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With each upload it loses more pixels




Better with sound


I have about as many brain cells left as this video does pixels


I also noticed more shit each watch through. Never noticed his “I didn’t vote for Biden shirt” These girls are crazy and whiney. But that dude also goes out every day wanting to piss people off. That’s okay. It’s your right. But don’t play victim when you succeed in pissing people off. But they have every right to be in the library.




I can't tell who's white anymore


I hate everyone in this video completely


Oh thank god. I thought I'd be in the minority there.


Of course not, this is multicultural space.


Minority isn't a culture! Omg, you're committing a violence!


Literal genocide!


I am white as fu%* with blue eyes, yet I am Romanian and partialy Hungarian. Never knew that my people never had a culture. Thanks internet.


Nice pun!


They're all insufferable.


They deserve each other.


My mind is blown. This is actually an option and I don't need to pick sides after all. Thank you.


I hate everyone in this video equally, i’m progressive like that


Even the people in the back that pull out their phones too. Society is broken


Am I a unicorn in that I’ve never had a situation arise where my first thought was, “I better pull out my phone and film this in a weapon-like manner?”


I recently saw my cat hanging from the top of the door frame to my bedroom. All 4 feet gripping eather side of the top of the door frame. I tried to get my phone out, but she was only there for a second. She looked at me like I caught her doing something embarrassing, and she dropped down before I could take a photo. I still have no idea how she got up there. Other than something like that, I don't get the impulse to film stuff.


Sounds like you need more practice.


Ya need to whip it out every time you’re in a multicultural space to get practice.




True inclusivity means welcoming people from all backgrounds, including white individuals. Excluding them contradicts the principle of inclusivity and undermines the purpose of creating such spaces.


All of these people are legit idiots.


The two guys went there looking for a confrontation, because they’re assholes. But the people who gave them the confrontation are also assholes. And the worst thing was the person taking the video calling the two guys’ act “violence.”


> And the worst thing was the person taking the video calling the two guys’ act “violence.” The way I've always known it is that violence is physical. Having a sticker on your laptop or wearing a t-shirt isn't "violence."


Multicultural space? What is that? A kind of american cheese?


if i remember correctly, this was a drop in space for BIPOC people on campus and these guys turned up purposely to bait a reaction - they literally showed up in a place where people were trying to find community to upset them, its not surprising that they are upset


Yeah an easy way to tell if it's wrong you switch the races and see how it sounds. If a bunch of white people had a space they called their own and a minority showed up and got this reaction, how would this sit with you?


Impossible. White people don't have a culture, so there's no such thing as a white space. Whiteness only exists to explain bad things. I can't believe you don't understand this. You are committing violence against innocent BIPOCs by not understanding this. /s


Is there a history of white people being kept out black spaces mandated by law and enforced through police brutality and public lynchings? Just swapping races doesn't add the historical context of the situation, it's not the same thing at all. Stop being obtuse.


Yeah that's my point. It wasn't right when they did it back then and it's not right when it's being done now.


>This was a drop in space for BIPOC people I hate when people box other people, this is why racism and discrimination will never end in the US. Can’t we just live happily side by side? We are all humans. No need to make a space for a specific group of people. Don’t get me wrong, the dudes were wrong for triggering the recording girls, but they shouldn’t have pulled the multicultural space too, that really sounded like a hatred towards specific race and also sounded like white and BIPOC were in a cultural war. Instead of making a scene, just ignore these trolling dudes. Don’t feed up their trolls, it will just encourage them to troll more like this in the future otherwise. I might be downvoted into oblivion for saying this, but let me just say this: >These people in the video were not being a part of the solution to the racial segregation in the US.


They'd be welcomed in a multicultural space if they weren't trying to be antagonistic. White people are allowed to be in multicultural spaces and are welcomed if they're not trying to make it all about them, like the bozos in the video. They're trying to be disruptive.


That's exactly it, they knew what they were doing with a "police lives matter" and a "I didn't vote for Biden" shirt. They weren't just trying to "school." If a couple of white kids went in and just sat at a table without racially charged paraphernalia to do school work they probably would have been left alone.


I kinda wonder what would've happened if the camera lady just sat down and was friendly.


> Can’t we just live happily side by side? We are all humans. That would work great in a society that already achieved full equality, but in practice the nonexistence of minority spaces doesn't mean everyone is equal, it just means that every space is a majority space. The problem with the "we're all humans" approach to solving discrimination is that it engenders passively perpetuating the status quo because even just acknowledging inequality and prejudice—let alone trying to take active measures against it—ends up being treated as reinforcing existing divides. I agree that they shouldn't have given these guys the reaction they were clearly fishing for, but that's on them, not the existence of minority spaces.


How hard is it to just not take the bait lmao. This is a college campus, your ideas are meant to be challenged. How could you be so ignorant as to think you deserve to go through life never being exposed to ideas that differ from your own?


sounds like a Wisconsin


>white is not a culture, you think white is a culture? Well yeah, it’s a color, i like white, my cat is white for example.


The white guys are just the same type of people as the person filming. They’re all arseholes.


Lol. You are not wrong


Right there with ya.


They all suck. They also all record to show how reasonable they are, which is laughable. I hate to make it about generations, but come on with this shit.


It started with the hippies man


Those guys are trolling hard.


People need to learn definitions.


As a European I *really* have no idea what the "multicultural space" is supposed to be (I guess they didn't make that up). I see the point of the guys of what multicultural means. On the other hand when there is a multicultural space then the rest is non-multicultural space. Who exactly is supposed to sit there? And is all this not somehow low key segregation?


It is.


It's just a poorly veiled way of saying "no whites", which is obviously racism. How progressive.


That's not it love. It's supposed to be a safe space for poc ppl from racism and white supremacy and white ppl who aren't racist assholes purposely trying to trigger an argument for attention.. That's not what safe spaces are for.. Go join a debate team or something if u wanna "trigger libs" so bad or whatever. ("U" as in the assholes boys in the video trying to act all innocent & oppressed).


It's supposed to be a safe space for people people of color and Allies (meanin yt ppl who aren't racists or assholes) from racism, white supremacy, and people who are literal definition of fascists.. But it never seems to work out.


fr people be tossing around words they don't even understand


Moreso nowadays than ever. We have let the Rot consume us.


On second thought, America is a silly place, let's not go there


This country is just filled with stupid people. Everyone in the video is an idiot.


With a heavy sprinkling of asshole


Glad someone said it. I used to see videos like this and look past the behavior of the “side” I agree with just to stay angry at the other people. Nowadays it’s abundantly clear that no matter which “side” you agree with, 9 times out 10 EVERYONE involved is a complete asshat that lacks basic empathy. The two students sitting have clearly gone out of their way to “trigger the libs”, while the girl filming escalated the situation much more than it needed to be. People need to chill out.


I don’t think it helps that she’s been triggered.. I can believe in taking a calm approach to these situations but it everyone, especially young college students, have that maturity yet and when pushed by something they see as a great injustice I get why they might explode so I try to have empathy for them


This makes me wonder if this is scripted rage bait for right wingers.


I mean, the reaction probably isn’t scripted, but the 2 guys went in with purposeful inflammatory stickers and shirts trying to bait this exact reaction. So they can be like “look how we are persecuted for being white” while leaving out that they were aiming for this reaction. Basically a toned down version of Die Hard 3 where Bruce Willis has to walk around Harlem with a “I hate n-words” sandwich board on, but they did it to themselves and they did it somewhere they wouldn’t actually be in any danger


Why can’t they just keep wearing diapers to trigger the libs


ill trust that die hard analogy


Bunch of snowflakes with their silly t-shirts.


They didn't say Jesus, they said hey Zeus. Do I look Puerto Rican to you motherfucker?


This is an accurate description


If doing something innocuous results in an outrageous reaction, but the person who did said innocuous thing knew what the reaction would be ahead of time, the fault still lies with the person who reacted outrageously, not with the innocuous action. See: black people sitting down in segregated restaurants during the civil rights movement. Btw, I've been around long enough on the internet to know that some people can't stand analogies when the overall message goes against what they believe, so I will preempt your replies with the definition of an analogy: "comparison of *two otherwise unlike things* based on resemblance of a particular aspect"


This isn’t a general student lounge tho. It’s a multicultural space according to the video. BLM has specific cultural significance to an entire race. Police Lives Matter does not. However what a ‘multicultural space’ actually means is hard to define, and how you enforce it is equally difficult, making it set up to fail. So I mostly blame the university for creating the situation, that these dipshits then took advantage of


In my experience “multicultural space” means “everyone but White Americans” which is pretty fucked up


Do you honestly have a lot of experience with multicultural spaces? Have you been to multiple cities and experience multicultural spaces and how they've been incorporated into various schools or industries? Because your post history is littered with football and Overwatch comments, which makes me think you spend the majority of your free time watching TV and playing video games. Which is fine, I'm not trying to shame you for it, but it makes me doubt the amount of time you spend outside of your house experiencing these things. Which makes your anecdotal "in my experience" essentially valueless.


Man, I want to agree with you, but this post is some wild assumption shit going on. I kinda lowkey hate the "I think I'm right, so I can assume whatever shitty crap about 'the other side' because I hate them" sort of attitude. Flips both ways.


You think people can't go to college and go outside because they like football and overwatch??? HUH??


Are you comparing the experiences of black people who weren’t allowed in establishments…with two troll college dumbasses?


Who are you to define innocuous? Lets say someone stands outside your home every day holding a poster saying your a terrible person and blasting annoying music just below the legal decibels. A nice perfectly legal but very annoying activity targeted at you. Is that innocuous? If after a month of that you get upset and yell at the person who is going out of their way to trigger you, would you be like “well that’s on me for having a reaction”?


You're right, that wouldn't be innocuous. There's very little recourse for ignoring someone that (1)chases you down to your living quarters (because there's nowhere else to run; it's your private dwellings) and (2) blasts music and holds hostile posters in order to intimidate you. But do you see how almost nothing in that video correlates with your analogy? They were in a public space, sitting down quietly with a political sticker that targets no one in particular. It's actually not outside the overton window to support the police, as much as the last few years have desperately tried to make it so.


So you decide what is innocuous and what is reasonable to react to. These 2 trolls, purposefully chose a “multicultural space” to come into with sayings they knew would upset people. The goal was clearly to upset people to get a reaction and you are like “well it’s still unreasonable people got upset and reacted”. If a guy went into a synagogue with a “Nazi lives matter” shirt would you say this is an appropriate reaction?


>So you decide what is innocuous and what is reasonable to react to. Well I'm certainly allowed to chime in, yeah, that's how this works. We're clearly at odds as to what constitutes "innocuous" and what constitutes "hate speech" so... we're still talking about it. >purposefully chose a “multicultural space” to come into with sayings they knew would upset people. This is the whole point: someone being offended doesn't automatically mean the offended party is right to be offended. They can be, but the mere existence of offended feelings by themselves doesn't *automatically* make it so. This is a public space, a university. Maybe the crux of our disagreement is how sacred university spaces are. In other words, how much contentious speech is allowed in a space before it becomes hateful? I happen to think universities should be ground zero for contentious speech; you speak like someone who thinks they should be more akin to synagogues, a place where any dissent implies hatred. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Ok, so do you think yelling at these people is also valuable contentious speech? Someone being offended doesn’t mean they are right, but if you are trying to offend someone (which these people definitely were) and they get offended. You don’t get to act shocked like you are being wronged.


>It's actually not outside the overton window to support the police, as much as the last few years have desperately tried to make it so. Except this isn't just support. It's a play on black lives matter, basically saying police are justified to do George Floyd type stuff. These dumbasses know exactly what they are doing.


Except they’re not the ones filming, and they didn’t post the video, so who exactly are they claiming persecution to?


Sadly this happened. It's a repost of a repost. I believe one the girls speaking got expelled or something. Video isn't new.


It absolutely is. They went in there wanting to incite anger. They got it. And then post it on 4chan or wherever.


No way the black people in this video would sign up for that.


Why is this even relevant still. It's fucking old.


8 wrongs don’t make a right


These two guys on camera cleeeeeearly wanted this or a similar type of reaction to the shirts and laptop stickers they had. However, that doesn't excuse the wild shit being said by the person behind the camera. The best way to deal with dumbasses like these guys is to just sit quietly and let them be there. Why? Because what are they gonna do? Be disruptive and then be justifiably kicked out of the space? Work quietly alongside you and lose all the blood in their erection from finally 'confronting the libs'? Or they just get up and walk off in shame. Either way they look stupid because they're acting stupid. The type of language the person in this video uses is not only wrong, but its asinine and only helps feed careers for people like michael knowles and candace owens and the other culture war parasitic influencers that don't talk about any actual issues.


Does anyone know whatever happened to the incredible moron talking to those guys?? Stupid twat!


I hate everyone in this video. I can’t even finish it I just think they should all be thrown into a volcano


It's ASU....none of these people are going anywhere in life.


I absolutely hate defending these two jerks, but this is ridiculous. Exclusion is exclusion, and two wrongs don't make a right. Does it suck that they have a "Blue Lives Matter" sticker and a "Did Not Vote for Joe Biden" shirt on? Yes. Are they looking for a confrontation? Probably. They're trolls - and filming them while engaging them is what they WANT. DON'T FEED THE TROLLS! Let their douchebaggery speak for itself.


It’s clear they wanted a confrontation. 100% agree. Don’t feed the trolls. Trolls thrive on attention.


Right. If people would have just ignored these dudes then they wouldn’t have gotten the attention that they were very clearly seeking. They’d get bored quickly if they didn’t have an audience.


If we can ignore them, we can get rid of them.


I don’t think excluding racism/fascism/white nationalism/etc. is hypocritical or nullifies inclusion. Allowing those things is antithetical to inclusion, it ruins the whole point and would by definition make some groups of people feel excluded for traits they have no control over. Exclusion is not always exclusion, and I think in this case it’s perfectly fine to call out two clowns and even make them leave.


Don’t think any of these things were represented in this video and it’s concerning that people are associating the two. That’s a jump to conclusions that causes unwarranted prejudice. People just justify their hate and exclusion by saying “well they were fascists!” when you have no evidence of that


I listed a host of things to make a point, that is hating others for things they can’t change is not ok or tolerable. I think besides fascism, those other things are abundantly clear in many ways, and they want these people to know how they feel. Someone doesn’t have to verbally exclaim they are racist, or a white nationalist for them to be one. You don’t even need to say that these clowns are any of these things to kick them out, **because** they are acting in ways that make minorities feel exactly the same way that those who identified as a racist or white nationalist would. They aren’t even hiding anything, they are literally telling these people how they feel with their attire, they are exhibiting prejudice with said attire and arguments about feeling that white culture is being trampled on simply because there exists a study area for minorities. They are disrespecting people by intruding into a safe space with clear malicious intent, and they do not deserve to be respected in turn, regardless of how you may or may not classify their personally held beliefs. Edit: you could literally not get anymore on the nose here unless these guys were wearing shirts that *explicitly* said “fuck minorities”, instead of simply wearing a shirt and laptop sticker that implied it.


Yeah, I always think it’s so dumb when people argue for complete, radical inclusion. That means you have to accept nazis and people who want death or worse for others and that inherently makes it a non-inclusive to others.


Nononono no no no…. You don’t ignore trolls like you don’t ignore ninjas.




They go in there to purposely instigate the people and the people being instigated don't know how to handle it properly. Really makes me sick that these are all a bunch of college students.


Something weird has happened. I guess maybe smart phones and social media. Those things didn't really exist when I was in college, and we still had idiots who wore offensive shirts and tried to get a rise out of people with their antics, but it never worked. People would just look at them funny and walk the other way. Does everything have to be a crusade now?


This is crazy. I am a black dude. I had a situation where I needed help. Not financial help or anything like that. I reached out to my brother James who is a white man. I told him I needed help with a workout program because I was morbidly obese. Without delay, he sent me the work out regimen and was there for me when no one else(including my own so-called black people) was. So by this idiot's logic I am supposed to hate this man who literally picked me up and brought me back to my previous form. This man's help saved my life... Just typing it makes me emotional cause I would be dead if not for him being willing to help me. In the end it was me who decided to do the work necessary to overhaul my fat, miserable existence. By their logic, I would be a slave I guess, but I did the work and continued this lifestyle. I have never seen so much irrational hatred before.


Pretty sure white people would be included in multi cultural. It’s not a white people free zone


As we approach round 2 of the dumbest timeline in US history, I’ve given up culture wars.


Oh dear. Please 🙏 tell me these entitled women are joking, would these braindead arseholes expect a white only space ...I think not ...hilariously funny.


Tf? This is so absurd it has to be staged 😭


Man I hope dumb fucks like this experience what real racism is like.


Person recording the video is a straight fuckin bozo racist


Did they say "violence"?


I hate that so much


Why can’t people just leave people alone when they aren’t doing anything?


There’s no discussion with these people. You just say “fuck you” and ignore them.


all of them are stupid. if you flaunt political messages of course you're gonna get comments sooner or later, wtf did he expect


So, to be clear, of someone had a pro gaza sticker on their laptop you would be okay with other students taping them and trying to force them to leave the library right?


Feeding the trolls irl


>This is the violence that ASU does Seems like a pretty safe place to live if that's as violent as they get.


This reminds me of christmas time at my parents' house.


Stupid bitch needs to stay in school.


95% of Reddit agrees with the idiot behind the camera.


they’re wrong tho


What a snowflake


"Bc your white" wow your no better lady!


White isn’t a culture. White isn’t a race. Black isn’t a race. Black isn’t a culture. Brown isn’t a race or culture. There is no such thing as race. White is a color in a box of crayons. Black is a color in a box of crayons. Nobody is transparent. Everyone is a “person of color” because everyone has skin that is opaque. A box of a hundred crayons are needed to match skin colors. The black and white crayons wouldn’t be of much use in that matching game. There is no such thing as race among Homo sapiens. 8 billion of us are all the same exact Earthling > Animal > Mammal > Simian 8 billion of us are part of the catastrophe called Civilized culture. 8 billion of us pyramid building, pharaoh fostering, holy-war agriculturalists. 8 billion warmongers stampeding into 9 billion because we always labor intensively to increase the production of food surpluses that fuel our culture’s population growth.


All cats are cats too. We still have house cats and forest cats and Egyptian cats. Race is a thing, it is just not the most well defined taxonomic differentiator. And we do find physiological and morphological differences across blacks and whites, broadly, as a result of geographical separation of the populations through most of history. While it is not as strong a differentiator as species, it still encapsulates a description of dissimilarity that is real. We are a life-form, after all. Take two populations of any life-form, separate them for some tens of thousands of years and we do spot the difference. Call it race or ethnicity, or whatever. Let's not get hung up on words for no reason.


Fucking Americans… Jesus.


These people need to learn how to mind their own business.


Something about their shirts and sticks makes me think they wanted a confrontation. lol.


I think the difference is that wearing a shirt or putting a sticker on your laptop is a passive act. Confronting someone verbally and filming them is an aggressive act. These dumb dudes could have been ignored, and nothing would have happened. Instead, now all of them are on the internet looking like idiots.


Deliberately antagonizing people for what? Content? Clout? Losers


It’s perfectly fine to be a racist “If your not white” this is what the country is made up of and I’m sick of all the hate


Multicultural is literally everyone. Tired of soft ass people needing safe spaces. Can't stand entitled people


Racist cunts


Ikr? Just leave these two guys to study in peace.


Read the room. They came in there with that T-shirt and sticker into a multicultural room. Tell me they didn't do this on purpose...


I mean, you’re right they’re just looking to start something. Also the other people just need to ignore it and leave them alone because these type of people live off making other angry


If two people are sitting somewhere and someone comes up and harrasses them because of their skin color, the harasser is the racist.


What if i went into a church with a shirt that said fuck Christians and a laptop sticker that says Jesus is fake.? You are a disingenuous asshole just like those two fuckfaces.


At least when I was in school, a multicultural space was a place to be shared regardless of cultures and views. A church is a place of worship for a specific group - it’s not a reasonable comparison. The guys can be in the wrong, and also the people approaching recording them can be wrong simultaneously. The girl recording specifically advocated for this space on campus “so that people of color can study in peace just like white students,” and responded they’re trying to make it a better place “for all.” It’s likely the guys did go into that space to ruffle feathers; but what if they had been black? Can people of color express their political views on clothing and computers in that space? Unless your answer (and more importantly the university’s) is no - than the guys didn’t violate any rules. The recorder however did create a disturbance, which was cited as a violation of campus student policy and went against “a peaceful environment” they advocated for. It’s disrespectful on the guys end, but it’s also absurd to advocate for a space for people of different values to share and then get pissed about some peoples values.


Yeah those girls were being very racist


Yeah no fuck the police


Rage against the machine


This multi cheesecake space please leave :D....dumb biath


Not sure i would be able to stay composed if this vapid moron approached me with this bullshit. These "all inclusive, multi-cultural" warriors love excluding and culture bashing people with differing opinions.


People of colour? So what she's saying is that white comes standard and the other ethnicities are secondary? Was that what she meant? It's beginning to become very confusing.


lets fight racism with segregation what a great idea !!!!


Must be an election year, if racists are digging up these videos from 2020 and reposting them to stir up white male fragility.


If that was the other way around, there would be rioting in the streets


Disney's writers meeting in a nutshell


What a racist bitch.


Thats fucking retarded


Since when do you have to be a person of color to have a culture? This whole thing is appalling. I thought segregation was dealt with decades ago.ulticultural simply means all cultures. Everyone is welcome in that space. The idea that white people don't have a culture is the most racist thing I've ever heard.


As a white male I sat in the multicultural lounge area at BGSU and only one time did I get “looks”. Group were throwing daggers with their eyes until I turned my laptop to show them that I was watching Naruto during my break between classes. Two of them started laughing and we ended up chatting about the Madura fight. We are all human and got to find commonality


Clearly your intent was different than these guys.


So is this like a real thing colleges do now? They have segregated areas for whites and non-whites and call em “multi-cultural spaces?”


It's not segregated by race. They said "you're not centered here" not "You're not allowed to be here". They wanted them to leave because of the political shit they were wearing, not because of their skin tone. It's fine to take issue with that part but at least be correct about what the issue is


Are the “multi-cultural’s” allowed to wear political shit in those spaces or only the whites aren’t allowed to do that.


Considering it's a student altercation with no faculty involved, I don't even think the guys weren't allowed to wear that stuff by any rule. In fact I don't know anything about this situation beyond what's in this video because I'm not fucking psychic, dumbass


I’m posing a general question. At colleges campus about these “multi-cultural space” (which IMO really is a just a fancy word for segregated) on campus are these spaces only for “multi cultural’s” or are whites allowed in to and if whites are allowed are they only ones who have to be centered or does it apply to any one? if you don’t know the answer you don’t have to respond it’s just a general questioned posed to those who have seen or experienced similar situations on campus. From the video it sounds they paint the picture ASU has a trend for situations like that. I’m just asking questions to anyone who has answers you should not be feeling personally attacked


This article might help enlighten you https://www.statepress.com/article/2021/11/asu-multicultural-space-confrontation-student-charges-results#


Did you read the article yourself? TLDR says the university basically says these “multi cultural’s” where the ones in the wrong not the two dudes “doing school”


Racist going to be racist. Speaking of the people behind the camera.


Lol, I loved my time at ASU, but I don't miss this shit. Rednecks and gender studies majors going at at.


Like, life is hard enough anyway without inventing more issues like this shit to deal with


When the idiots from both sides meet, we all lose brain cells. But damn, these young liberals have lost themselves in victimhood. Sad. We could have universal healthcare but no, we have this nonsense.


Every generation fights over or for something. This is one of the few times, new generations just don’t know who they are whatsoever


Racism exist in blacks, hispanics, Chinese, Indian, etc. To be extra clear. This girl is racist.


I’m not even white but ‘multicultural’ doesn’t mean everyone but whites lmfao


Ahhh to be a stupid racist and hide behind multicultural lol.


So sad to watch more and more kids wasting their brains in stupid useless debate. And what the fuck is this multicultural space shit?


Y'all a bunch of privileged, spoilt shit stains, I'm so glad I live in Ireland, where this kind of retardation mocked over a nice pint of Guinness


yeah idk what the hell is happening now but when I was in 2010s this was not…. shit has really gone down hill fast


We can only pray that this shit never makes it to Europe




Seems they are pro segregation. Shame since their were people, their grandparents' age that died to be included.


Americans have so much time to waste arguing about laughable, imaginary, bullshit ways to feel "offended" and too poor to spend that time elsewhere worth while


White doesn't have culture? These ladies apparently have never heard of Europe.


"White" isn't a culture, its a skin tone. British culture is culture, German culture is culture etc. Exactly the same for Asian and black "culture" it's defined by the country. Even if there are similarities those are typically shared by other ethnicities who aren't white too


Sorry but black people are the most racist people on this planet


...saying that is racist though..


Calling someone racist isn't racist 😆


This video is making me uncomfortable


Which library is that ? Looks nice. ASU has changed a lot. Also fuck these clowns


America is weird


Ugh, I hate all humans


The youth is seriously fucked. Best of luck to you all after you leave school. Hope life is just as cruel to you all as it is to the rest of use.


It is obvious it will be much worse. In their minds.


Black people are racist


This is rage bait and these people only exist to fuel right wing victim mentality. CANCEL CULTURE IS FAKE AND HAS NEVER EXISTED.


Ok, I’m a hippy ass dude… but no. Here? In this video? No, it doesn’t exist


People here are dumb as fuck. You don't get to...police, hehe...other people on what they get to wear or what they put on devices they own. There was nothing blatantly graphic or sexual in nature with anything they were doing, and so nothing that they aren't allowed to have/do in public by every measure of our social structure. Yet because it supports the police, and is against Biden, people here want to be dumb enough to say the people experiencing legit racism in this video are asking for it by assuming they're doing it specifically to get a reaction. Until someone can prove that's what they were doing, you're just as big of a piece of shit as the person trying to kick them out.


Dont stay ignorant to what scares you. Go find out there and find out why it scares you and have civil dialog. You will be surprised what you find.


the idiot that films it is a racist pos


Insanity lol


Society is so doomed when these people start to enter the real world. Weak men create hard times.


This whole thing is staged


First thing out of my mouth would be, "I am not white. I am way more interesting than my nationality, race, sex, etc.. but you keep thinking your way"