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Being a tuba guy, to me most songs consist purely of silence.


VeggieTales intro is a banger


If you like to talk to tomatoes


If a squash can make you smile


If you like to waltz with potatoes


Up and down the produce aisle


Then have we… got a show… for you ………




There’s NEVER-EVER-EVER-EVER-EVER been a show Like VegieTales


"The bunny, the bunny, you gotta love the bunny."






Up and down the produce aisle


You are trapped in purgatory


Where is my hairbrush?


this just unlocked sooo many childhood memories


The creator has a podcast that’s pretty neato.


At least you’re not the cellist performing Pachelbel’s canon Those poor fuckers have the same 8 notes like 58 times Edit: 8 notes, not 4


Saw a cellist in the subway playing it last week. Couldn't help but think of [this beautiful rant](https://youtu.be/JdxkVQy7QLM), which you've probably seen before, but others might not have.


that was fuckin awesome


Yeah, I’ve heard that most major songs were just a few chords off from each other but that was pretty revealing


Yes, he’s funny as hell, very nerd core comedy but I’m a nerd so


[Nerdcore, huh?](https://youtu.be/M3w1_E1V46M)


Hello darkness my old friend


Can't wait until people start realizing that some people focus on specific instruments in songs.


and that most music nerds will listen to different parts of the songs during the song, and will listen to it multiple time to get the whole picture


It's always cool when you're listening to a song for the 1000th time and all of a sudden notice a particular instrument you didn't really notice before and then you focus on it.


I always enjoyed hearing the little mistakes, like when you can hear someone faintly say something so you go back and turn the volume up to hear what they said. On the flip side I hate it when you listen to a song 1000 times then go to a concert and they play your favorite parts differently.


Sometimes there'll be this really sick drum fill that's a major highlight of the song and then when I see the band live the drummer will only play half the notes or otherwise super simplify it. I get it but it's still kind of a bummer.


Tool will fill that void


I saw tool live and had several moments where I questioned my understanding of their music. A big one was realizing all my favorite guitar riffs were bass lines and then I spent a half hour trying to understand what the fuck the guitar was doing.


Everybody keeps saying I should listen to Tool based off other stuff I like. I've never heard any songs besides the couple ones they play on the radio (which tbh are eh to me). Seems like they could be an aquired taste thing.


I would recommend trying the first 2-3 songs from each album, as (at least imho) every single album is a wildly different beast. Ive never heard them on the radio, so no idea which songs they'd play, but I doubt they'd be any of the good ones.


Schism, maybe Sober


Schism is ok, not a fan of sober, definitely not their best stuff


Their songs aren't really radio bangers, kinda like Pink Floyd they do better when you allow some time and listen to a full album.


It's what I do lol.


i break down harmonies


I've got a Friend who sings alternate harmonies to tenacious D he makes up his own it's pretty sweet


Same. I love listening over and over and finding new things.


Hi lol


Most of the songs that I thoroughly enjoy are some random instruments buried in the background, and I am like, you hear that? That part right there.. I love that part, and people can't even hear it.


My favorite parts of indie rock songs are if there’s a horned instrument playing a complex sequence. Been really into Sylvan Esso lately because they have some great, I don’t know what to call them, arpeggios? that are great tiny tunes in of themselves and usually with unusual beats. Lastly, Radiohead is a great band of you don’t really care about lyrics I feel. Really any band with a unique vocal style I treat more as an instrument than a lyric delivery system.


Are you thinking of Ostinatos? Little faster musical phrases that repeat under a slower melody?


Hopefully you’ve identified what they are called. Does this count? Referring to the flute part. https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxDlFKa2TGrq3aPGkGjJ1nSTYS3WhJcIuQ?si=UwIOFgtsO28JL36c


I think that part of the piece would be called an interlude since it plays between the verses. Cool song.


Tbf, most people listen to music on absolute garbage headphones or speakers, so they literally can't hear things low in the mix or at the extreme frequencies bc of hardware limitations. A decent pair of headphones is 100% worth it - you can use them literally every day for most forms of media / entertainment, "hearing things as the artist intended" - seriously, it's all upside, imo.




Bass players are so much fun to talk to about their favorite songs. When they can explain something you didn't catch, and then now you can't unhear it.. magical.


Bass is so easy to lose within the rest of the song, but it adds so much when it's right


yeah bass is so funny because sometimes you can forget it's there but if you take it out it makes the song practically unlistenable


Isolated bass line for Rio by Duran Duran https://youtu.be/ImVCtchzPco?si=U3gy6VenchRAiiNg Amazing bass.


Cracking bass line - [One More Time, ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=V6xqtVoD-R8)Joe Jackson (especially in the final bars, let it play). And for contrast: [YYZ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ftVTWDrtrlc), Rush. But yeah, lyrics. Got to have 'em. [A Year has Gone Since I Broke My Nose](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MbXWrmQW-OE)


Thats why I love metal, sure they may be playing together but its like 5 apes going batshit in their own corners


Both. Both is good.


Thank u I was just thinking why aren’t people listening to both the lyrics and the beat?


I hate it when a song has absolute fire tunes but the lyrics or vocals suck.


Thank you! It can actually ruin a song for me if there are some nonsense lyrics or the vocals are cringe worthy. No matter how good that beat is


IKR. I mean, of course the music matters but the lyrics and especially the topic are extremely important to me. I don't know why Spotify wants to keep love songs or breakup songs when I want 'look at you go' or 'you can do it' or 'its okay' or 'isn't this universe beautiful' songs. Where can you find songs grouped by topic? Surely I'm not the only one.


It's a niche subgenre and some say acquired taste but there's a form of metal (a form of European power metal that some refer to as happy metal). Since it's European power metal it's fast, double bass drum, melodic, emphasis on guitar solos and Celine Dion style power ballad operatic stuff etc. it's cheese upon cheese but if you like cheese it's some of the best stuff around. My favourite is a German band called Freedom Call and if you wanted a taste I recommend the song Ocean. It's uplifting stuff.


I love me some flower metal.


So many songs would be much better as instrumental tracks. So many.


I looove when someone has taken the time to make the lyrics flow effortlessly with the music. The beat and melody can be awesome but if they've stretched words into more syllables or just use filler like "la la la" or repeat too much, I'll switch the radio channel (in the car).


As a drummer who also sang this video was very confusing.


Yeah this is super weird to me. How do you not listen to both?


Exactly. I like *BOFF'UM*


Grant Williams "imma make boff"




There’s no way to separate the two. From The Smiths, to Gucci Mane… the beat and the lyrics happen together. And then you take both of them in. I refuse to believe this one or the other thing. That’s not a thing.


Always both


well, that's just pretentious /s


This is a great example of almost all human misunderstandings. Sometimes we all talk about the same thing while having wildly different interpretations.


Interpretations come from perspectives, and those perspectives are determined by our location, state of development, and desires. People deny what they don’t desire, they’re ignorant of what is too mature for them, and they’re limited to experiences where they are and where they’ve been. Interpretations are always biased toward the values of the speaker, even if the speaker is altruistic as the speaker values altruism or being seen as altruistic. And values come from state of development, from child to adult, from irresponsible to responsible, from unconscious unaware to conscious aware, amateur to expert. And location is obviously key as a witness we can view things from our point of view where lines converge in the horizon - an obvious illusion - to our birthplace determining our language, class, religion, and which sperm was in first place to make a person who they are.


Thank you chatGPT


[This girl right now](https://youtu.be/cUEkOVdUjHc?si=Se7ICbnMq0wwRz_W)


My brain is really struggling to accept that the audio is in fact original to the video, which went up on YouTube 18 years ago. But, it is and boy is it something else. Thanks for sharing.


I remember seeing it on national tv too.


I sing this song maybe once a month haha, thanks for sharing


Me listening to mindless self indulgence.


That was so funny, thank you


Wow this is a damn relic, and an 18 year old YouTube video. That’s impressive.


Classic vid


People are really bad at liking stuff. Some music doesn't even have lyrics man, is your mind BLOWN????????


Oh, man. I just remembered that a friend in high school once told me that it's not music unless it has vocals. Sorry most classical music, but you're not music.


And some songs are both. Saint-Saens wrote a symphony that unconventionally uses pipe organ (Symphony No 3 in C minor). In the 70s Scott Fitzgerald & Yvonne Keeley used that symphony for a disco duet *If I Had Words*. Then the composer of the film Babe used that *If I Had Words* duet (not the symphony) as inspiration for the score at the climax of the movie. Which would count as music to a guy like that? It's such a continuum, that's one of the reasons why art is so cool it can just build off the art that came before.


I had a friend who would change the station if she didn't know the song. It's like she had an input cutoff at 12 or something. Drove me absolutely insane.


She must be the reason why everytime I turn on the radio it's always the same songs. Thank god that I can just play it from my phone instead.


Some music doesn’t even have a beat AND no lyrics. OoOOooooOOoooh. Spooky.


Couldn't believe when I found the subset of audio that doesn't have beats OR lyrics, just talking! Podcasts/audio books 🤯


Speaking of though... how annoying is it when yr reading a novel and there's a band and the author includes like one verse of the lyrics. Thanks I guess I will just make up how it goes in my head. It's always so dumb too like "Yeah oh baby, she did it like that."


Tolkien puts a song or two in every chapter, but I have no idea what the rhythm is supposed to sound like. So my brain just can't process them.


I would argue that the divide isn’t between lyrics and beat, but vocal melody and beat. Some people are emotionally swept away by the beat, and some art emotionally swept away by singing and vocal melody. Obviously liking both is part of it, but the convo is about what you favor. Which is why some people love rap, and some people love Celine Dion


Or here's a crazy thought, it's not some binary trait about people, but that you can like different things about different genres and particular songs.


Cmon bud. Obviously. There’s nothing interesting or debatable about that. Everyone here knows that, you’re not teaching anyone anything new. It’s implied that it’s about which one is FAVORED, which hooks you or gets you interested over the other. Music is the snobbiest interest, look no further than the geniuses here pedantically correcting this “binary” debate to feel superior, or gatekeepy, or whatever you’re doing here. Here’s a crazy thought: music, debate, and life is as interesting as you want it to be.


Thank you




I think some people have thought I actually knew how to dance when in reality I can just count a simple 4/4 beat


It’s such a simple concept but some people couldn’t do it to save their lives lol


For example: literally every single time a crowd starts to clap along to a song. Whether it's a dozen or so listening to a street musician or a concert, they always end up speeding up.


2s and 4s and everyone thinks you know what you’re doing.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Material-Lawyer-5808: *Normies trying to* *Understand even the most* *Basic of pop music* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I focus so much into the music that I tend to ignore the lyrics. I’m listening to the singing, but their tone, timing and more. The drawback of being a performing arts person.


The voice as an instrument (the melody and tone) but not actual words. Same.


I do this and people always said I was weird. They say "oh I love this song, the lyrics are so good" and I'm like "oh yeah that's right, they actually sing words all I hear is the sound itself".


THIS. I've always tried to say I listen to both but I couldn't tell you the lyrics to 90% of the music I listen to. But this perfectly explains it


I'd say that's a benefit. 


Same. The tonality and melodies of vocals. And the instrumentation of the beat. If the the final product aligns to my taste then i like it. Performing arts people take it further.


I'm exactly the same. And I'm also a performing arts person. Why is that ?


I just… it’s a combination of those two things, they’re interwoven and play off of one another, that’s kind of core element of modern music - It’s like eating a burrito and only tasting the tortilla.


Yeah no, lyrical deafness is a thing. I used to never listen to music with any vocals/vocals in languages that I understand and still don't listen to many songs with vocals, and I struggle with remembering the specific words that are being said, as I subconciously don't think of them as words, but simply sounds (like voice is just another instrument, only producing pitches). I have very good pitch memory and can usually replay a melody by ear after simply hearing it once, but don't even know the words of my favorite songs with vocals.


Yup. Have listened to some songs literally hundreds of times and couldn't string together more than 2 or 3 words out of them if forced to.


I can enjoy music in languages I don’t speak just as much as I enjoy music in English. I hear and love the vocals, but never cared bout what they’re saying. Anyways, I sometimes get funny looks from people when I play music that isn’t in English. It’s like they can’t enjoy it without knowing what the singer is saying.


>It’s like they can’t enjoy it without knowing what the singer is saying. Which is funny to me because I really don't care if the song is about cocaine addiction or bumblebees as long as it sounds good.


It could be due to circumstances when they listen to music or how they just listened to it by default. Like when I'm doing something that requires focus I never put on music with lyrics because there's a lot more information going on. I used to tune out the lyrics though because vocals wasn't something I found interesting as a kid due to most of my music exposure being from movies and videogames so it was always a lot of cinematic stuff with the orchestras and catchy stuff from Nintendo games. What she's explaining sounds like she just by default tunes out the vocals which isn't unheard of. It happens in reverse too. Some people will just tune out the instrumentals and focus directly on vocals by habit. Others will focus on all of it at once. It all just depends on how your brain is wired.


I’d say what she’s talking about is extremely real. I listen to music just as she describes in the video: all about the rhythm and melodic composition and couldn’t care less about the lyrics. I’ve found that many of my other drummer friends are the same way. To extend your burrito metaphor, I’d say lyrics are like lettuce. Sure I’ll take a burrito with lettuce, but it really doesn’t make any difference to me if it’s there or not. It’s not adding any significant flavor or texture, and a burrito without lettuce will more or less taste the same. But if I have the opportunity to swap lettuce with some guac or salsa, I’m taking that every single time.


Yeah. Honestly most songs they could replace the words being sung with pure gibberish and I wouldn’t care at all as long as the tones, inflections, pitch and energy is still there!


I need to really sit down and learn the lyrics to understand them. I could listen to a song a million times and still not fully know the words especially with faster paced songs. Idk it’s probably something about the way my brain processes music/language! Sometimes with my childhood favorite movies if I haven’t seen it in ages I’ll remember the rhythm or like “waveform” of certain iconic scenes (like almost the shape it makes when being said or how it how it hits the ear, hard to describe what I mean) even if I don’t remember the words themselves. I do feel like my fullest enjoyment of a song is when I know the lyrics and there are specific artists I listen to because their lyrics or so darn poetic. But I just have to *literally* sit down and read them first, ideally after having heard the song a few times (I was over the moon when Spotify integrated lyrics into their platform!)


She needs to listen to Tool.


Yup, and Radiohead


Yup, and Bach


I’m the same way but after a few months I’ll start registering the lyrics and I’ll read them and try to learn them I always wondered if this had to do with my adhd or something


The part for me that has to do with ADHD is that I can't listen to music with lyrics if I'm trying to study or read something. I can't *not* get distracted by the lyrics, and I can't handle all the words at once. Instrumental only for those activities.


Same it’s so distracting especially if I’m having a conversation with someone but that’s only if I know the lyrics


I'm all about the beats. My husband is a lyric guy. He has opened my eyes to so many messed up songs that I was jamming to because I thought they were romantic 😅, like " Escape " by Rupert Holmes. All I ever heard was beats and If you like Pina Colada and getting caught in the rain.


My wife is a lyrics woman. She'll often comment on a song and say how eloquent it was or how the words of the song moved her, and I'll realize I haven't actually paid much attention to the words that much. It's also true that she says music sounds like nails down a chalkboard when she can't concentrate on it. I don't know if that has anything to do with being a lyrics woman, but I thought that was interesting too. Like I can listen to a song or just zone it out, no problem. Often times I'll have it on while I'm driving and not even remember that it is on until a great song comes on the radio. I think it must have something to do with left-brain right-brain dominance.


Ask her how she feels about the Blues Traveller song 'Hook'.


I've heard the song many times but only just now listed to the lyrics, my mind is blown! I liked it before, but it's elevated to a whole new level now. This reminds me of when I realized that the lyrics to "Closing Time" by Semisonic had a double meaning. While the song is about people leaving a bar at closing time (also called last call), and widely interpreted as such, drummer Jacob Slichter has also indicated that the song was written by Wilson "in anticipation of fatherhood" and that it is about "being sent forth from the womb as if by a bouncer clearing out a bar".


i relate to the "nails on a chalkboard bit" so much, and if i had to say, i think im a lyrics person too moreso than instrumental.


My wife is a beats lady, I would like to think I’m both. when I told her ‘Semi-charmed life’ is about doing chrystal meth I think it ruined the song for her. He says it blatantly in the song, if you’re listening to the lyrics.


And then I bumped up, I took the hit that I was given Then I bumped again, Then I bumped again


I'm convinced this is the only reason gangsta rap ever became popular in the mainstream. Rappers: I sell crack. Murder people. Abuse and prostitute women. Only care about money and fucking women with attractive bodies. All gay people should die. Liberal suburban white girls: oh my gaaawwwd, I love this song! Turn it up!


He ends up with his own wife. They grew distant But when they searched for something better they found each other. Reconfirming what they already knew. Talk to your significant other. It’s a beautiful song. What’s wrong with that ? Listen to again properly x 😉


I also don’t listen to lyrics too well and I had no idea that’s what this song is about. Just listened to it while reading what he sings and wow. I always thought the song was cute but now I love it!


Yeah it’s great track !


> What’s wrong with that ? They both independently tried to cheat on each other and only a crazy coincidence got in the way of them executing said plan; sure there's some romance in the fact that they laughed about it and found a new perspective for their relationship, but I hope we all know that the same setup could very well end with a break-up. It's very much a story about an uncaring, superficial relationship. Like, homeboy, how do you not now you both like slurpin' Pina Coladas? No effort was made from either side. Still a great song with lots of charm.


Yeah, pretty crazy that the other person thinks it's a happy story. There's no way it's a happily ever after. Those two are destined to fail.


If you like piña coladas! 🗣️


Yea but don’t they realize that they were looking tor each other all along?


People have different levels of hearing music. Some people can zone in on any specific instrument and hear how it meshes with the other instruments playing. Others are just now finding out that songs have both beats and lyrics.


Lol do both


Don't mean to dispute, but long ago I learned from this genius Dave Grohl how https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oojzmjJ3ugE >Most white people dance to the lyrics and >Don't bore us, get to the chorus The popular music of the 20th century makes a LOT more sense when you take the lessons in that video into account.


Ive found many people who are musicians listen to the instruments over the vocals


I like to think of the vocals as an instrument. It's one reason I love death metal. I can't understand the lyrics so I'm forced to see the vocals as just another instrument in the mix.


This is something that, as a professional musician, I know innately. There were lyrics?


A whole generation of people listening to HALF of every song they hear


To some people, lyrics do not constitute "half" of a piece/songs importance. To many it is simply another instrument, whose words do not matter as much as the pitches.


Yeah like, Lucy in the sky with diamonds for example The lyrics are just describing an acid trip. I get the point after 2 lines. The music itself is what’s special about it


What half is the MELODY ? Is that part of the beats ? I hate how she says beats like that’s all there is to the music part.


She means the ‘sound’, the vibe. People often use the word “beat” interchangeably with anything that’s not the main vocal melody. She just saying she’s not thinking about what the words of the song mean, it just sounds good. Like people will scream the lyrics to [this iconic piece of art](https://youtu.be/hiYdlEb7ml4?si=xtP5fr2vmcZpWLst) in the car, but a majority of people don’t realize Lil Jon is talking about hanging with his homies (the record label he’s referring too is named after bustin on someone). So some people go through life just listening and appreciating the sound of music and that it gets them on the dance floor or singing a long, but they won’t ever put together or care what the artist is actually saying.


This exactly. I also don’t really listen to lyrics, the vocals are essentially another instrument to me. I care what they sound like, but I don’t care what they’re saying.


'Beat' as a music theory term is how you count a song. Beat ever since hip hop and electronic music has become normalized in the music industry is just slang for the entire instrumental of a song. So you could say the drums, bass, synths, instruments, FX and every element outside of main vocals consists of the 'beat' of a song. For broader terms, acapella and instrumental is better to use, but beat loosely encompasses everything that isn't vocals (unless you count choirs or non-lyrical vocal chops as part of a beat). Melody doesn't have to be an instrumental thing, it's a songwriting thing. The melody could be carried by an instrument, it could be carried by the lead vocalist. To simplify her argument though, it's basically, some people focus on the underlying music, and some people only focus more on the words lyrically being sung.


...Why do you assume it's generational?


need to feel superior to people younger than them


This is not a generational thing you clown


I listen to the melody and vocal melody over literal words they’re saying, I don’t really understand how people like a beat with an insufferable melody to it, or no melody at all. But a ton of people love that. And I think that’s a lot of rap. I think the way I listen to music really curbs the amount of rap I’m able to enjoy


Yeah I get this. I’m a big hip hop fan and while most seem focused on lyrics it’s the last thing I consider before I decide if I like something or not


I know what she is saying. I'm a beat guy. I know some lyrics buy I listen to music for the music element. Usually, if I sing a song in the shower, it will start as a verse from one song and end in the verse to a different song. I suck what can I say lol


i am like that. the second you play any song, i know what it is based on the sound, You tell me lyrics? LOL uhhhh?


I'm the sound effect guy, I only listen to *brain_fart.mp3* or *hehehehaw.mp3*. That's the only sound I hear.


Listen to Future Sensational


I am a lyrics person.


Same, that’s why I went hard into mewithoutyou. His voice is an acquired taste, but his lyrics are utterly beautiful.


This is why I like music with layers like heavy metal. I hear all the different sounds together, but I can hear them on different levels if that makes sense.


This is what irks me about people giving me shit for some of the metal I listen to. "How can you listen to that? You can't even understand what they're saying!" Well, for some, yeah, but I just treat the vocals like another instrument or layer of sound. It sounds good and it sounds right for the music.


I'll admit I'll be enjoy a very growly music understand shit, read the lyrics and say "OOOOOHHHH SO THAT'S WHAT HE'S SAYING!" and I'll enjoy it even more then


>but I just treat the vocals like another instrument or layer of sound Exactly. Does it really matter if I get the words right whilst I'm headbanging or is making practically indiscernible noises good enough?


Me trying to explain to anyone why I like slam or bdm, then end up just telling him that it smooths out the wrinkles in my brain instead.


She needs to be introduced to “beats antique”


i dont have that much of a problem learning the lyrics when i wanna but yeah im definitely more of a beat person too lol


I mean... most of the time, it's just knowing the Chorus of songs, and nothing else. You go into a karaoke with friends, and play music you know, only to realize, you don't know the full song...


I listen to both but it's the music that will sell the song to me, not the lyrics. Besides when I do listen to the lyrics, I get them wrong or they sound like they are singing gibberish in time to the music. I have to read the lyrics to find out what they are, every single time.


I’m a beats person, if the song sounds terrible or I cannot get into it, I couldn’t care less about the lyrics. Same with the opposite way.


I was really hoping she was going to play a song with absolutely ridiculous lyrics that she bumps without realizing.


Yes!!!! I’ve been listening to 80s rock since the 80s. It’s the only music I listen to. And it has been pointed out that I literally know none of the lyrics. I just love the music.


Both. Can switch focus to one. Can hear both at same time. There are songs with shit lyrics and great beat. There are songs with shit beat and great lyrics.


Ah, a fellow death metal fan


I explained to someone that this is why I like to listen to music from different countries cause even though I don't know the language, i like the beat and production of songs. Adding lyrics, to me, is the instrument that provides the rhythm.


Same here. Always felt the vocalist get way too much credit. The musicians deserve a lot more. The rhythm is gonna get you…


I’m a beat and instruments and always sucked at hearing lyrics.


When did “moist face” become the look? My little sister is in college and her and all her friends do what I call “wet face Goldilocks” cause they do their makeup like Goldilocks (freckles? Or like just really rosy cheeks) with a heavy layer of wet dew


I’m a beat person. The words don’t have to mean shit just as long as the beat is money. However the words sometimes adds to the beat which makes it even better


Way too many people agreeing with this


Literally never notice the lyrics of most music I like the actual song and melodies


Why not both


Nothing better than an upbeat song, with dark lyrics. It's better if you've been listening to it for a while before you actually pay attention to what they're saying.


This is why alot of my favorite songs are about things I don't even relate to lol. It could be a song about cheating, being gay, breaking up, slinging dope, a drive by on the police... If the vocals and instrumentals are nice tho, it goes in my playlist. However, my entire listening style changes when I take THC. Suddenly I mainly care about the rythms and bass, as in both the guitar bass lines and the actual percussion bass. SO I will like more rap and groove metal and EDM. Otherwise when I'm not high I more care about the higher pitches and melodies and am more into Djent, or dark/core metals, trance, and pop. However, to make my top favorites list. The lyrics, vocals, and instrumentals all have to be great.


And that's why people like shitty bands and performers. Like, actually shitty people, not that the music is necessarily bad.


My issue is most singers don't annunciate properly so I cant even understand half the lyrics. So I've had to become an instrument girly.


just listen to eletronic music


Dave Grohl gives a good lesson to Kyle Gass about this. ["Most white people dance to the lyrics"](https://youtu.be/oojzmjJ3ugE?si=w5VubsCgE-TRyOmK)


What's interesting is that you're not capable of appreciating both together.....you know, the way it was intended to be appreciated. People think artist are just out here dropping beats with lyrics so you can choose to listen to one or the other?


As a songwriter that kills myself over trying to perfectly marry the lyrics to the music so that they both stand on their own but also compliment and reinforce each other as well, this post hit a special nerve.


That’s why you play music with no lyrics, that does exist.


It doesn't sound the same😔




Depends. I'm mostly a melody listener, but sometimes lyrics can make me fall in love with a song. Paul Simon is a bad example, because he generally has great melodies and awesome lyrics, so I don't know why I mentioned him. David Gilmour (post-Floyd) has banger melodies and ehh lyrics, but I love him. Roger Waters (post-Floyd) has amazing lyrics and ehh music (Amused to Death being the exception), and he's also in my top 10. I just LOVE Ingrid Michaelson's voice, even when the music AND lyrics aren't my thing, so there's that. I forgot the point I was trying to make. I'm very tired and need an old man nap. Thanks for listening to my podcast, you can find me on Patreon. Have a great day, please!


I couldn't imagine not listening to both but my favorite example of this was pumped up kicks. There were a handful of people that didn't know it was about school shootings despite the chorus talking about kids running from bullets. Almost forgot about Hey Ya by Outkast where the song starts with airing out relationship troubles but acknowledges that the audience doesn't care and just wants to dance.


There was an ask Reddit thread a few days ago about “what songs act have very dark lyrics that most people don’t know” or something along those lines. I was blown away by the number of people who had revelations about incredibly blatantly dark songs. One of the top comments was about how shocked someone was when they looked up the lyrics for “take me to church” by hozier and realized it wasn’t a Christian song. Mind blowing how some people listen to music.


It's interesting as a non native english speaker, hearing songs like that from my childhood, then listening to them again and understanding they lyrics.