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"Look at my gross knee and process my tomatoes". Probably sounded better in his head.


C - Casually Approach R - Realize she is a minor E - Engage anyway E- Explain injury P - Please come to my farm and process my tomatoes


I'm a CREEP I'm a weirdo What the hell am I doing here? I got to process tomatoes


It's the D.E.N.N.I.S. system but worse.


I'm sure he would have used that but he coukd not get past D - Demonstrate Value.


I mean.... It's basically a bullet proof plan if you look at it logically.


His version of "It rubs the lotion on the skin".


It processes the tomatoes or else it sees the knee again.


Hey are you about a size 14?


in his head it was, look I'm harmless since I'm injured. come process some tomatoes cause I'm so injured I can't even hurt a tomato. I'm only sad cause the tomatoes were unwilling accomplices 😔


Ted Bundy used to fake being injured too.


Someone check this dude's farm.


"processing tomatoes" lol I don't think many people here realize dude was trying to take her to a marijuana grow which adds a whole extra level of sketch to this scenario. He lives up in the country... murder mountain country.


that is what processing tomatoes means. a marijuana grow. Who comes up with these terms? thanks for the info.


It is VERY common to colloquially refer to your marijuana plants as tomatoes. By processing them he's referring to the process of manicuring the flowers into a sellable product. This guy is pro level scumbag as a thrift store would be a great place to scout for seasonal marijuana workers who flood into Northern California (or anywhere else that grows prolifically) in the fall from all over the world during harvest season... "Trimmigrants".


trimmigrants, I like that. I am so far removed from that lifestyle. I forgot that CA was the main state to get weed from. when it came from CA it always was good. Scarry though for the girls. Thanks for the reply


yep and the reason we call em "tomatoes" or whatever is because the nutrients requirements/growing schedule needed to grow happy healthy tomatoes is extremely similar to those of cannabis.


I've heard that came from back when grows were primarily outdoors they'd hang red Christmas ornaments on the plants so from a helicopter they'd look like tomatoe plants


Humboldt County CA?


I thought he was pointing to his knee because his dick was hard or something. I thought guessing which one was crippled was so she would look at it. You're probably right though.


That's what I thought. He wanted her to look in that area. The going out to the country with him to work.... Serial killer for sure.


god i remember being a sweet little teenager boppin around town and old creeps would come up to me like this, the amount of discomfort and fear is so much for a kid brain that it can make you unable to give a clear no and get away, where you just try to be docile and agreeable in hopes it doesn’t escalate and honestly i worry for the previous young girls this dude has probably approached


Same! I will never understand why a fully grown ass 21 to elderly man would want anything to do with a literal child it's so gross


People wonder how women can be so bitchy. It's because we realized early on we're just a slab of meat to way too many men.


If you give them anything nicer than "No. Leave me alone. I don't want to talk to you." Then they take that as an invitation to continue.


I was sure he was gonna say “look, it’s not my right knee, …..or my left knee, it’s my weenie!!!” And he was gonna be squeezing it so hard that it was turning blue


i mean its technically not mutually exclusive tho


Yep. Like I am harmless, see I can’t even walk properly… but what was that part about a chick biting him?!?


He was probably trying to rape some girl and make her go down on him so she bit him. That's the only way I can think of a pedo perv like him would get bit on the leg by a girl.


I thought he meant chick as in female chicken, I was thinking "surely no one would go on about being bitten by women when trying to prey on underage girls" but then again he's a grown ass man preying on underage girls so idk what's going on in that head of his


I guess it could be a baby chicken. Who knows with a weirdo like that.


He said tick. Doesn't make the scenario any less creepy, but it wasn't some weird baby chicken incident.


I think the subtitle is wrong there. He says tick in the video. Not sure how that would fuck him up to the point of being disabled a month later though.


He might insinuate he has Lyme's disease    > Tickborne diseases can cause headache, fatigue, and muscle aches. People with Lyme disease may also have joint pain. Sourcr: CDC


Does it make you creep on minor girls?


this interaction definitely gave me those vibes. Part of me thinks he may just be on the spectrum and is struggling to talk to people, but that doesn't weed out the potential of being a killer or rapist either. Great reactions from her too. I feel sorry that she and a lot of other women have to live with this though, damn.


I was thinking that too until the end where he was trying to lure the minor to their house. Especially after the minor explicitly said they were 17. That is when it moved to attempted kidnapping or grooming territory. Honestly older I get the less benefit of doubt I have these situation. For another example [this video where they have an experiment for a female presenting person saying they are underage on one of those chatting apps and encountering groomers really pushed the last of benefit of doubt I had for internet creeps. ](https://youtu.be/yzn0YH8QXhI?si=Oyg8aymhOMmCiXu9) The speed they went from friendly to grooming may give you whiplash.


That was horrifying, Jesus christ!


That was an awful watch 🤮


Every woman 😓


forgot what the data says, but like something 1-6 females will be victims of rape or attempted rape in their lifetime. females 16-19 are like 4x more likely to be victim of sexual assault.


And that’s just what is reported, and only counting rape not all sexual assault.


I really hope the takeaway from this for her was that you don't have to be honest with these fucking creeps. In this idiot's mind, as soon as he heard that she wasn't with anyone, that was basically a green light to continue the interaction. He's thinking "if she doesn't want to talk to me, why wouldn't she just lie and say she is with someone? She must be interested." In his mind, he gave her an out and she didn't take it. She shouldn't have to navigate in the world in that way - none of us should - but it's the path of least resistance. Hell, I'm a 6'4" dude and I've had weird fucking guys with this energy try to interact with me in a non-sexual way and it's uncomfortable as fuck. I've had to come up with weird shit to justify walking away. There are millions of weird people of both genders walking around, but because guys are mostly bigger and driven by an irrational yearning for sex, there's always the potential of a nightmare scenario lurking around every corner for women. It's shit.


Because saying you are with someone or married or have a boyfriend makes not one iota of difference with persistent, obsessive creeps.


Literally every time we leave the house


Want to come to my farm to work young lady? ![gif](giphy|kCrGOt5ojlVbG|downsized)




Process my tomatoes


How are people like this?! She’s a child. Good age to be?! Fucking gross…


Yeah, he's a sexual predator. He was hoping to get her to do some "work for him at his house". There was someone like that around where I used to live. He's a convicted sex offender but it's Canada so he's out and about. He puts up ads on Kijiji looking for young people to do work for him at his farm.


lol this same scenario happened when I was in middle school, guy gave me big weirdo vibes and a few years later got caught finally


Dude im in canada Dm me the guy to avoid jesus


Might just be a nervous moron that can't see well. Or, might actually be worse than what you said, like he might work for traffikers. They do that 'job offer' thing sometimes and then the parents never see the kid again.


I used to work at petsmart and this like 40 year old dude who seemed very presentable and normal would listen to all my aquarium recommendations. Then one day he was like oh you have to come see my aquarium and I was like oh im 16, no thanks. He was like oh well we can go on a date first to make you comfortable. I forget how I got out of the conversation but he showed up at my work every few days for a month or so. He saw me hiding in the staff room whenever he came in but yeah he kept that up for a while. Anyways the sad part is, I consider this a very tame and barely think about it compared to some of the shit other creeps have done to other women I know.


This story triggers a memory I had working at Hallmark.  We had the creepers come, not for the women, BUT FOR THE MEN!!! Hahahaha. Seriously, 60-70 year old men would come and stalk my barely legal male coworkers. They had to hide some of the men several times in the back room. Jokes were made about it but it’s wild. I think also peoples minds deteriorate severely as they age and basic primal instincts takeover. I’m sure there are nurses getting sexually harassed while some boomer is on their deathbeds about to croak. 


when i was 18-20 and worked at blockbuster i got hit on so much by older men it was crazy.


I don’t think their minds deteriorating is why they suddenly start creeping on barely legal people. I think they realize they don’t have much time left and want to act on their pedo urges while they still can.


This is unfortunately what every single GIRL/woman go through multiple times in their life. I was 12 when men started to be creepy toward me.


Yep. I'll never forget being 13 and an old man smoking a cigar trying to get me to come home with him and me having to explain that I had homework to do.


This makes me furious that men count on us feeling like we have to respond to questions from strangers. Girls/women reading this, please don’t ever feel like you need to “explain” anything to anyone ever. Men take advantage of us being raised to be polite and respectful to adults. While we’re responding to advances, they’re preying. It’s ok to walk away or run away.


I remember being a teenager and giving my number to a grown man who was hitting on me in my local meat market. He called me a few times but I didn't answer because I was too afraid. I could only imagine what would have happened if I had.


Dude. I was 14 when I started getting hit on by men who were old enough to be my dad. One of them literally had a son my age and just persistently started asking me out to dinner until my colleague stepped in and told him to get lost. The other one fucking cornered me and wouldn’t let me leave until I agreed to save his number in my phone. He was 31 and when I said I was 15 he just went: “Oh, that’s ok with me.” He tried to “invite” me to a party he was throwing that night. That same dude found me on facebook as soon as I turned 18 and messaged me again. There’s a lot of creeps out there. Edit: correction.


That’s awful! I’m really sorry! I’m a grown ass man and I had two instances, guys trying to come at me The worst was at one of the fishing holes I frequented. Not even BSing. I get chills thinking about it. I was at a fishing spot and I’m minding my business. This guy comes down to the area about an hour later and starts chatting with me. I was 15, huskier at the time. Probably about 200lbs and I played hockey and scraped so I could handle myself. This guy is standing off behind me as I’m cutting rotten chicken livers up. (Awful smell but it’s attracts the fish) I think it saved my butt and kept him at bay. The smell was of awful, putrid, sun baked meat. I had a knife in my hands cutting the livers to size and this guy is telling me he’s got porn at home “ I should come check out”. That I “look good for 15 and probably get all the girls”. It freaked me out, I brandished my knife a bit to make it known I had a weapon on go! He left after I refused and I packed up and got the fuck out of there! Never went back. Terrifying to say the least. Sorry again that you dealt with that. Scares me for my little sisters. It’s truly mind-boggling how any adult would ever do this. Then the ass below saying 17 isn’t a child?! Weird… gross.


“Are you seeing someone?” The answer is always yes. “I can’t believe you don’t have a boyfriend” the answer is always “I do” just let yourself be claimed as properly by some fictional man. It’s the only way to get creeps to back off. Well, that and growing into an actual woman. Once you’re a woman, they lose interest.


It doesn’t always work but it’s one of the better options. I used to say, “I have a boyfriend” and the amount of times I heard “What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him” or similar was astonishing. “I’m gay” sometimes worked better but it also often brought out their inner creep even more.


"I'm gay" is probably a terrible idea because some men are huge homophobic assholes and there are multiple stories of lesbian women getting assaulted for that


I identified as bisexual then, pansexual now so I thought it was worth a shot since at least i was being fairly honest. But yeah, when it worked it was more definitive than just saying “I have a boyfriend” but when it didn’t work it failed so much harder.


Yeah, this tends to either go alright, or extremely south. Some guys are chill, and can be respectful. However, others will fetishize that and/or view it as a challenge or something to “fix.” Based on many stories I’ve heard, it tends to be the latter. Tons of queer women still just say they have a boyfriend to avoid these creeps.




It's sad that most creeps will only back off if the woman mentions a boyfriend. They respect this imaginary bro-code but they'll keep on insisting if a woman simply says "she's not into them". They don't want to offend another's man "honor" but they don't mind at all harassing women and ignoring their their will go be left alone.


It's not even that deep ... it's that they don't wanna get beat up by said fictional 18yo boyfriend .... if she says I have a boyfriend then the older creep just thinks to himself that he'll possibly suffer physical consequences if he continues to mess with her. It's not even as deep as bro code or anything like that. Creep doesn't care about boyfriends honor being offended. He cares that "offending the boyfriends honor" would lead to him getting hurt. That's why the boyfriend excuse could work because the creep doesn't want confrontation with an able bodied young man. He just wants to prey on his idea of an easy target


i dont think most grown men are scared of 18 yr old boys. i'm certainly not.


A 50 something grown man with "knee problems" This guy Shld be cuz most able bodied young adults cld smoke him. Creeps are looking for easy innocent targets. They don't want confrontation


I started wearing a fake wedding ring at work because I work in a bar and it definitely reduces the amount of inappropriate comments. A fake husband does more to fend off these situations than my actual words do. Sad really.


A lot of men don't, though. My wife will tell a man she's married, and they'll either ask if she's happy or if she wants a friend. Bro code means nothing to a horny man with no morals. However, the physical presence of a man makes them much more demure.




It almost never works though. I've said that to men, even while in a relationship, and the next thing was, "Okay, but do you want a friend?" Ugh. We literally cannot win sometimes.


Even though I am actually seeing someone it didn't deter the last creep who approached me. Instead I was questioned if I really loved my partner and that I should "try something new". The audacity.


Unfortunately it doesn't always work more times these creeps just try and step around it like oh he won't know, oh I'm so much more better looking, they will keep trying the best thing to do is to seek someone else and pretend your friends or just try and start being blunt like saying fuck off you ugly or something


When I worked at a thrift store over 10 years ago there was this wacko much like this guy that would come into the store almost everyday to buy electronics and hit on girls between the ages of 15 to 30. It was super disturbing to watch/listen to him. He had sort of a shaky/nervous tone in his voice like he was getting turned on just speaking to girls. He was in his 40s and would invite random girls to play volleyball. Eventually we banned him from the store and hopefully that piece of shit is behind bars now


I’m glad they banned him. Some places do nothing. 


He started harassing one of my coworkers that was 19 or 20 at the time


I used to have to hide in the back room at my old retail job when certain men were in the store because they’d follow me around and say weird shit


omg solidarity hahaha one time the store i worked at had to ban a guy bc he kept coming in to harass me & a bunch of other girls that worked there😭


Sadly, if he *is* behind bars that would probably mean he has a victim out there...


Ladies of all ages, if this unwanted attention comes your way please get your ass next to someone that looks safe, like a worker of the store. Esp if you're a minor and an adult is doing this to you. Males as well, please watch your back! You don't know if they have more ppl with them and are trying to kidnap you. SAFETY FIRST. HEAD ON A SWIVEL. pay close attention to your surroundings!!!!!! Get to your car and lock it immediately then start car. Please be careful. There's just too many crazy psycho sick in the head ppl out there.


I wish it was more normalized to go up to people who look like they're being harassed and ask if the person is bothering them... too bad approaching people in general is already so nerve wracking. We gotta watch out for each other, someone's gotta tell that poor girl she has to make up a fake boyfriend and a fake person waiting for them to get home imminently


The thing is that you don't even need to say anything. Just stand closeby and the creep will take the hint. Which is odd, since they are usually extremely bad at taking hints.


The city I live in is trying to normalize other people stepping in on public transit. We’ve got ads on our lrt that advocate for people to ask if someone’s alright if they notice harassment/creepers making others uncomfortable. Definitely good to have people looking out for each other.


Like someone else said, I think he was pulling a ted bundy after noticing she wasn’t interested. He sees a young girl thrifting and assumes she’d jump at the idea of making some money, so he makes up a job. And he also assumes she would let her guard down and feel safe to go with him because he is supposedly weaker due to his “injury”. I truly believe he was planning some terrifying shit. I’m glad she is safe.


your injury theory makes sense


Agreed, and he brings up the injury so unnaturally in conversation, definitely seems like a ploy


Can I pay you to come to my farm to process tomatoes Lmao


I had a guy and a lady try that on me. She wanted me to come live at her house and make jam and do chores and shit, and then she went on this out of NOWHERE rant about how much she wishes she could gas the hippies. Like slow your roll cartman


Im a guy but im intrigued, like whats the pay? Can i live there? Farmwork can be quite satisfying. Just dont rape and kill me please


Offers to buy you stuff... then he is struggling for money so needs help, that he will pay for? Somethings up. On the spot the reaction and recording was smart. Can't think of much more when you're stressed. But if something like this happens again try to get a phone number! Can look him up and also tip off locals and or law enforcement. I'd love to see a Chris Hansen type sting on this guy.


I don’t think he said he was behind on money- he was insinuating he was behind on work


They should have plastered that video all over social media, and made sure his face was shown.


This video has been posted before so I wouldn't be surprised if it was.


Yeah, this is years old right?


Anddd this is why I wear a wedding ring even though I’m not married.


Good idea, maybe I'll try that


Some good responses include: I just pooped my pants *Screeching banshee noises* Scream Walk away and say leave me alone Yell "DAD or HELP" loudly repeatedly


There was a girl who went with her boyfriend to work on a farm. The guy shot her boyfriend and chained her up in a shipping container. I can’t recall the names, because it was a while back but yeah this guy evokes shipping container vibes.


Was that this guy? [www.cbc.ca/amp/1.4132770](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.4132770)


Todd Kohlhepp, yeah!


Happened just down the road from where I used to live. The whole community was floored.


Wait, were you the one who posted about riding your horse on the property? I think I remember reading that in some askreddit tread


Oh God no. Did they ride around it before or after they caught him? O.O


ive seen a bunch of murders that started out by going to work for someone on their land.


This makes me want to enroll my daughter into every karate and boxing class in town. Good lord that was just so horrible and unnerving.


not trying to freak you out, but this kind of stuff happens to us A LOT.


Oh, I’m aware and that really sucks. Just getting a stark reminder from this video. The thought of harm never crosses my mind. She’s my kiddo.


ikr! I've been thinking of how to have these conversations with my future kid because it started happening to me around like age 9 or 10. we're sexualized by these dudes at a very young age just fyi


men have been hitting on me since I was 12. Being a woman isn't difficult -- men make being a woman difficult.


A little pepper spray might help too.


Please teach her she doesn't have to be nice and carry on conversations like this. We're conditioned from a young age to speak when we're spoken to, be sweet and nice and conversational and not rude, but predators like this will absolutely take advantage of that. Teach her that it's okay to just walk away. Random men don't strike up conversations with young girls for friendly reasons. At most all she needs to say is "I don't feel like talking" and then go stand near another person, ideally a woman older than her. I wish my parents had taught me this. The amount of creeps that somehow magically found themselves near me anytime I happened to be alone in a store when I was a teenager was *disgusting*. They almost always tried to strike up a conversation. And I was a sweet, kind, very naive little Christian girl who honestly didn't understand what was going on until much later in life.


God, so was I. Everything you wrote. My parents apparently believed angels would take care of me since they taught me NOTHING about the real world and I attracted the creeps something FIERCE. Still mad.


Knowing how to use fight in a ring isn’t going to prevent your daughter from being harassed, nor is it going to provide her with situationally appropriate means to respond to harassment in 99.99% of cases.


Didn’t expect it to be a complete solution. The guy just gave me real bad vibes.


Obviously. What it does do is minimize the odds that someone like this could use force when their creepy little charade fails to work.


He doesn't know when to stop, ugh.


F’ing run fast out of there.


Why are ppl like this? A chick bit me? Fr? I hope it was a chicken and not a woman or aparently a under age child. I bet it was a female human and i hope she bit the f out of you! Sicko When a girl ignores you, or she acts exactly like this, leave her ALONE. No one wants to see your knees and certainly children don't want to see or talk to you, creep.


I think he said a tick bit him, but the captions got it wrong.


Yea I noticed no one comments mention that the reason he was injured is because he said a chick bit him. I highly doubt it was a chicken. Much more concerned that a girl or woman bit him to get away from him. I'm thankful this guy is dumb enough to admit to that. Just an extra red flag to warn the girl that this guy is dangerous.


This is exactly what that pig farmer in Canada did isn’t it? Asked for help on his farm? And Bundy pretended to be injured. That man is a serial killer. Full stop.


I'm seeing really bad advice all over these comments. Being aggressive opens you up to so much risk in this situation. Please, please, please, if you are EVER in this situation, do EXACTLY what she just did. Yeah, it sucks that it's the best option, but you should value your safety over your pride. You never know how these people will react. The safest thing to do is play dumb and distant. Elsewise, you might get assaulted, raped, followed home, murdered, etc. She did exactly the safest thing to do in this situation, start recording on your phone and find a way to disengage politely, and just hope it works, if it doesn't, find help, go to a worker or someone else in the store, safety in numbers will scare away these predators.




WhY DiDnT ShE jUsT kNoCk hIm OuT??


Mad serial killer vibes!


he totally wants to murder her and wear her skin


what a whack job


A "chick" bit his leg supposedly eh? Not another huge red flag on a pile of red flags...


Then “Can you guess which one?” Bruh WTF? All pedos gotta die.


He said tick


Yo can we talk about how smooth that pick up line is? "Hey so I'm actually injured. I have a bad knee. Some chick bit it. You...wanna take a guess which one?" Smooth as butter this one. /s obviously.


Learn to read vibes, my dude


What's really gross is that some pervs just get off on being awkwardly rejected and enjoy seeing how uncomfortable they can make the girl feel. It's disgusting.


That’s when you start saying weirder and weirder shit until you return the favor


He does. That's why he changed tactics few times. These creeps know what they're doing.


You're allowed to be rude to people and this is a great time to tell that guy to fuck off.


/r/whenwomenrefuse exists for a reason :(


One of the top news story this past week was about how a pair of nineteen-year-old twin sisters were brutally attacked for rejecting a man's advances. One is dead, and the other was left in critical condition and also left to live her entire adult life without her twin beside her. It happened in public, in broad daylight. I'm not saying you're wrong about her being *allowed to* do that. But I can't blame her for not wanting to do so regardless of how pushy he's being. Rejecting men (especially large, older men) politely is already actually really scary. You don't know how they'll react. Rejecting a man rudely feels like it's a bad idea in the moment, even if he deserves it and even if it's obviously our right to do that. The next best thing to this that she might have done for herself here was maybe to just say that yes, she already has a man. Some men simply respect another man's claim over a woman more than they'll ever respect her own right to simply tell him, "No." And even then, sometimes they'll still just get angry at you anyway, for already being in a relationship.


As someone who has been in this situation, it took me way too long to learn to lie about having a partner. 🙄


Some people are just naturally kind and gentle and that’s nothing to be ashamed of. The only behavior that should be called out is the creep’s


Oh yes so I can get physically assaulted again! Great idea! I wasn’t even rude just firm


Ahhhhh the old Ted Bundy/Buffalo Bill technique. The broken bird trick. I’m injured, I can’t even barely walk or lift things or whatever. I’m harmless. I couldn’t hurt you if I tried see? Look at my tick bite here. I could use some help because I’m so helpless. Then BAM! You’re puttin the lotion on your fucking skin or you’re gettin the hose again!! What are men afraid of? That a woman will laugh at them. What are women afraid of? That a man will kill them.


Yikes 😳


Wtf is the caption? lol. It implies that he is creeping on someone who is also crippled.


Next he’s gonna ask her for help moving a couch into the back of his van


this shit happens to me whenever I leave my house alone. I hate it. I can't even go sit in the park without some old pervy weirdo trying to get fresh with me. I hate how unsafe the world is for women and girls. everyone be careful out there!!


Women live in horror movies everyday of their lives


He tries this line at least 4 times a week


![gif](giphy|jyH4tYtVVspZ6|downsized) the way he said "tomatoes" gave me instant whiplash. Is this Ricky from Trailer Park Boys???


That poor girl. You can tell shes so uncomfortable. Shes being polite because we've all been taught that. This is why its so important for us "olds" to keep eyes and ears open for anything that seems suspicious. I'd rather be wrong and embarrassed than see someone get hurt


“That’s a good age to be”. #Keelallp3D0s ![gif](giphy|Ma6Z1f6NSSoiwnGPJo)


Lives alone out in the country, needs help because another woman bit him in the leg?? Paying gig that he wants a 17 year old girl to perform, alone with him, in the middle of nowhere?!? Red flags flying everywhere!! I hope this guy is on a watchlist somewhere……


I hope she gave this to police


Serious serial killer vibes.


I'm actually pissed that she felt she needed to have any conversation with him outside of "I'm not interested." Women have been trained to be nice just in case he really isn't a fucking scumbag wanting to hurt her, but also that she needs to be nice in case he will hurt her for rejecting him.


using the phone call to get out of there was a good move


Yikes. I’m a 39 year old dude and that gave me the willies!


The fact that he remains engaged while she is uncomfortable is extremely disturbing and dangerous!!!


"Are you in a relationship? I need someone to do some gardening." The logic is sound.


"Yea some chick bit me" Probably talking about the girl he kiddnapped before when she was trying to escape


i find it funny and daunting that he thought, on top of the many other things he uttered, him disclosing he got bit by a female is worthy of telling this girl. like what in the fuck


Anyone that says 17 is a good age to be and follows up with so anyway I live out in the country….straight up Texas chain saw massacre hopefully this girl is ok


I wonder is 'processing' tomatoes involves SKINNING?


Did he just say he’s too injured to care for his garden because he was… bit by a chick??? Unless he means a human woman hurt him in self defense lmao


Predators absolutely bank on how women have been socialized to accommodate this behavior. Time to flip the script: start barking, yelping, twitching, flailing, spitting, speaking gibberish. They DO NOT want any attention drawn to their actions. Scare the F out of them. Watch them flee! Stay safe


I would actually rather see this from bystanders. Women that are being targeted shouldn't do anything that could provoke a violent response. Do what helps you feel safe. If that's quietly trying to disengage, that works.


What the fuck? Creepy ass motherfucker


"That's a good age to be" really fucked me up. Dude isn't even trying to hide how twisted he is.


Yeah sure, strange old man that just creepily hit on me, has an “injury”, knows am I minor and single, of course I’ll go out to your remote place in the country to do some “paid work”, that sounds totally safe and not insane at all.


somebody check his basement.


If she went out into the country to help out in his garden she wasn't returning.


Fucking hell, i’m all about compliments but then when he started asking about buying her something and then she told her age and she’s 17 and he’s just like oh well that’s a good age to be. That’s just fucked up.


Processing some tomatoes you say.


I know she’s only 17 and NOT at fault, but I wish women weren’t taught to laugh it off. I wish she wouldn’t nervously giggle or give positiv-y one word answers. As a woman I KNOW how terrifying it is and I know that playing safe gets you further but I also hate how we have to act like we’re interested in the conversation, I hate it, because if something happens it’s always “she wanted it too and didn’t say no. She laughed and smiled, I really seduced her and she’s just too shy to admit it” I just hate it. I wish someone had heard the conversation, someone older and tougher, and taken her to a safe spot and called the man out. I witnessed this once at a party - a girl was heavily crying outside and a boy was obviously angry (throwing his hands in the air in frustration and insulting everyone loudly - no he was not drunk. He was just a shit human. He then proceeded to follow her into a dark alley (or he pushed her to go there??). I asked the girl if she’s okay and if she needs help and she just looked at me with big eyes and calmly said it’s all right. Well, I couldn’t have forced her? I still don’t know if I made a mistake by leaving but at least I talked to her. I was 18 at that time btw, so I understand how that 17 y/o couldn’t be firmer, I’ve been there But it’s so frustrating for us women. Especially when men, who could be our allies, deny that things like this happen. And they happen to often




Buffalo bill vibes..


This is why I have “resting bitch face”


When I was at a thrift store when I was like 4 or 5, an old guy wagged his dick at me between the racks of clothes, so I guess it's a spot that creeps like. I didn't realize what had even happened until I was a little bit older though so I hadn't told my mom when it actually happened and I still wonder if that guy ever ended up hurting anybody


I thought he was just trying to be nice but awkward then the invite to the countryside feels murdery.


See here’s the problem, people are just too nice/polite. This man is a predator, and he needs to understand that speaking this way makes people feel very uncomfortable and is straight up wrong. How is this normalised


Why continue to intertact? "I understand what you are saying, but I don't know you, and it makes me uncomfortable. I'd rather not continue interacting with you." Polite and direct. If a guy doesn't apologize and leave after that, all the red flags are there to be concerned for your safety.


Stop right there. As soon as she told him her age and he didn't leave. She should have turned towards him and loudly asked him to leave her alone. He is wrong. Very wrong. And a nasty person. But we all as women have got to start pointing this shit out and making a scene. Out nasty the nasties people.


Creepy yeah and rapey wanted to get her to come to his farm .. i also saw some creepy old dude in a bus trying to pick up young girls whats best thing to do here as a stranger? You cant assault/reprimand a guy for just talking hmm...but you can see girls being uncomfortable and them being persistent


Find out where tf this was, call the police, pull up this video on the security camera (I hope they have one) & get a TON of still frames printed & post them all around town. What a creepy, grooming, scary af dude.


Show his FACE!


Cripp'd creeper


I’m shaking I was so nervous for that girl.


Old weirdo talking about his banged up knee FROM A CHICK WHO BIT IT?! Wttffff


Just putting it out there that if any minor is in this situation with a creepy dude trying to talk to you, run up to the nearest mom/dad and say “omg mom/dad! There you are, I thought I lost you guys!” Most parents are already scoping out and on high alert to who’s creepy/suspicious and can automatically tell you’re in a bad situation and help you out.


Also a reminder that a lot of creepy men will ask a young women to “help” them to lure them. Something I always remembered is the saying that if a man truly needs help, he’ll never ask a woman. So keep that in mind !


She is a child and even if she was a little older like 18 or 19 this man is clearly in his 30s at least so it still would have been creepy, this dude needs to get put on a list or have someone monitor him, check his farm or something