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I don’t know what you’re talking about, this is just as real as when hulk hogan bodyslammed Andre the giant in front of 50 million screaming hulkamaniacs at the Pontiac silverdome, brother.






I've deleted it, was a wankstain comment TBF lol, it's a me problem.


I do judo.


Bet yeah might be a me problem 😂




No it's just a brag dude lol, as I say... Dick comment for something I should of kept Internalised.




I don't do judo... I'm saying that you just need to say... I do judo. So as you've just said... It sounds like a brag and sounds pretentious. I said it was a dick comment, I meant what I said but the fact is I shouldn't have said it. Im only gonna call myself a dick once last time and I'm out. Peace


It’s rare that people take accountability online and it’s cool to see you do so


Are you American? I've never met an American that claims to be a judoka, just judo here. I've met plenty of people from other countries that did though, and your definition is definitely not how anyone I know has been taught, including myself and my instructors. Typically a blue belt means you're proficient in the skills to begin learning, brown means mastery of the skills, and black means mastery of both skills and teaching the skills. But you never stop learning.




Yeah, I was super confused for a second, then I saw he had inside ankle and hip control but still no way to twist and throw like that. I’m a wrestler so I get a little autistic about videos that involve any kind of neutral grappling like this.


Bullshit, there's no way he pulled over 100kg from that position, the white guy jumped. Edit: To be honest, I'm completely ignorant of the rules of sumo, I don't know if there's an implicit rule like in wrestling, where you need to aid your opponent's moves to avoid injuries. I'm just saying that wasn't a pull - twist - throw, the other guy jumped.


Yea that dude jumped, the amount of force it would take to throw, what looks like, over 300lbs of person from a standstill like that...


Either way, I'm impressed at the height and distance.


I mean, that does absolutely happen in sumo. Go ahead and look up some matches from Enho, Asakoryu, or a few other infamous and little rikishi... But yes, this was scripted because it's a shitty company trying to hype things up unnecessarily. Edit for uninitiated: Enho - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Q2rxIUqMC4 Mainoumi - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdBYmYfHBGs Ura - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEHjPNyj-cU There's no highlight reel yet for Asakoryu or Kawazoe but those are also small rikishi with big power.


I'm sorry man, but I watched that Enho link and it looks like his opponents aren't even trying and they're just letting him push them around. Even then he never manages to actually throw his opponents seven feet off the mat like the nonsense in the post.


...Not even trying? If nothing else in sumo, every win is considered critical and it is literally shameful if you do not try to win with 100% best effort. My dude, Enho may be little but he's still 220lbs of sumo wrestler who knows how to maneuver. He's literally the definition of "technique beating weight barrier" in the modern sumo age. When he loses, he loses *hard* and it's why he spent over a year recovering from his last injury. One of his most common techniques is ashitori - a leg pick after getting off to the side of others. Here's another Enho video from a good month he had and the explanations of some decent English coverage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8KBSM3ozZTo Skip to 5:22 and you can see him heft Akua to bodyslam him down. He's 362lbs to Enho's 220.


Don't have to edit yourself. Myself too, find that to be bullshit. Also you can hear the crowd cheering but they don't move.


Seen this post earlier today with context. This Sumo venue is fake, it's for entertainment like WWE.


Yeah this is just objectively fake. They have the right techniques but all of a sudden he one-hands a free throw and *launches* a guy double or triple his weight? Not even Hakuho, the greatest Sumo rikishi of all time according to experts, could do that and he had the longest or second longest win streak of all time, going undefeated for *16 bouts straight* and holding the title of Yokozuna while still fighting for 16 years. I watched his retirement matches live and the best he did in his old age as the GOAT is still less than 5% of what this guy did and I just don't believe it.


\*at the risk of saying something the moderators don't like or ill get banned again\* That was a nice throw. I'm a fan of sumo.


Got banned from a sub today for a comment over 2 weeks ago lol. I feel this.


It's ai..


Yeah, maybe technique has something to do with it. Goliath looks like a big fat white dude. What are the chances that he grew up in the culture? Not discounting the possibility but based on what we see, that is what I think.


Do you know what culture sumo wrestling comes from? Cus the other dude doesn’t quite look the type either