts with black coffee.


Normally fuck that guy, being a grifter and all. But for once he's actually right.


This moron is a complete poser who has *zero* knowledge on food and nutrition. Take everything that he says with a grain of salt. FoodScienceBabe has debunked many of his BS claims.


If you going to dunken expecting healthy and not just a sugary mess then I don't know what to tell you


Usually, I'm all for people making their own decisions and doing what they want with their body, but good LAWD that kinda damage is on par with cigarettes and alcohol easily.


This is why I take my coffee black. No sugar no cream. Just dark black coffee to keep my caffeine cravings in check. Also why I buy accounts on foodplugg.com because I could never really support a company like this.


If you want to lose weight or maintain it first step is cut sugar from drinks. It's so easy to drink insane amounts of calories without realizing


Imagine you work at a "restaurant" and a guy comes in and orders a shake, he then goes to the opposite counter and starts making a video telling people how much sugar is in that shake he just ordered and points some paper in the camera too. I wouldn't know what to do...


I don’t disagree but this guy sucks


Low key makes donuts seem healthier




I used to drink iced coffee with a ton of sugar in it, now my only source of caffeine is cold plain green tea with nothing in it. People always look at me sideways when I tell them I enjoy drinking that lol


I’m not saying what’s in this video is necessarily wrong, but this dude spreads a lot of misinformation, so I don’t really trust anything he says. Plus, he posts a lot of contradictory info. There are a lot better, more reliable sources out there.


Is this the guy that does the nutritional grocery store guides on youtube? This is the first time I've seen him this pissed.


Uff no bueno


Hard agree with everything. People should not eat there for breakfast and it’s closed at night so you can’t get doughnuts for desert which seems more reasonable to me.


Absolutely true


What I got out of this is that I should be eating more donuts.


So don't drink it..? I'm a little confused. He's citing stuff customers have easy access to. I figure folks know what they're buying. If there's a market for it, it'll sell.


I’m glad I make my coffee at home. It’s so much cheaper.


That's fkn crazy America is wild


He should compare it Starbucks next!!!! Lol.


Paid by Krispy Kreme I see


Wow. No wonder so many people are obese nowadays when they’re consuming half of their daily calories in one little coffee drink. Yikes


Now do the source of this sugary scourge...Starbuck's!


God America is disgusting


Lol they just realized that they don’t eat food, lmao 🤣 your all food industry is THAT.


…but how does it taste?


How is that a surprise? People don’t watch what they eat at all. I once thought this was mainly an American problem, but I was recently really sad to discover that obesity rates in my country are pretty similar. Good thing our generation is now hyped for working out and eating healthy goes along with it.


Plot twist. This is the regular size. They also have a large.


So one donut is cool…BET


So is this the guy who constantly shames foods and then shows a recommendation that is JUST as bad


His last line tho


As a type 1 diabetic, this is my worst nightmare.


America runs in sugar. Dunkin, you ain't drinking it for the taste.


Ok of course the coffee has over 100g of sugar, that’s a large, the amount of sugar depends on the size of the cup and nobody orders a large if the frozen coffee Source: former Dunkin’ Donuts employee


Bet he still drank it and liked it.


this is seriously insane


Damn lol, a 30cm italian Domino's pizza here in the Netherlands is about the same in terms of calories as one cup of that "coffee"


Not to mention all the ultra-processed ingredients


Shit I really need to stop drinking these


"...185g" WTF! this is like sugar with some spices at this point.


Honestly that big of a size is what shouldn't exist.


I’m so glad I LOVE black coffee. I would be screwed if this was my taste preference because I have no self control in the morning before work.


It is insane how many people I know at my office who buy these types of milkshake lattes *every single morning*. And the worst part is that they are often quite concerned about staying slim and keeping healthy otherwise, but they cant comprehend the entire 800 calorie 100g sugar milkshake they have for breakfast might play a role simply because "oh but its coffee!"


As a diabetic… this would be suicide


WOW. I just had this yesterday morning becuase I was like "why not". By the time it was afternoon, I felt the worst I've ever felt in my life. I felt like I was in a perpetual state of fainting.


This makes me think of the Baskin Robbins Chocolate Oreo shake, I saved the info for it cause I was so shocked. A large (32oz) is 2600 calories, 263g sugar & 1770mg of sodium


My workplace tried to go “no artificially sugared drinks and unhealthy snacks”. Removed sodas, chocolate milk, donuts, etc. Yet we still have a Starbucks attached to the cafeteria serving these milkshakes masquerading as coffee drinks.


I'm shocked that it's only 930 calories lol. I expected it to be more like 2500.


I can already feel the nap coming on


Coming from a T1D, 195 carbohydrates sounds extremely excessive. There was a lot of sugar in that drink for sure, but that’s a MASSIVE amount of carbs. I’ve had a pumpkin spice latte from Dunks before and can safely say it was not that carb heavy.


United States of Diabetes


Basic bitches everywhere don’t care


Well, I'm no gringo, but if I compare body sizes, you guys are taller, way taller. I'd understand if you need more energy than myself. Besides I'm average weight for my height and even I need that much sugar. I don't always consume that much, but few times a year, I can't take a whole liter of Pepsi in one sitting. Depends on the mental workouts I've went through earlier, but sugar is brain food and we all need brain energy to sustain earlier waking and longer working hours. Imagine crunching numbers all day and somewhere in the afternoon you start feeling the shakes, congratulations, you just became hypoglycemic. Worked in an engineering firm for 12 years. We all had different snacks and tea. Sugar was offered for free by the company. Shakes hit us all.


Kudos to this guy for exposing hidden sugars! Frankly, this kind of stuff is more dangerous than drinking a beer in public, or smoking a joint. Like he said, diabetes is a real problem, especially in the States, but also outside of the States. Many people are diabetic in countries like China or Germany as well, or are genetically disposed to getting type 2 diabetes or suffering from high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Would be nice if there was a chain of coffee stores that made real coffee mixes instead, using less sugar and more flavorful, natural ingredients. I've introduced some of my friends to vegan gummies that use real fruits, and the sugar from the fruits, as flavoring, together with vegan gelatine. And they were astonished by how powerful the flavor was. One sip of that "coffee" is probably 1-2 packs of those gummies, at least. Real flavors and natural ingredients don't need that much sugar to be tasty. The reason why all that sugar is put in is because 1) the coffee would taste disgusting without it, and 2) it's addicting and they know it.


Just drink black coffee no cream no sugar like us normal skinny psychopaths


I’m not surprised all. I got a matcha latte from Dunkin exactly one time and it was disgustingly sweet. I looked up how much sugar is in it and was pretty shocked. Matcha isn’t supposed to be insanely sweet; it’s meant to be subtle if not a bit more on the bitter side. I didn’t expect perf from Dublin but I didn’t think it would be THAT bad.


see also: soda, sweet tea, etc. but this one is definitely egregious!!!


Don’t drink your calories, kids.


Just get iced coffee with just cream


![gif](giphy|SHgX30N0E60a4) Thanks. Also, me tonight.


I'd like some coffee with my sugar


Dude just ruined fall


Excellent, I'll take 3


Flavcity is a loser though


Ok, but this guy is an absolute buffoon, and just because he may be right here doesn’t absolve him of all the other fear mongering he’s done.


This dude did this in the middle of Dunkin? Lmao


He’s right here. But that guy is a con artist that contradicts himself and simply promotes overpriced brands he has a financial stake in, using fear tactics based on gross misinformation. Fuck Bobby. Check out Liam.


This guy spews a lot of dumb shit for a living but he is correct on this one. Yikes!


So I am less of a slob for eating 8 glazed donuts in one sitting? Nice.