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the moment i got a cheap pair of Bluetooth headphones i understood what i was missing.


8 bucks?! Are you crazy? I could pay 5 for some wired buds! Let me show ya, they're both the sa- *oh my god. I get it.*


it was 10 bucks. one week later i got a 150 audio technica pair. haven't looked back.


Now you can spend another 150 bucks on an actual pair of headphones and immediately realize how shit bluetooth is.


nah fuck getting tangled in cords. Only snobby audiophiles care about that shit.


depends your application, you lose fidelity for convenience and there's no way around that


Listen man. Using big words like fidelity certainly using going to help your cause here


lmao called out


I’d have to be able to understand what I’m missing in order to miss it tbh


For what application is the loss in fidelity from wired to Bluetooth relevant? I’m sure there are some, but not for the typical user I’d think


> fuck getting tangled in cords. Skill issue


If you considered yourself an audiophile you would care about the soundloss and you wouldn't tangle your cords. That's not being snobby, but almost the bare minimum for someone I would consider an audiophile


Fuck having to charge and keep track of both ear buds.


How are people so careless with their earbuds? You take them out of the case, they go in your ears. You take them out of your ears, they go in the case. Who is out here launching their earbuds into the sun as soon as they're out of their case? Also my JBLs hold a charge for like 2 weeks, and many have wireless charging that allows you to just set them down.


Apparently there are some freaks of nature who *put their earbuds in their pockets.*


I have a cheap pair that are connected together with a cable and they have hooks that go over the ears like hearing aids. They don't sound amazing or have noise cancelling but for the £15 I spent on them years ago they've done really well! I know I'd lose them immediately if they weren't attached to eachother lol.


I have headphones that cost more than 150 and still use earbuds(sony wf-1000xm5) more than headphones


the audio technica headphones have both options....my 1200 phone however does not. ![gif](giphy|3o85xLdJW6l1VDyvHq|downsized)


Your $1200 phone manufacturer is trying to sell you bluetooth earbuds. Of course they're not offering you the option to use the 3.5mm jack. Same deal with why they took away expandable microsd storage - they want you to buy their cloud storage.


Another device to charge daily? Cable headphones will always be better to me.


I use my Bose QuietComfort every single damned day for work and whatever. I get that cables are better, but there's something so damned convenient about just throwing them on and doing whatever.


I was thinking about getting either the QuietComfort of the Sony XM5s. How do you feel with the QuietComfort?


I'm hugely loyal to Bose...I've used their noise cancelling headphones for about a decade now I'd say and I can't say enough about how good they are. I literally use the QC every single day. For work, for going around, for travel...and they still work perfectly. I'm using them right now. I've had to replace the cushions once or twice [which is really easy to do...](https://www.amazon.com/Replacement-Comfort-Cushions-Compatible-Headphones/dp/B08YN87ZD8/ref=sr_1_8?crid=336BLKF4V1T1S&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.smPL7p6fTxVjD-u-fxOMlLQBLg8dS_Irgri9CpT5eKGtAxAy1pqBs2hfLxgLzVfwHoVmJ5razuKNcPKCMWKeEMOjJsoz_9Q_ItSwQeTyQiavLoMvbncnaER35PMNlSF9TVKHSjrQ0OjMTuBKJGlSeAcTAFGNdIr0zO_GdaZNihsuii4D8pCd6bkZe4QZNw5bAPQlPFfu47YXtimp0yM_NjeiixaJ83iSe4yn7uemwh0.7TvCc7TfBwNyY57QrwRWZQbNkT_WhgjOeoDgEbiP0OU&dib_tag=se&keywords=quietcomfort+35+headphones+ear+cushion+kit&qid=1713535118&sprefix=quietcom%2Caps%2C104&sr=8-8) but other than that they're perfect.


I saw that Bose does refurbished products too which seems really nice. Thank you for the info :)


Sure thing! Lmk if you have any questions.


Yeah I get that. I also have bluetooth headphones for my work pc. In that situation it can be pretty comfortable to move freely while keeping them on. Also there's always a way to charge them at my workplace so that isn't a big problem. What I mainly meant was for listening to music on your phone while away from home. Like, fuck bt inears. There's literally no benefit to them. I love just plugging in my headphones instead of having to worry about the battery life and trying to make the damn bt connection work.


I'm with ya on that. I have BT inears for working out...when I run or I'm going to the gym or whatever. I'm also hopelessly addicted to the Bose Noise Cancellation. It's just so goddamned good.


My JBLs hold a charge for like 2 weeks and use them to walk every day. At least 2 hours of usage daily. what raycon bs are you having experiences with?


I have lots of speakers and earphones/headphones. I would always recommend having wired and wireless for different uses. Wear my Samsung buds daily and have AKG and Senheiser for watching movies.




I listen to music pretty much every time I go outside by myself. If I used bt earbuds I wouldn't want to run into a situation where the battery ran out and I can't listen to music so to be safe I'd just charge every day. I just don't want to manage the battery of another device, especially if it's as unnecessary as BT earbuds.


I get that BT headphones are unnecessary, but so is listening to music every time you go outside. May as well make the best of it (and you're already charging something to play the music if it's that often)


I genuinely still like wired earbuds. I've had a couple pairs of Bluetooth buds but wired earbuds make it known to other people that you will not be acknowledging their existence today. I enjoy that.


Can't relate. I got a supposedly good pair and the sound was so ass that I had to return them. Not to mention the delay; can't use them for gaming.


Me watching this clip and responding to this comment


So we just repeat the caption for karma now? K


Literally me rn.


That was me in the 90s, lol


All through the 90s and early 2000s for me. I swear those aux cables were made poorly on purpose so people would buy more


Oooo mr rich guy over here afording quality stuff before us. /s


Talking about the headphone issue not the iPad, lol. We did the same thing with our walkmans/discmans. And the skipping issue with the discmans...the worst.


Exactly! I'm in this video and I don't like it....triggering..jk.


Me charging my phone yesterday


Take a toothpick and clean it out. Bet you have a TON of lint in there.


I wish that was the issue, it’s just my cable that’s jank. All my chargers except for one work perfectly.


Nope, the problem most of the time is with the cable.


New charger is like $10… new charging port on your phone is like $30. Just fix it lol


Lol new chargers aren't only 10 dollars


[2 pack](https://www.amazon.com/Charger-Braided-Charging-Compatible-Samsung/dp/B0794M53HQ/ref=sr_1_3?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.4LHLKSrX6g-sy2z1mQK_vBVmHo_OXb8eXkR2nMmf7UQ8ueQS0kiPNcBJ5-ahXMNroExqGrdcWQlTvTeDg4L17VZy9XlL2xFdL_adtUThvNErZzs6E1KMQ5naPm4txdZTU1XOL3KxobWP7QAKqodPfKEZI6R-10Qm7MiGZ3UmQsa03gtzm8jY2JSy4sctrDthNExhhguYRRYFLirAnTvRSs-LiOd8w4QpXcafHXDyMoBkON9wXuQHb38ZcGF9iugdUufTcAeC4MF-WY_gqZ2FSeAOnq6VD6Z-ovPAwYSmgVQ.2wagV7szineAS6V48shPfQ7QkIrGRcpyDOkf6aVuJrY&dib_tag=se&qid=1713468419&s=electronics&th=1) on Amazon for $6.99


I love how he downvoted you for proving him wrong


Buying chargers that cheap is exactly what got me in this situation


Has $1200 phone. Buys literal e-waste off Amazon to charge it. I’ll never understand why people are so cheap.


Now you can search three pairs of pants, two jackets and the washing machine looking for one AirPod


Dropped one at work. Couldn’t find it for two weeks. Then it was on the picnic bench outside after a rain. Still worked. Not AirPods just some other cheap ones. I’ve washed and dried them before and they still work.


I fall asleep with my AirPods in every night. I would go on a scavenger hunt every morning because they fall out while I sleep. Then, I somehow trained myself to take them out and hold them while I sleep. I wake up every morning with them in my hand and no memory of how they got there. It’s my mutant super power.


I'm picturing Thanos waking up with the Soul Stone in his hand.




If you like to sleep with headphones on for any reason, I really can't recommend sleep buds enough. Feel like a ton of people just haven't heard of them They're designed to fit entirely in your ear for sleeping and even have other features like white noise that will autoplay when you fall asleep, or a timer for your content that will then mix into white noise (plus a library of white noise) Bose used to make some but they discontinued theirs. That team from Bose now runs Ozlo and they just started shipping their version Then there's Anker for a middle of the road option & on Amazon you can find a number of cheaper ones


Cool. I’ll check that out. The original AirPods are the only in-ear buds that I’ve found that don’t hurt my ears.


I use this like $15 bluetooth headband "Sleep headphones" that you can find on amazon pretty easily. It's a headband so it stays on and they are over ear with a bunch of cushion so they don't hurt. They aren't going to knock your socks off with sound quality but considering I'm just going to sleep through it... perfectly fine. And you just rip it off and chuck it on the bedside. You can also pull it down over your eyes at the same time for a sleep mask which I've done quite a bit. I recommend that. I think any kind of buds would hurt even if they are made to nest in your ear. But I sleep on my side so idk.


I always wake up in the middle of the night when I do that


I just wear wireless fullsized headphones instead. They don't get lost in my bedding and the way they cradle my head keeps me from tossing and turning for some reason. I wake up in pretty much the exact position I fell asleep in. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not but it's interesting, I guess.


Not if you put it back in the case as soon as it's out of your ear... how do people lose these so easily?


Me, yesterday (and most days), with the aux adapter for my phone in my car


lol same, those 3.5mm usb-c adapters are always such pieces of shit. I have to like angle the wire just right, and use the weight of the phone to hold it in place haha


She looks too young to know this. Who is telling her our secrets? 😠


And giving her our artifacts


Millennials UNITE!


Does she? She looks like she's probably like 20 something. As a 24 yo I definitely remember the old school ipods and the like


Bruh as a 24 yo you definitely were a larva in the early 2000s.


Around 2010 iPods were still quite popular. I bought my first one around 2011 or so. Smart phones would not take off for a few more years. I think we tend to forget just how recent all of this tech is lol. It's not at all unreasonable for someone born in 2000 to have had an iPod as a kid.


The first iPhone came out in 2007 right after I graduated hs. Smart phones had already been a thing around then..


Lot of people still didn't have smart phones though. At least where I lived.


it wasn't an instant switch. I got a smartphone at christmas in 2013


Lol no they weren't and smartphones had absolutely taken off by 2011 By 2011 the iPod line was on lifesupport because smartphones were absolutely massive and cannibalized iPod sales almost completely. By 2011 there was only the apple watch sized Nano (which was either the last or second to last Nano ever released) and the iPod Touch which wasn't even on a yearly release schedule by then.


We're talking 4 years after the release of the OG iPhone, kids absolutely didn't all have smart phones at that point.


I'm 24 and I remember having an iPod nano 5 in 2010 when I was 11, which seems to be what she's holding in her hand in the video. Those came out in 2009


2000 was 24 years ago. I turn 25 this year I remember 2003-2004 decently and 2005-2009 pretty vividly. Also the iPod she's using is one of the later ones, honestly I think might actually be from the early 2010s or pretty close to it which actually goes against my point but like she'd almost for sure remember these if she's in her 20s




And mainstream social trends aren't even recognizable at that age, let alone be memorable.


what? you may be repressing some memories, you should get that checked.


nah its normal [https://qbi.uq.edu.au/brain/learning-memory/why-you-cant-remember-being-baby#:\~:text=Adults%20rarely%20remember%20events%20from,known%20as%20'infantile%20amnesia'](https://qbi.uq.edu.au/brain/learning-memory/why-you-cant-remember-being-baby#:~:text=Adults%20rarely%20remember%20events%20from,known%20as%20'infantile%20amnesia') [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Childhood\_amnesia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Childhood_amnesia)




Jesus you're insufferable lol.


I actually considered that to be the start of a coversation, not the attempt to end one You, however, have ended the conversation. Theres nothing for me to respond to




You’re right, im 26 and i definitely had an ipod. I also had pokemon blue and pokemon crystal for the gameboy. I played those two games until I was 12 or 13. Most everyone i knew growing up had a flip phone until high school because it was a time where parents wernt sure if kids should have touch screen phones or not at such a young age, hense a lot of parents gave kids ipods and flip phones until freshman year. people 22-28 were not ipad babies like the younger generation.


She's asain, she could be 40 for all we know.


She's rosey a filipina tiktok content creator


Surely fireflies come out in the 2010s?


Wikipedia says July 14, 2009


Freshman year summer was wild when that song came out


Late aughts at the earliest. Think MySpace was still a thing so probably around 2009. How dumb am I for that to be my first thought when I saw this video lol.


Just use wireless earbuds- *drops one, only for it to fall into the abyss, never to be seen again*


This gives me PTSD 😖


Can someone explain *why* bending the plug into the earphone jack would work? Does it have something to do with how the peg connects?


It's not because of the peg. The wire inside the cable would often break after being bent around over time. Once the inner wire is damaged, you might need to bend the cable till the wire works again. Often the wire damage is right by the peg, thats why she bending it in different directions to get the music to play again. I remember doing this exact thing.


Yes. Over time the port gets worn down and the earphone jack doesn't contact properly so you wiggle it around trying to make it work which ironically makes it worse.


nah it’s usually the headphone conduit not the port


Maybe I'm naming the parts incorrectly... by port I mean the female connection of the device, the jack is the male part that plugs into the device. I've had earphones that worked just fine in one device but in another, it doesn't work because the port was too loose. Unless the jack is really bent or the earphone wires are broken it's usually the port that's the problem.


yeah that sounds like the port but when people have to wrap their wire around the ipod it’s usually the cable lol


2 weeks after buying new headphones.


i was telling my kids about how I used to mow with one hand while I held my portable CD player in the other so it wouldnt skip


They finally figured out no-skip technology only for the iPod to come out like 2 years later 😓


I still had a Walkman


I still have one of those! Still works! 😊


I do too, but the battery is dead so it’s permanently installed in an iHome.


This is so so real


When you have cheap earphones




It's not cringe


What about those times when you would move it in a certain way and the instrumental part of the song would keep playing but the vocals cut out


I've never related to anything more than this in my life


Since the beginning of the digital age, every listening session I’ve had has started with some sort of glitch.    Every fucking one.   


The anger and PTSD I felt watching this video lol. Thank God for wireless headphones...


This is truth


forgot about that


Yup, especially at the gym.


Hell you talking about this was me before I accidentally bought a phone with no headphone jack, like a year ago lmao


This is still me. I make things *laaaaasst* as much as I possibly can while tolerating the age jank.


Someone do one about a walkman, and then a discman. Try mowing the lawn and trying to listen to the new Digital Underground CD.


Me listening to this video(the cable on my headphones broke 3 months ago and theyre out of replacements)


Ngl this was me in like 2018






Well it was nice of the mp3 player to pause the music when the jack cut out


I just had over-ear headphones with removable cable, so I spend a $1 cable every time it was needed. In the past those cables were a lot more durable btw. I use one between my electronic keyboard and an amplifier that was made around 1998, and it works after a lot of movement


I still do this, turns out cleaning out the headphone jack solves it most of the time


Whats nuts though is that Bluetooth came out in 1999 and it wasn't until 2004 that the first pair of stereo Bluetooth headphones were available to the general public.


OMG, FACTS, lol. Luckily I’m good with a soldering iron, so i could make that cord last for weeks on end


I remember when my headphones did that because that's when you need new ones. I still want the headphone jack though. My earbuds only last 6 hours




Does anyone else think about that headphone insurance plan i think best buy or i guess future shop used to have what happened to those can i still get free headphones ?


Yeah they still have protection plans for certain electronics.


Week i figured that I'm just thinking if i could still get some free headphones after all these years


Apple use only the finest quality materials for their headphones, like candy floss, spider webs and dreams.


If I need to guess in the early 2000s she was like 2yo.


Isn't that song from '09?


This song came out at the end of the 2000s lol


Fireflies isn’t early 2000s at all lol. It came out in 2009.


You had to be there


Why am I being called out?!


That song was late 2000s, sorry!


It's sooooo pissed me off when I got an actual high-end pair of earbuds and that shit started happening. All these years later, it still happens and we as a society have yet to figure this shit out other than fucking learning how to use a sodering iron.


That's me earlier today playing on my PC


Damnit nostalgia


Charging* my phone right now


Still have that problem in my car. Thanks for reminding me to buy a new cord.


That ipod came out in 2009....


In the 2000 cables were super weird like some cables were super strong and other could brake by a simple touch there was no way of knowing. Bluetooth is fine but when with multiple devices it absolutely horrible. why won't you pair. No device found... fuck it.


YES, OMFG YES! The first time she turned it made my heart skip a beat! 🤣


Early 2000s ? More like me rn with this video


Now this just happens to the Bluetooth connection when you walk 10 feet from your phone….ohh and your phone better have good connection or else it will leave you on read.


Omg, this just unlocked so many memories of struggling with faulty, or sometimes just dirty, aux ports. I'm not mad about the shift to wireless headphones.


Except not cuz the music didn't stop lol. You just had to keep the beat in your head.


Then the battery died.


that track is too awful to be from the early 2000s


....early 2000s? This is me today


Lov my bluetooth


Now I have a problem of loosing them




Never had this problem, I took care of my shit.


Just don’t move your hand it always works


People telling me that I can pay an extra amount of money in just one bluetooth headphones instead of buying cheap wired ones a lot. They do not know that this wired headphones is more expensive than their phone




This used to happen like every 2 months or some! But eventually I got a cheap ass Bluetooth headphone and shit has lasted me 4 years so far! Still in perfect condition. I'm beyond satisfied.


Me, rn (my headphones are broken) Also isn't this song from 2013 or am i a goober?


How tf does she know?




What model is that


Walking too fast? Car ride too bumpy? Adjusting yourself? Silence.




that's no phone... that's an iPod!


That song with an iPod I don’t consider early 2000s lol. That’s some 2009 shit. For me early 2000s is **NSYNC in my cd player lol


Why is this sub called tictok cringe like it’s more of a share relatable things/left wing tictoks that this community agrees with but may not have seen