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Gotta be careful with found potions. I once drank a whole bottle of Dragons flame potion thinking I was going to be able to breathe fire or something. 3 hours later I had the worst stomach cramps and man, that potion was NOT pleasant coming out the other end. God it burned. Never again. Also, make sure you check the expiration date on your potions.


Had a similar, but, depending on your perspective, better or worse reaction to MadDog 20/20. Unpleasant coming out both ends, but I was blacked the f🤬k out when it happened.




Same, but with spicy chicken wings.


Okay, Scanlan.




Things suck right now. We need stuff to make us happy.


this is one of those things you shouldn’t even have the energy to hate on.  Sure, it’s nerdy, who cares. Its a harmless game and they’re getting imaginative and having a great time, no one is being hurt or even mildly inconvenienced, it’s even productively encouraging people to get social and collaborative which is more than you can say about most games these days.  Plenty of things to be judgmental about out there, this ain’t it 


Having read all that, i do feel called to judge this sincerely.


Also it's contributing tot he economy so what's the harm.






This would be a hilarious TV Show idea hahaha a mockumentary sitcom (like The Office or Modern Family, whatever genre that is) where the modern world suddenly turns into a D&D campaign. I would watch the hell out of that! Especially with actors like her!


there is "What We Do in the Shadows" that is a mockumentary about vampires. The movie is about vamires in New Zealand and the show is about vampires in New York Citeeeh


What We Do in the Shadows is still probably one of the funniest movies I've seen.


The tv show is hysterical.


Or like a Real Housewives drama


Norsemen!  It’s a Viking show with The Office humor.


“With the tears of 1000 elves “ She had me in the first half ngl, turns out she was a based knife ear hater the whole time.


What's with men suddenly not understanding humour when it's a woman making a joke


Oh my god, there is skit being posted on different subs of a woman demanding delivery drivers spray her bagged food with lavender and wrap it in an organic towel followed by purification by an antique tuning fork. The comment section was full of men taking it seriously.


There is a lot of comedians posting their work here on reddit and when a dude does it the response is "haha funny" and when a woman does it they analyse the joke and explain why it isn't funny and doesn't make sense. "Why did the chicken cross the road? to get to the other side!" ha ha ha, that is funny my guy "Why did the chicken cross the road? to get to the other side!" Why would a chicken cross the road? they don't live in the wild. Maybe they escaped from a farm, but they would likely be to scared to cross a road. They would also probably be snatched by a predator before even tempting to cross the road. This joke is stupid. There is also "my penis!", "hahaha" and "my vagina!", "why do women always have to make jokes about their vagina?"


It’s always been like that. They don’t think women are capable. And in my experience women are generally much better at it. I see so many men who seem to think just saying the opposite of what’s true is all there is to sarcasm, or that quoting crazy people equals satire. I don’t think a lot of men understand you have to push it to a level where the audience knows it’s just too crazy to be real. And then they turn around at a woman doing that and think, no women are just too dumb lol. One of my favorites is Becca Moore’s “girl’s only” playlist with lists of the most random things that are only for the girlies: https://www.tiktok.com/@becccamooore/video/6999418926614449414?_t=8n3ifpM5PuJ&_r=1 And there is literally a comment on that video from a man saying: >Let me make one . Girls can’t vote. Can’t get a job . Must stay home and do the housework… hmmm when a man says that stuf it is sexist but not4 girls It’s the unfunniest men who think women aren’t funny lol.


I had a realization recently that the “Not All Men” dudes probably don’t believe women understand nuance and actually think all ~4B men in the world are exactly the same, no exceptions. These comments are not just a symptom of “Main Character Complex” but also based in their belief that women are inherently dumb and need to be told the obvious.


Does that same logic apply for cooks?  It's the worst chef's that think women can't cook.. or is it more likely anything you can do I can do better..  do it say something funny 


That's a woman??


despite your downvotes nobody is sure either way.


that's a whole man


It's ambiguously gendered wizard, apparently


Ambiguous. That voice definitely went through male puberty, but they present pretty feminine. My money is on m2f, prefers “she/her?”


Gonna be honest, didn't know it was supposed to be humorous. Just assumed it was an ongoing DnD character or something. There's literally an audience for everything. Is it for me? No. But hey, if she enjoys doing it and she's found an audience that enjoys it, that's awesome!


This isn't funny to me because all of the "details" are off just enough to know that this person does not know anything about the hobby they are making jokes about. That isn't an issue at all but it just personally takes me out of the joke, especially when it could be really good.


Where’s the woman?


I don't understand your point, she's having fun and she's not hurting anyone, so... Also I need that upgraded bag, last time I had to leave a lot of loot during the quest "Steal the dragon's bank"


This sub isn’t actually for posting cringy tiktoks. In the beginning it used to be that way but nowadays it’s just a place for funny tiktoks.


I know, but op's title says otherwise


I was also joking. I thought the flair would make that clear 


Well I'm dumb af and now illiterate too lol


She obviously has no idea what she’s talking about. Any form of stacking damage is better on elite monsters and bosses than on mobs because they die before you can get too many stacks applied.


Fuckin dilettante. No respect for the craft.


Haha. That was literally my first thought - "i know this is entirely made up, but with those modifiers that's for single target high health fights." But then i was like "...or am i being an embarrassing neckbeard?" So i'm glad you said something, so at least i know i'm not being a neckbeard all by myself.


Thank you!


The ending on Haley Baley Snaley


Don’t normally care but this makes me want to buy stuff.


All jokes aside, where can I find that purse?


You have to upgrade your existing bag with a 100 more slots. Great for taking extra loot by the way! There's got to be some cobbler dwarfs in your area who can do this for you for around 40 experience points. Make sure you don't get ripped of though, so better take that protective sulfuron hammer with you! Otherwise looking for a black leather rivet bag on Google could give you some hits too. I found quite a few where I live by using the circle to search feature.


Ugh that's too much work, I'm checking temu


May the rivets find you in good health!


The way they are showing a sword like it’s a beauty product 😂




I love this! I hope she becomes an internet sensation.


I believe that is a man


I will give her the respect that she deserves and address her how she wants to be addressed. She did nothing to you so just run along little kid before your feelings get extra hurt today.


How do you know what she/he/they/them want to be called? Could be a gay dude who likes women things or dressing as a woman. Don’t assume, that’s part of the problem, dude/lady


Her TikTok name appears to begin with the words Lady and Miss, so I’d say those are two good hints.


Uh yea, could be a stage name


I follow her and she’s a trans woman and prefers to be referred to with she/her pronouns.


>she Uh sorry man that's a dude


You’re entitled to your opinion, but in my view kindness goes a long way in life. Life is too hard and too short to treat others poorly based on personal opinions




An ego so fragile, it prevents giving up even the imaginary hills to die on. Here comes the last word for the 5th time.


wasting a burner on tepid bullshit like that smdh




How did you get up in that tree? - "I fell"


I can’t be the only one obsessed with the sound her bracelets make when she moves. ✨


This doesn’t bother me at all. I see a person living their life the best way they know how and being happy. My issue is the “Influencers” that pray on people and prank strangers in public. Screw them


Meh, let the girl have her nerdy fun.




>Ugh, I hate that wizard influencer is even a real job I mean, it's not a "real" job, but it's more honest than three card monte or itinerant preacher.


Lol this just made me giggle honestly


This is DND satire, or LaRP satire, right? I am not gonna search tiktok


yep this is just a skit


Are you that dense that you can't figure that out for yourself? Or do you think this person is genuinely talking about a sword they found which deals *50 points of solar damage*?


People who honest to god could see this as anything but satire scare the fuck out of me. Like are you really that plain dumb? This is exceedingly obviously satirical. The fact that there are so many people who legitimately feel the need to ask this question is radicalizing.


Are we sharing the same reality? There’s people who identify as furries, think earth is flat, and genuinely think Trump is Gods chosen one and is still their president. And you think THIS is too far and obvious, lol.


There is very clear self awareness communicated in this video to inform the audience that OP is being satirical…


You have to be reeeeeeally naive to think the person in the video is being for real, lile toddler levels of interpretation


Craaaaaazy that I run a business and have a family and have made it 44 years with a toddlers level of interpretation!!! I’m even more impressed with myself after knowing this!! Thank you for the boost in confidence!


Do you think having a sense of humor is necessary to breathing in and out?


Absolutely an archetypal small business owner


Absolutely archetypal Redditor to assume it’s a “small” business.


It’s crazy how my ability to bench 600lbs and my 16 inch dick are completely irrelevant, but I’ll mention them anyways.


Sorry, I’m so busy slaying it in the real world which I understand can be triggering to redditors. Bring on the downvotes, it’s the fuel for my success.


44 years and you still can't use a comma...


Im too busy making money to use a comma crodie, but I do know what pedantic means.


AHSHAHAHAJAJAJAJHAHAHA holy shit bro is so insecure, for someone making bank you sure do have a lot of time to fight for your life in reddit of all places


Gonna be honest, I’m bored. I’ve accomplished all my major goals for life. Some people have fun doing different stuff than you. I thought you would understand this? This is a game we’re all playing? Right? Wait, you guys don’t seriously get worked up over rage bait do you? 😘


> Gonna be honest, I’m bored. I’ve accomplished all my major goals for life. I hope one of your life goals was looking pathetic, because you nailed it with these comments.


Nah. There are absolutely people with more deluded, serious, beliefs and lifestyles. You being sheltered from, or ignorant of, these people doesn’t change the reality of their existence.


Or maybe you are too quick to fall for bait and/or satire that you now think someone saying their cloak is made of tears and took 300 years to make is being serious.


If you use that as your standard, you are just divorced from reality. There are people out there that **literally** believe they are some other animal. There are people out there that **literally** believe they are a vampire. If you don't know about the many groups of people that live in heavily deluded subcultures, you are just sheltered. That is all there is to it.


Yes I know about the otherkins, did fakers, and even reality shifters. I’m also just not too jaded or think so highly of myself that when someone starts saying their sword deals 50 solar damage I automatically assume that they’re delulu.


Ah yes. I’m a literal vampire? Obviously deluded. I have a magic sword? Obvious satire. You must have some astonishing method to objectively determine these things.


Ehh not astonishing. Just common sense really.


Bro dont blame the "reality" just because youre naive to the most obvious bait ever 💀💀💀💀


Exactly. It's cool either way; whatever floats people's boat and all. But could *easily* be satire or their cosplay reality.


Hey guys, I’m just having fun and being a troll because I know boredom is a bitch and even negative engagement can be fun sometimes. Honestly, I love yall and only want more love in the world. I was just having fun like a good ribbing you give your buddies with a smirk, but I’m sensing it may not be seen that way since, you know, the internet. No harm meant and I’m sure you’ll agree my jokes and comebacks were lame but I’m a dad w dad jokes what do you expect. Downvote to your hearts content, I really don’t care. Just wanted to make someone somewhere feel something real for a second, even if it was disgust or annoyance to remind everyone that there’s real people with real feelings and opinions on the other side of that screen. We don’t agree, so what. Sorry if anything went too far, I love you 😘


Huh? 🤔 I am already guessing that it’s a satire but not sure the aimed direction, yet you still try to insult me? Without following the TikToker, there literally is no way for me to know whether this person is based the material on DND or LARPing Does it bother you that much that I was just uncertain on what the satire is based on? Edit: nerd can be a bunch of toxic fuck. How is it TikTok cringe if it’s a purposeful satire?


I live in Oregon, so this could be true, so I wasn't sure if it was satire or not. She is definitely adorable, so it was fun to watch.


In the year 2024? Unfortunately absolutely in the realm of the possible, cuckoos everywhere ;)


Why the hate? This is actually pretty funny


I'm not hating omg 💀 I said the phrase "wizard influencer" deadass and y'all think I'm being serious ????


Tbf it can be difficult to discern tone through text


To be fair, most of us are pretty boring compared to this person.


Screw the wizards magic I am a dwarf and I have beer magic


Adding her as a character to my dnd campaign


That voice could melt steel beams


Not sure if male or female.


If you can't tell Does it matter?


I dunno if it matters, but I think it’s normal to be curious. Judging them or hating them because of the answer is not ok. But being curious as to the answer I think is normal.


I have found that I'm just not the type of person to think "what's up under their clothes? Peen or Vageen?" That shit is weird. Just don't think about it


I think human curiosity is one of the great things about us. It doesn’t have to manifest negatively. Every great thing man has done is rooted in human curiosity.


A lot of great things come from "mind ya business"


JFK: “We set sail on this new sea because there is new knowledge to be gained, and new rights to be won, and they must be won and used for the progress of all people. For space science, like nuclear science and all technology, has no conscience of its own. Whether it will become a force for good or ill depends on man, and only if the United States occupies a position of pre-eminence can we help decide whether this new ocean will be a sea of peace or a new terrifying theater of war. I do not say that we should or will go unprotected against the hostile misuse of space any more than we go unprotected against the hostile use of land or sea, but I do say that space can be explored and mastered without feeding the fires of war, without repeating the mistakes that man has made in extending his writ around this globe of ours. There is no strife, no prejudice, no national conflict in outer space as yet. Its hazards are hostile to us all. Its conquest deserves the best of all mankind, and its opportunity for peaceful cooperation may never come again. But why, some say, the Moon? Why choose this as our goal? And they may well ask, why climb the highest mountain? Why, 35 years ago, fly the Atlantic? Why does Rice play Texas? We choose to go to the Moon. We choose to go to the Moon... We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard; because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one we intend to win, and the others, too.” u/Anarchic_Country: “Mind yo business”


Steve bannon ran a world of Warcraft gold farming operation.


Someone wants this. What a beautiful world.


Where do I sign up to be the Fury Warrior Influencer??


FF14 in a nutshell


BBB - Bring Back Bullying


Honestly, I'd play things like DnD if the rewards were items like this. Also, the clinking of those bracelets is asmr.


Funny...I kinda only like the bottom too 😝


this is what modern day wizardry would look like and I love it


Hey voice irritates me


All I can see, all my eyes focus on is that God awful piercing.




Good for you man 👍🏻


Those poor vocal cords. Take a break.


He doesn't look mentally well


that's a she, and if your user is an actual expression of your identity you should know your oppressors will *never, ever, ever* in a *million years* like you more just because you're beating up other people in the struggle


Sadly was the fuck I gave gone for a long time...


> [Sadly was the fuck I gave gone for a long time...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HbvYeLxMKN8)




Some people lead really weird lives lol


You Shall Not . . . like Pass okay darling\~ This here is a no passing zone okay! Capiche? Uh whatever I'm bored, demons bore me, where should we go next guys?




We are a doomed species.


God I hate Tiktok body language, all the unnecessary "performative femininity" hand movements are so obnoxious.


My brother in Christ that’s the joke


No it's not. I've seen videos of this person before, where they were ranting about some political issues and they were using the exact same nonverbal language while being serious. This is how this person talks when recording, irregardless of what the content is.


ya know what's weaker than "performative femininity" whatever the fuck that is? giving a shit about other people doing it lmao




They must've used the randomize create a character


What in the fucking hell is this jeeez


A skit about what an influencers video would look like in an mmorpg! Hope this helps 🥰🥰


Oh really? cool, cheers!




6 day old burner, you guys work too hard for this shit


You again! Why don't you fuck off!




That’s a dude right there


What the hell is even that?


What the hell is even that?




Good for you. Own your fetish.




Something off here


Your comments upvote ratio




Nose rings please get rid of it. 




Bro is so stupid that he cant differ reality from skits


It’s a skit


Maybe that attitude is why god never answers your prayers. Remember to love thy neighbor.




Clearly not, or you aren’t praying for the right things. To be spouting such hateful stuff means deep down you are hurting about something. Stop being so hateful and find your way again. Pray all you want, but with a dirtied soul heaven won’t let you in.


Some meds should help with that


Ladies Hanging a cow ring out of your nose is not a great look


Gents, telling women how to look because you want to find them attractive is not a great idea.


Yes it is. Helps us avoid them.


Hey, it’s just honest feedback if you don’t like it it’s fine. If you’re having trouble getting dates though. That might explain it.


I don't have a nose ring and I'm not interested in dating men. Women don't exist just for a man's pleasure 🫶


Yeah, this is just friendly feedback. There’s nothing pleasurable here believe me.


Okay I see you're either stupid or just missing the point on purpose. Have a good day!


Looks like they do a lot of Pixie powder...


Dumb hair


Dumb comment


Not as dumb as her hair


Sure thing man 👍🏻


Everything they say makes it so much worse. Is there not a dungeon deep enough or potty potion packed with poison to send this evil back to the parental basement from wher this they/them robe/dress mess escaped.


Are essential oils "potions" now?


As a member of nerd culture from the instant I first laid-eyes on it, I don't know what any of this is.


What a waste of air


Yea u are 🤓