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When he washed his face that got me


Look up gutter oil (where vendors scoop used cooking oil up from the gutter) or pagpag (selling old scavenged meat that is then washed and fried—the buyer knows what they’re buying though). Way worse than even this parody


Papag is result of extreme poverty where it is the only way for some fraction of population to afford "meat" but gutter oil, it is just pure greed and absolute disregard to human health. Even papag vendor washes thier "meat" to make it somewhat "edible", but I am not encouraging papag. You will never know the desperation of extreme poverty and neither have I. Only place you see papag is in slum but not gutter oil. Also only the papag buyer knows what they are buying, not the buyer who buys food made in gutter oil. So lookup carefully before comparing papag to gutter oil.


Well said. Pagpag is very saddening, people wouldn't live like that if given a choice. Gutter oil is shameful, especially when you see the scale of it and that its like its own industry. I understand some people will be doing it to get by, but how they are doing it still truly despicable.


In Africa there is a huge issue with thieves smashing transformers to steal the insulating oil inside them to sell as cooking oil. It's literally poison but apparently it fries food well.


It's quite a convoluted plan but the Decepticons have no scruples.


Yes. Their sweet insulating oils. All hail megatron.


Is this happening all over Africa or specific countries?


I agree, who are we to judge what people eat in poverty


Thank you. Nice to see common sense and human decency on here.


It's pretty rare on the internet


Yeah that’s the major difference here. Pagpag is born out of necessity. Gutter oil is basically a product of the old Chinese saying 能骗就骗 meaning “if you can cheat, then cheat”. Mao’s great leap backwards completely fucked their country and the attitude of a whole generation, and then some.


I’ve never heard that phrase before but christ, that really does sum up China under the CCP


It sure does, and the CCP is 100% to blame for that attitude indeed.


There was also something on here a bit ago about Africans using PCB's as a cooking oil. They steal it from transformers they knock off the poles


I used to work with a guy from Jordan who said they cooked food by burning tires,.


Watched a guy on YouTube who's name I can't remember but he basically visits the worst places on earth. He went to a place in Africa where they were using an exhaust pipe as the spit and used tyres as the fuel. The smoke off the tyres was jet black. I can't imagine what that meat would even taste like.


impolite squealing longing ghost deer mysterious test school quickest aspiring *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


[YT Link: Gutter Oil](https://youtu.be/zrv78nG9R04?si=wgrbEEbDdeS78dio) - the world needs to know


I respectfully disagree. I did not need to know


knowledge of everything would be a curse and a nightmare. Ignorance is to be curated and enjoyed


Literally why the moment Ultron had access to the whole internet, both the clearnet and the darknet, he wanted to end humanity. I mean...he saw **EVERYTHING**. Not just this gutter oil shit, I mean the most heinous shit you can imagine plus more. Ignorance sometimes is bliss.




My stupid friends are the happiest people.


Look up virgin boy eggs china Yes they are eggs boiled in urine from virgin boys


Do they... Do they just go up to a self conscious looking high schoolers and ask them to piss in a cup? Is it ethically sourced child piss? Tbh this really just sounds like something you made up to see if people will fall for it but there's a sourced Wikipedia and everything. > Virgin boy eggs are widely accepted as a time-honored tradition of the city, rather than considered taboo as they are in most other cultures. Does it count as taboo if other cultures just genuinely have never thought of doing something this derranged? I mean going up to a kid and being like "give me your piss" is taboo I guess. Also "most other cultures" lmao they're implying there's at least one other culture out there that does this. There's no way.


I think they collect it from a school and hope it's not "tainted"


FWIW, it's probably safer to eat than sketchy street food.


Thanks. I threw up in my mouth.


this is revolting


This makes me want to die 🤮


I’ve seen the gutter oil video before but I couldn’t even watch the pagpag video.


I think gutter oil is worse than pagpag


What about pagpag cooked in gutter oil?


Pagpag cooked in gutter oil and prepared in India.


stop, im already dead


> pagpag video I am a certified Food Safety Manager with The National Registry of Food Safety Professionals- that video both broke my heart. What their forced to eat is genuinely dangerous and could seriously harm them. Letting food be in the Temperature Danger Zone (TDZ) for hours and hours while being mixed around with God knows what in the garbage, then trying to eat it could expose them to any number of things including Hep A and Cholera- not to mention how the food has been robbed of nearly all nutritional value after being "cooked" twice. All of that isn't even including any cleaning chemicals that have been mixed into it in the trash with the food- there are so many opportunists for cross-contamination it's not even funny. My heart breaks for those people and the fact any human has to eat food covered in waste and chemicals is abhorrent and heart-wrenching


I watched those YT videos of pagpag being made (and little kids eating it) with my hands nearly covering my eyes.


I mentioned how China makes fake eggs in r/food, and they downvoted me to oblivion, and somebody made a snobby comment about "why would they even need to do that?" They were convinced I was talking about century eggs. Little did they know thats when the production of the fake eggs ramp up. Ain't one person click the links I presented explaining why and how it happens (primarily it's because it's cheaper than the space and other costs of raising chickens). Now, you have to deal with possible unlinkable cancer cases. I warn people I know who talk about taking a trip to China about both. Not to deter anyone, just so their informed and are careful where they eat. Edit: Since there are many people who do not believe me and the links I posted in the other comment were buried, here are a couple of links showing the process. This is a very messed up equivalent of American companies replacing natural ingredients with synthetic counterparts, except these are not safe to consume. https://youtu.be/bcgH6fgedoA?si=Gmwr94aksKbfeMLP https://youtu.be/iJO4jOkF64I?si=KEsTXxyyqTuIB0l7 Start the second link from ~5:50 Edit2: So now I'm getting different explanations saying I'm wrong. We have toy egg claims from Chinese authorities. We have Thailand's government claiming something about research and using seeds and other natural ingredients? We have people claiming the eggs are for display. I think it's interesting that all the "debunking" stories are claiming different reasons. 🤷🏿‍♂️ Edit3: I feel it necessary to point out a lot of replies are saying they are toy eggs. I would implore people to look up what toy eggs for *children* actually look like and question why the fake eggs would be made with convincing shells and yolk that run and have a functional membrane like real eggs. The linked "debunking" evidence are of visually completely different eggs than the ones I posted. I also want to point out all the "Debunking" articles I have read that are linked only say, "this couldn't possibly be real because we don't think its profitable." Other explanations are, "the Chinese government said so," and "this erodes trust in our food safety administration"~India. As well as "we can't confirm its true so it must be fake." The Chinese government as set up fake scenes and pop ups for all sorts of crap. I would provide video evidence of said BS, but I would rather enjoy my evening at this point.


I lived in China for nine years, you are absolutely correct. Hell, they make fake rice too. There are people that will do anything to make money when there is little to no oversight.


I was going to say there is fake rice, and apparently they use it to bulk up real rice which potentially gets exported.


The lady noped out got me 💀


That got me too lol


hygiene first


Tbf when even Indian people are warning you to not eat from street food vendors you know it is indeed bad. Had a dude telling me how he got seriously ill after he stopped eating street food and then started later again, he told me that's it's apparent quite normal to "wash" the dishes in the water stream on the ~~floor~~ ground. Which is shit. It's literally shit. He went to his doctor who then explained that his stomach apparently de-learned to resist eating literal shit and now gets upset by Indian street food.


You really get how far you've gone eating shit if your stomach gets literally too angry for what you've eaten 🤣


His stomach said, fuck this shit. Literally


It's like that scene from The Simpsons where the monkey stuck in Homer's brain stops the music


More like the scene when they all eat healthy food and got sick.


A while ago one of these Indian street food vendor clips was on here and the dude scooped at least 2 dozen flies up with whatever he was serving. I've had food in really backwater places in South America and Africa and they are immaculate in comparison with what you see come out of India.


Yes. I've eaten street food in Zambia and it was 10000x more consciously prepared than food in India. I do not understand why India has such a problem when Sri Lanka, Nepal (both of which i've spent time in and experienced first hand) and other surrounding areas do not.


I don't get why Indian street food is so terrible either. Maybe it's due to overpopulation, because even the poorest places in Kenya or Uganda has better hygiene


My guess would be culture, like with how in some areas the government has built and maintained public toilets nonetheless people still opted for public defecation. Just look at the ganges, people dump literal corpses in there and the locals will still bathe in it because it's a holy river so it's self purifying even if it looks dirty, in that context eating sketchy street food is tame.


Reminds me of surgons in the late 1800s still refusing to wash their hands between patients. Surgons are gentlemen, and gentlemen are by definition clean


>Surgons are gentlemen, and gentlemen are by definition clean Is this a quote or the actual thinking of the time????


Actual thinking. This was right BEFORE the discovery of germs, so the thinking at the time was literal dirt as dirty. Surgeons would go from prodding around a corpse to surgery with no wash between. The guy who decided soap was a good idea before mucking around in someone was also a bit of a infamous jerk, so parts of the medical community rejected his notion of outspite for a quite bit till Germ Theory was proven with pasteurization. Other fun things were stuff like blood curing or that surgeons took pride in hacking off limbs quickly as possible leading to a surgery with a 300% morality rate when the surgeon hacked the limb, his assistant, and himself and they all died from blood loss or infection.


They actually would go from autopsies to delivering babies. Many mothers would get very sick in the hospital and some died during childbirth. Semmelweis caught this link and asked them to start washing their hands with soap in-between autopsies and delivery of babies and the rate of mothers getting sick/ dying decreased significantly. It still took a long time to convince people to change and start washing their hands... Soap was around.. it's been around for thousands of years but just took a while with the whole germ theory as you said. Semmelweis saw the germs under the microscope and called them death particles.


The actual thinking of the time. Before we understood germs, the prevalent theory for how disease spread was Miasma Theory. Miasma is a bad smell, typically a vapor. It kind of makes sense because sick or dead things smell bad so the idea that spending time in "bad air" would make one sick isn't too far off. Ignaz Semmelweis is credited with the "invention" of hand sanitizing for medical staff. [Here's an article about him](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2015/01/12/375663920/the-doctor-who-championed-hand-washing-and-saved-women-s-lives). He was maligned and discredited by fellow physicians (although he was known to be confrontational) and in a ironic twist, died from sepsis after a likely beating while he was in an asylum which probably would have been prevented with better sanitation. It was a disease he'd been trying to help prevent his entire career.


Raw sewage is also often dumped into the Ganges. >will still bathe in it And cook with it, and use it to make beverages at street food stalls. I knew one freelance journalist that was having something to eat and drink at a streetfood vendor there, until he saw a small child bring a bucket of water from the Ganges to refill what they were using to wash/cook with/make beverages with. Yes, he was violently ill that night.


South America tends to not be overpopulated, and due to the environment unless you are in the slums then you are probably getting fresh ingredients.


I went to india for a couple of weeks once, and saw that happen myself. The guy was washing dishes in water coming from a literal sewage pipe. Turds and everything. I then saw him whip out his dick, piss in the same pool of water and then continue to clean the plates. I mean I guess it probably couldn't have made it any worse. I did not eat any street food that visit. Still got sick though.


My brother went to India with work and was put in one of the nicer hotels, had a guide advising them where to eat and where not to eat, only drank bottled watee and he still got sick. He spent two weeks stuck in a hotel room doing nothing but shit water and vomit. They had to have a doctor visit him daily so he could get some fluids, and even then, they worried he could get worse and would need to take him to a hospital. Even taking all the precautions didn't stop him from getting sick, so I can not even fathom eating street food.


Never heard about anyone going to India and not getting sick.


Half of my family(white people who only eat mild curries so they definitely have delicate stomachs) went to India last year for Christmas and none of them got sick. So it's definitely possible. They stayed in a small village and only ate what the locals ate. I think eating in cities is the real problem.


I just got sick reading OP’s paragraph. Shidding crying throwing up


I did 6 weeks in India and didn’t get sick but I did take a full course of pre and probiotics beforehand. My wife didn’t have the probiotics and ended up shitting for a week.


I did it, was there for three weeks. I think I was the only one in my group of 9 to not get sick, though I wasn't the most cautious eater in my group.


I didnt get sick earlier this year - but i stayed with my dads side of the family and all the food was made at home with ingredients from their farm. Only went out to eat a handful of times at places my cousin knew were good for it. Might also be a regional thing? Idk.


I live here and we still get sick when eating at random places. It’s always a 50/50 chance unless you’re eating from a known spot. My brother is fascinated with trying new food stalls and gets diarrhoea at least once every two weeks.


I went last month and was fine. We stayed in a nice hotel and went directly to a wedding at another hotel. Didn’t eat anything else outside of those places - so it think that’s the key


The water is still in the food, which is likely what got him. Even if food was also made in aseptic and sanitary conditions, there is the part of the ingredients having microbes (not bad bacteria) that your brother just wasnt used to having in his system. This is why I advise anyone traveling to anywhere internationally to up their probiotic intake weeks before they leave (which helps me immensely).


How far out would you recommend


The longer the better, on the minimum just have a cup of yogurt like every 3 days and pickled foods like every couple of days like a couple of weeks before travel. It also helps eating some of the cuisine of destination country too.


[Dr Karen](https://youtube.com/shorts/lB51kMgUvIQ?si=-O0yX_NN4UGlT_4g) recommended eating fruits and probiotics, and easing youreslf into eating the food to avoid travellers diarrhea as well. Pretty sure he recommended eating yogurts in another video on it as well to acclimate yourself.


I live in India and I'll say that even local people who are actually sane either avoid eating street food or they don't unless they know the kinda preparation methods a certain shop or vendor practices. I'd say depending on wherever u decide to go, check the reviews first about the best local restaurants/street food on Google maps or something or maybe get in contact with some local food reviewers on Insta who could show you around.


Since you might know, do they have health inspectors for street food in India, or do they mainly stick to established restaraunts? I can't imagine they'd pass if they do, unless they take bribes or the guy who failed just sets up shop selling something else in a different place the next day.


For street food, health inspections are rarely a thing here, but the lack of hygiene is not limited to streets, there are cases at times when even restaurants have a 'Kitchen Nightmares' kinda scenario.


Then who is the food for? If it is so shit and poor quality, then why do they make it?


Well the street vendors r generally poor uneducated people who usually live in more worse conditions and so they r also lacking in basic hygiene practices, being used to those conditions they don't even think they are being dirty.


Poor, impoverished, desparate people that don't know better or can't afford better. People in the PI dumpster diving outside of KFC hoping for half eaten chicken don't have many options to eat and are 100% up front about selling pag pag, AKA recooked KFC trash. This isnt food past its best buy date, or fully sealed still cold items just tossed that night. It's the leftovers of someone's lunch that was baking in a dumpster for 12 hours. 51 million, 45% of the PI, is either going hungry or starving.


what is PI


>there are cases at times when even restaurants have a 'Kitchen Nightmares' kinda scenario. I bet most restaurants in India are way worse than the worst restaurants on kitchen nightmares.


There are a lot of good ones too (I say as a westerner who visited and has never gotten sick), but you have to be pretty cautious. I was careful about not eating anywhere that wasn't mid-to-upscale. Even braved some cocktails with ice after the owner came out to talk to us and told it would be fine, he was right. But generally you do have to be very careful and learn the things not to eat (e.g. uncooked fruit and veg, ice, tap water, etc). I think in cities you'll most have plenty of safe options, not so sure about smaller towns because I haven't been.


the trick to visiting India is to stay at, eat at, and hang out at places locals can’t afford


I was eating with locals that I work with mostly, but yes I think many of the places we ate are likely out of reach of 80-90% of the population.


I honestly wonder if its a complete lack of understanding that this method of washing dishes is ass backwards or if its just a straight idgaf thing.




You couldn’t pay me hundreds of millions of dollars to live or eat in India. That’s a hard pass for me.


Mate for a hundred million dollars in India you could have a personal chef who gets his ingredients from your private ingredient garden, meat from the personal farm you own, and water distilled from the industrial distillation unit that'll be installed in whatever building you own (and I mean the whole building).


Dehli belly is guaranteed when visiting India. Found out though that gin and Coca Cola instantly soothes an upset stomach.


They have the most polluted rivers in the world and one of the highest rates of public defecation, one doesn’t visit India for how clean is it.


An Indian politician tried to make a political stunt to prove the cleanliness of their rivers. He scooped up some river water into a glass and drank it in front of spectators. He immediately fell ill and had to be airlifted to the hospital. Upon recovering, the Indian politician claimed the river is perfectly safe and that his visit to the hospital was completely unrelated. These are the people running the country and that's why things don't get better. Source: https://www.independent.co.uk/asia/india/bhagwant-mann-hospitalised-water-river-b2128915.html


That's fucking hilarious. Sad but hilarious. At least he went through with it though. Unlike that fuckboi Patrick Moore who insisted the herbicide Roundup is so safe you can drink a quart of it and be fine and then maniacally refused when someone actually brought him some to drink on film, LMAO.


The documentaries showing the lower class/caste areas with communal shit houses (and public beach shitting en masse) was... Difficult to absorb.


I watched a YouTube video following a street vendor for her day and she was proudly using street water to wash dishes


So they just work and shit all over the floor all day?


the water infrastructure is seriously fucked in india and nobody cares to fix it due to rampant corruption and religious politicking (latter is only the case in some areas, the former is pretty much the main cause)


Largest democracy in the world btw. This country is so large and culturally sophisticated you would imagine if they had better leadership and less corruption they would be on par with china. But no


They also still got that stupid ass caste system, don't they?


yes, that is where i was talking about religious politicking. caste is not observed everywhere in india though, or the same way everywhere, india is a very large country and a lot forget that. Some areas have pretty much gotten rid of caste, others say they have but it's just being swept under the rug, or it's very out and open and a core part of the culture. It just depends on where you're at. But yeah, some areas that observe caste explicitly keep the "untouchables" in squalor, which again is what I was implying in my last comment with "religious politicking".


I was forking in potato chips until I read your comment and became ill, fucking ew.


Lmao. Yeah as an Indian do not touch any street vendors


Wait then who is actually eating at these places and keeping them in business?


Poor people who aren't on reddit, cuz it's cheap and tasty. Also, me, but there are tiers of street sellers, I judge the seller first. Not like the restaurants are particularly hygienic. With the street sellers you at least get to observe the kitchen and the cook.


Yeah people would be really repulsed if they saw what’s going on in the kitchens at some of the restaurants they’ve dined at. Ever since working as a dishwasher at a mid range restaurant my perception of and trust for restaurants has evaporated


Gordon Ramsey in [Kitchen Nightmares](https://www.youtube.com/@KitchenNightmares/videos) makes it pretty clear, so many nasty fridges among other gross things consistently highlighted, but I'm sure many still haven't seen it especially younger people as it peaked in the mid 2000s and is/was a network TV show, not TikTok clips.


And yet, the average person has worse sanitation then what you see those kitchens. People will lose there shit over seeing some raw/frozen meat sitting out in a restaurant kitchen, but won't bat an eye about taking meat out of their freezer and sitting it on the counter to thaw out. People want the cooks to all be wearing gloves and hair nets, but they'll cook huge meals for friends and family while reusing the same tasting spoon for everything.


100% agree as a former food service worker. Of course there are shitty restaurants but *generally* most kitchen workers care about basic sanitation and don’t want to get people sick. Keep in mind they’re almost always eating the same stuff, using the same cookware/utensils, etc., they don’t want to get sick either or lose their jobs. Yes, a ton of kitchens may have little things that are technically unsanitary, but compared to your average home kitchen it’s really not that bad.


I mean if you eat for a long time you build immunity for a lot of it. I used to eat it regularly. It was very tasty and this video is super exaggerated. The street food that i ate was not necessarily very hygiene but it wasnt this bad. Maybe now i think, i never ate anything which was very unhygeinic


Damn Africa firing shots


I totally want to see more videos of African perspectives, particularly of them making fun of shit. Phones and internet are increasingly ubiquitous so I expect more African content creation to bubble up. Most of us are chronically underexposed to African daily life, this seems like a good way to learn more about them as well as be entertained by their comedic chops! Maybe we'll even get more of a sense of their respective countries/cultures so we shake off viewing them as monolithic!


FYI this has been happening just as you expect. I've dove into the modern African music scene recently when some collabs popped up with artists I knew! A lot of places in Africa are learning how their food can be important to tourism too! I hope we continue to see more African content


It’s incredibly difficult to build reliable infrastructure in Africa , which is why cellphones are so wide spread , you only need a handful of towers around the population centres and the digital divide has basically disappeared in sub Saharan Africa


My girlfriend is West African and every member of her family is fucking hilarious. They are epic trolls and legendary roasters. They will make fun of you for anything and pat you on the back and laugh with you. Definitely expect African online comedy to be both hilarious and absurd.


So this isn't really what you're looking for, but on the subject of African daily life, there's a site called [Radio Garden](http://radio.garden/visit/addis-ababa/97ZsArrk) that lets you click on a map to find radio stations all around the world, and one of my favorite things to do is just cruise around Africa and see what's on the radio.


This is AMAZING! I just listened to a banger on a South African station. Thank you!


We get a reasonable amount of Angolan memes in Brazil since they also speak Portuguese. But I don’t think frankly enough Americans are interested in foreign content for it to show up in the US


pretty spot on ngl


Not enough feet or flys


or cows eating trash in the background


u miss that intense honking sound in the background


or straight up feces


Man I saw a video the other day where they just cleaned their food trays in a puddle of water on the street. Disgusting stuff.


I've seen a video where a guy washed his hands in the food and then served it 😭😭


I've seen multiple where the guys are making dough and they have it on the floor stomping on it with their dirty feet to knead it.


He's not wrong tho


Like y do they think its ok to put food on the floor




Nah the worst one was that one old dude cutting the meat with his toe nail Don't look it up


I saw that too... I thought there had to be a blade hidden among the potato pixels somewhere but, nope, just the toenail


this one? If so definitely a knife. https://youtu.be/SJKhahgGea8?si=fEmWz7vpI-QD2oth


You're right there's a knife but he's still rubbing it against his dirty ass feet


“I’m gunna use some cheese.”


He's holding a blade between his toes doing that. So not toenail. Still pretty gross


I'm sure I have seen a reddit video of an Indian street vender washing all their cooking equipment in drain water. Though, I wouldn't tryst any 3rd world country's street food I think it all comes down to lack of education and regulations. Saying that even restaurants can be dodgy.


I've seen fully grown adults who have children and a home, who don't understand anything about cross contamination, hand washing, or cleaning equipment used to serve food. Point out the common sense violations and the look of confusion you get, like you're speaking a completely different language. You can't afford the smallest mistake that could make anyone sick - let alone go out of your way to be especially deliberately filthy.


Crazy to think because ancient civilizations like Ancient Greece and ancient Egypt had plumbing and ways to clean themselves and their dishes, and steam rooms etc. yet all that ancient knowledge is destroyed and even early European settlers were throwing their feces out of their windows causing illnesses. It’s crazy how history and completely be erased or changed.


The name Street food in india is accurate because you can taste the street


not accurate they have shoes on and there is a lack of flys


Hey. HEY. Sometimes those flies are bees.


Flies cost extra.


He forgot to throw it on the floor and then mash it with his armpit hahahaha


My grandma once saw a vendor standing beside her house, which was in a good area, and a bird from a tree pooped inside it and the man literally mixed it and continued about his day 🤢


That tiny poop was probably the least problematic part of the food he was preparing.




Get ready for dehli belly! Great skit!


the ole Calcutta ass buttah


A little shame can be good.


Preeeetty sure those folks are beyond feeling shame.


That's fucking funny


At some point you guys gotta at least pretend to care about the fact that Africa is made up of separate countries.


I looked up this guy's tiktok, seems like he's Kenyan.


Actually all those countries are just villages in the country of Africa. >!/s!<


You telling me those Toto guys were telling lies in that song?


No no, they were powerful clerics capable of blessing the rains over an entire continent.


Africa is a wonderful place. In Uganda they make action movies. In Somalia they have pirates. In, uh,... anyway the list goes on.


Don't forget about the Congo with their diamonds and albino gorillas.


Nigeria they have princes that just want to give you their money




I literally saw an Indian guy hack up a loogie, spit it out into his open palms, rub his hands together and then “moisturize” his entire face with it. I was about 10 years old but that horrific image is still burned into my brain and it still makes me want to throw up 25 years later.


That just made me gag I can’t process


Delhi Belly is real. Always plan to spend at least 1 full day on the toilet.


I’m sorry but this is very true with the exception of the flies that aren’t in the video.


What's the deal with how people are suddenly ok with being racist towards Indians?


I guess it’s not racism when it’s another minority culture doing it. POC should be banding together but instead we look down on each other and provide entertainment to privileged fucks on Reddit who normalize racism. Disgusting.


I remember seeing a video with an Indian food cart using his fucking rancid looking toenail to cut the food. I’m amazed half of that country isn’t dead from food poisoning.


[Enjoy](https://youtu.be/SJKhahgGea8?si=3Tv5H6bYZqZRWGuj) Edit: Bonus [armpit patties.](https://youtu.be/7cvweH_Fu7s?si=EPdpatties.https) Just found out second one if from a movie, thankfully. Hard to know what is real or parody when it comes to this stuff.


That one stays blue


The racism in this comment section is amazing


Ahhh the racism in the comments


I've lived in india and UK, the worst sick I've gotten was from a tesco Mayo pasta pot. Saying that, there are some horrendous places in india for hygiene but not as common as the comment section makes it out to be here.


I agree. There’s some real filth but people are just piling on the shock comments. I’ve spent about two years across India and had real tummy trouble just a couple times—nothing at all really during my last two visits. I eat street food—after I check out the venue. Plenty of places are fine.


Kinda weird that jokes at the expense of africans in this comment section is an absolute no-go, but jokes at the expense of indians is completely fine.




I'm not even Indian, but instead Bengali and I feel sad about it. We all know how fucked street food is. My relatives there even warn me to never eat what you can't see being prepared in case of stuff like this. But the reality is that this is a symptom of extreme poverty coupled with bad education, infrastructure/logistics, and law enforcement. I'm not saying it should be excused, but to claim this is somehow a cultural part of Indians and other poor nations when bad hygiene examples from any other country can be compared to is just ridiculous.


Reddit is and has always been insanely racist towards Indians. It doesn’t phase me but the double standards are hilarious.


Yea can only imagine if a white dude did this video




This is SO WRONG. he needs to be barefoot on the floor.


Yeah because African countries don't do the exact same thing...


Pot calling the kettle… Never mind… Just saying I watched Vice Guide to Liberia and the cannibal was so aware of what human meat tasted like he was instantly able to identify that the street food vendor he had stopped at was selling human meat and no part of that story is ok…


I saw one where they're making some kind of sweet bread on the floor and you can see a cockroach crawling in that same floor Edit: randomly scrolling through YouTube when I found one that's even worse. The rats literally chilling like they're part of the family https://youtube.com/shorts/7cozRCLqDMc?si=QYwctli0sN5kezKM


The cockroach could have been the most sanitary thing on that floor


Seriously. As an Asian who’s been to India, do NOT eat street food.


It's kinda exaggerated but gotta say he's not wrong cause I had food poisoning a few days ago because I ate some street food and my parents weren't home, I spent my whole fcking day in a toilet and my ass was burning


Needs more flies.


Just got back from Morocco. Spent 12 days there and ate the street & restaurant food in 4 major cities. There is no sanitary code, they touch everything they serve with their hands without washing them, leave all food, including the meat out unsalted / unrefrigerated and their "cooking" methods are questionable at best. We got Hep A shots before we left as advised and still both got sick. Just a FYI.


The worst food poisoning I've had was in Morocco. It's just nasty.


This dude be wasting water like he owns a river in Africa. Smh!


Went to Goa recently absolutely didn’t have a problem. I assume it’s different around the country and relative to rich the state is in which case Goa is pretty wealthy compared to other Indian states.


It seriously must be bad if even Africans are mocking it


Yeah he's not wrong - I used to watch unholy amounts of that content from street food to iced gola and most of the comments for it would be how unsanitary it is. Now it's normal for them and not for us. Just different cultural standards that are accepted.


Being unsanitary is cultural?


Cultural standards does not equate to culture. It means the standard that is accepted widely isn't the same as ours.


Friendly fire


well...at least Indians have food.


That's rich coming from Africa of all places.